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File: 32 KB, 650x212, Screenshot from 2023-01-06 15-42-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53163193 No.53163193 [Reply] [Original]

well wagies?

>> No.53163263

Don't like your job? Quit and find a better one.

Can't find a better one? Upgrade your skills.

Can't find any good ones in your industry? Switch.

Don't want to do any of the above? Tough shit.

>> No.53163367

A lot of europeans aren't fully aware that they're the only humans on the planet, americans are brownoid npc cattle designed to be poor wageslaves

>> No.53163383

Umm, actually retard running a cash register at McDonald’s provides equal value to that of a living standard

>> No.53163390

Well who controls the money?? Seems they are being unfair. Maybe we should lynch em?

>> No.53163475

Don’t Americans get paid more than Europeans for most jobs

>> No.53163523

>Can't find a better one? Upgrade your skills.
Yes goyim, just go into 6 figures of debt upgrading skills! Oops, we moved that work to a 3rd world shithole to avoid paying you a decent salary lol

>> No.53163551

Sweden has mandatory unions for almost everything, meaning McDonald's cashiers have been making over the equivalent of $15 USD an hour for the last 10 years.

>> No.53163584

Can't afford school? Self-teach and build a portfolio. You're a dumbfuck.

>> No.53163610


Because Americans are mentally ill slaves. Do you really believe a normal person would live in a cardboard house, give 1/3 of their income to the government and in the same time do not have free healthcare and education?

>> No.53163685

But I don't like any job.

The industrial revolution is evil and the only way I will comply in furthering it is under the threat of starvation (which is the reality now all the farmland's been monopolized)

Tough shit you say? Sure. Very helpful faggot, but all these 'tough shit' and 'deal with it' guys are getting lynched when the counter revolution swings around.

Keep acting smug,

>> No.53163714

This is some hyper concentrated boomer think. The labor market has been globalized, you think "building a portfolio" of "I taught myself!" will land you any job above minimum wage?

>> No.53163862


>> No.53163873

Yes it will you fucking idiot. Plenty of people get hired in CS based on just portfolios and free/inexpensive certifications. The quality of their work will outshine their education 99% of the time. How dense are you to speak about something you have NO understanding about?

>But I don't like any job.

Either suck it up or kill yourself.

>> No.53163908

Americans don't walk

>> No.53163925

americans get paid more that's why we call them europoors

>> No.53163995

>The quality of their work will outshine their education
This nigga thinks you can climb the ladder by working hard! LMAO

>> No.53164036

Literal boomer mindset. Yes certifications and a good portfolio can land you a good job, but doing that while working a 60 hour work week for Mr. Sheckles isn't feasible for everyone. Maybe to some it's doable, but portfolio wise it won't compare to someone that has the benefit of putting quality time to it, without having to wage slave at the same time

>> No.53164037
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Americans need the extra money so they can go broke when they pay for “the highest level of care”. Kek. Picrel

>> No.53164091

Just learn to code. You will at least be making a living wage
The average McDonald’s wagie doesn’t deserve shit. Either you’re too stupid or too lazy.

>> No.53164107

I live from hand to mouth, so I can't afford to not be a slave

>> No.53164174
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>> No.53164196

tell me honestly how many times you've gone to the hospital in the last 10 years

>> No.53164198

Best answer to OP's question. Americans are brainwashed to the gills.

>> No.53164211

I love the I pad Kiosks. I get to order exactly what I want every single fucking time. I dont have to attempt to converse with a minimum wage worker and see the frustration on their face when I ask for no onions or extra sauce because it requires them to use more than 5% of their total brain capacity and then they fuck it up anyway

I love self checkouts too. No more wagie scanning every item and punching shit in at the speed of a snail
we should have had Ipads in stores long ago

>> No.53164215

Because we have a billion Mexicans that are willing to undercut the wagie at any moment

>> No.53164244
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the answer is Regan set the standard for not taking shit from workers in 1968. Europoors need to learn history

>> No.53164305

Nobody will hire a dev without a bachelor degree. You will get a pajeet tier job with zero room for advancement

>> No.53164379

It's a combination of being brainwashed, and also being fucked if you lose your job. Then you lose health insurance. And the welfare system is shit unless you're like a single mother or something you don't get anything.

