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File: 227 KB, 576x568, D2005D17-134C-4182-8843-890D13353B81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53156377 No.53156377 [Reply] [Original]

>me and all my friends work for 10-20 dollars an hour depending on the person
>everyone of them is working on saving for a down payment on a house and then getting a loan after credit farming for a year or two
>then they plan on renting it out and becoming landlords
>all still in uni so working part time

Is this feasible? Can someone get into real estate with <10k net worth and gross salary?

>> No.53156417

no. you can't qualify for a six figure mortgage with a part time $10-20/hour job. this isn't 2007 anymore.

>> No.53156419
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>then they plan on renting it out and becoming landlords
imagine being so soulless and dull that you aspire to be a landlord during your college years. yikes. have sex.

>> No.53156489

elaine was 5/10 at best and a horrible personality, why jerry hung out with her i'll have no clue

>> No.53156495

Fuck the bottom is far

>> No.53156511 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1023x734, BA906F3A-204B-49EB-8E8D-DDB525BCFA92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a 9/10 for Jews and her personality is a 15/10 for that abhorrent and insufferable race.

>> No.53156553

you are some dumb zoomer who gets their financial knowledge from youtube influencers, you know absolutely nothing about "bottoms" or predicting the market, you will always be poor, etc etc

>> No.53156591

nah, you can't rent your house out with a VA or FHA

you need conventional and additional safeguards for a rental property. By the time they save enough money to get the loan, the requirements will have doubled.

they're chasing something they can't catch.

at this point in my town you need household income above 1/4 million a year to buy a rental property.

>> No.53156601

>trying to buy a house on part time income
dumb fucking zoomers. use that money to improve your skills, get a car, etc. five years spent saving a couple grand a year is wiped out by 2 years getting skills, then one year saving 10k. fucking teenagers I swear. your 19. your focus should be on finding the best highest paying job you can, then start saving money for a house.

>> No.53156692

there are legal limits in the US to how much of your income you can spend on a mortgage.

so for example, if you make $24k per year you can probably buy a $100k house on an FHA or VA loan of 30 years fixed.

but you can't rent that, so you need another say $20k down to get a trad mortgage so you can rent.

problem is nowhere in the US can you actually buy a $120k house anymore. So now you need $100k down to buy your $500k house and rent it. Also you need $125k in annual income

and by the time you save that much and boost your income that high, the cost will have doubled to 1/4 million down and 1/4 million in income.

the simple fact is none of your friends will be able to buy houses for themselves, let alone to rent to other people. Because you stupid faggots don't get married anymore. And you sure as fuck don't start businesses and get rich for periods of 30 years or longer.

>> No.53156743

in reality about half your friends will manage to buy houses. They will get married, work 60 hours per week or more, and be miserable.

none of them will be landlords. not for the next 20 years anyways. Not without daddy helping them.

>> No.53156758

when the end goal of every single person is to become a landlord then something is terribly wrong with the economy

>> No.53156813

all this is just a boomer take

if you faggots can figure out how to buy my house for a million dollars using unicorn farts and skittles I'm fine with it.

but I doubt you can.
what's actually going to happen is some chinese company will buy my house and rent it to retards like your friends because you have no clue how much effort I spent buying and keeping it. Daddy lied, you're not special and you are lazy.

>> No.53156821

>everyone of them is working on saving for a down payment on a house and then getting a loan after credit farming for a year or two
Yeah this is a top signal on real estate.
The second the edge becomes the norm, it's over. Only downhill from here.

Save up and buy their homes when they eventually foreclose.

>> No.53156829

>Yeah this is a top signal on real estate.
might be if it actually worked

>> No.53156860

You're missing the point. It used to work (the edge), now it doesn't cause everyone is doing it (the norm)

>> No.53156873

Yea this is what I did. You’ll make much better money after college if you’re going that route

>> No.53156877


back when houses were $15k each I could save about $1k per year working a mid-tier profession.

rental properties were never in the range of part-time college students.

>> No.53156918

>rental properties were never in the range of part-time college students.

>> No.53156942

so you went from
>it used to work
>it never worked
without changing position?

how'd that work in your head?
or did it used to work and now it never does?

>> No.53156988

Imagine actually WANTING to become a landlord. I can't even imagine the thought process of wanting to become the world's worst kind of parasite.
I much prefer the stock market.

