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File: 81 KB, 2076x828, FlvZsvMXwAErM1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53151593 No.53151593 [Reply] [Original]

and how can we profit from this?

>> No.53151600

I am 28 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.53151610

What's wrong with kids being kids?

>> No.53151616
File: 406 KB, 2800x1816, 1665957832609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how zoomers don't give a shit about NPC stuff liek sex and GDP

Zoomers fuck with Women and merchants so much, the vaginas and the ruling class wont recover

>> No.53151640

this data only goes until 2016 as well, can only imagine what it's like now. the zoomer truly is a pathetic creature.

>> No.53151687

>gone on dates
>tried alcohol
If they arent getting wasted and whoring around thats actually an improvement.

>drivers license
Maybe less need for diverse license with improved public transport and escooters etc?

no ones excited to wage slave. maybe a consequence of the hyper marketing of these glamorous lifestyles has no one wanting to settle for wage slavery.

>> No.53151695

I never worked for pay as a 31 year old

But i bought ETH and BTC early, joke is on them

>> No.53151711

Got a license after high school, don’t like the taste of alcohol so I only drink once or twice a year at the most, don’t like 3D women (unless they’re animated), didn’t start working part-time until I was like 20.

>> No.53151757

>zoomers who tried veganism and bugs

>> No.53151985

Can confirm, I have two zoomer siblings in law. One is 19 and still doesn't have a license and has never worked. Her brother is 21 and only got his license this past year and just got his first job at his university's library. These people have no drive outside of wanting to smoke weed.

>> No.53152031

>no ones excited to wage slave. maybe a consequence of the hyper marketing of these glamorous lifestyles has no one wanting to settle for wage slavery
This is exactly it, for the first time in a long time university students have said they believe they will have a better life then their parents. Not because of a higher quality of life but because they will have a more interesting job. All zoomers believe they are the main character in their heads.

>> No.53152238

>Zoomer here, all my friends I know hate gays, woman, and trannies. We will fix what those faggot millennials started.

>> No.53152347

probably halved again since '14 lul

>> No.53152363

societal decline happens in a sort of snowball or exponential effect. things can go from 1 to 100 in a single generation

>> No.53152551

i hate to say it but it seems like zoomers are unequivocally more hyper-progressive than any other generational group. millennials were awful, but most of them aren't chronically online. zoomers are literal hall monitors in every corner of every section of the internet.

>> No.53152833

The problem here is boomer and genX lives improved alongside them as they got older, millenials are still stuck renting shitshacks or living with parents so their living conditions as a 35 yo is equivalent to a boomer's 20 yo and there isn't any hope of improving.

>> No.53152914

Unequivocally BASED

>> No.53152928

ive done all of that except go on a date
t. millenial almost zoomer

>> No.53152942
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>NPC stuff
>like sex
lmao the cope gets more fucking hilarious year after year

>no no im not a pathetic virgin fag in my 20s, no, YOU are actually an NPC!

>> No.53152950

I fucking hope so because my generation is full of commie faggots.

>> No.53152966

Invest in META

Instagram and metaverse addiction incoming

>> No.53152980

A girl kissed me when I was 13.
Her friends probably put her up to it as a prank but I'll take it.

>> No.53152998



You mean have a driver's license?
Jesus Christ.

>> No.53153369

There was a point of time where a different girl asked me out every week. Told them all to fuck off. Holy shit I was autistic. I couls have gotten laid. They were all hot as fuck too and now im a eternal virgin.

>> No.53153419

They are not, and have not been kids in the way that previous generations were kids

>> No.53153473

>12th grade
Uh huh.

>> No.53153587
File: 62 KB, 637x767, 1672880598388353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when a society becomes obsessed with sex
like now, it's always a harbinger for the end of it
sex is great, but every women being a 50+ body count, porn model, whore is obviously the end of civilization

>> No.53153611
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>> No.53153879

I tutor some 12th graders and at least the ones wanting to go to college are obsessed with social justice and decolonization. They want asspats for constantly saying BLM and being on the board of their DEI club.
Even the girls are permavirgins in that generation.

>> No.53153909

>that chart
So it really is the Millennials who are going to ruin America once and for all huh?

>> No.53153940

My GF is a zoomer and is currently in a mental institution for a couple weeks.
Shes sweet and fun but is virtually incapable of managing her life. They teach you more about how to be scared of global warming then how to live.

>> No.53153950

The internet is one hell of a drug.

>> No.53153966

>every women

>> No.53154092

The boomer gen refuses to retire, what do you expect

>> No.53154164

A lot of places won't even hire teenagers any more. My local Arby's manager was complaining about the labor shortage while also bemoaning the fact that he's received almost 40 applications that were all from teenagers.

>> No.53154192

Less people going on dates is bad, really bad. It's bad in terms of social cohesion, it's bad for demographics, and it's bad because of the amount of bitter and lonely people prowling the internet now.

>> No.53154200


>> No.53154202

I made out with two girls when I was in a mental institution with 21. But other than that same.

>> No.53154229

Its so much better than it looks. Its so soft and sweet.

>> No.53154237
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girls ask people out?

>> No.53154392

>Last graph bottoms out in 2011
That was the worst year in that recession. It has nothing to do with generation.

