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File: 107 KB, 740x676, Uhhhh( -.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53153008 No.53153008 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53153025

David's Jewfro is so much fuller and healthier.

>> No.53153127

it's because his brain is so massive and large

>> No.53153136

sbf looks comically evil i cant believe there are people who trusted him. how stupid can you get lmao.
xrp jew looks good in comparison

>> No.53153145

and XRP retards trust this jew with their money after all that happened. i hate XRP retards more than vaxxies. they deserve everything bad that happens to them. the foot soldiers of WEF. get FUCKED! lol.

>> No.53153232

to be fair they look about 10 years apart in the photos maybe more

>> No.53153273
File: 123 KB, 1024x1384, 1659225191819517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing healthy about being jewish

>> No.53153507

you don't understand the game they're playing
they wanted it

>> No.53153766

i trust jews with all my financial decisions
they skim some off the top but they don't lose you money long term

>> No.53153806

what's this empath shit? Something like Mentats in Dune? kek

>> No.53153892

>109 countries
Fake and gay.

>> No.53154078

correct, it's more than that

>> No.53154263

Much fewer.

>> No.53154374

OY VEY rabbi
109 and soon more to come

>> No.53154393
File: 352 KB, 773x608, argentina officially becomes white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and arabs are both semites but Arabs are much more attractive what's up with that?

>> No.53154438

JIDF in force tonight

>> No.53154516

David has Weinstein's phenotype kek

>> No.53154517


Notice, nobody will post a link actually detailing every country/kingdom that specifically deported/banned Jews from entering.

I want details:

- The specific country/kingdom.
- The specific year.
- The specific law.
- The outcome of that law (was it enforced?).

>> No.53154536

goo gle et

>> No.53154599

I could post the countries and dates but I am not digging up the laws for some kike when you can check them yourself as well with the information provided

>> No.53154615

You should be happy you're living in a country where you're not being gassed and turned into a lampshade. Instead, you are parasites who destroy everywhere you are invited in as guests, refugees, etc to the point that people want to gas you and turn you into lampshades, but for real this time instead of the bullshit false persecution lies your people made up to deflect from how horrible you all act while leeching off of others, the entire time acting as if you are the victims.
For thousands of years, you have never changed, and you will always do the same shit until you are removed, permanently. You brought this on yourself.

>> No.53154684

Not an argument.

They won't do it because they can't. Antisemitism is built on lies.

>> No.53154690

>I could post the countries and dates
No you couldn't.

Except you made all that up.

>> No.53154717


>> No.53154722

I have this hair
But I'm not Jewish

>> No.53154739

Not an argument.

>> No.53154767

It wasn't an argument, just a statement about you and your nature.


>> No.53154775

It was a false statement. You can't stop lying.

>> No.53154818


>> No.53154821

Not an argument. All you have are lies.

>> No.53154822
File: 175 KB, 603x738, 109countries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright Jew.
> Antisemitism is built on lies.
Anti-jewishness is built on observing jewish behaviour.
I am also not antisemitic since I have nothing against arabs, they are a semites too. I am anti jewish though but this is something you've brought on yourself with your history of behaviour and how you continue to behave. Jews are sociopathic and neurotic freaks.

Only a jew would defend jews on the internet so quit lying, jew.
Neurotic screeching.

>> No.53154844
File: 8 KB, 221x250, 1668165531529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out this unsourced infographic in which cities are counted as countries
Retard alert.

>Only a jew would defend jews on the internet
On what empirical basis do you draw that conclusion? Do you have a sub 60 IQ?

>Neurotic screeching.
Correctly pointing out that antisemitism is built on lies is the opposite of 'neurotic'.

>> No.53154871
File: 1005 KB, 928x8800, expelled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out this unsourced infographic in which cities are counted as countries
The source is provided, you are free to debunk the territories in which they weren't expulsed from
If you wish to engage in sophistry (which you do, being a kike) we'll just call them territories instead of countries however those territories operate in the same way countries would nowadays with autonomy.