>> No.53157013


>> No.53157039

When college zoomers think they can buy a house while in college working part time and then rent it, yes we are far from the bottom faggot

>> No.53157091

Dumb, here's a better idea, look for places up for rent and sublease them to others with a markup. Literally free money without capital needed.

>> No.53157111

19 year olds were born almost a decade after this goyslop show went off the air kys larper

>> No.53157118

You're a fucking moron lmao

>> No.53157141

4:1 or greater leverage makes it worth it... assuming you can find a reasonably priced property that cash flows and tenants that aren't subhuman niggers

>> No.53157166

I want to cum inside Elaine and knock her up.

>> No.53157189

Worst post in the thread by far. Possibly the dumbest post in the board right now.

>> No.53157206

many such cases when it comes to real estate shitters. i work in corporate finance and landlords are the most unsophisticated, low IQ, drooling nigger retards i've ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

>> No.53157260

Every single person should have the opportunity to own their own house, and landlords (in general) shouldn't exist. Land is the most valuable resource.

>> No.53157286
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, 3B26D812-CE22-47FA-9BA8-900366BC6141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you’re friends are fucking dumb here’s the stray I’m working on

>serve in marines because retarded
>get red pilled that war only profits rich and is gay
>serve in reserves while going to Uni
>am a vet so I can file fafsa as independent at a young age and get free tuition without GI Bill
>few months before I get out I file for disability
>lie and say I’m gay and that everyone called me fag and beat me up and shit (they can’t prove it wrong)
>psychologist i interviewed with was woke af and pretty much got on her knees to apologize to me lol
>got bronchitis one time from Gun smoke and was treated for it in the military
>ride that incident and say it caused sleep apnea
>they give me a test which is just blowing into a tube and I just pretend I can barely blow into the tube
>also tinnitus of course as well as other bullshit I can file for that they can’t prove such as migraines, low sex drive, “knee pain”

Am here now

>may graduate undergrad
>fall attend law school

I’m gonna use VA loan with disability benefits to buy a condo while I go to school. Oh and if you get disability you can have federal student loans forgiven while I take out and pocket my GI Bill. WELFARE MAX

>> No.53157313

Do they know about Lofty.ai on the Algorand chain? Doesn't sound like anyone here has heard of it. Pretty sure a few other blockchains have similar offerings.

>> No.53157316

based and gibspilled

>> No.53157325

>me and my friends all WFH $100 per hour
>were all saving for an apartment complex
>we rent out to everyone
>all in medical college hosting the Doogie howser remake
And then nobody clapped

>> No.53157356

Yeah bro you guys should totally go for it. Good luck!

>> No.53157371

Best part is that I’m half Latino. On my law school app I selected the Latino option on course but there’s also an LGBTQ+ option. So fucking stupid. Of course I selected that shit since I identify as whatever the fuck the + is. Anyways now I get emails from schools offering scholarships and I haven’t even taken the lsat yet.

>> No.53157381

i applied to a bunch of corporate finance jobs with defense contractors as a spic (with an obviously white name) and i was rejected from every one.

>> No.53157395

I'm not a landlord, I never could afford that in 40 years of trying.

OP's friends also won't afford it.

almost nobody here will.

>> No.53157441

Only tech jobs and Uni actually care about that stuff

>> No.53157485
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>> No.53159334

Seinfeld finale aired in 1998… i know math is hard but cmon anon

>> No.53159369
File: 52 KB, 605x666, 4C802D2F-FD5C-4D4D-A5F2-4EEECFD7A371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elaine is hot asf in every episode also pretty funny as well which is rare for woman characters

>> No.53159589

Most Jewish show of all time. Incredibly frustrating to watch.

>> No.53159618
File: 1.05 MB, 1024x1024, 1669394511074959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloody 'ell

>> No.53159697

As long as you wish death unto is*ael I stand behind you anon

>> No.53159757

if you think thats hot af you have a (((problem)))

>> No.53159794

>also pretty funny
according to jews
do jews decide your opinions?

>> No.53159819
File: 90 KB, 1263x500, 63806n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53159872

Thats not how any of that shit works you larping retard. Imagine being a zogbot welfare nigger being the height if your fantasy.

