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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53135172 No.53135172 [Reply] [Original]

Interlinked >>53098741

news and updates:
>TR Shutting down
>Joint L1 Task Force with ed and zaradar
>VEGAS validator is shutting down: redelegate to another validator immediately
>zaradar's proposal
>binance will burn offchain transactions fees of 0.1%

official tr discord:
>discord (dot) gg (slash) 9cyVTVcM
if you have the time, help other anons by calling out the kikery in there

>please try to stake with validators with lower voting power for decentralization

/tlcg/ official waifu validator, based and redpilled:

/tlcg/ blacklisted validators: (REDELEGATE IF YOU STAKE WITH THEM!)
>luna station 88
>lunc dao
>autism staking

exchanges supporting offchain burns:
>binance, coininn

helpful links:
>Terra Rebels Website
>Terra Finder for Classic
>How to stake on Terra Station
>HCC LUNCPenguins
>Bridge Wormhole LUNA back to Terra

>alex forshaw
>ed kim (probably)

>LUNChads anthem (Listen 3 Times Daily to Sustain Pumps)

>> No.53135194

>Not selling your junc before it collapses.

>> No.53135250
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Convince me why should I throw $10k at this shitcoin just for the lulz
REALISTIC price prediction for this year if development is made?

>> No.53135290

>the fud redditors are back
time to buy 6 gorillion lunc

>> No.53135355

>Convince me why should I throw $10k at this shitcoin just for the lulz

The answer has always been that you become the owner of the life savings of thousands of redditors.

>REALISTIC price prediction for this year if development is made?


>> No.53135373
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>Convince me why should I throw $10k at this shitcoin just for the lulz
Can you afford to lose $10k? If not just throw whatever decent wager that wouldn't be devastating for you to lose. If you'll throw a few hundred into a shitcoin then I see no reason you wouldn't be willing to gamble on LUNC. I know every shitcoin and their grandmother says this, but there's a very active community behind LUNC. It is constantly trending on Twitter and it gets a lot of attention on CMC. The development team is in a bit of a slump now that what remains of Terra Rebels has been publicly revealed to be talentless and treacherous kikes, but many of those who left TR are now working on their own thing without all the kikery, which is extremely bullish. Plus you can't forget about the CZ element of this. He has openly stated that he has obtained LUNC after the crash and has not sold any of it. He is also willingly burning millions of Binance's profits in support of the burn efforts. Do you think he would do that for any random shitcoin?
>REALISTIC price prediction for this year if development is made?
Being completely realistic and not having crazy expectations for what arises from the ashes of Terra Rebels, I'd say we could be looking at 0.005 eoy if we make decent progress with development and burns and macro conditions improve for crypto. If macro conditions don't get much better then we could just be looking at a year of steadily crabbing upwards. If we get incredibly lucky and Zaradar really is a 400IQ autist who is capable of repegging USTC which in turn really does burn as munch LUNC as he says it does due to swaps then $1 is absolutely possible. Again, that is in the absolute best case scenario where everything works out perfectly with LUNC developments, there are no more FTX collapses this year, and macro conditions become more favorable.

>> No.53135376

>REALISTIC price prediction for this year if development is made?


>> No.53135438

Based. Have a (you)

>> No.53135463

Bullshit. CZ knows the true potential of Terra. The potential it always had. He will burn his entire stack if need be, so people jump back on it and do their trade on Binance. Which in return makjes him much more money in the long run than dumping his tokens. Terra is still a 100+ billion project. In the next bullrun (the biggest one yet!) it can reach 300 - 400 billion. With a substantial burn 1 USD will not be a meme anymore.

>> No.53135478

CZ will be in prison by year's end.

>> No.53135549

Yes, I’m sure the Dubai police will arrest him.

>the absolute state of FUDders

>> No.53135557
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>The answer has always been that you become the owner of the life savings of thousands of redditors.