>> No.53154421

An 18yo in 2023 would be born in 2005, an 18yo in 1994 would be 29 in 2005. It logically follows there's a strong chance the 18yo in 1994 could easily be the parent of the 18yo in 2023, since they would be 47 now.

Therefore the 18yos in 1994 are the reason that 18yos in 2023 are lame and gay.

>> No.53154431
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Kissing is gay, hands are where it's at.



Kinda based.


>> No.53154437

Millennials and zoomers can't ruin something 30 trillion in debt, they'll just say "we should spend even more money" which will merely collapse the system. Accepting you were born into the npc generation (1982-2004) means realizing it was over before it started.

>> No.53154455

It doesn't need to be every woman, if even 10% of women are unfuckable worthless whores then you just need 20% to be tattooed vapid travelwhores, 10% to be feminists, another 30% to be morbidly obese and wallah you have our current society where 70% of women 16-39 are simply not marriage material.

No marriage means men work 40 hours a week so they can invest in buttherium and move to Fiji to fuck brown island girls when they make it, instead of working 80 hours a week so they can feed their family and pay their mortgage. This means the government has fewer cattle to make gdp go up, social security insolvent, fewer goyim to enlist and die for Khazaria/Ukraine and their fake 'church' (rabbinate), fewer people to suck the blood of in general.

Why are 7 million men working gig jobs or doing dropshipping bullshit or running online businesses instead of working at mcwagietown flipping burgers? Because they can sustain themselves in some shitty part of town where other guys like them live and they don't have a wife, maybe they have a slampig they fuck sometimes but that's not a wife.

>> No.53154462

>doesn't realize he was greentexting sarcasm
Retarded teenagers screaming NIGGER to piss off SJWs doesn't mean they aren't 70% commie.

>> No.53155203

Proof that governments don't give a fuck and don't really want to solve issues for their populace.

>> No.53155257

Honestly Zoomies are just an acceleration of millennial trends.

36 here. No license. Basically a shut in since Covid. Have had sex, divorced, no kids, don't date much anymore as my dick only works half as well as it used to.

I have done very well financially but life is fucking dull. Even when some of us "make it," we never really do, and I think the new kids are ahead of the curve figuring this out.

>> No.53155268

>WTF is wrong with zoomers?
>90% of the food they have access to is poisoned and devoid of nutrients
>exposed to vidya/internet since they're toddlers
> parents are faggots with no values
We're fucked

>> No.53155302

>We’re fucked
And that’s a good thing!

>> No.53155331

Vincent, is that you?

>> No.53155396

Same but I'm 36

>> No.53155405
File: 72 KB, 600x642, 97d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how picrelated is born

>> No.53155428

dates are retarded people lived and hooked up for thousands of years without going on dates

>> No.53155599

I WILL build an online income and fuck off to Asia and so will every based individual
>t. edge of millenial/zoomer gens

>> No.53155623

picrelated is literally a 40yo millennial who still votes democrat because muh bernie.

>> No.53155766

society will adopt to people not wanting to have families anymore. a lot of this doomposting is just an incel revenge fantasy. we are not gonna go back to the stone age, just because people no longer want to have sex with each other

>> No.53155782


same but I've never even held a girl's hand.
I'm 32

I'm 5'3" though. The rest of you have no excuse. I'm going to kms as soon as i stop being a pussy

>> No.53155797
File: 126 KB, 400x400, 1649042832131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>system needs people to work and provide tax income
>people do not do this
>basic services fail, shit becomes like brazil
>"ugh it's not the stone age it's just a third world country cmon"
Lol ur gonna get raped by a haitian refugee.

>> No.53155835

all these men are gonna drop out of society leaving some of us needing to form harems to pick up the slack. the rest of the losers will be living in the metaverse cooming 10x a day to hyperreal JOI dolls

>> No.53156031

Explain, how so?

>> No.53156066

Humanity is a biological species, it needs to reproduce to survive. You can't just "adapt" to it anyore than you can adapt to not having air.

>> No.53156073

I meant that part
>Even the girls are permavirgins in that generation.

>> No.53156136

Sex requires a degree of mental relaxation, which was not serious issue in the past. We have constructed a world that exerts such constant stress upon people that this system has become dysregulated: you are constantly bombarded with all the bad news from around the entire world, the entire world can turn on you if someone records some private moment of yours, ever-nee "values" are beamed into your head, spurious intellectualization has led to it being impossible to be seen as a "good person" by conforming to impossible and ever-changing "values", our savings are constantly stolen, impoverishing us in the midst of the greatest material abundance in history, our every word, move, private conversation, and increasingly even thoughts are monitored by technologically enabled surveillance states.
Just as we are obese because we no longer have the - in nature, free - technique of not eating for a few hours/days, we are asexual neurotics because we no longer have the ability to relax, which also would not have been an issue in nature.

>> No.53156507

Maybe technology was a mistake. Where do you think the tipping point was where it started making life worse instead of better?

>> No.53156569

Zoomers are probably slightly more based than millenials. But either way, have been set up to fail by the boomers.

