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53173892 No.53173892 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder nothing else is worth anyone if you don't have CRO its over for you and your family!

>> No.53173923


>> No.53174053
File: 29 KB, 639x480, images (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't have a Max CRO stack by now they are too stupid to save anon

>> No.53174167

What are you on about? I used my card for Spotify and all groceries for the past year, and it's lost 90%

>> No.53174212
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Crobro I can only try but yea if you don't know when every fact points to this being the only crypto then, yea. They are a lost cause

>shitstain ID
>jeet made up fud, you're never have in door plumbing

Only trusting the blue ID.

>> No.53174468

The FTX shills fuding CRO get a few cents an hour but there are many NGMI who do for free. That's a classic and I love how the jannies give the jeets shit colored IDs kek they must be crobros too.

>> No.53175724

Just got 300 more CRO, how to to make it?

>> No.53175932
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2024 price of one CRO will be around 20k USD so GMI to live good will be around 200. So grats!

>> No.53175979
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>2024 price of one CRO will be around 20k USD

>> No.53176072
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>> No.53176093

1 CRO has been deposited in your account lmao

>> No.53177528

I used to think this

But unironically i stopped using it

Monaco i mean cro i mean crypto dot com i mean kim dot jung ill will go bankrupt this year

>> No.53177669

Nice got it crobro <3. Did you see Binance is getting wiped? They have been convicted of money laundering in multiple countries now so it will close around 2023. So the only exchange will be crypto.com If this is not the more obvious signal CRO will be worth 100k per nothing will.

kek the jannie did it again the jeet paid fud made their ID shit colour ahahahahha. Enjoy your street poo.

>> No.53177693


Few understand.

>> No.53177748
File: 482 KB, 2059x3000, CROw_Gains Nevermore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't Have a CRO thread without Binance FUD.
Now it's a party.

MC Mr. Blood should be arriving fashionably late...

Less Even Care.

>> No.53178019

nothing is worth holding other than Matic, since polygon is working with nike, adobe, meta, starbucks, reddit, stripe, mastercard, amazon, ebay, mercedes...

>> No.53178417
File: 91 KB, 634x822, shitcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek jeet got shit stain ID, thanks jannie everyone knows even you cro max.

>> No.53178490
File: 72 KB, 793x346, crypto.comjpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for non crobros but they are evil they want you to not make it like them. So they try and drag you with them! Don't let them crobros only we make it!!!!

>> No.53178495
File: 158 KB, 834x161, blood on the streets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They exit scammed all their customers with Ensogo.
>They lied about having a VISA deal.
>They partnered with wirecard issuer of VISA, who is also dealing with fraud false accounting and lacking funds
>They defrauded all their ICO investors with Monaco
>They defrauded all their early investors with MCO to CRO token swap
>They have no way to profit off of their business model
>14% APY on CDC, don't ask where the money comes from. It is definitely sustainable in the long term. Crypto.com is surely a profitable venue.
>but the volume?! That's their profit!
Washtrading and 0% maker/taker fees on maximum Cro stake.
Pretty much all big exchanges washtrade, but that's not the point. The point is that the alleged profit they have to sustain all these ridiculous perks does not exist and they are not profitable and when the hype dies down and they can no longer pump and dump their token they are in deep shit.

There is no more fraudulent exchange than Crypto.com.
There will be blood.

>> No.53178507
File: 61 KB, 1180x1204, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ensogo / Monaco / CryptoDotCom

>They exit scammed all their customers with Ensogo.
>They lied about having a VISA deal.
>They partnered with wirecard issuer of VISA, who is also dealing with fraud false accounting and lacking funds
>They defrauded all their ICO investors with Monaco
>They defrauded all their early investors with MCO to CRO token swap
>They have no way to profit off of their business model
>14% APY on CDC, don't ask where the money comes from. It is definitely sustainable in the long term. Crypto.com is surely a profitable venue.
>but the volume?! That's their profit!
Washtrading and 0% maker/taker fees on maximum Cro stake.
Pretty much all big exchanges washtrade, but that's not the point. The point is that the alleged profit they have to sustain all these ridiculous perks does not exist and they are not profitable and when the hype dies down and they can no longer pump and dump their token they are in deep shit.

There is no more fraudulent exchange than Crypto.com.
There will be blood.

>> No.53178543

this. it's just monaco 2.0

>> No.53178574
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kek the paid fud bots are getting so desperate that they started to make no sense. We broke the chinese machine boys!!!!.

>> No.53178613
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Perfect BloodPasta with a topping of Namefag.

I am honored to be in this thread.