>Plus you can't forget about the CZ element of this. He has openly stated that he has obtained LUNC after the crash and has not sold any of it. He is also willingly burning millions of Binance's profits in support of the burn efforts. Do you think he would do that for any random shitcoin?

Cannot chose the best argument Between CZ's involvement and my hatred of Redditors.

Both are valid i guess...
I'm in.

Verification not required

>> No.53135575

Ok, he'll be unable to travel and his company will be in ruins. I stand corrected.

>> No.53135581

My meager 10 mio stack is staked. I will buy another 10 mio this week that will also be staked. I will continue to do so until I have my 100 mio make it stack in spring.

>> No.53135580

Welcome ser, good choice

>> No.53135606 [DELETED] 

We don't need your money retard, go buy Matic instead.

>> No.53135616
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Outrageously based. Don't forget to stake some of your stack if you want a comfy way to accumulate more while we wait for the great baboona.

>> No.53135681

Ok now this is based.

>> No.53135897


>> No.53135920

gentlemen, the year of the rabbit (moon / luna) is approaching
make sure you aren't wearing a chastity belt because the upcoming pump will give you a massive erection

>> No.53135982

... and I'm being conservative

>> No.53135989

>He has openly stated that he has obtained LUNC after the crash and has not sold any of it.
he never said he bought after the crash. it’s just speculation. all he said is that he never sold the luna that tfl gave him for his investment.

>> No.53136159

What’s not speculation is the Binance hot wallet accumulated LUNC during the period when user trading was halted after the fork vote. More than anything else, this detail is what converted me into a LUNC schizo.

>> No.53136366
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How the fuck did he get 2.3T pre crash then, fren?

>> No.53136374

Why the fuck is the undelegation period still 21 days? Has any of the 'frens' tried to reduce that yet? That's a stupidly long time to unlock your own coins

>> No.53136467

They want to prevent the hoard of shitskins from all selling at once when we have a huge pump, which is fine by me.
If you're White you have enough staked that you can live off rewards when price increases significantly

>> No.53136570
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it's ogre.

>> No.53136690
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Just a matter of time

>> No.53136755

Until zero

>> No.53136774
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this will destroy lunc for ustc gains. why are these jews always the same?

>> No.53136792

It's still 3 weeks. 7 days is more than sufficient to prevent a mass sell off at the first sign of a pump. I have all my lunc staking atm but I suppose I can be a retard and keep 1 mil in the wallet just in case

>> No.53136893 [DELETED] 
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>> No.53136975
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as usual, just as tlcg predicted, the 50% mint was a Jewish attempt to stop binance from burning, and it nearly worked. tlcg needs to be appointed as the forefront authority on detecting jewishness.

>> No.53137019

Why do they want binance to stop burning? Isn’t burning a good thing for everyone?

>> No.53137074

Except shorties.

>> No.53137086

Yeah I mean you are right, was mostly just shitposting but I haven't been a fan of the 21 days either - but I also keep about 55% of my stack in Kraken just in case we get a bonkers pump and I wanna sell a few LUNCies (I won't)

>> No.53137109

>The 10% proposal reminted approximately 190M in a week, given the inclusion of the Binance burn. Without the Binance burn, this would have been reduced to 65M in a week.
>The RewardPolicy was adjusted to 50%, and this is where it currently is now. As shown above, the 50% split re-minted approximately 200M in a week, without Binance burns. >Whether or not this was intentional by the proposer, this amount is approximately equal to the 10% RewardPolicy with Binance burns.
kek, just as predicted by /tlcg/, 0 increase in funds for the community pool, but reduced burning of lunc. just like the lowering of the tax rate. it's as predictable and unavoidable as watching western civilization careen towards the cliff.