>> No.53164691

No idea.

>> No.53164699

>Don't want to do any of the above? Tough shit.
I've made more money selling drug than working.

>> No.53164742

You need a license, you're a trust fund.

>> No.53164743

A fast food wagie in America earns more than the average middle class loser in my European country. I don't get why these retards think European wagies have it good

>> No.53164808

Perfectly describes why it's necessary to stop thinking about this as a personal problem

>> No.53164814
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>> No.53164849

With an average tax rate of 55% almost twice as much as the US. These are the things commies don't want to talk about.

>> No.53164898
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As long as beer is cheep and there's something good on television American society will never change.

>> No.53164902

Literally every slander of USA is just accidentally the highest form racism against blacks. White Americans have lower maternal mortality, gun crime, abortions, any bad measure than any of the 99% smug white European countries. But to slander USA you simply do USA has a whole which looks bad because of their 13% blacks not to mention 20% Hispanics.

>> No.53164912
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SHIT! wrong comic

>> No.53164941

you can't climb the social hierarchy but you can climb the career ladder. the actually competent workers do get rewarded with better opportunities as they progress through their career. the speed at which the point of certain level is reached depends on willingness and work put into bettering your skillset. a lot of people usually just set some arbitrary level of quality of life, work towards it and when they've reached it just idle but they probably are irreplaceable. i am currently in such a position at multiple projects and i'm starting to think that i should probably negotiate a higher salary.

>> No.53164999
File: 12 KB, 696x404, FakeNews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fake news

>> No.53165004

These comics suck

And lol at Europeans. They “strike” all the time and their standard of living never gets better.

>> No.53165053

>25000 SEK
>$2375.84 USD
>21% tax rate

Lol. That isn’t a good thing, retard.

>> No.53165447

I had pancreatitis so a couple of times. Had to stay overnight to get the inflammation down. Cost me 385 euros last I got it in 2021. Included a hospital ride, lab tests, MRI scan to check my pancreas, ultrasound to check my galbladder for blockage, morphine, saline drips, and two nights in the hospital. 385 euros bro, and no company can deny me health care based on my medical history. Got it twice in the past 10 years. Apparently it’s alcohol induced so I had to stop drinking.

>> No.53165458

Forgot to mention I don’t need to be employed for healthcare.

>> No.53165462

*Don't want to do any of the above? Buy Bitcoin

>> No.53165473

i had a similar situation and it costed me $1000.
and you pay $5000 extra in taxes every year for the privilege.... of saving $600 once every 10 years

>> No.53165478

they also don't have a minimum wage which just proves that whole thing was bullshit

>> No.53165485

and I don't pay for insurance lmao, that's a scam

>> No.53165510

Sounds pretty beta.

>> No.53165577

European countries have darkies as well as white niggers (e.g. chavs) though. You can't compare only whites in America to an entire other country.

>> No.53165601

It's because there are enough pajeets and other foreigners being let in here that they can just hire an entirely new workforce if white people tried to do that.

>> No.53165624

>The standard VAT rate for goods and services in Sweden is 25 per cent
kek swedies

>> No.53165658

I’m a neet, I don’t pay taxes. The gooberment gives me around a 1000 euros every month to live off of, and give about 1800 euros a year to pay for the health insurance I’m obligated to pay for each year. I always take the cheapest insurance, which is 140 euros a month this year, so 1680 euros per year. My deductible excess is 385 euros, meaning should something happen, only 265 euros is coming from my own pocket. The rest is sponsored.

>> No.53165694

that doesn't help your argument lmao

>> No.53165731

My argument to not be a wagie and use the system while hiding your wealth using magic internet coins, as opposed to living somewhere where you automatically go into massive debt should something outside of your control happen?

