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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53159927 No.53159927 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53159958

he's not wrong but he's also not right because today's women do actually suck

>> No.53159969

I mean both men and women suck.
Saying that "no u" is not a counter-argument that modern women suck

>> No.53159976

i am a young successful man which means i work in tech and the only women i meet are nepo babies with overinflated egos from affirmative action and dating apps

>> No.53159979

he lost all rights to give opinions when he said homosexuality was permissable.

>> No.53159983

I hate this whiny German cuck, he doesn't even know that his soon-to-be wife is going to cuck him lmao

>> No.53160012

DonAlt, we know it’s you

>> No.53160014

>crypto in username
>nft in pfp
tell tale signs that this person
doesn't code
doesn't read the code
doesn't run a node
doesn't mine any blocks
doesn't publish any papers
doesn't research anything

he is projecting and trying to detach himself out of his projection at the same time
also this is offtopic, kys OP

>> No.53160024

The pussy has gotten him comfortable, that he has now laid he’s guard down

>> No.53160039

this guy is dysgenic af
he's also a scammer, he was shilling ftx crap like sol before ftx was exposed

>> No.53160063

What does this have to do with cryptocurrency?

>> No.53160070

Donalt gives good advice for crypto, but he's not the brightest outside of it. He's right about a lot of people being sour grapes about women and not getting their shit together. But can't help but notice he's saying this after getting a gf and knocking her up. Maybe he doesn't realize how much being rich and able to travel constantly helped him. I doubt his hobbies are all that exciting beyond being able to spend money.

>> No.53160096

>he got a girl pregnant after 4months of knowing her

>> No.53160099

Yeah, hope it works out for him.

>> No.53160112
File: 85 KB, 1024x580, 1670294900584174m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men want only one thing and it's disgusting
Yup. Women have diluted their brand and only have pussy to offer.

>> No.53160139

he's financially well-off, she's cute, and there is a lack of white babies in germany. dare i say, based?

>> No.53160176

but it takes 9 months to get pregnant

>> No.53160210

To add to this, having money and not needing to work anymore reduces stress immensely. He talks about friends and doing stuff, but most people are busier than him and worried about paying the bills with their wageslave jobs. My relationship improved a ton after I retired off crypto. Wasn't constantly busy or stressed anymore.

Basically he can be an arrogant prick that lacks empathy.

>> No.53160224

Anon, I...

>> No.53160237

basically this.. same goes for carl the moon

>> No.53160266

except he doesn't give good advice and is a scammer on top,but they both suffer from the same insufferable " i've made it" arrogance after making money the easy way and not learning what hard work really means. Retards catching a few pumps are now big boys on twitter, sadge

>> No.53160295

He's made mistakes (arrogantly dismissing link under a dollar for one), but he's been generally good at calling bottoms over the years.

>> No.53160321

Based liberal crypto trader. Donalts one of my favorite CT influencers:
>pro "doing things right" (paying taxes, treating people with respect)
>never lies
>never shills

>> No.53160325

>shilled for ftx

>> No.53160350

Still one of the best traders to follow, don't get me wrong. More honest than almost all of them too. Just a bit naive and full of himself.

>> No.53160352

if i all i wanted was to get laid i would just pay a hooker. it's cheaper, faster and probably better, too. that being said, i agree that most people who say bad things about women probably haven't interacted with them much but on the other hand there is some truth to their angst as well. the way i see it, you can either fuck them if they're really as big of sluts as you think they are or you can complain. personally, i'm doing neither.

>> No.53160368

>Women don't suck because men also suck!
VGH, what a great argument. I kneel.

>> No.53160378

>man in mid thirties who had sex for the first time last year tells everybody else to stop being incels

also i don't forget your call that bitcoin would range between 58k and 30k and that you didn't envisage it dropping out of that range and going lower

>> No.53160401


>> No.53160457

>if you disagree with me you're [insert stereotypical incel trait]
Women are terrible, always were, always will be.
Never let a guy with a picture of a duck as his avatar tell you what reality is like

>> No.53160634

>1 post by OP
have a feeling donalt posts on /biz/, looks like he shitposts on twitter all day. Not saying it's OP, might have changed IP and posted under a different user though.