>> No.53156597

>Zoomers are probably slightly more based than millenials
by what fucking metric? They are even more susceptible to group thing because they just adopt whatever opinion is popular on social media (which they use every single day most of the time)

>> No.53156611

yet they fail to see that it is exactly lefty politics causing it?
if only

>> No.53156671

Unlike boomers and gen x who correctly adopt whatever opinion they see on tv

>> No.53156705
File: 237 KB, 1000x1000, 1648328623639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i will not get my driving license
no, i will not get a job
no, i will not have the sex
no, i will not eat the bugs
no, i will not live in a pod
t.22yo european

>> No.53156720

false equivalency. not all boomers watched the news at our age or were glued to the new growing up. Thats something they started doing in their middle ages. Zoomers are plugged into the internet once they get their first smart phone. And because of social media get peer pressured into adopting their friends views every day just by using social media.

>> No.53156946

are there counter-cultures among zoomies which rebel against social media? one day i hope teenagers will ditch their smartphones and stop documenting everything for clout. maybe one day it will be cool to have no insta/tiktok account, it will be cool to go to a concert and not film anything, return to what it was until myspace

>> No.53157337

normal people don't want to live like this, get out of your blackpill internet bubble

we will find a way around this. governments can give men incentives to donate sperm and let women choose what they want. we are not just giving our modern lifestyle just because men and women are sick of each other.

>> No.53157351

>make life a living hell
>wtf why are people shying away from life

>> No.53157741

The parallels between our civilization and the collapse of rome are startling

>> No.53157765

>get the government involved, that will solve the problem

>> No.53157835

> 5'3
> 25
> steady get dick wet
> lol lmao even
> ngmi

>> No.53157841
File: 512 KB, 1125x1393, 1670014806000201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its almost like God himself wrote this post. Nobody couldve summarized it better anon, good job

Pic related , and Zuckerberg controls 2.2% of that 4.6%

>> No.53157918

more charts and graphs like this?

>> No.53158023

>turn 16
>get a job
>WTF Why am I not a millionaire already?

>> No.53158049

They literally just live in social media. I remember my boomer parents chastising us for being boring and unadventurous compared to them as teens who were always partying, drink driving, travelling the world etc. Even though i still went to clubs etc. It must feel even more like that to modern parents. Kind of worried your kid is doing none of the things that you recall as meaning giving.

>> No.53158062

Now let's see the marriage rates

>> No.53158702

big brain is right lets see it

>> No.53159056

adjusted for inflation almost every boomer was a millionaire in their mid 20s working blue collar
a 10-dollar-an-hour roofing job in the 70s was pulling 6 figures in 2022 money

>> No.53159088

thats to 2016 moron, no zoomers will be in that 12th grade poll tard

>> No.53159138

so these kids are going through highschool, and basically not experiencing all the good parts about it.. wtf

>> No.53159161

that chart is to 2014
you just know everything cratered to like 30% after the coof

>> No.53159279

Not really. Maybe 1/100 do. Most expect men to make the effort.

>> No.53159359

Millennial aren't getting more conservative as they get older because they're not getting as rich s they get older. You become a conservative because you actually have money you don't want the government taking.

>> No.53159372

Drinking alcohol, as retarded as it is, probably helps motivate for / enable the other things.

>> No.53159457

I can't imagine being a teenager during that. Also was shocked more kids didn't rebel and go without masks or ignore curfews. Sad. Seeing kids actually staying home on Halloween during Covid too. Why didn't more sneak out? Saw one group of kids out that night. They put there masks on as I approached. But not Halloween masks.

I hate to sound like a curmudgeon, but feels like a generation of test tube babies raised by the internet.

>> No.53159472


>> No.53159474

>Also was shocked more kids didn't rebel and go without masks or ignore curfews.
in a lot of countries they would have had their lives ruthlessly ruined by karens
its not like pre-internet where even though the cops would toss kids in jail for a night and give them a lecture, it's not like they got a mark on their muh permanent record

>> No.53159496

Yeah, that and I think the risk of getting filmed by everyone holding a phone has changed things a ton. Harder to get away with shit in general.

>> No.53159514

mass surveillance plus phoneniggers make it impossible to get away with anything or even get caught without having your life ruined over stupid shit

>> No.53159526

I got pity sex and a few kisses from the school whore when I was 17. Felt really great, I'm 27 now and it has been over 10 years since I've even been touched by another person. I realize now that I had until 2020 to both find a loving, mature wife and to make it. I have ruined my chances at either of these, and am now waiting to die. I have no job, no car, no home, and no income so I'll be homeless soon too. I'm not even going to find a shelter I just want to die already

>> No.53159536

Humans are meant to be raising a child by 15, not being a child until 25.

>> No.53159538

I have a feeling that most of these "statistics" and graphs and stuff are entirely made up. I find it hard to believe there is some group that is, year after year, giving surveys to high schoolers asking them:

>Have you drunk alcohol?
>Have you gone on a date?

The first and last items can be queried through government databases, but that's assuming they actually had the process to do that going back decades.

>> No.53159564

No father in home

>> No.53159565
File: 24 KB, 650x638, 1594500377190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girls have repeatedly shown interest in me
>I always fumbled it
I deserve the loneliness.

>> No.53159587

Yes, and you live with your parents and haven't had a girlfriend in 5+ years.

