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5313580 No.5313580 [Reply] [Original]

This is it... it's really over isn't it....

>> No.5313602

This is just the beginning.

>> No.5313703

Yup. I wish I'd screenshotted my prediction from the other day when it was trying to be bullish around $17.5k. I predicted < $16750 before the next day (happened within hours), and < $15k by end of week (easily on track).

From here we'll see one more spike up to $16666 before crashing down to $12-13k. we may trade sideways there for a bit, but I suspect we're going to enter a long squeeze that drags us back to sub $10k quickly.

If BCH doesn't end up pulling ahead (it may), and BTC has a soft crash we'll land between $7500 and 8500.

If this is the crash I suspect it will be we're looking at closer to $3500-4500.

>> No.5313760


>> No.5313788

if bch pulls ahead you'll see chain death and value go to zero. everything else you said that leads up to that sounds about right, though.

>> No.5313849

its up 100% compared to last month

>> No.5313977

it would be so hilarious to see normies getting fucked this hard

>> No.5314000

... of the fall of Bitcoin.

>> No.5314080

This is like a /pol/ happening thread. You people are hysterical. This has happened countless times before and it always comes back even stronger, always.

>> No.5314144
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All the normies are starting to sell because they realized the hype is over and there's nothing to see here

>> No.5314176

Imagine being this naive.

>> No.5314230

Dream on faggot

If you're lucky this shit will hit rock bottom at $12k

>> No.5314233


The total btc cap will reach 1 trillion in 2018, mark my words.

>> No.5314238

Can you seriously get any more retarded? Or are you that new? The projected target of bitcoin this year was supposed to be $5000. And you’re not happy with 15? Jesus you’re spoiled

>> No.5314245

You have to be a special kind of delusional to think that BTC wont be dethroned EVENTUALLY.

When that will happen is up for discussion but if you think this antiquated piece of shit coin is going to be number 1 forever you've lost your fucking mind.

This old geezer of a coin with slow transaction times and retarded fees is only #1 because crypto is just starting to see some true MSM attention and this is babys first coin.

"Oh Cryptocurrency? Yes son i've heard of the ol' Bitcoin before!"
Its not just "normies" like some needle armed junkie who are foolishly buying bitcoin right now. Its boomers who have no idea what the fuck a crypto is because theyve been dealing in stocks their whole lives, but they want to hop onboard crypto cause "That there bitcoin is where the moneys at".

Bitcoin fundamentally is dogshit though and itll be replaced by something, or preferably more than just 1 coin in the future. It could be next week or it could be 3 years from now, but its GOING to happen. Technology moves so fast and there are coins out there that are 40x smoother in transaction and fees than bitcoin.

The biggest issue is if we can really reduce bitcoins stranglehold of the market so that when it takes its final bloated breath and falls over dead, it doesnt drag everything else down with it.

>> No.5314251

Imagine being THAT naive.

>> No.5314295

This is why holding bitcoin is retarded.
At any point the game can end

$30 transaction fees? Tx fees are more than the value in 44% of BTC wallets. 44% of bitcoins are now fucking worthless lmao

>> No.5314310

personally i agree with this and if the crash is actually the mega crash then were looking at closer to 1-2k usd again.

source of this? a post on 4chan needs no source my friends.

>> No.5314327

This guy gets it.
The only way Bitcoin will survive is if it's patched to hell so that it operates more like the other, better coins. However, we've already seen what happens when a patch occurs. Due to the decentralized nature of the thing, some percentage won't accept the patch, and it will spawn a fork. As BTC needs to update more and more to stay useful, it will fork itself to death.

>> No.5314438


Found the newfag

>> No.5314445

Bitcoin is the Pets.com of cryptocurrency.

>> No.5314453


It's never gonna crash completely, but a lot of its value will be distributed among other cryptos, for sure, but it's never gonna crash and never recover again. Even when other cryptos will overtake it, it will still remain.

You gotta think about the total cryptocurrency market cap, which will eventually grow into trillions.

>> No.5314511

Why the fuck would anyone be staking their money in BTC instead of a coin like ETH?

Do you really see a scenario where ETH, a technologically superior and more stable coin, takes a beating and BTC does not?

There is literally no reason for the base of your portfolio to be BTC and not ETH

>> No.5314570

>This is why holding bitcoin is retarded.
>At any point the game can end

You can apply this to every single coin, at least btc even on zombie status can be used to trade with every existing coin

>> No.5314577

Skelly can call people niggers on Twitter and the price will tank

>> No.5314626


There is literally no reason not to distribute your fiat across numerous different cryptos. In the end, if you do so, you will profit regardless where your money is, just like the NASDAQ has had a continuous rise since its conception, the overall Cryptocurrency market will continue to rise probably to trillions in the next years. There is more money to be made in cryptos now than in stocks, and soon everyone will know that, and everyone will be buying anything they can get their hands on.

