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File: 63 KB, 1170x696, bitcoinoracle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53139689 No.53139689 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't bought yet, you're screwed.

>> No.53139702

everyone is still waiting for a mythical 50% capitulation that won't happen
the same people that weren't selling until $100k, aren't buying now
i just hope no-one here got jewed out from buying the bottom

>> No.53139701

According to the moonboi graph you posted, there is still a lot of time to buy...

>> No.53139708

Cool imaginary line bro.

>> No.53139916

and then there's TETHER, likely to nuke the whole crypto shit

>> No.53139947

I have my buy orders at $6-8K ready, thanks.

>> No.53139954

according to your chart its literally going lower you complete fucking retard

>> No.53139966

I bought low and sold the high, will laugh so hard at people who refused to buy at 15k because muh 12k muh 10k muh 8k
If BTC goes to 100k its a 6.5x from here, people are so dumb and greedy to not accumulate.

>> No.53139975

I think I might actually rope by then.

>> No.53139981

>If BTC goes to 100k

The money printers are off. No one is buying anymore until the fed pivots.

>> No.53139986

Hahah you poor bastards BTC is going down to 10k.

>> No.53140005


>> No.53140023

Pivotniggers are the stupidest creatures on this board and wrong about everything.

There are more wallets with <1 BTC than ever and growing (retail accumulating), regulation in Q1 will bring institutional ownership of BTC on a massive scale, and THERE WILL BE NO PIVOT until inflation is well under 3%, maybe in 2-3 years.

>> No.53140111

>small retail accumulating is bullish

Kek, what a retard.

>> No.53140160

>if you haven't bought yet
>it literally predicts in that chart that it's going to dump more
wtf is wrong with you, OP?

>> No.53140253

Spot on. Here's why I know we've already bottomed: The gas station employee commented that "we're in for a harsh crypto winter, eh?" after noticing I paid with a coinbase debit card. I've been buying every time BTC hits the 15.5-16k range.

>> No.53140267
File: 53 KB, 512x512, 1672903048567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53140343


What a fucking dumb fuck you are

>Muh bitcoin
>Muh crypto

I cant even begin to explain how stupid you are


its over


>> No.53140352

I give absolutely no shit about bitcoin when there are other coin bullruns to make more money off of in the near-distant future.

>> No.53140754

What? A not retarded post on /biz/?

>> No.53140782

>No one is buying anymore until the fed pivots.
by then it will be too late and BTC will be 50k+
You will eternally be poor and a late buying retard.

>> No.53140821

Holy shit this fiction.

>> No.53140841


>> No.53141001

imagine believing this

>> No.53141740

No I'm not buying. I'm waiting for ETH below 1k and add some more ORE for liquidity mining.

>> No.53142613
File: 145 KB, 427x427, d9deb960-1a33-11ed-bfad-13819c4819cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the US is the centre of the world

>> No.53142668


>> No.53142674

According to the shart it's only going to 180k so I think I'll stick to alts

>> No.53142694

>people only buy when the money printers are on

>> No.53142698
File: 250 KB, 1229x721, Screenshot_20230104-135608_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the log chart, it’s so DYNAMIC and ONLY GOES UP. You should totally go to Blockchaincenter, it’s got a RAINBOW COLOR CHART log chart and everything, we can crack open tradingview and get crazy watching line go up and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA switch to the log chart- listen here, right, it’s a CHART where there is a LINE... BUT!!!! IT ONLY GOES UP. Like when we were kids, so we can watch LINE GO UP, without dumb price action bothering us. Speaking of which Megan and I have finally decided to stake our coins- literally -we’re both handing over our coins tomorrow, that way we can grow our money to spend more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, I’m gonna SLAM this stake button open another one!!!

>> No.53142709

imagine being a zoomer and not even remembering a pre QE environment world and being unable to comprehend the fact that QE is over and was the sole driver of the fake growth over the last 20 years.

>> No.53142742

Yes there was ZERO growth in asset markets pre QE

>> No.53142757

Yeah I honestly don't see a major capitulation happening. It was a double top and slow bleed, as opposed to blow off and crash. The market is pretty hardened now and various holder ratio, profit:loss metrics suggest the same.

Could it grind down lower? Sure, especially if macro continues to put real life pressure on investors. But i don't see a panic sell.

>> No.53142785

the growth ended and thats why QE started, to paper over the depression. There is no going back as the growth is over, only immigration and welfare.

>> No.53142801

The market crashed because of structural risj in the banking sector. Not because growth ended. Go read more zerohedge

>> No.53142906


>> No.53142918

and there was structural risk to try to squeeze out any remaining growth. never read an article in my life nigger i just lived through it. kys

>> No.53142931


>> No.53143174

It literally is.

Oh you want movies?
Oh you want music?
Oh you want to invest in the worlds biggest companies?
Oh you want to allow your country to do something?
>better ask the USA first

I’m not saying it’ll be like this forever, kingdoms rise and fall… but you’re coping if you think the USA isn’t the center of the planet right now. No other country even comes close to the influence. I know eurocucks seethe about the US ethnocentric view but if you step back and just be honest for a second you realize it’s true.

>> No.53143248

This, and it will be this way for the next 300+ years.