>> No.53159616

Not even just breaking rules, they're worried someone will film them being "cringe" and share it.
27 is still fairly young anon, don't give up. Trust me, you can still turn things around if you work hard at it. Do it now and not when you're 35 or 40.

>> No.53159626

>I find it hard to believe there is some group that is, year after year, giving surveys to high schoolers asking them:
i got that survey in high school bro lol

>> No.53159677

no you don't fren, you deserve love and apologies from your parents who gave you failure mode behaviors

>> No.53159730

My parents are not to blame for my shortcomings. They dont know how zoomers behave, and they already gave me quite good genes to work with. Its all my own fault desu

>> No.53159738
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What's your secret, anon?

>> No.53159743

Not surprised about the licenses. DMV was a shit show during the COVID years of 2020-2021. Most kids probably went "fuck it, I'll get it when I need it" and kept on taking the bus to school when homeschooling ended.

>> No.53159782

Thank you, I think I really needed to hear that. I hope your life and your days are far better than mine, you deserve it for being kind.

>> No.53159789

The graph goes to 2016 dummy

>> No.53159888

I'm a 30 year old kissless, dateless virgin and I've never touched a boob or even seen a vagina irl.

>> No.53160358

Me neither but I'm say

>> No.53161227

In order for society to function you need a basic standard where a person who works 40 hours a week can afford a place to live and a senpai. If they have an advanced degree they should easily be able to afford a house. A society which fails at this is both a failure and a scam, it has no incentive, you are better off finding loopholes and flaws in the system and exploiting the fuck out of them.

>> No.53161271
File: 580 KB, 710x703, 637645756856867969768987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason millennials aren't becoming conservative with age is because to be conservative you have to have something to conserve even the older ones at 40 can't afford a fucking house. People become conservative if they make it and making it is not as possible as it was decades ago.

Millennials and Gen Z are fucked their futures were sold by the boomers, the days of raising a family of 5 on a factory job while living in a 4 bedroom home and going on 1 or 2 nice vacations a year with them is over.

>> No.53162063

This is some godtier post.

>> No.53162243

They aren't conservative because republicans are too boomer focused and millennials buy into memes from a decade ago about obama paying off their college debt even though the democrats are also too boomer focused. Republicans could probably increase their moomer voteshare by 10% if Trump went up on stage, grabbed his nuts and screamed that the banks that loaned the student loans 20 years ago that are still not paid can SUCK it and that all millennials get a free 11k (which is better than 10k) tax credit to spend on their loans (but make it so it has to be spent directly on their loans because a bunch of them will otherwise fuck up and spend it on a vacation to jamaica and then whine for more money). Then say universities will have to foot the bill for tuition costs and that raising tuition is now illegal (wins over the zoomers).

New York was 47% republican in 2022 because they made college free in 2020. Democracy really is just a game of who can buy your vote better, the republicans' problem is that they always try to buy nigger votes, instead of whites under 40.

>> No.53162271
File: 4 KB, 182x250, 1532382532760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny how these societal issues are discussed more fervently on a basket weaving forum than on any mass media outlet or public discussion

we seeing ghosts from lack of pussy?

>> No.53162304

The voting age really needs to get raised back to 21 now. 18 year olds are straight up children. If you weren't aware it was only lowered to 18 because of Vietnam, and 18 year olds were legit working careers back then.

>> No.53162345


Democracy is broken precisely because it's turned into a game of buying votes with other people's money. It's a horrible, regressive feedback loop. Nobody can think, reason, or vote responsibly or reasonably when someone is wagging a bag of someone else's cash in their face.

>> No.53162461

Americans get what they fucking deserve. Eventually there will be no boomers left and millennials/zoomers will be sitting in a trash pile wondering what happened. It is what it is.

>> No.53162532
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Working man's a sucker.

>> No.53162551
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>no ones excited to wage slave. maybe a consequence of the hyper marketing of these glamorous lifestyles has no one wanting to settle for wage slavery.
Coming here and reading post about how I am a slave doesnt really help either.

>> No.53162563

Please don't die like that, you might be one of many anons on this site, but I really wish you the best

>> No.53162562
File: 29 KB, 747x491, 1624154847481.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think most people IRL care about this shit at all, you turbo virgins.

>> No.53162661

And similarly no one here cares what people 'irl' think, faggot.

>> No.53162677

>Stop doing drugs. Move to a new city where you don't know anyone, after getting in touch with the social services over there. They'll set you up with a room, new clothes, and a career counselor. Make 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, and 3 month goals at first. Write these down every day, as they change. Don't drink or do drugs. Don't try and make friends, the friends you make at this time in your life are shit and will be shit. Get to a point where you save $5k and steady cash flow. Then get yourself an apartment and a car. Along the way, meditate or pray devoutly every day. Ignore anyone trying to get you to join any sort of groups or anything like that. Be nice about it. Cultivate your own happiness through all of this. Lift weights, run, do physical activity like yoga or hiking. Eat super clean. Read books with real substance, like jung or Tolstoy or something. Invest in nice clothing that's exquisitely stylish. Get a good haircut, take care of your skin. Looksmaxx. Don't dress or look like you're poor, even if you are. This means going into some bespoke Instagrams or something and copying their style down to the billet, if you have shit taste. If you don't have an education, start working on one. Most of all, have fun doing the whole thing, because it's not nearly as soul crushing as being homeless can be (I've dug myself out twice).