>> No.53159902

Pretty sure you need a LOT more money saved, as well as a high paying job, this aint 1980 anymore, you and yourr friends need to be making at least 30 an hour.

>> No.53159922

They seem to decide yours...

>> No.53159938
File: 392 KB, 512x512, 1671788120403913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaah. another man of culture i see

>> No.53160017
File: 515 KB, 1440x1794, C5CDDEA4-508B-4F38-B413-9F8D88891BC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not a matter of being able to afford it, it’s a matter of how you manage it and the income it can produce. >>53157141
lays it out pretty well. You need to be careful with who you take on as a tenant. Usually a credit is enough to prevent undesirables from even inquiring. Also, set the rent astronomically high as well and upon meeting them be open to something that is fair in terms of pricing for both parties. Not saying it’s foolproof, but there are laws designed to make landlords take on essentially Shaqueesha and her 5 kids with no job. Just be creative in how you set up the initial process.

>> No.53160044

This is literally every 19 year old and then they turn 25 and still don’t have shit

>> No.53160427


>first "job" is being a middle man for a house someone else built and someone else will live in.

Starting off their rent-seeking career well.

>> No.53160501

At this rate inflation is going to eat more than they can save.

Although they could get lucky. Maybe with just the right inheritance or something similar.

>> No.53160850 [DELETED] 

She's a jew --> oven
You also have shit taste

>> No.53160966

you can purchase a house of around 150k with 10k you would need 3%down and around 5k for closing costs,(with good credit 680+) as long as you make over 30k p/yr or have a roommate you should be fine.

you only have to live in the residence for a year with an FHA loan, that's plenty of time to build enough equity in the property so that when you do decide to rent it you can all pull funds out of the property for any need maintenance in the future.

>> No.53161198
File: 102 KB, 481x360, bloomer ron paul 15 years later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the best side hustles right now?

>> No.53161207

Shit opinion. The beauty of Jew curls is undeniable.

>> No.53161980

Not gonna lie I would really like to ejaculate inside the actor that played Elaine 30 years ago

>> No.53162257
File: 471 KB, 828x1197, 2E2B9E33-A995-413B-B0B7-50BE41F921E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuds will cope and say this isn’t sexy

>> No.53163105

I did it in 2012 making $13/hr. no down payment. USDA rural development loan.

>> No.53163114

There is literally no point in doing this. Just invest in a REIT so you don't have to deal with tenants. Or even better, just invest in index funds.

>> No.53163177

that's why we have absurd house prices - it's the only access to leverage the plebs have.
you can't borrow to buy google (yeah you can use options but most ppl won't).

>> No.53163360

90s JLD was so fucking hot

>> No.53164702

Elaine was built for BGC.

>> No.53164767

How exactly does this work? Do you have to have found a certain number of acres? Have some kind of viable plan to farm or ranch the land?

>> No.53164780

>Is this feasible?
When your parents are rich? Yes.

>> No.53164792

>you are some dumb zoomer who gets their financial knowledge from youtube influencers
Shut the fuck up, boomer.
Holy fuck, you're so ass mad, I bet your wife cheats on you.

>> No.53164804

Elaine is not funny. Larry David is funny. After watching curb your enthusiasm it becomes obvious the entire reason Seinfeld was funny is because of Larry David alone.

>> No.53164810

>you're not special and you are lazy.
Yes and no, fag.

>> No.53164824

Yeah, she’s the worst character on the show.

>> No.53164829

What about Veep MotherFucker!? Are you a Fucking Boomer? You're a Boomer ain't you? I can tell by the way you type.

>> No.53164920

Yes and yes, you drooling brain dead dipshit. Get a job.

>> No.53165055

You don't think the performances give the show any of it's comedy/appeal? I don't think Seinfeld would be very funny in a novel.

>> No.53165089

Giggly slutty girls are the best

>> No.53165349
File: 882 KB, 1024x709, 1672256970835294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only because the rest of the characters are men. I'm having a difficult time thinking of another female sitcom character that had funnier lines and was better acted than her.

>> No.53165412

MotherFucker how is she Fucking slutty?

>> No.53165452

When Seinfeld and David pitched the show the executives wouldn't greenlight it unless they included a female main character.

