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53170668 No.53170668 [Reply] [Original]

Similar to SBF. And that intelligence agencies used him to farm crypto incels into a project they knew was important, and then told sergey to do nothing and just forever delay.

This way, you delay the adoption of crypto as a whole while totally demoralizing some of the strongest opposition, enough time to shove a CBDC in.

Assblaster was almost 100% surely an NSA agent to here 4chan incels into a project designed to demoralize them and get them to rope.

Think about it…all link has done in 5 years is implemented the simplest form of staking: even the most degenerate chink shitcoin can just copy paste that from a library. Where are all the fancy scaling promises, encrypted layers, inroads with legacy banking? Nowhere. And they aren’t even starting: just hiring more HR roasties

Crypto cannot be a threat to the establishment without a decentralised oracle layer. The owners of the federal reserve and banking cartel knew this. Why you think Eric Schmidt and SWIFT are so close to the project? They preach innovation and change but the truth is don’t want any change.

Having seen what they implemented so far (basically what an elementary school pajeet could have done) with billions of dollars and highly competent people with them (Ari for example)l.

I genuinely believe this btw. It’s time for some man to rise and start a real project immediately before it’s too late and cbdcs are widespread.

>> No.53170694

Welcome to the party.
All CEOs have been frontmen for about 30 years minimum no matter what company you mention.

This is why you can't take the "jews are bad" meme too seriously.
They are placed there.

>> No.53170700

>the opposition is buying chainlink that will imprisoned them in a pod

>> No.53170757

This. Imagine thinking an octogrenarian and old people figured out the best tech to run with.
We are TRULY blessed they are so technologically illiterate that they thought they could make this move with ETH.

>> No.53171967


>> No.53172159

I think you're underselling everything that has been done and delivered. OCR, maturity of the price feeds, custom days feeds, automation/keepers, VRF. These are epic level features and core functionality that was needed before you think about slapping on a crypto-economic staking system. Yes they could have done it earlier but it wasn't a priority. Getting the node software solid and providing a few more base use cases was.

That has changed with CCIP and a greater focus now to capture legacy banking and Fintech value streams and put them on chain. Staking is crucial to making that vision become a reality because of the security and reliability demands of tradfi.

>> No.53172178
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I think he's just an elaborate scammer and conman (like most developers in the crypto space)

I unironically hope he gets beaten in the streets

>> No.53172897

Of course he is. All of the personalities crytpo baggies build their cults around are grifters.
This will be obvious to everyone before the bottom is realized and the bear market ends.

>> No.53172930

Doesnt current stacking "secure' USD/eth or is that just a meme
t. not a bagholder

>> No.53173326
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>who runs foreign policy, DOJ, State Department

>> No.53173381

This is a high iq theory and has much more credibility now then ever with the recent linkpool rugpull

>> No.53173402

if sergey is indeed a con man, with the main motto of himself and the company being truth and trust, crypto is doomed.