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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53139394 No.53139394 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53139403

Move to 2004

>> No.53139412

get proof of permanent disability financial support
alternatively, make enough money to not need a mortgage

>> No.53139414

Go into you're local branch and ask if you can set up a pʤtɚre with the manager

>> No.53139691


>> No.53139707

if you didn't understand their replies then it only confirms what we already knew, frogposters are literally all retards.
you should easily be able to get >>53139412
since you're retarded. congratulations on the mortgage.

>> No.53139766


>> No.53139806
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Yes, you need a job to pay for a house asshole

>> No.53140202

Have a lot of cash in the bank

>> No.53140222

This is basically it. Just have cash or a good portfolio and some sort of proof of income either from rents or dividends. To do this, he needs a non qm mortgage and needs to find a non qm lender.

>> No.53140331

just edit a diff bank's bank statement showing u make 10k per week