>> No.5314701

nice meme btc is king faggot

stay mad you bought at ath

>> No.5314749

Everyone knows the banking financial systems run on antiquated software written in FORTRAN. The reason is that it has been tested, tried and true. While it may have its drawbacks, it is just too risky to flip a switch to activate new software. Even if the new code is written in Haskell with formal verification, there could be significant problems with interoperability with other systems.

>> No.5314762

t. guy whose portfolio is crashing hard

>> No.5314785
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Nah ive never bought any BTC cuck. I prefer better odds than maybe lose it all or 2x total my money in the next 6 months.

>> No.5314828

Which coins are you holding, anon?

>> No.5314923



>> No.5314936

We are all on a timetable here. Crypto was and continues to be the "wild wild west", but realisticly we have 1-2 years before a big crash or government regulation kills your chance of fast gains and "making it".

Anyone hedging their bets in BTC is a mental retard because if you want to "make it" to retirement starting with say 5-30k right now in 2 years or less... you cant rely on BTC. Your BEST outcome might be a 4x over two years time. But that isn't very good and its not enough to make it.

Worst outcome? You lose it all because BTC is flooded with IQ80 "investors" right now so who the fuck knows what they will do.

If you have a nice, neat, stable portfolio, you will see some overall gains, but come regulation time you won't have made it, and it'll be back to the walmart stocking job.

>> No.5315010

And all this is based on what? You know whales can pump this shit to 100k in a second right?

>> No.5315071

The fuck am I looking at

>> No.5315121


Yes, now is the time to make money, now and until the maximum market cap is reached, which I predict will overtake the worlds largest stock exchanges. The overall market cap of the worlds stock exchanges is 70. Trillion now. The crypto market cap now is .5 Trillion and it's basically like a global stock exchange available to everyone, so the potential for growth is fantastical.

>> No.5315129

I only trade in ETH. Thanks to ridiculous fees and horrible waiting times. It makes no sense, not when there are better, cheaper, faster alternatives out there.

>> No.5315237

Its not over until its 15k next week after falling from 30k.

>> No.5315269

Once bitcoin is regulated, it will have a substantial share of world currency. Banks will become antiquated and the government will not be strangled by the fed. Faith in cryptography will give rise to cryptographic voting. People will have control of their towns again. Less people will jet set around the world seeking fame and fortune because A: (((They))) lose their ability to print money and brainwash the youth by controlling virtually all news media and politicians and B: people will have their needs met in their hometowns and feel a sense of belonging. Not everyone will have lambos but it is a possibility if you want to work hard and people think you deserve it.

>> No.5315315

Going to pass on the BTC fork at EOY?

>> No.5315348

You really think the Jews will let this happen?

>> No.5315369

Not if you need to move it to an exchange first.

>> No.5315447

12k is my best guess. 14k or 9k tied for 2nd. I'm buying any big move up from any of these levels, knowing a bear trap is likely, especially at 14k. Can't wait for the pink Wojak's to appear when Millennials experience their first bear trap.

>> No.5315461

Can someone explain to me how the FUCK Bitcoin dying isn't anything but a deathknell for all the other shitcoin alts out there?

Aren't ETH and BTC basically the gatekeepers? Meaning your shitcoin is worthless if BTC goes down because if you want to "cash out" you need to go through ETH or BTC? What am I missing here?

>> No.5315511

Ford, IBM, Amazon...

>> No.5315514

why would ETH be worthless though? Sure it may fall in the short term as people get jaded by BTC but its objectively better from a technical standpoint. So is Litecoin. Many altcoins have a unique purpose and perform some kind of function giving utility. So why would everything else be worthless just cause grandpa BTC is down?

>> No.5315571

Because if BTC goes down now, it will be due to a flippening and it will be replaced as king of the market by BCC or LTC or Iota (lol jk!).

>> No.5315605

It's more like the Pink Sheets/penny stocks. A few gems lots of fraud, pump/dump and moose pasture

>> No.5315611

Everybody in establishment already knows Iota will replace the chain and heavily invested in it.
> truly remarkable times we’re witnessing

>> No.5315627
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it's recovering

>> No.5315629


Well you are right but when Bitcoin and ETH die, it will be the day that people will lose interest in profits.

You don't think large institutions see the astronomical potential for future growth in these things? Even if it all crashes to like $1000 again, people will still be buying it because it's cheap and the cycle will continue endlessly. It's like a machine to make money out of nothing.