>> No.53137277

>predictable and unavoidable
But (((intentional))) just the same

>> No.53137597


>> No.53137668

If that happens any investments you have are going to suffer the same fate, fudnigger :)

>> No.53137758

sir, you would have less typos without 2 penises sliding in and out of your throat

>> No.53137773

$700 trillion mcap lol

>> No.53137785

>a good thing for everyone
not good for a misanthrope
youre probably right that 3 weeks isnt achieving anything that 1 week wouldnt but 21 days really forces people to think about their decisions and promotes a longer term outlook i suppose

>> No.53137791
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>> No.53137794
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>why should I throw $10k at this shitcoin just for the lulz
we're at 5k transactions per day on a dead coin. There's been a lot of functional stuff in the works. Community drama is real and gay, but is being worked out. A lot of potential, especially since it used to be a top 10 coin. Realistic price target EOY is $0.01, and it'll break a dollar during the next bullrun.
It's a multi-year investment, in my opinion. Seems to have enough energy behind it to be worth it.

>> No.53137810
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Here’s a hot AI girl I made to bump the thread.

>> No.53137826

Same reason it took 20 proposals to get burning started. They had to make a proposal to write a proposal to serve as a proposal for a future proposal to outline an approval for another proposal that they could write a proposal to write another proposal to write the code then another proposal to approve the code followed by a proposal to implement the code on chain. However if you want a proposal to reduce burning or send 50% of all burns to discord trannies you only need a proposal up for a couple hours in the middle of the night to pass. It’s like when covid happened and it took months to approve a $600 welfare check, but only a couple hours to send trillions to another country.

>> No.53137950
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>> No.53137969

thanks, anon
I'm enjoying imagining the smell

>> No.53138031

You think there are going to be any real burns lol?

>> No.53138056

Yeah, lunc holders are all retards. We know.

>> No.53138126

based nooticer

>> No.53138183

That'd be unrealistically retarded, even for a /biz/ larp. Put $2k in, stake it, and you'll be just fine. Reminder, this is the White man's chosen coin. Only browns fud this because they bought at 55 and sold at 32.

>> No.53138380

I could be a mensa member

>> No.53138433
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But already spend $8k on this and slurped while is cheap

the truth is i'm going to spend like another 30k on some other coins and web3 projects with low mcaps
the end of Q1 Will pump many of these..

I got a hunch that Lunc also will pump
i'm gonna slurp everything..
i'm a guy obsessed with round numbers so maybe at some point i'll try to hold 100mil or a bigger stack

>> No.53138756

LUNC will reward the patient. I see .5 EOY. WAGMI.


>> No.53138882


>> No.53138938

lunc $0 eoy wangmi

>> No.53138945

You could also be a 40iq nigger and I could be Donald J Trump. What's your point retard

>> No.53139409

>They want to prevent the hoard of shitskins from all selling at once when we have a huge pump
This. And those guys dont even have proper stake/swing ratios or a sell ladder. We need more fomoing in a 0.01 than dumping if we want to make it to $1.

>> No.53139727
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lmao what's this reverse split bullshit that I'm reading online?

>> No.53139904

Do these retards think reverse split somehow magically increases market cap?

>> No.53139927

It might be enough to induce a short FOMO moonshot and a pump-and-dump. It wouldn't solve much with the chain long-term but if you have sell limits already in place you potentially could make it.

>> No.53139929

Dump and dilute scam. They want to cut the supply down while simultaneously minting for other bullshit like paying devs, adding to the community pool for discord trannies, or airdrops for USTC/USTN. Then when the supply goes above a trillion again they will do another reverse split and rinse and repeat until they suck the market cap dry.

>> No.53140875

The biz validator is live, my basterds. I will leave it to its creator to formally announce it. Get your stacks at the ready.

>> No.53140975

Great more grifters

>> No.53141010

>CZ literally nods and winks at a burn and nobody cares, price drops
it really might be over

>> No.53141848

Bolska strong, polaki robaki silne razem!

