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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53164063 No.53164063 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53164512
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Lucky token is going to moon. Best tokenomics on hedera by far.

>> No.53164713


>> No.53164770
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Hey guys, been out of the loop on HBAR. Did the coupons go live? Is Atma.io running on Hedera now or did they decide to go with ETH instead? Did the fortune 10 use case come out? Has any GC member launched a use case yet? Did those 6-8 use cases from Magalu bank in October come out? What's the TPS? How's the price doing? Are any of the 80 use cases coming out in Q1 2023 out yet? What's the TPS? Is Hedera sticking to the token supply schedule? Did they dump a lot of tokens? Constantly? A lot? On you?

>> No.53164893

im way more out of the loop than >>53164770
, i bought like 700k and forgot about it for the last year and a half. Whats been happening?

>> No.53164933

>Hey guys, been out of the loop on HBAR. Did the coupons go live?
Coupons went live last year
> Is Atma.io running on Hedera now or did they decide to go with ETH instead?
Atma went live last year
>Did the fortune 10 use case come out?
Yes, it went live last year.
>Has any GC member launched a use case yet?
Yes, they have all been live since 2021 eg Boeing uses Hedera for tracking
>Did those 6-8 use cases from Magalu bank in October come out?
>What's the TPS?
High single digits
>How's the price doing?
Very strong. Still in top 50.
>Are any of the 80 use cases coming out in Q1 2023 out yet?
Its barely been a week into Q1. Patience my young padawan.
>What's the TPS?
Already answered. It is doing exceptionally well compared to other crypto. We already saw a step function last year according to Shayne Higdon and a tweet by Hedera.
>Is Hedera sticking to the token supply schedule?
They are ahead of schedule to help increase decentralization and adoption.
>Did they dump a lot of tokens? Constantly? A lot? On you?
As confirmed by Christian Hasker, no. Not at these prices.

>> No.53165014
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Cool thanks anon, what's the make it/sui?

>> No.53165035

>Cool thanks anon, what's the make it/sui?
10k sui and 100k make it

>> No.53165056

How does that work? There are fifty BILLION tokens, anon.

>> No.53165084

HBAR will go to $10

>> No.53165094

Don't forget only half of those are in circulation right now.

>> No.53165192

But how? What will drive the price up? It's going to take hundreds of thousands of sustained TPS to even support 50 cents long-term.

>> No.53165247

Avery is billions of txs a year fully automated, add on top of that DEFI etc....

>> No.53165254

i mean with 25 billion tokens out, a 50% drop in value max doesnt seem that bad.

>> No.53165269

$2 is inevitable but the next normie-bull euphoria can send it to $10, breaking sell walls. (that's when we dump)

>> No.53165284

I don't know.

>> No.53165328
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>I don't know.
So you've been holding a token as it slowly bled -90% on a random hope that somehow some enterprise somewhere uses the Hedera network rather than a much more efficient private network? And on top of that, uses it so inefficiently that it drives TPS up by thousands?

Not once has something like this ever happened in the history of crypto. Especially not on Hedera. It is completely unproven.

>> No.53165354
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Hedera will also render the Apache Cassandra model obsolete. This means that every company using a database will migrate to Hedera, including the ones partnered with Polygon since they are currently using Cassandra. Hundreds of thousands TPS will result

>> No.53165552

Well isn't all crypto based on speculation like that?

>> No.53165622

just watched leemon decentralized custode video. hes inventing shit and open sourcing it so other block chains can copy it. this is insane. this is the worst investment

>> No.53165697

All boats rise, anon. As the open sourced hashgraph is implemented by other more popular chains like Ethereum, crypto as a whole will enter a new bull run. People will look back on Hedera as what 'started it all' and may buy a few tokens as a novelty, kinda like holding one of those $1 USD coins.
In this revolution, all of crypto will be actualized - especially chains that already had a ton of adoption, as enterprises are able to use them at scale. Ethereum upgrading to hashgraph. Decentralized custody for bitcoin. It's going to be incredible. And we have Hedera to thank for their efforts to improve crypto as a whole, not just themselves.

>> No.53165792

Crypto has been nothing but ponzis and money laundering since its inception. Hedera will and is catalyzing use of crypto.

