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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53138353 No.53138353 [Reply] [Original]

The HBAR Foundation gave out grants like hot cakes in 2022, yet bluechip projects like LeemonSwap and Hsuite have yet to receive anything. Are inner politics to blame for this? Perhaps larger projects in bed with the Foundation?

>> No.53138370

that's how it was at Algorand. those who were pals with Steve Silvio and Sean, or on the Foundation side pals with the jews, would get fat checks.

>> No.53139086

I don’t think they invest in anonymous projects

>> No.53139810

LeemonSwap isn't an anonymous project. Many people know Coffee by his real name of Matthew Clark Kramer.

>> No.53139828

Leemonswap is the next VCCESS rugpull.

>> No.53139882

>bluechip projects like LeemonSwap and Hsuite
both of these are scams

>> No.53139903

What the fuck are you on about? Hsuite has already delivered on a number of features and LeemonSwap just dropped a UI preview.

>> No.53140427
File: 99 KB, 878x954, 1672904892446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wheres the DEX coffee???
More lies?? More NFT sales??
SaucerSwap for life

As for the grants, hbarf gave grants for many projects from other chains to hop over, and those rugged.
Hbarf ignored indie builders natively on Hashgraph.
See, metawizards for the latest rug

>> No.53140516

You're being intentionally deceiptful, as it clearly states that the DEX release will launch in Q4 Certik audit PERMITTING. Plus the pre-sale is taking longer than expected due to the bear market.
>DEX in Q1.
>aggregator in Q1
>lending market in Q2
>derivatives in Q2

>> No.53140690
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Surely the 10 rounds of presales with fuckhuge supply of NFTs has nothing to do with it, nor does coffees history with the community

>> No.53141215

Larger supply is better because it means less whales control the suppply dipshit

>> No.53141482
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>Larger supply is better because it means less whales control the suppply dipshit

>> No.53142006

whats the point of a smart contract audit when saucerswap has open sourced their contract code for your use? theres almost 0 point to 10 rounds of nft funding when you can do it all in one go...
seems like your all squeezing the community dry for all its worth and keeping up smoke and mirrors

not to mention your head of bznz dev has an active lawsuit going against the saucerswap team. very suspicious

>> No.53142378

an UI preview with lorem ipsum placeholder text hahahahhahahahah my sides hahahhqahahah

>> No.53143978
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Leemonswap not needed
Token not needed
Anyone bying NFT presales is as large a fool as the one who sells them

>> No.53146394

It's a preview fucking pig shit

>> No.53148116

yeah now your just coping. hey when coffee shits maybe you can tongue his ass clean like the good gopher u r lol. bet he loves it when you just get that little dab of shit on your nose. if your lucky he'll grab ur head and really force you in there and he'll fart a couple chunks in your mouth

>> No.53150144
File: 1.90 MB, 4096x2304, holy kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blade bros....

>> No.53150319

Blade just partnered with LG electronics.

>> No.53150410
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>> No.53152449

Go back

>> No.53152615

the foundation gave a shitton of money and grants, yet there's no platform or dapps worth using on hedera. while on the other hand the biggest companies and brands in the world are building on polygon that's powering over 50k dapps

>> No.53152896

I thought it was 53k dapps?

>> No.53152999

3k of them rugged since his last tweet

>> No.53153070

To be frank--it's mostly because the HBAR Foundation is clueless about grants. They're a bunch of fucking kids handing out the money they've been given. It's kind of painful to watch.

"Sorry HBAR Suite, no money for you--we blew it all on the MetaWizards rug."

JFC the foundation team is terribly underqualified. Brady and Lina are the only ones worth keeping on.

Complete nepotism. God damn tragedy.

>> No.53153491

hbar suite is a slow rug

>> No.53153617

You should be stacking JUICE or HSUITE anyways

>> No.53153652


>> No.53153737

Bishoujou jeets. Only on HBAR

>> No.53154441

Is this the guy suing saucerswap? What's the gist of his complaint?

>> No.53154448

SaucerSwap fired him unjustly. Doesn't matter though because LeemonSwap will be way bigger.

>> No.53154470

>SaucerSwap fired him unjustly.
so you don't know.
>Doesn't matter though because LeemonSwap will be way bigger.
didn't ask.

>> No.53154512
File: 59 KB, 536x673, 343442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't ask.
Well you're in this thread so you must, faggot.

>> No.53154521

Stop spamming this ponzi
investors get locked so they arent free to sell at will except for a very small amount of JUICE (insiders/team can dump on their investors)

>> No.53154526

Smart contracts will be audited by Certik. Coffee has also been transparent with the distro of JUICE

>> No.53154533

Not buying your ponzi
SAUCE is the goat
Don't gamble on this trash

>> No.53154620

>toggled vxjuice
>toggled xvjuice
fuck sake mate
is this supposed to be intentionally confusing?
have someone proofread whichever jeet does your design work
it's "over time"

>> No.53154711

keep seething without reading the docs

>> No.53154875

>They aren't sending their best, are they?

>> No.53154904
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>> No.53154931

HBAR secretly stands for Homobar so they only give out money to fags who snowball the leadership.

>> No.53155853

Coffee you really need to lay off the coffee.

>> No.53155871

That's only because of his lolsuit against SaucerSwap. Which started because coffee didnt want to get doxxed.
Only good thing about LeemonSwap so far is the UI is looking sexy

>> No.53155891
File: 292 KB, 1600x1600, 614315c8fbdf0f5ab91204c6_Leemon_sample-p-1600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting about double vx mega juice, vaxxed juice, toggled blacked vaxxed mega jew juice, double toggled unvaxxed juice and revaxxed jew jenga toggled then untoggled then toggled again mega juice
>they are all real

>> No.53155992
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SAUCE will mint millionaires 50 times faster than HBAR
>verification still not required

>> No.53157211

Hsuite is a literal piece of shit and the main dev is a megalomanic bugman who knows next to nothing and all he can’t talk about are “smart nodes” that aren’t smart at all. And they don’t work. Still. After all this time