>> No.5315691

How will they stop it? If they push it underground it will be in the same position it was at the start, but with many dedicated privacy coins and advanced privacy networks: mixnets and such. Some of the best cryptographers are Jewish but they are practicing where you might expect to get the most recognition, typically involves publishing their work. The ones who keep findings secret in order to sabotage coins can only use these vulnerabilities in certain cases - because they risk blowing their cover. Security is like this. The NSA may have broken AES, but they can’t prove anything without divulging the flaw. This reduces trust in the NSA and people wont use AES anymore.

>> No.5315699
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>It's like a machine to make money out of nothing.

>> No.5315701
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Theres only 3 really candidates :

>Neither ready for primetime so King is on life support for another year

>> No.5315714

> "investing" in a coin that can be manipulated to hell

>> No.5315737


Except the patterns are predictable and profitable long term, unlike gambling.

>> No.5315738

>IQ80 "investors"
may have an investment IQ of 80, but no morons are able to decipher the labyrinth to get invested on the exchanges particularly now with all of them crippled by the volume

>> No.5315750

Eth went full retard with cats so they need to regroup before being considered again

>> No.5315762

> being this naive

>> No.5315769
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I fucking love shakeouts. Keep buying the tips newfags \(^-^)/

>> No.5315772

stocks can be manipulated

>> No.5315787
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ok but only 10% of transactions are using segwit. so based on that you either
1) dont know what youre talking about
2) avoid the facts because it would hurt your narrative (i.e a shill)

>> No.5315795

there are people with the level of delusional actually living and breathing


>> No.5315801
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BTC went down 12% why so pessimistic?
All you unstable faggots seek comfort. If you're not stable enough to hold bags and seek for mental support don't fucking make threads like these and drop your bags, gtfo.

>> No.5315804

Can someone post a pic of comparions between BTC an BCH?

Is BCH really that faster?

I, personally, am moving assets in XRP.

>> No.5315815

get fucked irs soon about to announce their new gop rules

>> No.5315816

Yes. Those would be the alt-coins.

>> No.5315849

Nowhere close to crypto. That and it's illegal.

>> No.5315888


educate yourself. dont do it on /biz/

the mining cartels and bitcoin cash can afford to pay people to shitpost here against btc.
corecucks are busy corecucking and making the world a better place.

>> No.5315889

This is the redditfag disease. They want to live in an epic movie so badly that they ignore reality.

>> No.5315915


I know that but how could they fake numbers?

Can someone post transaction times between currencies?

>> No.5315983

it will happen in 10 years

>> No.5316004

my dude its not that simple. the transaction times on a coin nobody uses will of course be faster because theres nobody on it.

its just word play to get everyone to move to their coin.

>> No.5316028


Hmm, makes sense.

>> No.5316039

I only know one thing. Its time for bitcoin to end.

>> No.5316041
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Nigga 2 months ago it was $5000 Calm down.

>> No.5316040

if anything the reduced speed of transactions should tell you how many people are using it compared to other coins and further its adoption.

>> No.5316065
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and remember, the fees are irrelevant. if your transaction is not urgent.

>> No.5316110
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>> No.5316146

Is it time to get on?

>> No.5316168
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to anyone confused.

i suggest joining crypto twitter to get the complete rundown on everything

>> No.5316285

My dude this is just the start I'm going all in

>> No.5316419


>> No.5316457

This is my point. If you don’t research cryptography you don’t know about the voting protocols being devised and implemented already. And right now they seem as insignificant as digital currency did 10 years ago. some of the same people are working on both. People like
These fags lack the foresight to see what’s coming because they are only interested in making a quick buck. They don’t give a fuck about crypto or security. So they will be the new Jews or more likely will squander their earnings frivolously like a nigger.

Security is the purpose of establishing a state, the reason for money to exist is so you don’t need to rely on your neighbors word but instead trust an authority. Decentralized protocols change all of that. It spreads trust over many participants. What happens then, is up to them.

>> No.5316502

It'll land at it's real value, which is zero dollars and zero cents.

>> No.5316525

How is this over. A month ago it was at 8k.

>> No.5316544


I don't believe in Bitcoin, but as long as it has the support of the miners, it will never go as low.

>> No.5316554

Wow. He really is THAT naive.
He fell for the meme.

>> No.5316593

Question about satoshi measuring, if a coin overtakes btc in fiat value would that become the new satoshi measurement? Like will alt coins growth be loosely based around the new king’s growth?

>> No.5316629
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>I posted it again

>> No.5316658

i assume so

>> No.5316662

whales already made their profits, bitcoined was raped to heck, by devs and big finance, its only down from here

>> No.5316740

yeah people are already adopting bch as the main trading pair

>> No.5316755
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BCH is much better option for miners or dont you remember recent NiceHash fail?