>> No.53160654

generally good? WHEN you fucking retard he was shorting BTC all the way up in 2020. He and that other moron cryptocred probably brigading this thread for clout FUCK YOU larping dipshits

>> No.53160664

>Be me
>uninteresting and friendless
>get laid often
>hear bluepilled simps say you need 'good personality' to get laid

>> No.53160702

If there's something more cringe than actual normies, it's autists who get in a relationship and immediately simp for ALL women.

>> No.53160726

Kek why is this faggot seething so much? You have a crypto twitter account, your opinion is of no value and everyone knows it.

>> No.53160746

The real blackpill is that all the good men and women marry off in their early 20's. So if you're dating after 25, there's a slim chance you will ever meet a good woman.

>> No.53160771

>Cuck buzzword
>somehow his country matters
>projecting/fantasizing bad things
You are wasting your life in front of a digital toy designed to keep you engaged for the vast majority of your day every single day

>> No.53160776

Autists are the biggest NPCs of them all, and the easiest to manipulate. It's no surprise they are usually the ones spouting this nonsense and basing their lives around homoshit.

>> No.53160794

I agree with your post, but if I had to bet on anyone ITT being donalt I'd bet on you. Just saying.

>> No.53160825
File: 136 KB, 770x370, vaxxed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck this cuck

>> No.53160858

This nigga is getting divorce raped hard.

>> No.53160867

let's not forget how hard he simped for SBF either

>> No.53160870

i hope he sees this bro

>> No.53160920

Yeah he's a literal social retard that just walked into a very bad investment. Within 5 years he will get the ephinany. We will not welcome him back into the community.

>> No.53160935
File: 64 KB, 506x539, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women do suck
I talk to women everyday, only confirms what I believe
>suck myself
Women love me and so does everyone else. It's not mutual though.
Unironically do I do have some gay skeletons in my past and fucked a tranny once. Bi if you're being exact, but anything in life is a choice and I choose to not be degenerate and try to be better.
>computer 24/7
I'm in front of it alot, working most of the time (or shit posting)
Literally the most ambitious guy I know
I have a lot and easily get along with people
I give too much of a shit, trying not to give a shit because I can't change their retarded political views and that gives me stress
literally coaching a college team, program for fun and a million other things. Most women think watching netflix is a hobby
>wants to get laid
who doesn't.

I'm probably a 8/10 guy and I can backup everyone who agrees with this. (I'd be a 10/10 with more wealth, ottermode body and slightly more aggressive/assertive).

>> No.53160938

i wonder if he lost a lot on ftx

>> No.53160983

Cryptobros get coochie for the first time and turn into pussy worshippers.
This too shall pass.

>> No.53161001

I don't think women suck and I understand what he's saying, but I believe men especially rich guys like him have to understand women's psychology and nature.

Read How to be a 3% Man there's good advice on there.

>> No.53161046
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 4829E1C8-94E1-41CE-9609-85F189E28A67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I’m Edmund from telegram (at a different cafe rn)

No I’m not Donalt and I fuckint hate CT cucks, just wanted to see how easy it was to trigger this current version of /biz/. Needless to say, quite easy.

That being said donalt is still a coping subhuman chud

>> No.53161074

I don't think w*men suck any more than they always have. I think the problem is the courts that force men to interact with them unnaturally (in the work environment) and the divorce courts that rape men financially with no recourse.

Best thing you can do for yourself financially is lawyer up and make sure no w*man can touch your assets. Don't just let family manage your trust either, you never know when one of them will go full simp and sell you out.

