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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53149605 No.53149605 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why I shouldn't pretend to be rich? Fake it till you make it seems to work

>> No.53149620

Nigger stop spamming your gay jew cuck lover

>> No.53149660

it looks incredibly weak and embarrassing to your friends and family. if you don't have any or are used to being laughed at, you could do it. but the better course of action is to better yourself and then not do it

>> No.53149703
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Does this post make my CIA central look big?

>> No.53149982

Sure. Let's go out to dinner and you pretend to be rich when the check comes OP.

>> No.53150344

I pretended to be the boss and owner of my dad's business for larps for years and then he died and now I am the boss and owner and I think I larped it to reality.
Not worth it.

>> No.53150370
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I'm rich and pretend not to be.

>> No.53150720

Kek same. I dress poorly and sit in the economy class. Have never been robbed despite going to shitholes like India

>> No.53150733

Same, It feels weird when I meet up with old classmates and they are wageslaving and consooming

>> No.53150809

Sorry for your loss bro, I miss my dad too. Lost him two years ago.

>> No.53150831

I'm poor and I don't pretend to be anything but what I am.
This is why rich people are hated, they just play games.

>> No.53151400

We will make it. Thanks. I feel for you as well.

>> No.53151715


>> No.53151732

define "rich"

>> No.53151779
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You accidentally become so good at faking it that the tax man shows up and says you owe him real money.

You try to explain that you're faking it but he wont listen.

You can't afford a lawyer to fight the charges and get railroaded.

>> No.53151805

Is that word bad to use?

>> No.53151845

Move to Romania, start an online university ezpz

>> No.53151941

this is the way.

>> No.53152361

that's easy.
i left my wallet in my bugatti i'll be right back

>> No.53152676

Define rich.

>> No.53153168

I've done this before and really its just made life annoying. People look to me for help. You deal with people subtly hinting they want things, and relationship with girls revolves around them being materialistic and wanting you to save their broke asses. They will literally tirn every conversation into being about how broke their situation is and even cry and say shit like "I just... need someone to CARE" etc.

Basically it poisons how people see you. I had people with better, more stable lives than me acting as if I was on easy street and that I couldn't relate to them, and I was an ass for not occasionally getting them things.

>> No.53154112

If you pretend to be rich then you will buy whatever you want and run out of money

>> No.53154264
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How exactly do you pretend to be rich? If you're not rich you can't own expensive things, so how do you convince people that you're rich?
Do you just say you're rich and expect people to believe even though you live just like them?

>> No.53154284



this. how rich we talking here?
a lot of you faggots claim to be rich but I want to see what your personal definition of rich is

>> No.53154932
File: 56 KB, 1068x601, 1672706921121437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just... need someone to CARE
>Don't worry keep looking and you will eventually find someone, just bee yourself