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File: 290 KB, 1899x1131, coffeezilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53137722 No.53137722 [Reply] [Original]

He won't stop until all crypto scams are gone, which means there won't a single crypto left in the near future. Just sell everything before it's too late.

>> No.53137743

Can’t wait for him to show that topnetwork will be the top blockchain of the future

>> No.53137748
File: 600 KB, 686x676, 435543455445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee > Coffeezilla

>> No.53137753

Can't wait for him to obliterate chainlink.

>> No.53137767

His FTX videos are a must watch

>> No.53137774
File: 470 KB, 680x549, ERd-2iNXUAEed_D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek just imagine if sergay was the target in his next video and all the stinkies who locked up their linkies scream in agony as they watch their money disapear in real time

>> No.53137789

he is literally invested in some cryptos, he is just exposing scams.

>> No.53137862

He literally looks, dresses, talks and sounds like he has the tiniest cock in the room. I don't know how you can watch this cunt without feeling your own junk shrivel up from the testosterone black hole that is this child

>> No.53137886

This guy is the final boss of grifting

>> No.53137888
File: 50 KB, 720x515, s1e0iy8bhrp81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do chainlink next lol

>> No.53137898

>all the stinkies who locked up their linkies scream in agony as they watch their money disapear in real time
Arent they already doing that by staking?

>> No.53137923

Coffeezilla at peak popularity means bottom is in. It's really that simple.

>> No.53137938

His greenscreen and outfit is embarrassing

>> No.53137984

coffeezilla gets his bottom cummed in if you catch my meaning (he's a faggot)
what are you talking about? pretending like you're rock hudson in some film noire is totally respectable

>> No.53138106

I assume he just regurgitates coindesk articles and actually knowledgeable twitter accounts?

>> No.53138358

this man is single handedly doing more than the SEC will do in 1000 years TOPKEK GENSLER JACKING OFF ALL DAY taking bribes from SCAM BANKMAN FRAUD MADOFF JEWNIOR

>> No.53138372

Stinkers are already crashing.

>> No.53138459


>> No.53138526

>I'm just making content bro
>don't watch then

>> No.53138705


>> No.53138771

one of those logan faggots is suing him for patent infringement or something

>> No.53138773

You can't short these scam NFTs you idiot

>> No.53138806


I really don't care if he's a "good" guy. It's impossible for anyone that looks and talks like that massive of a faggot can be trusted.

>> No.53138837

I can't wait for him to do Link

>> No.53138874

Patiently waiting for the ICP video. Opened a short at $4 and not closing til 3 cents :)

>> No.53138989

Sergey would travel to his house and take a shit in his toilet when he's not there though

>> No.53139019

Holy fuck can you absolute gay faggots please take your eceleb YouTube drama nonsense back to what ever tranny infested shithole you can from

>> No.53139121


>> No.53139245


>> No.53139459

Hating old-school detective movies is super gay and anti-American

>> No.53140638

mr zilla please take down the fat scammer sirgay he scammed me my family all village have no money now

>> No.53140657

Had he had any meaningful info it would be ok, but he just repeats shit.
His SBF interviews were pretty damn pathetic. The guy was a scammer and evil, but coffee was just looking for ways to kick the fallen horse.
The detective wannabe cosplay isn't helping.

>> No.53140917

>linkies scream in agony as they watch their money disapear in real time
Didn't that already happen?

>> No.53140939

I've seen boarder shoulders on teenage girls.
What is this nigger 5'1?

>> No.53141334

i think someone will kill him eventually

>> No.53141355

This is that nigger that looks like a disney deep fake, or his guest

>> No.53141363


nah not until he starts exposing (((them)))

which he won't, because he's a bot

>> No.53141376

people's need to afford rent and food is a much stronger impulse than nodding in agreement with a basedtuber

>> No.53141392

all the seething trannies in this thread talking about Chainlink when it was never mentioned and has nothing to do with anything
Rent has never been more free.

>> No.53141714

you can't blame them for talking about the most important project in crypto

>> No.53141723

You know you think an awful lot about male genitalia.
Homosexuality is bad by the way.

>> No.53141728

>old-school detective movies
Noir you fucking plebian.

>> No.53143131

But not all crypto are scam eventually. You can buy and hold solid gems solving real problems like security. LINK, ORE, and a few others.

>> No.53143575

is coffeezilla good for you

>> No.53143613

imagine simping for a low t faggot while fudding link, you niggers really are stupid. rent free, kek

>> No.53143659

He needs to investigate Daniel Dabek and all the scams he been involved, from Dascoin to Onecoin to Safex and Xcalibra.

>> No.53143746

BTC is the only crypto the world needs.

Everything else is just sediment.

>> No.53143774
File: 1.30 MB, 1922x1381, 1629160418402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK needs to be exposed next, for the smoke and mirrors show that it is.

>> No.53143961

I can't wait to see his Stellar XLM video! Oh wait, Stellar is one of the only non-scam blockchains left. I expect any shills to explain to me how Mt Gox is even relevant in 2023

>> No.53144051

This is why retards keep fucking ugly desi pussies that are as stupid as you, payments with crypto are fast as the transactions happen on-chain plus the fee is 1% fixed, bitches even have options to get cashbacks on all transactions.

>> No.53144074

Gay, go fuck your Papa's ass. Crypto is the future.