>> No.53143464
File: 971 KB, 792x664, 42367842387324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme propped up by QE, no wonder it peaked when boomer markets peaked in november 2021

Thanks for playing

>> No.53143569
File: 84 KB, 1615x561, This time it&#039;s different.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're delusional

>> No.53144222

Crypto is over. Even tech stocks are in freefall, you really think anyone is gonna buy your bags?

>> No.53146435

wen moon

>> No.53146563

Exactly. OP is a retard. 10-15k is the buying range.

>> No.53146598
File: 5 KB, 225x225, ol,mkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazyfags will always be a dickhead go get some sense or die poor posting some shitty quotes here, as Web3payment payment platform is bringing DeFi to payments, making it a whole lot easier to access payments without third party(ies).

>> No.53147079
File: 7 KB, 275x183, ytre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You love it in your bag when it juicy, when web3payments is making so horny as xMoney will be a game changer being a bridge between metaverse and realverse in terms of cryptopayments.

>> No.53147900

I already bought a good number of quality alts like ETH, GLMR, and ALBT which are my top picks for the next bull cycle, so I think that I'm ready

>> No.53148281

your own chart shows it dipping lower...

>> No.53148536

OP is a crypto virgin who doesn’t know how to ZOOM OUT. Dumb bitch

>> No.53148819

You have a nice list there, especially the low mcap alt there, it's gradually gaining traction

>> No.53149223

> There are more wallets with <1 BTC than ever and growing
Yeah. Lots of accounts cashed their bitcoin out and are left with 0.00001 in dust.

>> No.53149981


>> No.53149995

So I've got two years to accumulate before I sell. Thanks OP

>> No.53150211

Like your drawing OP, especially the chop between 40-60k. Though, I think the move towards 30k will happen around march

>> No.53150232

That looks awful bruvs, can't we pump to 50k or something this year please

>> No.53150264

>BTC will go to 200k
Also Mumus:
>You'll be financially ruined if you buy at 18k instead of 16k

>> No.53150315
File: 93 KB, 736x736, 4178c35944468ee6db87338e5363d328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate to say it, but buying BTC back in at $0.01 seems more believable than BTC ever reaching 70k. BTC has become like that house on Halloween who leaves all their candy on their porch unattended with a sign that says, "Please take only two" Only an utter retard would go all in on this shit at this point

>> No.53150378


nice arbitrary line, retard

>> No.53150409

The issue isn't buying at 18k, it's that people are waiting for 10k, but it just won't happen. So it goes to 18k, they wait for 10k. It goes to 20k, they know it's going to 10k so they still don't buy.
One week later it's suddenly 25k, some might even open a low leverage short thinking it's free money as it will go back down to 15k, then it shoots up to 35k in two weeks and people are starting to realize they missed the bottom by refusing to buy at 15k and now their choices are maybe hoping for a dip to 25k, but then it goes to 40k and they FOMO in and then it dumps to 30k again and they sell, then it goes to 100k and they kill themselves all over a measly 10k or 15k that got out of hand as they couldn't just buy now and wait.

>> No.53150417
File: 90 KB, 479x1024, 1601281516694m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the same people that weren't selling until $100k, aren't buying now
I'm waiting to buy more silver, I might try to pawn some stuff and then buy more BTC.
You're retarded if you think I'm "done" buying buttcoin and silver.

>> No.53150469

>The money printers are off.
They're already making USD notes for 2023, they're never gonna turn off that printer.
They (The Federal Reserve) pays people to protect those money printers and incarcerat whomever will try to counterfeit.
No, sir.
I think they'll keep printing money and the price of assets will go up.

>> No.53150489
File: 99 KB, 783x1024, 1580395129719m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger where the fuck do you live?

>> No.53150516

No, not really. Every time I suggest that bulls should wait for BTC price to break a downtrend before buying, they say that it would be too late.
If BTC held above 25k, no bear with half a brain would deny that we're in an uptrend.

>> No.53150531
File: 205 KB, 739x1023, 1588798231200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitcoin is a ponzi scheme
You buy at a price and hope someone will buy it for a higher price, market flow dictates price.
Nothing you type is intelligent, a ponzi is using new investors money to pay back old investors.
With bitcoin, you mine it with electricity and then sell it on the market or in person.
In closing, you're the biggest dumb fuck every, plebian really.

>> No.53150533

correct, we are waiting for 90%

>> No.53150555
File: 54 KB, 1024x575, 1600106686814m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to type a proper sentence, illiterate.
Punctuation is key in conveying what you're trying to say through text.
Fucking brat.

>> No.53150571

I have mostly proper punctuation in the post below it and every other post. Shut the fuck up, retard.

>> No.53150628

>I hate to say it

>> No.53151156

>until inflation is well under 3%, maybe in 2-3 years
you poor dumb retard

>> No.53151884

no one cares about your dumb fucking overinflated internet coin used for buying weed
i wish crypto zoomers were purged from this board but that would leave no one left

>> No.53152074

>QE is the only possible way the number can go up
you understand that the economy has existed before QE was introduced in earnest 15+ years ago right?
real estate is going to get totally cucked now

>> No.53152164

that not looking good :(

>> No.53152185

dogshit TA

>> No.53152206

>straight line over a log scale chart
holy fuck this really is the bottom you can't be that stupid