>> No.53162835

hmmm i am feeling deja vu, i remember having this debate last year. basically IRL people are NPCs. Very 1 dimensional. they just do their 9/5 job, invest in their 401k, and watch netflix. men like sports or call of duty, women like makeup and fashion. Their news is either foxnews or reading CNN. or whatever trending bullshit on the core social media sites. never divvying from it. it's as easy as controlling what content goes on those websites and tv shows. progressives are predominantly in charge right now. all of that gets people to vote a certain way. I happen to be slightly libcenter. but I understand that conservatives were in power from the 40s to the mid 80s pretty much.

>> No.53163134


>> No.53163185

Every white Zoomer I talk to is a fucking Nazi. All these lies about them being weak and bluepilled is a giant psyop. Good for them

>> No.53163200

yeah idunno about that. I heard some zoomers calling each other retarded. but they freak out when boomers do it. so what's the deal?

>> No.53163221

Boomers also are all helicopter parents and enforce a shitload of puritan type regulations upon their children - especially in immigrant families (think Punjabi, Chinese etc), this causes isolationism as it becomes a literal fucking chore to enjoy social activities. A night out at a bar with friends can cost over 100$

>> No.53163238

Not him, but for my experience the more a person is obsessed with sex, especially after a given age, the seldomly they have it (predominantly males).

>> No.53163275

>All the worthless women, gays, and trannies all die out alone, never accepting that they were the problem.
>All the normal, well adjusted people go on to have kids and a family.
>The Earth keeps rotating.
You're seeing Darwinism at work before your very eyes.

>> No.53163319

It hasn’t. Smart people use technology to better and improve their lives. Stupid people reinforce their stupidity instead. The difference is that now you can see all the stupid that always existed because they broadcast themselves over the Internet.

>> No.53163441

Most people under 35 have very little to no incentive to not be racist, homophobic, etc? Why would they?
>No jobs
>College degrees are worthless
>Every job, regardless of education, pays a wage from 2005.
>Modern women are garbage dumps
>Kiked laws make it illegal to be a man basically.
There's nothing stopping them from setting things right. Again, good for them.

>> No.53163526

32 khv here. how do i turn this around friendos

>> No.53163528

Don't worry anon, I fumbled alot too. My most autistic moment was friendzoning a girl I was really into for 2 years and then realizing years later she liked me from one of her friends. I did find a girl that didn't let me make the same mistake and we're 3 years together now, you'll make it too anon

>> No.53163565

Holy based

>> No.53163593

> zoomers
This chart is for millennials, it says right on the axis that the end date is 2014.

>> No.53163642

Yes, this is literally what Marx predicted. Wealth gets too concentrated and the working class has nothing to lose so they topple the system

>> No.53163854

All those immigrants you mentioned are a huge fucking problem.
They all need to go back or get gassed.

>> No.53164005

Invest in AI girlfriends and dakimakuras

>> No.53164299

people get the government they deserve
and we deserve a dysfunctional mulatto kleptocracy

>> No.53164909

You feel like this until you've actually had sex with some roasty on tinder and never do it again. Or have the desire. Porn is better and exactly the same.

Love is on a different level though you should lament that.

t. 27 now, lost virginity at 23 kissed maybe 5 different girls at age 13 - 23.

>> No.53165203

imagine having all that money but don't have the experience to go out and do something with it. Absolute loser.

>> No.53165204


>> No.53165343

but... literally none of this is happening now
>modern leftists shill for megacorporations, and only direct outrage at the few people actually attempting to topple the system
>most people do not do real work anymore
>the few working class people remaining are more likely to vote conservative
>vast majority of the population is placated with welfare and a placid life to the point they will accept their children being inoculated with a "vaccine" that has a higher chance of killing them than the disease for the sake of protecting the morbidly old and obese
all that concentration of wealth led to the ultrawealthy running massive psyops to get the majority of idiots in lower classes to oppress the minority of smart people in those same classes

>> No.53165442

Ironic that you are the victim of a psyop that you think Neo Liberal mega corporate shills are actually "leftist". Bernie Sanders "open boarders is a Koch Brother's proposal" was a leftist, but even he got co-opted post 2016 and now there is literally zero leftism in the USA, only rightwing corporate boot lickers like Biden. Occupy Wall Street was seen as a real threat so the corporate power structures invented a ESG framework of safe social outrage that could be controlled and help maintain business as usual.

>> No.53165501

>yet they fail to see that it is exactly lefty politics causing it?
It's actually both. The left is just better at brainwashing. Hegelian Dialectic, the beauty of having two controlled parties: one can always take the fall as guilty; the other appears as the savior.

>> No.53165544


>> No.53165560


I travel around since 2017

>> No.53165637

All of this just tmeans they are broke nothing more.

>> No.53165742

That date stat can't be real

>> No.53165766

Social media has gone out of it's way to make zoomers afraid of actually going out and living their lives. Most of the zoomers I know are convinced they'll die if they even talk to a cashier at the supermarket.