>> No.53178645
File: 235 KB, 1095x667, xzhbzkn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny thing is when I first started posting bots were all spamming me down that CRO was amazing and the card perks aren't going anywhere and they have so much money, then they rugged the APY, and bots said it was a good thing, then they rugged the APY again, and bots said it was a good thing, and then they rugged the APY to basically zero, and bots said it was a good thing, and then they removed all the cashback and free spotify/netflix perks and bots said it was a good thing. People locked up tens of thousands of dollars, got a couple hundred bucks for staking a couple months, and then the price of their tokens dumped 90% and they had nothing in return for it and still couldn't even sell, AND THEY STILL have paid shills pretending nothing is wrong.

102% overcollateralized they say, ignoring that CRO has literally billion dollar on-going liabilities needing to be paid every year for ridiculous marketing deals that aren't even helping, and they have no volume or income. If they weren't underwater yet, they are definitely insolvent now. Of course it's to their benefit to pretend like nothing until the bullrun picks up and hope they survive despite not being backed for customer assets, but that won't save them in the long run.
CRO is going to zero, I look forward to the bankruptcy whenever it happens. Could unfortunately take a while, they can pretend like everything is fine for quite some time even if it's not.

Fuck off, this is a CRO thread not a Binance thread, stop trying to distract. Kys. You did the same fucking shit last january by crying why I was fudding your little scam exchange and not shiba inu. Just noise because you can't handle the attention.

It's not really namefagging to put offtopic chatter in the name field or to avoid maximum post length limit.

>> No.53178682
File: 27 KB, 200x296, CRO100000X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, (tries to ad hom a crobro). I feel bad for them not only don't they make it but their chinese handlers don't pay them much. Try and at least google translate one sentence not busted to fuck jeet.

Probably just peddle your shitcoin scams somewhere else no ones fooling for it here.

>> No.53178697

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda jealous of you pajeets fucking your sisters. Wish that was me.
Anyways kys, you're a scamming cunt.

>> No.53178714

Im using a coinbase card, no stake and getting 4% back in xlm that I swap for whatever. I recently dca'd my cro and will dca again soon. A little money buys a lot of cro.

>> No.53178724
File: 80 KB, 760x570, CROraiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It still shows Refined Finesse an homage to the Original Mr. Blood threads


Hey ,Shitbird. it literally say in the headline:

"Authorities have not brought charges against the company,"
followed by:
"subpoenas do not automatically mean authorities will bring charges"

so as you can see- in a social setting, the accusation is as harmful as if guilty
>doesn't matter if he was a pedo, he was accused of being a pedo.
>Doesn't matter if he raped, he was accused of rape.

Followed by, of course Binance is going to get called in officially, they were near the FTX thing... herpderp.

>> No.53178815
File: 1.12 MB, 1441x930, Rajeshville.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for bumping jeet. Also thanks jannies for giving them the red NGMI sign to disregard the trash is regurgitates from its binance handlers.


cya, your job is going bye bye shita. I'm going to watch as deserved, you and your family die of dysentery on my super yachts telescope! Knowing all those victims you stole from finally get justice is great!

>> No.53178912

Try the defi staking at 10% APY.

>> No.53178938

are you high, there is no way in fucking hell

Let me emphasize this for you


>> No.53178949

Lord have mercy on your soul

This is the biggest red flag i have EVER SEEN

>> No.53178954

that isnt a jeet. That is a true CRObro... or rather an AntiCRObro.

>> No.53179025

Feel bad for them there's already heaps of biztards doomed to ngmi. It's their job they are just trying to support their families don't insult them too much barely anyone here anyway

Lol thanks for posting that I made it years n year's ago. Brings back memories and seems like it's going to come to reality.

I think OP miss spelled anything lol I see the confusion.

>> No.53179190
File: 81 KB, 757x571, croraiser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad

we get it just put a disclaimer at the bottom of the trash you type like they do in ice road truckers. B

>> No.53179433

Top of pol, is a CRO thread.. We actually cracked it bros!

>> No.53180399

Oh wow, 6 cents atm.

>> No.53180421

First I thought it was chainlink baggies,
Then I thought it was ICP baggies,
But now I know, the biggest cope of all, is the CRO baggies.

Farewell baggies, may your bags sink forever.

>> No.53180560
File: 3 KB, 200x200, A3BFF3F8-FA32-4DB1-88EE-FBF506AD217D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still not bankrupt

>> No.53180678

Why would it. FUDing CRO at this point is just the last dying breath from the Chinese. I doubt they are even going to pay these jeets who create those posts as Binance is bankrupt. Convicted as a money laundering operation.

I'm sure the suicide rate of these delusional chinks and jeets are going to reach new highs. But there's nothing more we could do we've been telling them the right path, not our fault they want to believe their own lies.

Then there's a slav scam called chain link from a guy called Sergey. I mean if you are going to waste your life on that or the ethereum. Then it's just going to be the chink/jeet stuff repeated.