>On what empirical basis do you draw that conclusion? Do you have a sub 60 IQ?
Occam's razor - only a jew benefits from being defended on the internet by a jew. I suppose you could also be a shabbos goy but they are spiritual jews anyway. My IQ is in the range of 135-145, WAIS IV tested - yours seem to be closer to 90 but you have some verbal sophistry skills as jews usually do.

>Correctly pointing out that antisemitism is built on lies is the opposite of 'neurotic'.
You can't help but come off as neurotic, being a jew and screeching so loud when truth is spoken.

>> No.53154901

>The source is provided
Again counting cities as countries like a retard.

>we'll just call them territories instead of countries
Just call them what they are, liar.

>Occam's razor - only a jew benefits from being defended on the internet by a jew.
Holy shit, you really do have sub 60 IQ. I'm not a Jew, so your contention regarding who benefits from being defended by a Jew is irrelevant. You don't seem to understand even what the question is. Pathetic.

>You can't help but come off as neurotic, being a jew and screeching so loud when truth is spoken.
Once again proving you are dumb as fuck. Assuming that anyone who disagrees with your lies must be a Jew.

>> No.53154950

Let's say you are not a jew (of course you are).
You act just like one. You have the nature of a jew.
You are close enough to a jew you might as well be one or a willing servant of them, a shabbos goy, which makes you even lower than a jew, a traitor.

>> No.53154977

>You act just like one. You have the nature of a jew.
In other words, I have a triple digit IQ. Unlike yourself. The way you answered the 'empirical basis' question told me everything I needed to know. You are cognitively challenged to the point of lacking elementary logical reasoning skills.

>> No.53155046

>cities aren't countries
not now brainlet but historically city states, dukedoms and princedoms were. Now fuck off with your pilpul we can see through it here. You cant win with "Ah but TECHNICALLY we were only expelled from 87 lawully created countries by legitimate decree" etc etc.

>> No.53155050
File: 171 KB, 811x836, tacticalnihilism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again counting cities as countries like a retard.
I suppose the jew has never heard of city states?
>Just call them what they are, liar.
I did call them what they are but you are very SOPHISTicated to keep arguing the same inane shit
>Holy shit, you really do have sub 60 IQ. I'm not a Jew, so your contention regarding who benefits from being defended by a Jew is irrelevant. You don't seem to understand even what the question is. Pathetic.
But you are a jew, your actions speak louder than your lies. You are a jew or a spiritual jew, no-one but a jew would feel the need to defend jews on the internet.
>Once again proving you are dumb as fuck. Assuming that anyone who disagrees with your lies must be a Jew.
You haven't pointed out what were the lies since you refuse to actually partake or debunk what I said, you just argue in circles like a jew does.
Anyone who defends jews on the internet for free or paid, is a jew or a spiritual jew.

Pic related is what you are trying to do with the "city =/= country" issue.
You are a filthy kike.

>> No.53155055

>not now brainlet but historically city states, dukedoms and princedoms were.
You wish, dumbfuck.

>pilpul is when you refuse to call cities countries

>> No.53155066
File: 243 KB, 1060x1238, insanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet we still have city states today like Monaco, Singapore and the Vatican.
The kike actually concedes since his brain just couldn't jump through the hoops anymore. Your verbal rhetoric only works against nigger IQs and there's none of them here, we are all higher IQ than you are and that is why you always lose, Jew.

>> No.53155085

>never heard of city states
You didn't list city states, moron. You listed CITIES. Holy fuck you're dumb.

>Pic related is what you are trying to do with the "city =/= country" issue.
No, that's what YOU'RE trying to do by pretending cities are countries.

>The kike actually concedes
You literally can't stop lying, can you?

>> No.53155110

We get it, you already conceded since you can't argue against what I have posted since you refuse to even engage, only trying to pilpul the definition of a city or a state or a city state or "country"
In this >>53154871 picture there are 359 locations (kingdoms, countries, cities, states, city-states), with sources, where filthy kikes like you have been expulsed from. You can't argue against this so you screech, Jew.

>> No.53155130

>We get it, you already conceded
You mean you conceded?

> you can't argue against what I have posted since you refuse to even engage
Reread the thread retard. I destroyed your position several times over.