>> No.53165968

Same here. You’ve been posting this for years, lol.

>> No.53166003

social media, the general media, the govt, their helicopter parents, basically every input the poor cunts have is fear, uncertainty & doubt.

>> No.53166293

I don't know how to convince myself to have kids. I thought back in the day if I had one, the woman would do all the work raising it I'd give life advice, play catch with them and bring in all the money. It's not that way now. I've always thought of life as a grind, I only get enjoyment from my job, video games alcohol and adderall. There's no doubt if I had a kid they'd inherit that mindset. I don't know why I'm like this, my parents are hard working. I'm well off for 28 because of crypto. I hear both sides of the argument and have no idea what to do. I can get a below average girl if I really tried, but only have bad relationship experience in my early 20's and have completely isolated myself since then. I either fall for the right wing grifter psyops and birth another midwit consumer or fall for the WEF agenda end up alone coping anyway. There's no winning

>> No.53166493


>> No.53166553

the only way to win is to shoot your judge/landlord/representative

>> No.53166597

I’m 27 with six figures and no license. I’ll just hire immigrants to drive me places.

>> No.53167380

So you will live in the forest and eat bark, or...?

>> No.53167900

We have a homeless guy in my town that has a makeshift tent in the woods near the library. When he's not asleep, he's sitting in a lawn chair with a laptop on his lap, supposedly bumming off the library's wifi. Not sure what he does for food, but I'm guessing it's not too hard to get some handouts or scraps.

>> No.53168191

30 only been with escorts

>> No.53168388

I’m same height and 34 and never been without consistent pussy since I was 12. Sucks to be you faggot kek.

>> No.53168430

the future generation will be more lonely and desperate for dating. Shares on MTCH

>> No.53168531

peoples lives are brought down though by other people and how they use technology.

>> No.53168677

except we don't have the grace to be invaded by capable whites.

>> No.53169712

i was born in 1997 and it only dawned on me today, that we literally were children growing up as tech advanced. Getting facebook through primary school, sending nudes on snapchat, constant communication between friends online so we stopped going out as much, computers and gaming started to become more advanced. All of this while hitting puberty. 5 more years and i would have missed all of this and idk if thats a good or bad thing

>> No.53169720

Rudeposting won't make me less correct.

>> No.53169740

It's not what's happening because the wealth, while in the hands of billionaires, is also in the hands of boomers (and some xoomers). Who are the parents of gen y and gen z. The reason shit is fucked is because in the past your parents would be like "child, here is bag of money to /makeit/, go out and be success" but in the modern retard society your parents are the capital class and you're the slave/working class.

Marx literally has no answer for this because his theory assumes there's capitalist elite families and poorfag families, instead of it's the older generation trying to use the younger generation as free labor and leave them holding a big bag of shit.

>> No.53169766

Population is unintelligent and will hold to meme-tier ideologies. The oldest Millennials who were all for obama 2008 might also be at the point where their views crystallize so they keep voting for shit that fucks them over because their brain is stuck in 2016. Younger millennials with more brain plasticity and zoomers might be saved, but it's like looking at the voting stats of people in their 80s and 90s and seeing that the people who lived during the 40s think that FDR-style democratic politics are still the norm because they vote more liberally than their 60yo boomer kids. At a certain point people just don't 'get it' anymore unless they literally have a gun to their head forcing them to face reality.

>> No.53169789

No. It's like george takei the gay japanese citizen living in america saying that "voters are what's killing democracy". Democracy doesn't mean anything because disingenuous cocksuckers throw it around to mean "what I want" instead of "what 51% of people voted for". So republicans got 52% of the vote in the midterms and got a republican house, george takei thinks to save america that 52% needs to be banned from voting in 2024 so democrats will get 100% of the vote.

The issues are discussed here because other places aren't interested in solving problems, they're smelly ideological zombies and their glownigger handlers trying to push a narrative. The age of the public forum is over. The age of "I will get mine because I'm a man and I can beat the shit out of any tranny and woman voting for liberal anti-male bullshit" is here.

>> No.53169831

Every white person who isn’t a boomer is a Nazi, you fucking low IQ imbecile.

>> No.53169881

>internet test tube baby giving his opinion
lmao sure they are bud
That would just show how retarded zoomers are, no understanding of history or real life. It's not just nazis though, they're attracted to extreme politics in general it seems. Plenty of retarded zoomer commies too.

>> No.53169924

Marx was controlled opposition.

the humanist propaganda is that people are mean, not inherently, but because they dont have the material condition to coom.
Once they are rich and have the easy life that humans want, all people are happy and hug each other.
of course the same humanist propaganda says that people who become rich are inherently mean, bc ''money & absolute power corrupt absolutely'' and rich people become selfish forever. It's impossible to stop being selfish alone, this is why all atheists want bureaucrats to make rich people poorer.

so you have the atheist dilemma: the atheist want to coom, they need money for this and they say money will make people happy. but once people have money they coom alone instead of making other people coom. Atheists also need a whole intellectual apparatus to feel mentally safe about their way of life.

This is because atheists and women have no morality beyond hedonism, but still have the deep desire to see themselves and being told that they are virtuous. However, hedonists know that they are subhumans, and since nobody tell atheists that they are righteous, they are addicted to self-made stories where they self insert and are righteous, ie ''because they say so'' lol.