>> No.53142527

>unironically thinking cz tweets are about lunc
this is why schizo shit is so dangerous. take your meds and sell lunc this shit is not going anywhere

>> No.53142624
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>Homo id
I won't sell faggot rope yourself ywbnaw

>> No.53142670

>clueless faggot (you) doesn’t know

>> No.53142849

midwits talked themself into believing the burn tweet was about bnb.

>> No.53142875

>nowits talked themself into believing the burn tweet was about lunc

>> No.53142879

It's not about lunc no matter how much those bags weigh kek

>> No.53142937

Kek. No bagels.

>> No.53142976

I feel like most people actually want to see proof before throwing money at LUNC. Its only the true schizos who knows what is about to happen.

>> No.53143159

We get moon fuel when people get priced out + fomo??? Hmm yall just want this to be a ponzi scheme frfr no cap

>> No.53143523
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>> No.53143732

kek baggies

>> No.53143892
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>Great more grifters
it's the /tlcg/ validator that's gonna help us vote on props for the benefit of LUNC, instead of relying on the self-serving faggotry of people like PFC and Lunc Dao.

the validator will be announced here soon, stake with it if you want to do right by LUNC and its ecosystem... we all wanna pump our bags and this is the best way to start clawing power away from bad actors and huge validators like allnodes.

>> No.53144472

>thinking it's not a grift

>> No.53145330

I guess it depends how big your bag is, but 55% is a lot to have sitting around doing nothing.

>> No.53145418

friendly reminder...
there is a war between the jewish elites and the chinese elites for control of the crypto versions of centralized currencies
sbf was ordered to take down ust and luna

>> No.53145608


>> No.53145643

What the hell happens with current staking reward?

>> No.53145648

The gains potential on this coin from simply going back to ATH is unlike any investment in history. They know this and plan to bring to back before the world can get in on it. Be prepared, moon soon.

>> No.53146086

Why are staking rewards so low?

>> No.53146144
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Go home already. It's over.

>> No.53146307

new air drop?
I need QRD please I hold millions of lunc

>> No.53146410

Yes, that story about xrp going to zero, left for dead, then phoenix to 1k is lunc.

>> No.53146512

What the quickest way for an americunt to buy crypto? I just deposited money to cuckbase and now I have to wait a week before I can send it

>> No.53146578

I use a crypto atm
no kyc for purchases under $900

>> No.53146809

>What the quickest way for an americunt to buy crypto?

>> No.53146940
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>> No.53147021
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Alright frens, those of you who are a May OG already know who I am.

I've been building a validator for us for a long time, and it's finally here. The name is Nova. The validator address is terravaloper16e75e62ztl6yzkulfck0p99d4cua9zjcdarnsz. It launched last night and we're already at rank #68 in the active set. The further we go into the active set, the more rewards everyone gets. I want to take down allnodes. They've fucked with the chain for far too long, have way too much voting power, and are an existential risk to the chain.

The burn tax is 0.2% because of their vote. Validators have abused the chain and voted however they want for far too long. They vote down VP reduction proposals. They vote for proposals that give them hand outs from the community pool. They profit at our expense.

This entire time we've been called vultures by the wider community for buying in after the crash so we can profit, and have been actively denied a voice by being excluded from airdrops, governance votes on the TUNA fork that never should have passed, actively muted in the Terra Rebels discord for calling out abuse of the community by validators, and had our cries fall on deaf ears of the validators we delegate with while they use OUR funds to FUCK us.

No more. We now have a voice and our funds won't be used against our own interests any longer. Nova will always vote according to polls that I put up in a Nova Discord server that I'll link in here at a later time. For now, I want to give anons the chance to get their stacks in early so they can get a larger portion of the rewards pool from the validator before normies become aware of the validator when I formally launch it on Monday.

To prove that this isn't a fuckin' larp, I just delegated 1.337 to Nova from the validator wallet that controls Nova. See TX 512A4E84B36EE0EFE4A470F41B3DA70ADA5BE0D8A644C434F4B4A2C51DD91EA6 on Terra Finder. Fire questions my way and I'll answer them as I can when I check this thread. WAGFMI frens.