>> No.53166019 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53166075

Indeed they are, and they're doing it in such a way that crypto will be revolutionized forever - all crypto, especially the already established ones.
Once all major chains adopt their own version of the open source hashgraph, we're going to see a huge bull run. Hedera may or may not benefit from it, as they are now only peripherally involved thanks to the forfeiture of their closed patents.

>> No.53166156

Usually you sell high and buy low anon.

>> No.53166395

HCS is like no other and will generate billions of Txs per year and eventually per month.

HTS will be for connecting retail to "things". Also why build your own when you can just move over to hedera...

>> No.53166464

You are lying, Atmo.it did leave Hbar for Eth

>> No.53166505

If you make your own private hashgraph, you don't need to buy some silly speculative unregistered security from a tiny nobody company whose entire profit motive is selling tokens on Binance.

You can just spin up some nodes yourself and make a private hashgraph that's probably a million times faster than any public solution.

>> No.53166654

wow. id have millions of dollars if that happened, id actually be able to quit my wagie job desu

>> No.53167627
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y'allins need a leemon girls lunch date

>> No.53168202

>what are your bullrun price predictions?
>How many Hbars do you have

>> No.53168272
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>100,000 vxJUICE
>$0.50 per JUICE

>> No.53168368

what the hell is a vx juice? are we running out of crypto names like gammertags so we have to start naming them with X's in front?
>Dibs on xxXCumcoinXxx

>> No.53168595

No, you're just an ignorant retard. kys

>> No.53168609

It’s how they will lock up 90% of presale tokens so the team can dump. Whole thing is a scam.

>> No.53168643

I love Peach Panda. Peach Panda if you are reading this I love you.
t. your anonymous admirer

>> No.53168826

Struck a nerve I see

>> No.53169053 [DELETED] 
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>Be me
>have decent job with ok pay
>co-workers dislike me
>get sad at job
>wanna quit but too poor
>decide to become content creator
>tfw I have no ideas for content
>decide to make low effort greentext narration videos
>this is my introduction

Give me some content /biz/

>> No.53169063 [DELETED] 
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Wtf this was supposed to be a new thread, I'm such a stupid fuck up

>> No.53169066
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vxJUICE is a scam, purposefully obscured so the norman has no idea that the token is locked up and worthless, so the team will dump
No details of tokenomics, no token ID, no supply breakdown, no nothing, expect multiple layers and "gamification" of DeFi tricks

>> No.53169269
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>purposefully obscured
It's called a midwit filter

>> No.53169424

Post detailed supply breakdown or stfu

>> No.53169453
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Here, happy now?

>> No.53169701

Leemonaire reporting in. I've finally accumulated a 200k bag of untoggled vxJUICE. AIGMI?

>> No.53169788

>1/5 to the team
200 mil to dump on fools
Theres 0% chance that the founders/team locks up their tokens as vxJUICE
What a weak scam

>> No.53169835
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Uniswap allocated more of their supply to team, fucking uneducated retard

>> No.53169853

Cope, the team will not lock up their tokens
Investors are pressured to lock for TWO YEARS!!
For "voting power" that is not required after founders rug and baggies are left with worthless locked up tokens

>> No.53169870
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Okay buddy, whatever you say. Name another DEX that can sustain emissions indefinitely. You can't

>> No.53170407
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imagine flexing all these shitty dApps
Ethereum can easily annihilate this whole chain with just a couple dApps of its own

>> No.53170993
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gm lemonaries

>> No.53171381

Fuck your dexes
Fuck your useless money
Fuck lucky ducky leemonswap fuck the alien
I came because L. Baird is a Genius
Hashgraph is abft
Hashgraph has s-tier governance
Hashgraph has usd-pegged fees
Mance is planning the strategy of the next decade like the war games manager he is
If crypto doesn’t make it, none of it matters
If crypto makes it, businesses will flock to Hedera
They go to davos
The true globohomo now coin
The world will be tokenized and real estate + derivatives + stocks will be tokenized and disrupted
When regulations come and the Wild West phase is over, Hedera will be ready with its lobbying and dla Panama piper connections

Never bet against the Christ, especially when he talks in maths

>> No.53172066

Meth is fun.

>> No.53172125

Retard-tier fud

>> No.53172200

Tell me how I’m wrong instead of spouting nonsense, so at least lurkers can benefit from our interaction

>> No.53172513

>dla Panama piper

>> No.53173098
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Sorry, I should have said “dla pandora piper” you are right