>only trying to pilpul the definition of a city or a state or a city state or "country"
You literally listed cities on your alleged list of countries, jackass. Do you deny that you did, yes or no?

>filthy kikes like you
I'm not Jewish. Reread the thread.

>You can't argue against this
I just did. Over and over again. You got destroyed.

>> No.53155150
File: 150 KB, 963x1200, sktiso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the kike is worked up into cycle of denial where he just babbles on about the same shit he already got exposed over.
I posted 359 locations (with sources) where kikes got expulsed from and you cannot refute it. You don't even dare to try.

>I'm not Jewish. Reread the thread.
Of course you are jewish, Jew. Being called a jew wouldn't offend you so much if you weren't. Also, as established - no-one but a jew, real jew or a spiritual jew defends jews on the internet.. Pic related sums you up quite well.
Keep babbling, Jew. You lost.

>> No.53155184

>I posted 359 locations (with sources) where kikes got expulsed from and you cannot refute it. You don't even dare to try.
Where did I claim I would "refute" it? You really have no reading comprehension at all do you?

This is what I posted: >>53153892 . I called bullshit on the claim of 109 countries. You then post a list of CITIES and claimed they are countries. I called bullshit on that, and you got so triggered you started calling me a Jew despite the fact that I'm not.

>Of course you are jewish, Jew.
There it is again. You are deranged with rage that you got btfo and keep trying to tie it all back to your antisemitism by calling anyone who knows what a city is a kike. What a sad and pathetic life you must lead.

>> No.53155207
File: 317 KB, 1691x605, pilpul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you concede that jews have indeed been kicked out of 359 locations, great.
>You then post a list of CITIES and claimed they are countries. I called bullshit on that, and you got so triggered you started calling me a Jew despite the fact that I'm not.
It's cute you rather argue the definition of words (very kike-like) than actually defend your position and your people.
>You are deranged with rage that you got btfo and keep trying to tie it all back to your antisemitism by calling anyone who knows what a city is a kike.
No rage, I'm just aware of my enemies and that seems to make them seethe when called out.
Also, not antisemitic - I have nothing against arabs. I'm anti-judaic but that is because of your recorded behaviour going back three millenia.
>What a sad and pathetic life you must lead.
Very rich coming from a jew defending jews on the internet lmao.

>> No.53155225

>You then post a list of CITIES
hey retard, which city is "Visigoth Spain"

>> No.53155227

>the definition of words
Sorry retard, but you don't need the OED to know cities are not countries.

>defend your position
My position is that the 109 countries is bullshit. Do you now agree that I am right? Yes or no?

>Very rich coming from a jew
Can't stop lying. Sad.

>> No.53155242

>Sorry retard, but you don't need the OED to know cities are not countries.
Once again, the kike has not heard of city-states
>My position is that the 109 countries is bullshit. Do you now agree that I am right? Yes or no?
I'm happy with you conceding that kikes have been indeed kicked from 359 locations (whether they are kingdoms, cities, states, city-states or countries is irrelevant for the sake of this argument) - no need to engage in more pilpul just to suit a schizo kike's headcanon
>Can't stop lying. Sad.
It's not a lie to call you a kike when you behave like a kike.

>> No.53155245

Sisebut forced conversion.

>> No.53155248

close enough kike bot

>> No.53155263
File: 31 KB, 3840x1320, GPT3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure pic related is true

>> No.53155266

Cities are not city-states either, retard. Learn the difference.

>I'm happy with you conceding
You're the one who is conceding. I never made any claims about "locations" whatever the fuck that means.

>It's not a lie to call you a kike when you behave like a kike.
Yes, it is. "Behave like a kike" in your mind means engaging in rational discourse rather than name calling.

>> No.53155276

ESL detected.

>> No.53155277

>You're the one who is conceding. I never made any claims about "locations" whatever the fuck that means.
If you are unable or unwilling to argue against jews being kicked out of 359 locations (which I defined very clearly you just chose to omit them because you are a sophist) then you lose and they did indeed get kicked out of those 359 locations.
>"Behave like a kike" in your mind means engaging in rational discourse rather than name calling.
No, that's engaging in pilpul and sophistry (like you are currently). Arguing in circles, defending jews on the internet. Only a kike would do such a thing.
Why do jews always take offense to being called a jew, you just called it name calling? Are you not God's chosen, why being called a jew is so offensive to a little kike spawn like you?

