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File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53138030 No.53138030 [Reply] [Original]

Making 2-3.5 dot a day staking, will I make it bros?

>> No.53138058

How much do you have?

>> No.53138070

say you could get 3 dot a day at ATH price = $150 a day * 7 = $1050 per week
Definitely a livable income. Not bad.

You'd likely get more yeild and growth in HEX tho.

>> No.53138109

>>53138058 almost 5k dots I really want to hit 10k one day.

>> No.53138142

that is the dream... hoping it will hit $80-150 a coin one day guessing late 2024-2025

>> No.53138149

How the fuck are you getting 20% a year staking? I feel like i'm getting cucked with my 8-11% in Avax.

>> No.53138169
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26% ATOM chad reporting in (auto compounding with either Yieldmos or restake until 2k atom)

>> No.53138186

I tried to get into staking this. I understand you need 120 DOT and 2 wallets?

>> No.53138194

Nice, they have those autocompounders on Avax too but i do not have the guts to touch them. Liquidity is often fucked as well. Good for you though.

>> No.53138198

High staking yield = high inflation= dump

>> No.53138201

ATOM on defi is the absolute best stake. I have no idea what sustains these yield rates.

>> No.53138203

I just pick some Nominations and sleep on it. I think it's up to almost 15% now from like 12% bec, a lot of people unbound their dots not to long ago.

>> No.53138589

Depends if the coin has any burn mechanisms built in.
HEX inflation is only 3.69% but pays up to 35%

>> No.53138607

for me it's mina

>> No.53140189

>2-3.5 pedo tokens per day
wow, congrats anon!

>> No.53140197

you get get easy 20-30% APY on single sided AVAX

>> No.53140199


>> No.53141091

Might be the best token to accumulate during bear markets alongside good staking returns, will likely survive the bear market with it's parachain ecosystem and thrive when the bull market returns reaching new ATH.

>> No.53142817
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Yeah you need a wallet with multiple accounts such as Enkrypt, then create a stash and a controller account. Controller account needs to have at least 1 DOT and stash has a variable minimum (around 240 currently).

Note that this amount is for nominating yourself, you can also join a pool and then you only need 1 DOT in 1 account.

>> No.53144923

I've never been comfortable using compounders with single sided AVAX staking. To me staking is the most secure and lowest return. I don't want to introduce more risk by using 3-4 chained protocols to squeeze out extra yield. Just sit back with 8% until the next bull.

>> No.53145042
File: 165 KB, 2048x1219, FlpHIk5X0AMyVN2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try the apr's on avalanche. thank me later anon

>> No.53145123
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Yeah. Staking on Avalanche has good APRs but it depends on which DEX. JOE is a good one. If you do it in the main chain you become a validator to secure the chain, earn up to 11% APY, and will have the opportunity to run your own node.

>> No.53145134
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Are you staking XOR or pure DOT? Your success depends on your answer.

>> No.53145158


>> No.53145162
File: 46 KB, 173x196, 1641864352621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any evidence to support this is even on the table or is it just wishful NEET thinking?

>> No.53145197

I tried DOT long time ago and didn't like the results of the APRs. Also I tried ETH but didn't go so well, the coin that has given to me the best results has been Avalanche specifically on the Trader Joe platform, after trying in Polkadot try to stake in Avalanche and make your own conclusions anon

>> No.53145200

>8-11% in AVAX
Damn the AVAX ai faggot really brainwashed some of you guys huh

>> No.53145211

Staking on AVAX gives a lot more benefits, have you tried it?

>> No.53145233

You definitely doing good anon, I'm mostly into avax staking rn, went for a while on the main chain, then I moved to JOE and stayed there
Many underestimate passive income but I've found it to be a reliable source of money for me at this point

>> No.53145286

no chaining gives you max 15% APR
check Cian for 30% - it uses flashloans on Aave/Benqi

>> No.53145293
File: 65 KB, 786x530, Dotstaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOT outperforms all other crypto for inflation adjusted staking returns. Going to avax is nonsensical for staking returns unless you're determined to diversify longterm holdings.

>> No.53145395

The inevitable rugpull sustains it. Lol fyx had apy of 5% on every asset in its exchange, celsius, etc

>> No.53145714
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I'm not sure, to be honest. I've been running an Avalanche node whose current APY is around 9% - 12% paid in AVAX. As far as I can tell, if you run a node you get staking rewards + % of your delegators rewards and tokens from validating subnets. Sounds good if you ask me.

>> No.53145733

Also, the golden subnet bullrun has not started yet, you might have time to consider it, OP.

>> No.53145763
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1666520304956794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is you are not the only one and all those other faggots want to sell too. the inflation disguised as staking rewards is as bad as real inflation.

>> No.53145766
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gives a fuck about DOT OP. Stake ETH or MATIC instead. When the zkEVMs start dropping. This shit is going to be huge.

>> No.53145835

mina is another vc trash coin with steep unlock cliffs

>> No.53145972


u wont make it even if you stake 800 a day, that shit is going down retard

>> No.53146010

Great way to build up on some passive income:

Stake $AVAX in BenqiFinance to get sAVAX

Earn up to 12.51% APY by depositing your sAVAX on some Borrowing Protocols Native to Avalanche

If necessary, borrow assets from deposited sAVAX and repeat

>> No.53146131

I have no regrets about using JOE.

>> No.53146190

I think there are more advantages to AVAX staking, anon. For example, have you checked the security? With Avax, there is no risk of slashing

>> No.53146263

nice try you fucking shiller

>> No.53147120

Source: pajeet's asshole. We know you can't sell your pedo shitcoin , just kys

>> No.53147680

I've only ever done staking on AVAX, but it has worked just fine for me.

>> No.53147706

The source is bloomberg you fucking retard, you can read the whole article in a pdf found here:


Fucking avax shills on /biz/ are so insufferable, should be banned

>> No.53147869
File: 35 KB, 680x680, 262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staking AVAX around here. I'd much rather get 11% or so but I'm confident that my money is safe over time. It honestly would not have crossed my mind to ever do it with DOT. That last one seems more of a risk to me and smells like a short term scam to me.

>> No.53147879

Ofc not, its ecosystem has some stuff more interesting than that. He's not guilty of not doing proper research tho.

>> No.53147921


>> No.53148387

I have made better passive income with JOE anon.