Don't forget that atheists and women are natural born schizophrenic so they dont have any critical thinking in their lizard brain. IE they actually survive by being sex and drug addicts because they see nothing wrong with building a narrative in their little heads were they pass as righteous.

This is why also in atheism, the society is build on commentaries, by editors, journalists and the plebs, and the topics are female centered, ie about sex and crimes (and most against women).

>> No.53169928


Dont forget that historically in atheism , there is no truth, and no morality , and atheism was a propaganda pushed by revolutionaries merchants to make a society based on international commerce
atheism = hedonism+metanarrative by humanists about how christian monarchies are evil

this is why all the intellectualism in republics are just about ''how much the bureaucrats should control the economy'', which is just the most barren mentality ever. Bourgeois only care about money and keeping their property rights, in order to coom better.

>> No.53169978
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Democracy sucking in general as a system doesn't change the fact millennials and zoomers are worse off than previous generations. Republicans have had this "pull yourself up by your boot straps" mentality that doesn't work well in the 21st century anymore especially in America. Baby boomers got to experience a much cheaper world, better wages in comparison to inflation back in the day, and lot could afford to raise a family with only one parent working though that started to change a bit in their life time. Depending where you live now you won't be able to afford a house even as an educated male with an educated wife working in corporate positions.

If the conservatives in the West want to buy the millennial vote they'll literally need to bend a bit to be less conservative especially when it comes to things like healthcare, education, and the housing crisis. Previous generations became more conservative over time because they could make it just by working hard after a decade or two in the workforce but now that doesn't happen you can work hard till your grey and you won't afford a home it's that bad now.

>> No.53169998
File: 36 KB, 393x370, pepe lol 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Dunning-Kruger batman.

You sound like a retarded schizo.

>> No.53170001
File: 49 KB, 584x575, 158013706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lil bro doesn't like alcohol at all.
Doesn't care about girls.
Only watches anime and lifts.

I guess he's autismo based.

>> No.53170626

>2 years ago
>get a girl i like to leave her bf her by gaslighting the shit out of her
>finally get with her
>a lot of making out but no sex
>finally feels like she's gonna let me fuck her
>decides it's a bad idea
>says she needs some more time to get over her ex
>gets a new bf 2 weeks later
i fucking hate women so much it's unreal

>> No.53170760

The average straight White Zoomer is more based better than the average straight White millennial at the same age, but that obviously doesn't account for the higher numbers of fags and non-Whites in the Zoomer generation, the implications of which go without saying.

>> No.53170785

>Wealth gets too concentrated and the working class has nothing to lose so they topple the system
The working class are too addled on drugs and porn to overthrow the system. Maybe they'll be the pawns who replace the system for a new set of masters.

>> No.53170802

>he's only 40. He's still just a kid!
This is what happens when we have a satanic jewish economy that emasculates men

>> No.53170850

nah, he's right. There's a reason lefties lean towards atheism. They fucked this nation up with degeneracy. Fuck atheists.

>> No.53170857

Löl did u seriously think she was dating/considering just one dude to replace her bf???????

>> No.53170870

Escorts are the best for rough fuck, GF/wife is for making love

>> No.53170894

If I ever make it (tm) I would like to hold workshops that help lost young men find their way in the world.
It's not your fault that you were brought into a very strange social climate.
Maybe it could be a sort of farm where I could teach them life skills aswell as physical education.

>> No.53171063

Checked and based

>> No.53171144

Sometimes I think that's the best way to live.

>> No.53171168

”The drive” to achieve what exactly? A shinier car? A more beautiful trophy wife? Some square meters larger house? That is the thing. The smart mind will at some point stop and ask himself the important question: why?
You can just keep your mind shut, focus on grinding this wealth, status etc. But at some point, maybe in your 50s, or maybe in your death bed you will ask yourself the same question. What was it all for? Maybe you wanted to make your parents proud, maybe you are selfish and greedy and wanted to show the world you ”belong” to ”the upper class”. The tough pill to swallow is that not everyone is that competitive and greedy. Not everyone cares as much about the status and image. And those who don’t, are deemed to get tires of the grind, to give up, because they have no motivation for it, and keep asking themselves ”why?” over and over again, without ever finding the answer. Some of them try to find answers to the why question by turning to philosophy or art, or maybe start doing some charity or enviromentalist work. Not all men are equal, and not all have the capacity to make this frightful u-turn in their lives. Some Will just give up and smoke weed at that point. Meanwhile you keep on grinding for the status, for the recognition and ”respect” you year so badly.

>> No.53171188

Make a George Lincoln Rockwell type of camp

>> No.53171222

I lost my virginity recently and I am old. I have a girlfriend now. I don't know why I made such a big deal about it. It's nice but it wasn't life changing. I prefer masturbating. My brain is probably fucked up beyond repair.

