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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53129654 No.53129654 [Reply] [Original]

When it's finally dead, /biz/ will be a 100% /smg/ and business idea board


>> No.53129685
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Real estate, and PMs too... maybe we'll get sector specific threads...

>> No.53129702

kys nigger

>> No.53129727

Posts like these encourage me to keep buying.

>> No.53129737

test am I stll bnned test

>> No.53129746

It's not dying, it's rapidly changing into tax evasion.

>> No.53129749

Crypto wont die
This board was spawned from pajeet shilling on /g/
It will never host meaningful business discussion

>> No.53129751

so never

>> No.53129801

tax optimization threads...

>> No.53131243

we're always going to use smart money for now on. its the future bitch.

>> No.53131312

Before crypto this board actually had some interesting tidbits of information and non-shill discussions. Honestly I hope crypto fucking dies and is banned by all civilized nations, its sole purpose is as >>53129746 notes to evade taxation and to allow criminal cartels, terrorists and despots to manage their wealth (and steal other people's money) with a greater degree of secrecy.

>> No.53131517

You're a fucking idiot
/biz/ was created in 2015 because anons kept shitting up /g/ with doge threads and moot couldn't take it any longer

>> No.53131558

crypto is dead
stocks are dead
real state is dying
business will die too

>> No.53131570

muh economy is dead
muh new paradigm

when will retards understand how cycles work

>> No.53131629

never, that's why the patient and composed will always win

>> No.53131654

yes, everything's dying. Time to give up.

>> No.53131836

No, because /biz/ was always a place for morons who wanted get rich quick schemes
I've tried, dozens of times to talk about my business, and I've been called a LARPer and a faker by impatient ADHD zoomies and arrogant as fuck pajeets who seem to think it's impossible to build a successful business yet think they're going to get rich from a 100x on MilkerInuPoopButt token.
You faggots get what you fucking deserve, and I hope no one else on this board ever makes it

>> No.53132286

what business you have kind anon?

>> No.53132476

99% of cryptos will die soon. There will be a few generals but all the pump and dump scam coins threads will be gone.

>> No.53132477

>insults everyone
>kind anon

>> No.53132500

lurk moar nigger

>> No.53132619

This. Kek. I only come here to shitpost to achieve catharsis and have a laugh. Sometimes I'll peruse through /smg/ and /cmmg/ because there'll be decent debate and discussion every once in a while. Other than that this board is literally worse than /b/. I've tried to talk about the intricacies of digital marketing and online media publishing and e-commerce ( I own and operate 4 different 100% online 100% automated 100% remote businesses) but it will just devolve into a myriad of black pilled piece of shit subhumans who project their lazy worthless mindset and say it's impossible or call your names or, even worse, get mad at you for trying to help them.

Anyway, I've stopped casting my pearls before these swine and instead just post demoralization threads with women living easy lives or just bait people in a fast moving threads for a laugh. Fuck you all. The Universe is just. You get what you fucking deserve.

>> No.53132640

don’t forget /pmg/

>> No.53132694

I'm a government contractor, let's leave it there
You deserve to be insulted

>> No.53132729

/biz/ has always been a crypto board.
The day /biz/ becomes /smg/ and /pmg/ is when it dies.

>> No.53132775

your fake jewish cycles work until they don’t. do you know about currency collapse cycles

>> No.53132781

bottom signal

>> No.53133360

any possibility of making money on here that don't involve scamming the very same idiots that visit this sit are slim to none. Every shitcoin that has a chance just gets destroyed by the very people they talk to on here. every /biz/ tg group, its this never ending loop of the same 10 people scamming everyone. any reasonable person only comes here to shitpost and goes anywhere else to actually make money.

>> No.53133475

cope, i made money

>> No.53133886

I doubt it's the bottom yet though but I bought some ORE few weeks back. Still watching for some retracement to start buying ETH again.

>> No.53133914

There are many threads that talk about stuff like that but you are just FUD. well, when I see threads like this, its probably a buy signal.

>> No.53133945

Their ID system will help onboard new users when because it simplifies things. The whole defi space is just jammed up.

>> No.53134026

Staked this on polygon, the rewards are quite good. I need more shit like this.

>> No.53134265

kys benchod

>> No.53134433

These memes are posted exclusively by pot smoking chronic masturbators who call women roasties here on /biz/ and unironically spend all their free time on videogames.

>> No.53134436
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If crypto dies /biz/ will turn into a insufferable dropshipping + real state discussion board 24/7. Unironically neck yourself if that's what you want
My VINU (shitcoin) just pumped, by the way.

>> No.53134448

this will totes get people to buy your shit you fucking brown scum fuck. i hope you get beheaded and a video of you getting decapitated gets leaked online so people can take your death as mere entertainment.

>> No.53134454



>> No.53134466
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>I'm a government contractor, let's leave it there

Getting paid by the IRS is not a business

>> No.53134471
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That would be dreamy.

>> No.53134480
File: 19 KB, 314x288, f9b58e3e9385d2846fbe92c37580f9dd5690061e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am feeling fear uncertanity and doubt. Bitcoin has never before seen a recession. Saylor will be liquidated. Grayscale will be liquidated. Mt.Gox will distribute coins. Tether is a ponzi. Binance is insolvent.
I will be careful and protect my net worth by selling all my assets and staying in cash to be safe. Thank you for looking out for me.

>> No.53134850

yeah thats why i hold crypto and silver

>> No.53134964

That's exactly what I'm talking about, sour grapes on sour grapes. I'm not going to get into my dealings with the DoD with faggots like this guy

>> No.53137115
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/smg/ is the greatest and grandest of all /biz/ threads

>> No.53139149

I just want to discuss small business ideas, fuck pajeet coins.

>> No.53139267

crypto is dying yet you have meta, nike, starbucks, stripe, reddit, mercedes, robinhood, flipkart, nothing, amazon, ebay, jp morgan, working with polygon lmao

>> No.53139420