>> No.53144085

Even the life you live is a scam... Get a girlfriend and fuck is off

>> No.53144096

Only hours after XRP was relisted on Bitmart, a major cryptocurrency exchange, trading volume has already reached and exceeded $600,000 so fuck off

>> No.53144106
File: 1.99 MB, 400x292, bad-news-barrett-gif-9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Rock Hudson

>> No.53144160
File: 31 KB, 650x366, FB_IMG_1672074158148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's so fucking retarded and useless. Today's life is revolving around crypto and now the token burn and buyback plan of a web3payment platform on it's token is already in place, eyes definitely will see the fucking flexible utility coin it's made of.

>> No.53144270

You're acting silly OP, There are also additional technologies within the blockchain sphere, like sharding which are providing further protection from fraudsters. Sharding is essentially sharing shards of private keys across nodes, which come together to build private keys. Get your ass secured oldfag.

>> No.53144290


>> No.53144359

Worry less when bullshit makes a thread, even trannies are aware as the world’s first crypto payment solution to offer instant transactions, buyer protection and crypto-to-cash settlements and no goddamn ment channer can stop it.

>> No.53145164
File: 13 KB, 160x160, 47967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today's life is revolving around crypto

>> No.53145299

the fact that midwits like logan paul try to run big scams while talking like retarded zoomers and using cap emojis to communicate pisses me off more than anything.

>> No.53145433 [DELETED] 
File: 1.34 MB, 850x1599, wipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.53145725

Exactly, especially with ORE ID making it easy to onboard new users.

>> No.53145826

The fuck is going on? Fine tune your bots, my dude.

>> No.53145924

Their protocol was really effective on onboarding new users on Meld

>> No.53145944

You prefer not to hide your ignorance. "BTC is the only cryptocurrency" I guess.

>> No.53146051

What the actual fuck is this MODS

>> No.53146080

My hero <3

>> No.53146197

Meld partnership with them showed how effective simplifying onboarding processes can actually attract new users.

>> No.53146396

I'm more about their liquidity pool on polygon, the rewards are quite juicy.

>> No.53146661

i know he's exposing scammers but just something about being a tattle-tail faggot still rubs me the wrong way

he's not doing it for free

>> No.53148252

I think it's the way he presents himself. He calls himself a detective which brings to mind some hard boiled gruff badass but then you look at him and hear him talk and realize he's a total dweeb. I still enjoy his work but he's a dweeb!

>> No.53150260

he sounds like a dork and i hate his delivery but i still appreciate him for exposing jews

>> No.53150952

>just something about being a tattle-tail faggot still rubs me the wrong way

He's kinda faggy definitely gives that off but he's the only one that really does this or least the most known at it, there are a bunch of guys that bait pedos wanting to be the next Chris Hansen but this guy is the only one I know that goes after the "get rich quick" scammers.

>> No.53151208

>he's not doing it for free
no shit youtube pays him in adrev he gets paid to fuck scammers and shitcoiners its based as high and his outfit is high test only niggers muts and browns think otherwise

>> No.53151901

t, butthurt crypto baggie

>> No.53153202

Oh you mean Ore network will be the top blockchain right?

>> No.53153227

I can bet he is mostly into Privacy, he knows that is where the power is.

>> No.53153353

>gems solving real problems like security.
Decentralized identity and identity management projects like Ore network and Nexera are top on the list.

>> No.53153394

ORE listing on bitmart had be feeling high too with straight 4 weeks being on top gainers list.

>> No.53153431

Everyone should have a vested interest in exposing scammers. If you are against it then you are a scammer or you own a scammer's shitcoin.

>> No.53154111

>I need my online heroes to be big hunky, oiled up men so I can project my gay fantasy onto them
Get a grip, pal. Who gives a fuck what he looks like? Jesus this thread is full of faggots all bitching about what some dude looks like instead of talking about his work

>> No.53154542

nigger he's exposing more jews than anyone dares even if he's not outright naming them. sooner or later the goyim will put 2 and 2 together and he's doing good work. eat shit you JIDF faggot

>> No.53154554

ITT israelites seething and dilating because their talmudic scams get exposed by a guy who larps as nick valentine from fallout 4

>> No.53154582

That feeling when he does a video on monero and it pumps 100 percent

>> No.53154646
File: 33 KB, 600x360, SUCTION1-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, you as a child.

>> No.53154697

just noticed the guy on the right holding the baby looks like fucking Zelenskyy. they really share a common phenotype don't they

>> No.53154701
File: 241 KB, 1870x1227, Ck3Q4DZUkAEfgp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry. at the tail end of 2 years, LINK will artificially pump, retards will go all in and buy high and i will sell and profit before it dumps hard

>> No.53155262

he's unironically turned me gay

>> No.53155464

Coffeezilla is a total faggot

>> No.53155525

kek cope and seethe faggots

>> No.53155596

Between that and Andrew Schultz being salty about btc being down bad. We might be close. But none of it matters until boomer stocks bounce.

>> No.53155726

Data privacy is more like it anon. In a time where user data is exploited by media networks, having a decentralised communication system that provides user privacy is the way out

>> No.53155765

>muh ecelebs
>muh crypto scam
>muh heckin based jewtuber

>> No.53157109

Haters in this thread are fucking scammers

>> No.53157396

>my dude
Go back to your sub-reddit,,,,,,,,,,, my dude.