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53160490 No.53160490 [Reply] [Original]

Which cryptocurrency has the best likelihood of mass adoption? I think BTC is a good candidate, especially since the BIS is now pretty much planning to horde it. But Monero seems good as well.

>> No.53160596

No proof of work coin has a chance of "mass adoption". Both technically and politically. Be honest to yourself.

>> No.53160616


>> No.53160633

maybe I should say which one is the best alternative coin central bank satan controlled money.

>> No.53160659

Bitcoin > the functioning product called Monero
Ethereum > the functioning product called Cardano
Ripple > the functioning non-profit product called Stellar
BNB > binance can manipulate the price, it self-burns and BNB get wasted on scams so its good for some profits

You can forget about the rest.

>> No.53160671

Polygon will accelerate Ethereum's mass adoption. So Ethereum. Cardano ain't shit, BnB ain't shit.

>> No.53160707

>the functioning product called Cardano

>> No.53160709

Doesn't the WEF like ADA tho?

>> No.53160713

Which product was 10 cents in 2017 and 258 usd right now? BNB.

>> No.53160736


LTC will be used for payments


>> No.53160743

I’m 100% in XRP

>> No.53160757


I still laugh every time some poor cuck tries to shill ADA. Mind boggling that these people exist.

>> No.53160765

Which Fallout game is the best?

>> No.53160774

2 or NV

>> No.53160790

I feel bad, a guy I knew put his entire student loan in ADA right before it dropped and can't pay for his grad school. I hope he didn't kill himself, haven't heard from him in a while...

>> No.53160898

I bought in last week. going to sell it again if it reaches 1,5 to 2 usd in the future. Seems like a safe bet. Even though it might take a few years.

>> No.53160962
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Bone Shibaswap is the gas and governance token for the Shib ecosystem L2 solution...

Shib has millions of holders already, bone has less than 100k.

Grab a bag before it's too late anon.

>> No.53161893

Monereo may be worth considering for long-term holding. As regulations continue to evolve, the need for privacy may become more prominent, which could potentially drive up the value of the services these projects offer and, in turn, the value of their tokens

>> No.53161971

im gonna get a lot of (you)s for this but its HBAR

>> No.53162050

Bone Shibaswap drained my wallet when I purchased!! Do not redeem!

>> No.53163828

Between monereo, and other privacy token, which one is the best?

>> No.53163897

Do you mean that snail token?
Hahaha, desu, it's a fucking retard, just like trx

>> No.53163998

What were your reasons for not swapping?

>> No.53164258

Although all privacy projects offer unique solutions to various challenges within the system, the best of them utilize ZKPs technology to provide maximum protection for users' data.

>> No.53165227

Here's a (you) that agrees

>> No.53165397

monero doesn't even use zero knowledge proofs I'm tired of people treating this like its the holy grail

>> No.53165496

Unironically XRP. Mass adoption flows from efficient use case. XRP will dominate cross border transactions.

>> No.53165513


>> No.53165541
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accumulate bibos

>> No.53165872

Each privacy platform has its own unique features, personally i'll pick Railgun over monero because it uses relayers instead of mixers and offers zk-Snark privacy.

>> No.53165930

Zero knowledge tech are undeniably the best thing to happy to crypto privacy and its quite inspiring to see how its being utilized for on-chain trnx security.

>> No.53166070

I enjoyed 1 and just bought 2, and tactics. I don't think I'll try the first person releases. They don't appear to capture the Fallout soul that was in the earlier games. Also, I'm finally going through Arcanum which is essentially Fallout in a decaying high fantasy setting where much of the population didn't handle industrialization well or violently opposed it.

>> No.53166147

>completely decentralized
>shit ton of liquidity
>backed by the largest treasury in the market
>built a true L2

>> No.53166217
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built a functional DEX.decred.org , no kyc no trading fees. Atomic swap native btc, ltc, doge, zec and soon eth.

built a lightning network based P2P social media app BisonRelay.org (still early, but functional alpha release)

Direct details to join found here:

Decred OG bitcoin devs build.

>> No.53166384

Following their progress with the Sec, many bizfags are getting in on Xrp. Another asset on my radar for it's long term potential is Ride for it's Vr tech for user experience on road trips

>> No.53167013

>monero doesn't even use zero knowledge proofs
Yes it does.

The people who talk shit can't even tell you the basics of how Monero works.

>> No.53167364

Bitcoin and Monero. That's literally it.

>> No.53167479

Polygon (ticker: MATIC) that's working with meta, adobe, nike, starbucks, reddit, stripe, flipkart, mercedes, mastercard, nubank, disney, ebay, amazon...

>> No.53168900

I honestly do not see the hype about monero, mixers are even outdated. Most modern privacy platforms such as Railgun,Secret, Zcash and the likes use relayers which are more secured.

>> No.53168928

I dont need to know the basics of monero to know that its too controversial as a privacy platform. The newer version of privacy protocols are more about finding a common ground between privacy and regulations, an example of such is the view key tech. Dyor.

>> No.53168966

LTC after its mimblewimble update will be used too.
Jeet coin that may do well
Cucking to regulations? Yeah XMR isn't for you, stick to ETH and link

>> No.53169445
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>>Between monereo, and other privacy token, which one is the best?
I think they're all unique in their own ways, but nothing beats Monero!
>Zcash - uses the zk-SNARK zero-knowledge proof technology that allows nodes on the network to verify transactions.
>Haven protocol - Monero based. Focuses on secure, private and untraceable transactions.
>Sylo - it's end to end encrypted messaging app doesn't blurt out user's info like other communication coys
>Pirate chain - the first 'z transaction-only' chain.

