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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53167957 No.53167957 [Reply] [Original]

and renounce your shithole passport, save taxes, travel around and live a life of true freedom?

>> No.53167974

yes it is true. there are numerous countries that will sell you citizenship for a price. but unless you want to live in the slums of those countries, of which there are numerous, you're gonna need a fucktonne more money than the citizenship price to live like a king for the rest of your life.

>> No.53168087

> but unless you want to live in the slums of those countries,
you dont even have to step foot in those countries to get a citizenship let alone live there...

>> No.53168099

where are you gonna live with your caribbean visa

>> No.53168111

OKay not sure where you're at but you can't really be in any one place more than 183 days/year anyways, so this isn't like a "live in Manhattan or Paris but don't pay taxes because you paid 500k to some island in exchange for them to tell the IRS you're their sovereign tax liability"

>> No.53168113

what's the plan then? renounce your current citizenship and then not be allowed to work in your current country? but not go to the country you are now a citizen of?

>> No.53168114

you can just travel around for years anywhere you want to, and then figure out where to settle buy a property somewhere or start a small business

>> No.53168129

you primarily use the passport for Taxes and Travel benefits
>>53168114 is the end goal

>> No.53168147

>purchase house as an investment through a company in another country
>rent apartment to yourself

>> No.53168159

It works for awhile, for sure. Honestly just using Airbnb/VRBO and staying in the islands is unreal. Hotels are. a little harder to stay in longer term, but you can rent entire villas and just spend like 50-60k a month for a much better living situation.

>> No.53168259

for some of them it's like $100k

>> No.53168282

hard pass

>> No.53169856

is that you POW anon? you don't need a degree to find work. you don't need $500k to leave america and setup shop somewhere either. plenty of asian families would love to have a couple $200k in USD for exchanging their daughter a place to shack up with you as you front the other $300 for travel and various other expenses to float along until you can get new money coming in.
>gotta send the first born male to a decent western college after all, don't you?

>> No.53171591

I work for a certain government and we've sold passports for 300k / 500k to special entities (and some people with shady background too lol) is not hard to get it if you know how to move around.

>> No.53171600

the fuck? you can do it for a lot less than that maybe like 150k

>> No.53171613

>renouncing your citizenship to live in an economically underdeveloped country full of corrupt niggers at a heightened risk of natural disaster via hurricanes

>> No.53171615
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its called a passport and if you have an actual visa you can live anywhere. Thats the whole point of a visa you don't need a visa free passport.

>> No.53171639
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Based thread. Reminder that real winners on /biz/ are global citizens

>> No.53171642

>renounce your current citizenship
unless you're american this isn't necessary. Also you don't even have to be a citizen of a country to work there for almost every country of the world. Assuming you wanted to get out for tax reasons you certainly wouldn't want to live and work there you want to go somewhere tax friendly. If you just want to renounce and travel the world as a tourist by all means do that and it'll work just as well.

>> No.53171661

thats a ripoff considering you can get legitimate ones for less

>> No.53171669

you don't have to live there dumbass most buyers don't