>> No.53147256

Why is max commission 100%

>> No.53147288

>This entire time we've been called vultures by the wider community for buying in after the crash so we can profit, and have been actively denied a voice by being excluded from airdrops, governance votes on the TUNA fork that never should have passed, actively muted in the Terra Rebels discord for calling out abuse of the community by validators, and had our cries fall on deaf ears of the validators we delegate with while they use OUR funds to FUCK us.
more than reason enough to stake with a /biz/ validator
I've redelegated my stack to you, godspeed mr hobbit!

>> No.53147290

Flexibility - who knows what the validator meta will be like in ten years? What matters it the max daily rate change, which is 1%. It'd take me literally three months (95 days) to up the commission to 100%, which if I were to do that everyone would have delegated away long before that happened and I'd have tanked my own VP, so it's a complete nothing burger and it's better for me to have flexibility for a long term future that we can't predict then to unintentionally cuck myself by setting a max commission that's too low and have to potentially make a new validator.

>> No.53147309

Thanks for the support, fren.

>> No.53147324

Based anon. I'll redelegate half my stack to you. 10M incoming.

>> No.53147346

Thanks anon, I'll add my coompounds to it

>> No.53147365

Thanks fren, appreciate it.
Thanks for the support fren.

>> No.53147406

My pleasure. Take down Allnodes (and LUNCDao) and shit in their mouth for me.

>> No.53147465

That's the plan, fren.

>> No.53147594
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hey you brownskin jeet fuck fags! your fud has no power here anymore, this was not a larp or grift, fuck your peas and curry. see below and seethe.

>> No.53147783

>I want to give anons the chance to get their stacks in early so they can get a larger portion of the rewards pool from the validator before normies become aware of the validator when I formally launch it on Monday.
this sounds like the scammiest of scams. 1 lunc = 1 lunc no matter which validator you stake. The only factors that affect rates are commission and uptime. there is literally no difference if i stake with you right now or if I wait a week.

>> No.53147848
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Amazing, thanks fren.

>> No.53147854

you are literally a low IQ jiggaboo, this /biz/ validator trying to give you a small heads up start before the rewards shrink and you call him a scammer.
you are not going to make it lmao

>> No.53148255

I can't believe fell for this shit, $1 by the end of the year my ass

>> No.53148303

My fellow nigger in humanity, most of us are already off of allnodes. Even with all the new validates that have come online since september(?), allnodes is still on top. I’m staking with you guys, but a bunch of anons moving to the biz validate won’t make much of a difference. You guys need to target the normies however that’s going to happen

>> No.53148329
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should be in the next header as /ourvalidator/ will delegate several mm to you

>> No.53148445

If you fell for that, crypto isn't for you Rajesh.

>> No.53148468

Thank you fren. Hopefully the baker puts this in the next thread as well.

>> No.53148469

Hi Fren, I was discussing firing up a validator a few threads ago to help with parity in the vote power. Can I ask what specs you went with on your machine (assuming it's home based and not virtual)?

>> No.53148502

Correct. There is more to be done to take down allnodes then just launching a validator. This is just the first step.

>> No.53148515

This is a good starting point for some DYR https://classic-docs.terra.money/docs/full-node/run-a-full-terra-node/system-config.html

>> No.53148540

Yea this was cited in the same thread. I have a working knowledge of building and Linux, so I was just curious as to what you went with.

>> No.53148602


For now I've gone with 8 Core CPU, 30GB RAM, 1TB SSD - I plan to upgrade to NVMEs as I monitor node performance over time and find room for optimizations

>> No.53148792
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And what of WLUNC?

>> No.53149053

oh, i have wlunc. It will moonc, just you wait.

>> No.53149362
File: 1.88 MB, 1034x1220, olietBangs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it will still reflect the value of lunc
there's no need to sell

>> No.53149412

based wlunc connoisseur

>> No.53149447

Perfect, thank you.