>> No.53165807

I'm european and strikes these days are mostly climate/feminist bullshit with no specific demands, or sectors with a lot of bargaining power looking for themselves.

This guy is probably talking out of his ass.

>> No.53165952

>save up an extra $100000 over years, invest it since the government is not taxing it as hard
>oh no unexpected expense I guess I'll take a small hit
you really have no idea what you're talking about. the european system is worse.

>> No.53165998

The part where everyone gets stuck is upgrade your skills. You realize that most poor people can't just upgrade their skills right? There's a massive Jew gate keeper that only accepts bribes and blood for skills upgrades

>> No.53166000

you're welfare leech telling people how to run society. literal 12 year old behavior repeating what I said

>> No.53166195

No I'm not you brainlet look at different countries average tax rate not a cherry picked tax rate of the poors.

>> No.53166213

>work as programmer in euroland
>make $20k a year
kek no thanks, I'll keep 'suffering' with my Chad American income

>> No.53166274

this simple as

>> No.53166370

>White Americans have lower maternal mortality, gun crime, abortions, any bad measure than any of the 99% smug white European countries
No, we don't. The safest state in the union, New Hampshire, is 93% white, 98.1% non-black, and still has double the homicide rate of Europe. White Americans are more violent and belligerent than Europeans in general.

>> No.53166603

Return to the land of your ancestors. It's 20k but it's soulful

>> No.53166637

Americans aren’t European. I’m part Jewish (Ashkenazi), if anyone asks on a job application I put down ‘two or more races’ so I improve my chances of being hired.

>> No.53166644

What counter revolution and when

>> No.53166661

>trusting European crime rates
Yeah and Japan is the safest country in the world too.

>> No.53166772

America is the richest country on earth, there is no reason why anybody should be forced to work at all. Its no different than slavery.

>> No.53168220

you forget meme taxes like VAT which the US does not have

>> No.53169802

Well you have to admit that Europe is not homogenous. Wagie in Norway, Luxembourg or Lichtenstein earns 100x better than a wagie in Bulgaria. It really depends on the country.

>> No.53169807

Europeans are way poorer than americans

>> No.53169824

why does the richest country on the planet continue to give billions to jewish banking interests for free every financial quarter, but pretends it nearly went bankrupt giving average people a small stipend?

>> No.53170067

A union is an alternative to minimum wage. But you need one before you can abolish it.

>> No.53170100


My brother in Christ, capital owners collude to supress wage prices. Unions are needed to act as a countervailing influence against this.

The capital owning class is much smaller than the working class. Smaller numbers are easier to co-ordinate. Add to that they have a resource advantage which gives them more sway over what laws are written and the only way for the working man to resist is to keep his head above water is through radical co-operation with his fellow man.

Your history books have been doctored. The golden eras for the working class were a time of incredible class consciousness and solidarity between workers.

Society, partly deliberately and partly by accident, has been atomised to the point where workers won't even co-operate and avoid crossing picket lines out of a misguided sense of rugged individualism that our forebears did not have.

Shatter your illusions and stop licking the boot.

>> No.53170121

>White Americans are more violent and belligerent than Europeans in general.
European men settle their differences with dance offs while their wives watch soccer

>> No.53170123
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americans have no community spirit. that was stripped from them long ago. now, if they arent looking down on each other they are shooting up a wallmart. i encourage it honestly, the american jew worshiping "people" are a blight on this world and should all just get it over with.

>> No.53170137

>Don't like your job? Quit and find a better one.
Pablo and his 9 brothers have taken those jobs

>Can't find a better one? Upgrade your skills.
Pajeet with his fake degree has taken those jobs for less than you spent on those upgrades

>Can't find any good ones in your industry? Switch.
What industry? 99% of the private sector is service oriented

>Don't want to do any of the above? Tough shit.
You literally cannot do any of the above. Yes, it is tough shit.