>> No.53170071

Apart from the relayers, their partnership with railway is dope, a good way to take custody of my assets with wallet balance shielded from the public.

>> No.53170122

Sounds good, I'm hearing it for the first time

>> No.53170149

You really do not know what you are talking about, I don't use monereo, but my friends do, but from my experience, privacy projects using zk-snarks are better options IMO, because they can overcome SEC easily because of transparency

>> No.53170155

Why are you not holding it for the long term?

>> No.53170170

I will consider EVMOS, BNB & CAKE for long term asset.

>> No.53170195

I'm always confused here, is ROSE a privacy token?

>> No.53170204
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Well, individual differences, all privacy projects are unique and as well offer unique utilities but as well heading to the same goal(giving user privacy services and also protecting them from public spy and cyber crime.

>> No.53170241

A predictably infationary coin is honestly the only thing that'll have a chance of catching on as "real money" that can be spent to buy like groceries, but it has to be backed by a predictably stable and deflationary asset.
That is to say, something similar to Dogecoin except not started as a joke

>> No.53170295

Realistically three in this order.


Ethereum has the most amount of use, more user growth and functionality.
Bitcoin is a good stable and will always be around, but has little use outside of storing value. The hype cycles are declining over time.
Chainlink is too far ahead of all oracle competitors, it is a core part of most defi projects and spans multiple chains.

Monero will also be around for a very long time, it is too ingrained in schizo communities to die.
I know LTC is being mentioned, but I'm still surprised it hasn't gone the way of feathercoin.

>> No.53170767
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>but as well heading to the same goal
Sending you hugs

>> No.53172188


>> No.53172303

Rose has a lot of potential because of its auditable privacy, I already have quite a sum in my bag. wtf is ORE?

>> No.53172324

Crypto is dead

>> No.53172384

It's a ID data management project dumb ass, do some research

>> No.53172512

Their ID protocol really makes it easy for normies to join the crypto space.

>> No.53172845
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>I dont need to know the basics of monero to know that its too controversial as a privacy platform.
Imagine the cure for cancer exists but not wanting to go near it because it is "too controversial". Being human isn't controversial and neither is using a phone to buy tendies privately. Jfc

>> No.53173124

Staking this on polygon gives me the highest yield of the staking pools I'm in.

>> No.53173141

Could very well be bit!

>> No.53173227

People are going to dunk on this, but ICP is a strong candidate just based off the fact thelat even literal retards can use it almost right away after buying and you can actually see its functionality rather than speculate on future tech that won't be out for two more weeks which is the case for a lot of shill coins. I'm thinking about the average consumer and if they can actually utilize the tech without being walled by not knowing the ins and outs of crypto--ICP definitely fits into that.

>> No.53173290

Cardano is already a legit currency in Africa since there is no competition to it in terms of mainstream currencies.

>> No.53173700

Do you think Litecoin survived due to Doge? One is merge-mined into the other. This increases the hash rate of Litecoin and Doge, making them more valuable in terms of security?

>> No.53173731
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the one that glows

>> No.53173736

Hmm. So a side chain to Bitcoin that produces an inflationary currency like Doge? In the same way that litecoin is merge mined with doge?

>> No.53173845
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>> No.53173866

this is why.

>> No.53173895

GRT. It's the google of blockchain. Used by almost every L1 and dapp in the crypto space. Essential Web3 architecture.

>> No.53173922

Shut the fuck up retard. Bitcoin is king. Literally go kill yourself. Bootlicking nigger faggot. No one else besides KEKS thinks like that. Go fucking kill yourself.

>> No.53173932

Why did cucks auto correct to kek. Fuck off and die nigger.

>> No.53173975

Let's make the distinction simpler, there are those that allow some information about the transaction and there are those that don't, Monero and Zcash

>> No.53174000

hbar you mayo nigger

>> No.53174019
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>> No.53174029

the truth hurts, anon. but don't be so angry, it's not healthy

>> No.53174032

These that have the option of auditing transactions won't really have much of a problem really.

>> No.53174098
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Now Matic is getting all the spotlight. What happened to Polkadot? She was the darling before, now the darling is Matic?

>> No.53174129

The Zero Knowledge proof tech has improved privacy integration by miles.
Polkadot is always bigger than Matic. I attend their Dotsama events and see a lot of innovations there not just talking crap online.

>> No.53174190

Secret Network, Railgun, Oasis

>> No.53174213

>The Zero Knowledge proof tech has improved privacy integration by miles.
Relayers have a bigger impact, and makes privacy more complete by making the gas fees anonymous.

>> No.53174310

Shows you how clueless people are when you have people replying with Polygon when two years ago it was named as a pajeet shitcoin each time a discussion popped up on here. The only long term projects are Bitcoin and Ethereum which has survived the test of time but anything is just a gamble.

>> No.53174418

everyone in the cryptosphere knows it which is why all the seething.

>> No.53174433

These anons know. XRP the standard

>> No.53174488

>They don't appear to capture the Fallout soul that was in the earlier games
They don't. Sure they are still cannon fallout and they have good moments in them but 1 & 2 are just simply the best

>> No.53174756

Probably BTC. It will eventually fork and scale properly without compromising on satoshi's vision and whitepaper. I am waiting for it to hit $12k and then I will max out my ira contribution and buy GBTC at the discount. That way I can get some exposure.

>> No.53175397

Yea, railgun also don't allow transaction to be seen, except on request for auditing purpose

>> No.53175420

Without relayers, the distinction wouldn't be much, this alone makes the privacy more appealing

>> No.53175852

There's no point buying crypto right now because the prices will all still be dropping for at least 2 years.