>> No.53149601

if anon hasn't rugged /tlg/ after some time, i'll redelegate bigly. i have a gut feeling there's still a lot left in LUNC's future, it's just dormant for the time being. i hope we get some real utility and all anons finally make it

>> No.53149644

>if anon hasn't rugged /tlg/ after some time, i'll redelegate bigly
if you're talking about the validator, then no, it can't be rugged. you don't actually send your coins when you delegate via the Station, you're only lending a validator your voting power (which can be overwritten any time you manually vote for proposals). the worst thing that can happen is a validator gets jailed for missing too many blocks, and you gradually lose coins as punishment for staking with them... but this token loss is a slow and gradual process, and any validator is in danger of it if their hardware fails (which is why most have multiple redundancies in place to protect their nodes).

>> No.53149689

I'm sorry but at this point anyone who browses /biz/, owns a least a few thousand dollars in crypto, reads LUNC threads, is aware of what its chart looks like post-crash, and doesn't at LEAST throw $50 at it for suicide insurance, is a certified fucking retard
Let me be clear: I personally have no logical reason to believe that this thing will ever reach even a penny in value. If you asked me why I think it might moon, I have no meaningful facts to respond with (although other anons might be able to)
But for fuck's sake: it's cheap, there are constant talks of supply burning, and most importantly (and suspiciously): the CEO of the world's biggest crypto exchange keeps talking about LUNC like how a hoodrat bitch keeps talking about how terrible her thug boyfriend is, and how no-good he is...it's like "bitch, if he's so bad then why you still with him, and still always talking about him"?
Nope, CZ has remained too deeply involved with LUNC post-crash for too long, for me to not see that SOMETHING big will eventually be done with this token. I'm not missing out on it, even if I have to hold my stack for 5 years

>> No.53149793

Based and WAGMI. Delegated 13.5 million. Stay comfy frens.

>> No.53149893

excellent speech, sir
may your lunc profits seduce a beautiful, young, virgin woman

>> No.53149952

>Nope, CZ has remained too deeply involved with LUNC post-crash for too long,
literally zero proof for this other than reaching on twitter

>> No.53150006

>literally zero proof for this other than reaching on twitter
the guy has burned millions of dollars of Binance money for LUNC charity... sure it's like pennies to a billionaire of CZ's caliber, but how many other coins does CZ simp for that aren't BNB? just throw $100 at LUNC, stake it, and forget about it until it moons. worst case scenario you lose $100... best case, you make anywhere from $100k to $1 million and up.

>> No.53150007

Aside from burning millions of dollars of lunc. How many other currencies does he pay to burn?

>> No.53150278

How does that work exactly? Vegas warned everyone about him shutting down his validator, so what would’ve happened if he shut it down and people still kept lunc on there?

>> No.53150296

i mean that IS a little curious…
do we know if there are any similar coins in a situation resembling lunc that CZ is invested in?
0.2% of every transaction is probably just pennies in the budget spreadsheet of binance.
it is strange, but overall it probably means nothing.

unrelated question: is there any evidence that CZ hates DK and vice versa? have they ever publically opposed each other?

>> No.53150373

>Vegas warned everyone about him shutting down his validator, so what would’ve happened if he shut it down and people still kept lunc on there?
I think the tokens would've reverted back to their owners.. but it's just voting power at the end of the day, you don't actually send your coins to a validator. and if a node goes down you have time to pull out anyway. I don't have a direct link but I remember reading the official Terra wiki and they make a point of stressing that delegation doesn't endanger your coins unless the validator gets penalized by jailing/slashing, in which case the system bleeds you as punishment for staking with them. but that can happen to any validator, none of them are immune to it. luna station 88 went down for a few hours a couple weeks ago and anons like less than 1% of their stacks who were staked with them. you'd need a validator be in jail for multiple days to lose a good portion of your delegated coins.