>> No.53170822

uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, BUT THE JEWS BRO!!?!?!?!?! something something the fed and inflation, muh gold standard roasties

>> No.53170836
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>> No.53171336

"Diversity" makes group cohesion at best temporary and generally speaking impossible.

All the various different groups are never going to get along seperated by tongue/culture/religions/identity. Europe has generally avoided this problem by being less diverse but that's changing fast soon thanks to useful idiot normies.

>> No.53171378

Because they’ll replace you with South Americans who’ll do it for half

>> No.53171435

>20% Hispanic
Anon… I…

>> No.53171454

Another one who forgot to count the illegals

>> No.53171571
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>>The industrial revolution is evil
>posted from a digital device thanks to said evil industrial revolution

>> No.53171650

Because most americans dont produce anything to strike over. Oh no my retail wage at starbucks striked today and I had to make coffee at home or make it at the office! Most blue collar and producers in America get paid quite well. Oil workers for instance wont strike because they can make 150K+ for working 2/3s of year. So why should they risk that for a starbucks employee who hates them anyway.

>> No.53171714
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Kek you proved his point dude. Americans arent in the 21% tax bracket until like 70k or so. Then its 24% for a while until you break into 30% at really high end salaries. Dont forget, Euros are about the same as USD now. Minimum wage in america is about 15k a year and theyre barely taxed at that pay.

>> No.53171740


>> No.53171754

Because the work conditions are directly linked to the pay. Want better work conditions? Great, but you also get paid less because the whole operation has now become more expensive for your employer to run. Us Europeans buy better working conditions by getting paid significantly less on average. As always, it's simple market laws.

Oh yes, the low end jobs get paid better here in Europe than in the US. But that happens at the expense of higher valued jobs which are taxed more accordingly. I'm a lawyer. I don't want the negress who cleans my toilets to get paid better, I want to get the same net salary as a lawyer working in the US. Hurting high-value labor to improve the conditions of low-value labor is the most unproductive and retarded thing you can do. It's no wonder the per capita economic output and average income in the US is much higher than ours.

>> No.53171778

Oh, and before anyone accuses me of sucking US dick, I hate that country in its current state almost as much as I hate the European Union. It's a bunch of cultureless jew-loving faggots. Americans brought us all this jewish and dysgenic "muh diversity", "muh feminism" bullshit. But when it comes to pure economy, the EU is even more cucked than the average US citizen. In the US, you might be a slave, but at least you get paid mostly according to your productivity, while European countries intentionally shift the value produced by productive people to unproductive, lazy faggots who, in a better era, would've starved on the streets.

>> No.53171880

I kinda agree. Plus in the US you can at least invest in stuff pretty easily. EU markets just seem pointless and depressing. We can at least buy crypto and tech companies in the US and maybe make some out of it.

>> No.53172750
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My family was poor as fuck when I grew up, and I knew I wanted none of that for my life, so I spent my free time after school learning new skills. Fast forward to today and I'm on nearly £300k/year with a middle management job. No idea how I'd upskill as an adult wagie though because I'd have no energy for it after getting yelled at for 8 hours by Stacy. If you wasted your time and energy as a youth, you're unironically fucked and all you can do it get angry about it. I'm not listening though. GG

>> No.53172778

Look at that un-actionable advice.
Stop giving replies to bait.
All factories deserve to burn down tonight unless rhe workweek is shortened to 4 6 hour days, a full year of maternity leave and half a year of paternity leave.

>> No.53172782

>Maybe we should lynch em?
Lol yeah, but nobody ever will and everyone knows that.

>> No.53174298

Get amphetamines, or testosterone. The latter would yield greater returns in the long term, however does not kick in as fast.

>> No.53174408

If you can't even cope with jobs today, how the fuck do you think you'd fare any better before the Industrial Revolution, you stupid little faggot?

>> No.53174469

>Average tax rate 52,6%
>Social tax paid by employee 20.5%
>Social tax paid by employer 20.5%
>21% VAT
>80% tax on electricity/gas/water

It's better to be poor in Europe but that's also the only thing you will ever be in this shithole