>> No.53155303

>then you lose
In what dream world? I never even contested the '359 locations' claim you drooling moron.

>which I defined very clearly
You did no such thing.

>No, that's engaging in pilpul
There you go again. Rational discourse is not "pilpul". Your argumentative strategy of calling your interlocutor a "Jew" and then claiming victory is not remotely rational. You haven't achieved anything in this thread other than tacitly admitting I'm right.

>> No.53155347

>how stupid can you get lmao
>xrp jew looks good in comparison
THAT's how stupid you can get

>> No.53155348

>In what dream world? I never even contested the '359 locations' claim you drooling moron.
So we're in agreement jews got kicked out of 359 locations since you refuse to touch the subject.
>You did no such thing.
I did, multiple times actually. >>53155110 >>53155242 both posts clearly state what locations mean in this context but you choose to omit them because you are a pilpuling kike.
>our argumentative strategy of calling your interlocutor a "Jew" and then claiming victory is not remotely rational. You haven't achieved anything in this thread other than tacitly admitting I'm right.
Why does being called a jew offend you so, Jew?

>> No.53155372


I'm not even Jewish, but notice how they instantly accuse me of being Jewish just because I asked a simple question. If they are right, why can't they provide even basic information? Imagine being so schizophrenic and brainwashed that you can either be a NatSoc Antisemite, or a JIDF agent.

Some part of you has to feel sorry for these pathetic people. But, they brought it upon themselves.

>> No.53155378

>So we're in agreement jews got kicked out of 359 locations
I never made any claims about 'locations', retard.

>Why does being called a jew offend you so
Link to a shred of evidence to support your claim? You lied again didn't you?

>> No.53155398

Indeed. It's very sad.

>> No.53155481

I asked you to specify which city was "Visigoth Spain" and you gave me a king's name
are you a fucking retard?

>> No.53155502

Visigoth Spain wasn't a "city" you goddamn moron. Jesus fuck you antisemites are dense.

>> No.53155581

thanks for conceding you fucking retard

>> No.53155587

You're a special kind of stupid.

>> No.53155592

>26 seconds
you're a special kind of kike bot

>> No.53156640

David has literally no control over my XRP, neither does Ripple, that's why they aren't securities and why you'll forever cope or rope.

>> No.53156797

Everywhere you go XRP is laughed at. Whether people bring up the age old Market cap argument or it’s a centralised shitcoin. All that doesn’t phase me because it’s not true.

But one counter argument that shuts me up always is, “look at its price action”.

> Jan 2019 $0.35
> Jan 2020 $0.18
> Jan 2021 $0.19
> Jan 2022 $0.75
> Jan 2023 $0.33

This price action is insanely bad compared to others. All these meme dates and le flip da switch nonesense is just adding salt to the wound.

>> No.53157153

>stale pasta
I'm rich anyway.
Stanford already put a report out years ago saying XRP holders are smarter and wealthier than other holders.
It's basically short time preference mongs vs long time preference chads.

>> No.53157218

they band togetherrrr as a tribeeee ever since they arrived

>> No.53157259

I'm an empath, it just means you are good at understanding the emotions other people are going trough. Basic stuff if you want to be an manipulative asshole. No idea why she is making it seem like it's some sort of super natural thing kek.

>> No.53157382


>> No.53157453


>> No.53158115

Is David gonna rug XRP?

>> No.53158144

i wont

>> No.53158317

>Yemen in 2021

>> No.53158474

I really hope so

>> No.53159520

It's more

>> No.53159629

When will 4chan expel Jews?

>> No.53159653

Tell the class what his smegma tastes like.

>> No.53160840

>It was the goyims fault: The post

>> No.53161140

kek they clearly avoided this place when conducting their study, but that's nice to hear

>> No.53161494
File: 87 KB, 1024x967, year spain expelled the jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