>> No.5316804


Yes. Any commercial entity that accepts BTC as a payment will turn to its successor instead.

>> No.5316879

All those fucking retards that don't even know what crypto is that bought >$16k hype lmfao.


>> No.5316902

except... they arent. lmao bcash tards are so funnny stg

>> No.5317065

what the fuck is wrong with you retards

its like youre jealous of people who hold enough btc, like you want it to fail or something

bad news - its not going to.

buy the dip

>> No.5317096

Funny because it looks like we are watching it fail in real time

>> No.5317241


Do you say this everytime there is a dip and stfu and sulk when it inevitably surges past it's ATH again? Seriously, the amount of pathetic faggots like you on here constantly spreading FUD is just sad.


Every FUD idiot on this board has been predicting $5K ever since it hit $10K. Before that they kept saying "it's going to crash to $1K". Fucking morons. I wish there was a way to out these faggots so we can figuratively piss on their stupid faces.

>> No.5317269

>Stage Two: Anger

>> No.5317430

>it will keep going up forever and ever

>> No.5317526

skelly said child porn was ok and the price doubled over the next week

>> No.5317583
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>educating anyone
If any of you cared about anyone's education on the matter you wouldn't be hoping to gain money solely on exploiting people's lack of education. 99% of these threads and in /biz/ in general are a) irrelevant, b) unknowable, c) right for random reasons and it's this confusion exactly half of investors are cashing on. I can't even the arrogance one has in saying X beats Y when each has pulled ahead its own share with its own exposure and promises on its own time. Mostly normies, but still. It's my hatred that gets me through these hard times and allows me to make the right decisions every time imho

>> No.5317724

idiot youtuber that doesn't know shit about technical issues, yet he clamis that roger is lying.

>> No.5317826

uhhh, i guess you didnt watch the video lol

>> No.5317836

This is why BTC will win. It's all so simple!

>> No.5317901

Governments (not even Jews) aren't letting crypto take over fiat unless it's easily taxable.

Which actually sort of is fine because despite what some lolberts want to believe we can't have _zero_ taxes.

>> No.5317988
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>> No.5318021


That's what we call a bulltrap friend

Until you break through above $16666 this is staying in a downward spiral

>> No.5318238
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Bitcoin seems to be still the best of them all. It just has the largest amount of transactions but with same amount of trans it's the best


>> No.5318336

If you think it's over. Think again, desu.
There will be btc forks. There is tether. Btc is here to stay

>> No.5318355

ETH is created and controlled by a bunch of filthy fucking communists

>> No.5318383

This guy clearly has no clue what he is talking about. Zero conf txs render all his arguments moot and he can't even speak properly.
>So the earliest you can get a confirmation is 10 minutes and usually I think people want multiple confirmations so its more than 10 minutes to get a confirmation

>> No.5318394

BTC rising up. Will it get back to $16k today?

>> No.5318412
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it's on it's way

>> No.5318521

Probably, but it gets interesting when it breaks 16500. If not, down again

>> No.5318702
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>he doesn't realize reality is the most epic blockbuster imaginable

>> No.5318812

Oh, I know it is. That's why I don't have to delude myself into thinking I'm in some movie.

>> No.5318891

-500 coin iq here. how do i get a wallet? htf do i coin???

>> No.5319220

then ETH will rightfully pass BTC finally

>> No.5319452

how old are you? 13?

>> No.5319920

finally someone who sees the future like me

>> No.5320223

did everyone in this thread came here 3 weeks ago or what the shit

these posts are atrocious

>> No.5320415

Clearly you're a new faget if you would sold drugs for Bitcoin at sub $10 prices you would understand we went down 80% over the course of a whole entire year. I have little doubt people literally killed themselves over that price decline due to their lack of logic have fun

>> No.5320586
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Who "Nocoiners biding their time" here? I'm a fucking genius apparently. Going to buy when it's $1000 again.

>> No.5320850

well u must have made a shit ton shorting didn't you mr. crystal ball ?

>> No.5321071


Not even worth touching unless you get in low hundreds. Only brainlets aren't sitting on stocks with good dividends until the price bottoms.

>> No.5321102
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>44% of bitcoin wallets hold 44% of bitcoins

>> No.5321155

Imagine being THIS naive

>> No.5321381

imagine the entire state of /biz/ naive

>> No.5321383

the sole purpose eth serves was to be the ICO platform for the protocols that replace it

oh....and crypto-kittes

>> No.5321434


think about what you just said, then try again.