>> No.53161130

>Edmund from telegram
We don't know who that is

>> No.53161243

This, he's a retarded scammer. I think he's worse than Pentoshit.

>> No.53161263

What did pento do? Redpill me

>> No.53161267

Oh, that explains it all. I already pretty much know everything about his boring predictable personality just by knowing he is German.

>> No.53161282

All the CT guys were scammers once, you're just too much a of a newfag to remember

>> No.53161337

My favorite scam of his was promoting Merit Circle at around $10, claiming it would go to $25 even though it was FedTime. Now all he talks about is how he called the obvious bear. Can't wait for his scams when the bull comes back and retards buy the oracle of twitter's bags.
Merit Circle is probably $0.25 right now.

>> No.53161352


>> No.53161353

>shits on Elon for stepping into politics
>literally says "If I tweet about politics I'll inevitably look stupid to 50% of you"
>tweets about politics 2 hours later

I like the duck. He's one of the better CT personalities (very low bar, but still). But he can be a retard sometimes.

>> No.53161393

this is going to ruin him in the end and cost him half his networth if not more
hope he did a paternity test and prenup but i know better

>> No.53161394

this digital toy made me $500k last year, all thanks to biz lmao. God I love the internet, it has more to offer than any person that isn't immediate family or a lifelong friend. everyone outside of those categories can die of cancer, aids, and fire

>> No.53161475

what about me?

>> No.53161504

fpbp simple as

>> No.53161513

i hate to burst your bubble but what you've been reading on the internet is, in fact, made by said other people

>> No.53161520

A man's ambition and drive comes from the desire to impress and attract a potential mate, and since most women simply aren't worth it anymore the drive to accomplish things diminishes.

It's not exactly rocket science.

>> No.53161531

Yeah, but you don't have to deal with live meat

>> No.53161558


>> No.53161635

the women are whores

>> No.53161710

>just wants to get laid
"invest all your time in some whore and maybe it'll pan out but if it doesn't I'll give you some useless platitude like there are plenty of fish in the sea even if you get divorce raped"

>> No.53161762

KWAS (kek what a simp)

>> No.53161763

This is unironically me to a t. 32 khhv, broke neet. But i never blamed women and never showed interest in them cause i know i have nothing to offer and it's just not possible

>> No.53161768

believe when i say this if men knew...

>> No.53161794 [DELETED] 

Imagine spending all your time thinking about what other people might be thinking (wrong) as a duck. No wonder the economy is in the tank lmao.

>> No.53162017

Literal NPC

>> No.53162094

also duck lives in germany, a country that destroyed its lower classes 2 decades ago, for most of the people living there expectations have been really lowered hard already so less strive over financial matters
meanwhile duck doenst get how insane expectations get in the dominant empire of the day near the end of its parabola, he doesnt know how completely detached from reality it is in other places

>> No.53162131
File: 40 KB, 641x527, 1636992137559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>if you don't want to settle for a fat single mom with a drug/alcohol addiction you are the bad person.

Is there any humiliation the simp will not stoop to?

>> No.53162219


This >>53159958 guy is right. You can't focus on the bad, but if you're even paying attention, these women have lost their god damn minds and it's all their dads fault for trying to prep them for the workforce instead of motherhood/femininity.

>> No.53162246


Yeah. Languishing in the blackpill is stupid and should be mocked. But at the same time pretending that there isn't a problem with femininity is just dishonest.

>> No.53162269

Regardless of whether I'm chad or incel, if I go on Tinder the women are fat losers or advertising their social media scams

>> No.53162341
File: 3 KB, 193x130, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a twitter screencap therefore it's objectively shit.

My cringe detector is going nuts, self-destructing procedure activated.


>> No.53162703


>> No.53162805

>he was shorting BTC all the way up in 2020

>> No.53163240

Women today are worse than they were 1, 2 or 3 or 4 generations ago
Men are too

Men are worse and more to blame since they are meant to be the guardians and shepherds of society
Or at least the elite men are