>> No.53171262
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I kept asking myself the Why question when I was working 80 hours a week. Wasting my life away, grinding for money, all for what? I don't have a wife or kids, I don't have a lot of friends, I don't have a house, I don't have a lot of money. At some point, you ask if the hours spent doing mundane work is worth it. Why dedicate so many hours of your life doing something for money? Is the money worth the time lost? Time is your most valuable asset.
I can be pretty ambitious at times, but the realization of living at the tail-end of a multi-generational ponzi scheme puts a damper to my step.
There's only so many hours in your day, and only so many days in your life. The ponzi isn't worth the grind.

>> No.53171334

My parents kinda did that and then crypto cinched it. I didn't retire but own my house outright and no student loans.
Too bad they circumcised me setting me back a decade in relationship experience because of death grip and now it's probably too late to find the one and make a family (I'm 31). My sister fell for the work psyop for some reason even though she is married. I want to kms every day for what I'm missing out on.

Also alcohol is degenerate boomer poison. It's good that kids aren't into it anymore.

>> No.53171347

That's because porn is better than sex with your 6/10 girlfriend.

But you should stop jerking off to porn now that you're in a relationship or you will ruin it.

>> No.53171401


This is a really deep and complex sociological issue anon. Zoomers are living in a world very different from boomers.

The main three issues I've seen from the literature are

1. Social anxiety caused by social media making zoomers very health conscious.
2. Lack of social mobility making zoomers hugely focused on career/academia and very conscious of life choices.
3. Environmental issues making zoomers not less consumerist but differently consumerist.

I'd also like to add in the cultural differences in 'masculinity'

If you want to profit from this go long on green portfolios, especially on major oil/gas companies building out green infrastructure.

In the near future it's likely that commodities will moon. Especially Lithium and Cobalt. I'd bet that the promised moon/asteroid mining and commercialisation of space mining will fail causing terrestrial rare earth commodities to moon.

>> No.53171675

do you have any proof for that or are you just making it up?

>> No.53171688
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I'm thinking based

>> No.53171726
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Not him but if you learn sales, public speaking and weight lifting you are unironically going to make it. By nature of what you do you'll become what you want.

>> No.53171764

As opposed to what? Sitting in poverty my whole life?

>> No.53172106

Quick reminder that upon being asked "Have you gone on a date", of course you will say yes instead of looking like a loser.
Meaning the real score is even worse, even after the statistical survey agency taking the lies into account.

>> No.53172198

zoomers are weak, stupid, for the majority, because there needs to be more natural selection in this world, technology evolved too fast for humans to keep up

>> No.53172268

the data set ends in 2014
they aren't even polling zoomers, much less post-pandemic zoomers

>> No.53172279

I hope you're restoring your foreskin. It works.

>> No.53172332

I got my driving's license at the age of 30...
fuck my life I hate my parents.

>> No.53172399

Cringe, just Uber
Actually cringe, alcohol makes you look ugly and fat
Women are cringe, Z girls are trash
LMAO for $14/hr no thanks, I rather start a YouTube channel or stream

t. 18 zoomie that enjoys tiktok, and hates instagram. About to graduate HS this year and go in community college to save money. No, I won’t go into debt slavery like retard millennials.

>> No.53172433

>how can we profit from this?
AI-powered virtual girlfriends that charge per X messages.

>> No.53172511

>I won’t go into debt slavery like retard millennials
only women and shitskin niggers done that.
yet they werent even stupid enough to cut thier own dicks off
good luck zoomie eunuch

>> No.53172733
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>> No.53172751
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Same here fren, it has become some kind of palliative care for me to prevent an hero, everything in my life is good on paper, except no love, never, and it will never happen.
Everything feels gray and dull, but escorts make me feel human once a month, I recommend strongly for other desperate frens out there.

>> No.53172789
File: 1.10 MB, 3464x2535, IMG_20230107_120304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been living out of a 40 liter backpack out of my apartment and holy shit its life changing. The unraveling of it all, the sheer unravelling of what ACTUALLY matter's...its unreal...
>went from 7 pairs of shoes to 2
>5 jeans to 1
>20+ shirts to 4
>12 devices to 1 labtop
>less clutter, more mental bandwidth
>much more hygienic
>reaching 75% proficiency in a foreign language

It doesn't feel like minimalism at least to me since it doesn't feel any different than before. Its just really keeping the stuff I use 80-90% of the time. No one hasn't question me since I figured "fuck it I'll just keep what looks cool"
>daily outfit: vans,slim tech pants, rugrats tee, 100% grade a silver necklace with a goldcoin,rubberband holding my wallet

>> No.53172843

how much of these zoomers are faggots, bisexuals, nonbinary, tranime addicts, trannies, loli pedos, zoophile furries?

I actually enjoy watching how all these zoomzoom fags eat every media kike narrative that is in existence.
all the kikes had to do is put it in a short format on a trashy spy app called tiktok. lmao

>> No.53173051

And then what? It's fun to live like a bum in a foreign country for a while when you have a stack of cash in your bank account.

What happens if you meet a girl? What happens if you run out of money? What happens if you want to watch anime on a bigger screen and not on your phone in your damp apartment? Since you're a weeaboo I imagine you want to do that.

You seem to have it all figured out right now but I want to see you a year from now. 5 years. 10 years. You'll soon be back in the wagecage.

>> No.53173062

Every zoomer I know smokes and drinks

>> No.53173122

>grandad bought a 4 bedroom house and raised 5 kids on an ice cream van