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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53162051 No.53162051 [Reply] [Original]

Are women worth investing in in 2023?

>> No.53162155
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Unless some how you become a e-pimp or find a way to make money off of OnlyFans models sure I think the simping epidemic ain't going away any time soon.

>> No.53162200

I expect Q2 of 2024 to be the best time

>> No.53162281

Oddly specific. Why then?

>> No.53162396

By then, people will have realized the cost of living crisis is not going away and their rainy day savings are now depleted. Single women will be hit the first and you'll be able to scoop up a few investments at a much lower price than currently.

>> No.53162415

Kek, no. Women have no market value anymore now that boypussy is the new thing.

>> No.53162793

You know what?
This actually makes a lot of sense.
I'm actually shocked.

>> No.53162823

None. No market value. All women in 2023 are trash. better off btc/eth/bit/

>> No.53162830
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some yes, some no

>> No.53162853

Yeah bro, you see that girl there? With the pic of her riding a quadbike on insta? Definitely a catch bro.

Oh, she likes friends and how I met you mother? Shieeet, you should marry her man

>> No.53162963

Depreciating assets are never a good investment. If you can find a rich woman and get her to marry you with no prenup then that’s the exception but she is guaranteed to be ugly. Hot girls are never rich cuz they get everything in life handed to them so why would they grind?

>> No.53162980
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I'm already experiencing a downturn. 6-7/10s are more willing to message me now or reply to my autistic jibberish with emojis, something that was out of reach in recent years.

>> No.53163172

I love how /biz/ always snitches on themselves. If the complaint is that women from the western world are frivolous spenders with no value other than their looks (muh depreciating asset) then there are a number of options. Plenty of cultures with developed market economies have a social arrangement where a woman's primary job within the household is saving money and making wise investments with it, i.e. the exact opposite of what /biz/ is supposedly complaining about.

Does /biz/ ever talk about trying to meet women from those cultures because they're financially savvier? Nope. They talk about trying to scoop up desperate hotties low on cash or mail order brides from extremely impoverished companies because they think that they can make them do whatever they say. It's a bunch of people accidentally snitching on themselves about their lack of social skills and their deep insecurity.

That's why I enjoy these threads.

>> No.53163535

it's begun.

>> No.53163629

Yes but don't commit to them unless they bring something to the table. Remember they are whoring themselves out because their pre-wall hole is literally their greatest contribution to society. They are the equivalent of a deadbeat man and you don't want 50% of your future sons' genetic makeup to be from someone who has no value.

>> No.53163702

and what's your contribution to society? you reject said society and you expect to get handouts?

>> No.53163801

I thought most of you on /biz/ rent women, not invest in them.

>> No.53163834

>Plenty of cultures with developed market economies have a social arrangement where a woman's primary job within the household is saving money and making wise investments
Kek that’s why those countries are poor

>> No.53163872

>South Korea
Whatever you have to tell yourself to compensate for your small dick energy bro.

>> No.53163883
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>Japan is poor

>> No.53163898

>South Korea
Kek those whores waste their money on plastic surgery trying to look like pop idols or they go to work in the red light district pleasuring American and Japanese sexpats.
>Small dick
Nice projection, Kim.

>> No.53163967

I can feel you seething from here.

>> No.53164017

Your average woman? Yes. She still exists. but if you’re in channels like these you’re already fucked and will probably not find her without changing your ways. 60% of women still good. The remaining 40% is more toxic and repulsive than ever before

>> No.53164105

You need to go back

>> No.53164171

>anyone not as retarded as me is from someplace else

>> No.53164287

I want white children and no mutts/hapas/whatever. Yes, it’s a lot harder finding a good white woman but going to not give in and destroy my bloodline like that.

>> No.53164315

I would pay $80k year, over half my salary, to her to be my wife. If she did lazy stay at home things or went out with friends all the time I’d take it. Vanilla sex 2x a week, just some affection and spending time.

>> No.53164328

thats pre-wall emma stone tho, post her now someone please :)

>> No.53164403

In what part of his spouting did he mention he expects handouts. Sounds like you're projecting.

Kek this.
Cringe >>53163898

Fucking simp.