>> No.53150390

>and anons like less than 1% of their stacks who were staked with them
meant to write: and anons *lost* less than 1% of their stacks

>> No.53150477

>is there any evidence that CZ hates DK and vice versa?

CZ suggested burning coins as a recovery solution during the immediate aftermath of UST de-pegging. In a disrespectfur move, DK ignored CZs advice and decided to create 2NA instead. CZ tweeted “BAKA” immediately after DK announced his 2NA plan.

>> No.53150493

*S M H

But it might as well have been BAKA lol

>> No.53151281

delegated 200k or so to you now. will send another 6m next week when I can break some of my stack out of interstellar.


>> No.53151456
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>> No.53152017
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Hey all the biz validator is up and running IMMEDIATELY REDELEGATE ALL OF YOUR COINS TO NOVA VALIDATOR

>> No.53152152

Any current or near-future sport for auto-compounding?

>> No.53152160

kek *support not sport

>> No.53152219

Is there any good youtuber that posts news about lunc? Fucking matthew perry rambles incoherently and spams shit videos all the time.
>inb4 hcc
yeah fuck off with your morphine cat too

>> No.53152261

>Is there any good youtuber that posts news about lunc?
no. they're either retards, or grifters, or grifting retards.

>> No.53152401

How's that coinbase listing going?

>> No.53152511
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>> No.53152602

>Green ID

I believe.

>> No.53152766

31 mil baked and staked. LUNChads we RISE!

>> No.53152933
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>> No.53152996

bitcoin is plummeting to $3k by the end of the month
unstake immediately so you still have a chance to sell

>> No.53153132
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shut up HOm0, if you want to survive buy lunc and sell you matic

>> No.53153375

I'm looking into auto-compounding support, yes.

Close, you actually only lose closer to 0.01% of your delegated stake (not 1%) and the validator gets jailed until they resolve the downtime issue so that no further funds are at risk. Staking rewards generally make up the different if there is a slashing, but slashings are rare because validators are naturally incentivized to make sure slashings don't happen. Slashings also don't occur unless your node has missed 10,000 blocks in a row, which is about ~16 hours or so. This gives validators a good amount of time to make sure they intervene if there's an issue with their nodes before a slashing happens.

As for if a validator leaves the active set, you don't lose any of your tokens and you can just redelegate your tokens elsewhere.

Thank you so much for your delegations and support frens. WAGFMI.

>> No.53153835
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Happy to stake on nova. Fudniggers will get the rope.

>> No.53153933
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>Terra Luna

>> No.53153989
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make sure to use this pic for the next /tlcg/ WAGMI

>> No.53154208
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>> No.53154485
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when we dumping runchas?

>> No.53154733
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>> No.53154752
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bilbo you son of a bitch we are gonna make it

>> No.53156422
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>> No.53156433

What is the next utility we are looking for?

>> No.53156490

before the crash, the ecosystem was successful because of...
>staking (check)
>stablecoins (coming soon)

>> No.53156661

Bitcoin atm? Why the fuck don't you guys shill them?

>> No.53156881

Many moons ago a nice anon created a ARK delegate and then scammed all of biz, you could be nice but I’m not taking that risk again

>> No.53156952

This, why the fuck would I ever trust some random anon lol especially when lunc has been dead and any fuck can come on /biz/ and shill in good faith to get retards to do bidding. Muh voting power lmao just vote harder hahaha kek baggies

>> No.53157149

you cant get rugged by lunc validators, the system doesnt allow it. your coins are safu. dont take my word for it, go read up on how staking and delegations are handled by the blockchain.

>> No.53157402

>why would I ever trust a random anon even though there's no risk associated with delegating and I don't have any bags anyway
Thank you for another rich contribution to the thread

>> No.53157906

Can you fucks let me fud in peace? Jeez you act like people are running to buy lunc.