>> No.53165456


>> No.53165470

She literally dates like 80 different dudes in the show you fucking goof

>> No.53165476

>What about Veep MotherFucker!?
Awful, awful version of The Thick Of It
What worked in a minor ministry in the UK doesn't make any sense for the vice president of the USA. The amusing low stakes little predicaments they got into just don't work when you transpose it.

>> No.53165491
File: 56 KB, 605x454, 1672372125202381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the main script didn't had a woman in it. it was pushed upon them by the studio executives.

>> No.53165497

Do you mean that you and a dozen or so friends will purchase a single house together? You might be able to afford it. Only if it's a shitty house of course.

>> No.53165498

Julia Louis Dreyfus won an emmy for the role 6 years in a row you MotherFucker. You Fucking Dick!!

>> No.53165507
File: 161 KB, 640x541, 1669869256882232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every youngster says they're going to get into real estate

>> No.53165512

Yeah but she doesn't Fuck every one of them!

>> No.53165529

she's not funny and more annoying. I prefer to skip her parts and I watched the whole 9 seasons probably 15x in the background while I was studying for my bachelor+masters.

>> No.53165536

You suck dick don't you? I can tell by the way you type. Please, don't reply to me again MotherFucker. Go Fucking go Fucking jerk off to Star Trek Discovery MotherFucker!

>> No.53165553

what is wrong with you? stfu and sit down.

>> No.53165604

>You know absolutely nothing about "bottoms" or predicting the market, you will always be poor
Investing isn't really about predicting bottoms. It's about look at all available opportunities and choosing the ones that offer the best prospects of reward with the lowest risk possible. Putting yourself in such a position isn't always easy because often time it requires specialized knowledge of the underlying security/business.

The reason that people will be poor is because they treat investing like they are in Las Vegas, constantly trying to guess short-term market direction with little to no informational edge. At the end of the day they get taken advantage by market makers & fundamental value investors as their account balance goes up and down like a crack addict with a gambling problem, but very little wealth is generally being built over time on an expected value basis.

>> No.53165612

>skipping elaine scenes
But puddy tho...

>> No.53165660

puddy is good. I just skip her whiny voice and men-problems.

>> No.53165693

you have to be 25 to post here

>> No.53165830

Nope. She's sexy. The way she moves you just know she fucks like a star. Her beautiful little jaw and chin is perfect too. She'd tear your dick off and take it home with her.

>> No.53167560

Subletting is prohibited in first world countries.

>> No.53167681

Jesus fuck she’s perfect

>> No.53167727

1. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is one of the funniest female comedians ever (shit political takes aside)

2. Everybody ITT would 100% sleep with her as Elaine if given the opportunity

>> No.53167775

100% she fucks like a Pornstar I bet. She looks like she would be down for anything.

>> No.53167836

>be young
>student debt
>housing debt
>buy at peak ballon market
>spend 30 years paying off debt
>have to work forever
>health ruined due to constant stress
>die early
I'd agree if they were somethign highly paid, but at that cash in peak baloon/inflation times and with rising interest rates - no.

>> No.53168586

you're the reason white women go to black men

>> No.53168692

OP is not sponge worthy

>> No.53168799

my thought too. these guys are fucked, but we can't blame them. clown world and all.

>> No.53168958
File: 1.02 MB, 2461x1295, USDA-Map-US.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to live outside of large urban/suburban areas. There is a map available on their website.


>> No.53168964

I was looking for something exactly like this, thank you

>> No.53169609

This is just how rent seeking and fucked up out economy has become. Everyone can't be a landlord, for every landlord someone has to be the slave.

The current "lets all be landlords" shit is giving shoeshine boy stock tips energy. Housing has a long way down to go as long as the fed does not blink and let institutions keep slurping with effectively negative rates.

>> No.53169761

dont listen to this guy

i saved 100k staying at home for a couple extra years and now im set for life while everyone suffers screaming about the cost of living.

we need to be more family orientated with money and pool it together, you guys are family and everyone should succeed alongside. But thatll never happen because muh independence.

the jews fucking jewed us

>> No.53170606

Lol I'm a landlord.
Bought the investment property at 32

Sucked in peasants

>> No.53170613


>> No.53170632
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1660167848854325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you and your friends go in on buying a house instead of all working separately?