>> No.53158277

>Can you fucks let me fud in peace?
if you continue I will take sexual action
you have been warned
lunc $1.00 eoy

>> No.53158284

>Random anon

Casual spotted!

>> No.53158306

I don’t have a bitcoin atm near me and I want to buy $10k worth of lunc. I need an exchange that will allow me to do it quickly without having to wait 1+ week for the funds to clear and one that has the lowest fees

>> No.53158553
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>kikes already infiltrated the new organization
it's ogre.

>> No.53159176

Get cucked by your own ID homo faggot ahhaha

>> No.53159232

>I don’t have a bitcoin atm near me and I want to buy $10k worth of lunc. I need an exchange that will allow me to do it quickly without having to wait 1+ week for the funds to clear and one that has the lowest fees
again, Kraken. you can onramp with them using fiat, and the KYC process takes 10min.

>> No.53159727

all is proceeding just as the dead sea scrolls foretold

>> No.53160180

>Random anon

Casual spotted!

>> No.53160381

yeah, they used a 364 day calendar
lunc $1 eoy is still on the table

>> No.53160894

I just did a test purchase and it was instant. Thanks. They charge a $200 fee for a $10k purchase though

>> No.53161591

>wallets are accumulating again

Whoever controls the lunc trading algo is a retard. What's the point of this low price? Every other poorfag has now millions of this shit.

>> No.53161818

>Every other poorfag has now millions of this shit
>he doesn't realize 99% of those same poorfags will foolishly sell all of their LUNC after a 5x-10x

>> No.53162128


>> No.53162558

The price currently oscillating between 00015 and 00016 is reminding me of what happened last summer, when Lunc was stuck between 00009 and 00011. It's a great opportunity to accumulate more.

>> No.53162985

and it's only up from here

>> No.53163015

You’re in the states but you want to do it right. KYC is king. CDC or Kraken. That’s pretty much all we got here bro. I can confirm CDC fees are high as hell. But I feel like CDC is more safu. Was able to weather a bank run a few weeks back when the weasel broke a 3 count. HH

>> No.53163154
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My guess is that the price will rapidly pump to at least 0005 as soon as there's a meaningful announcement, like a real burn mechanism getting implemented soon. Not sure when it will happen though.

>> No.53163708

Ok, who did the murder? Also, based. No cap. And on gawd.

>> No.53163720

>real burn mechanism

That'll be the day

>> No.53163911
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are these proposals bullish? cheap gas is kinda an asset of the chain IMO

>> No.53164026

if the seigniorage deprecation passes it'll make it extremely hard to increase the burn tax again. these props were written by the anti-tax crew, they'll fuck over our ability to yank up to 1% burn tax in the future.

>> No.53164104

>sub 1 staking reward
Time to move my LUNC to binance and just stake there I guess

>> No.53164161

>increase gas fees by 5x

>> No.53164187

>>sub 1 staking reward
the printouts are wonky, staking rewards across the board are about 17% APY, +/- whatever commission fee a particular validator has (most range between 0-10%)

>> No.53164297

Gas fees could rise 60x and itd barely cost a cent.

>> No.53164311

red sus fr
literally has a boner

>> No.53164474

J’ai besoin d’hopium maintenant!!! S’il vous plaît!!!

>> No.53164554


>> No.53164714
File: 37 KB, 610x458, oui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tout va selon le plan, anon
aie confiance en cz

>> No.53164906

Still have my order open at 141. It looks like we may hit it with a quick wick before searching for new local tops.

>> No.53164977

You'll get it sooner or later. Probably gonna float between 12 and 20 for months.

>> No.53165149

2023 is being touted as a recovery year by all the talking heads. This is great for highly speculative shitcoins as it gives the average investor more confidence in restructuring their porfolio and dipping their toes in riskier assets. I expect BTC to reclaim 30-40k EOY and LUNC to at the very least tease losing a zero before the entire crypto market experiences another capitulation.