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File: 2.52 MB, 642x1080, CRP_0112.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53130740 No.53130740 [Reply] [Original]

Will brick and mortar stores go away in the future?

I mean, you can buy practically everything over the Internet.

You can even do a lot of medical stuff over a webcam these days.

>> No.53130791

i like going out and buying things immediately, especially at thrift/used stores

>> No.53130802

Good lord I need some sex

>> No.53130807

I have a theory that if fuel becomes too expensive well go right back to 1940s style of tiny stores selling specific wares.
Fuel is cheap enough that its crazy how cheap shipping a box across the country is.

>> No.53130810

Any brick and mortar store that’s on land owned by the company will not go away, because that land is an appreciating asset and store of value in the long run for the company. Any business operating on rented property will have a very tough time in the future.

>> No.53130816

>cute slut working retail with you
Ahhh good days

>> No.53130842
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I think you're going to see a return of old timey delivery services like the milkman. Just like the ice cream trucks you'll see

>pharmacy truck
>game trucks
>liquor trucks
>fruit trucks
>semi full of poledancers

Not every product can be delivered but any service that fits into a 6x6 box can be made mobile. I even had a dental x ray "delivery"

>truck pulled up
>get inside in a barber chair type thing
>scanned my head with some science fiction machine
>next week got my implants

>> No.53130846

That's a man. You can see the balls swinging in the wind for Christ's sake

>> No.53130847
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>> No.53130866
File: 2.20 MB, 1080x1844, CRP_0384.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i like going out and buying things immediately

If I wanted to cook some snow crab legs right now, I would have to get dressed to leave the house, travel all the way to the grocery store, wait in line, buy them, then travel all the way back home.

That's like an hour at minimum.

If I ordered them through a service like InstaCart, I could have them delivered to my door in under an hour.

>> No.53130952

Last mile delivery is expensive, once fuel prices reach a high enough price, you'll have to pay extra for front door delivery.

I don't online shop anymore because fuck Amazon.

>> No.53130994

why dont all companies just buy their land

>> No.53131005

wtf is going on in that vid? did they notice the cam or something

>> No.53131008

We didn't know how good we had it. Just office roasties now.

>> No.53131031
File: 2.56 MB, 634x1080, CRP_0017.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pharmacy truck

Will never happen. Pharmacies are already the target of robbers because they carry stuff that can converted into large quantities of drugs that have a street value of millions of dollars.

>>game trucks

This is a male fantasy and not needed anyway because you can download your games from STEAM.

>>liquor trucks

Too many laws and regulations to prevent this probably. Local liquor store just hire someone to deliver the liquor anyway. There's a bike messenger on youtube who does nothing by deliver booze via bicycle for a liquor store.

>>fruit trucks

Given the obesity of Americans, fruits aren't popular enough to warrant a truck. Maybe if you said burger truck, it would be more believable. You can get produce and fruit delivered anyway.

>>semi full of poledancers

Come on now.

>> No.53131087

There are things I will probably never order online like clothing/sneakers because the sizing and fit can be different even if you know your size, I guess if they improve the AR/VR aspect on it then maybe but that's probably 5-10 years away, the alternative is to order multiple sizes then process a return which is tedious. Another thing is expensive electronics etc. I'd rather pick them up than have a wild nigger steal my package. Otherwise you are correct almost everything can just be bought online through the internet.

>> No.53131121

i order all my clothes and shoes online and i never miss with the sizing, you're just an idiot

>> No.53131188

Because commercial is not single buildings but large centers. Someone builds, someone sells, someone manages. Towns generally don't work when there is just one building for every single thing

>> No.53131199

Clothing and shoes can have loose or snug fit you dumbfuck even if you consider it you can still make mistakes unless you've memorized it and only buy specific brands, also it's better to see the outfit worn anyway so you won't look like a clown unlike you.

>> No.53131330

sorry if you're retarded, that's on you

>> No.53131378

It's common practice to just order multiple in various sizes and send back the items that don't fit. It's pretty wasteful but retailers don't seem to care if you do.

>> No.53131391

Cope and seethe more fatfuck who only buys on a single brand, I haven't even mentioned international sizing yet.

>> No.53131470

That's definitely a man with a large penis.

>> No.53131545

sneed, idiot
post gut

>> No.53131670

Why were they so open? Literally the only girls I've ever known who've straight up told me they found me attractive were retail coworkers. Office coworkers just talk about their cats and loans and shit. It's legit unbearable to work in such a place

I've always found that strange.

>> No.53131673

It's the ugly stinky basement dwelling incel again. Just stop it already you're just embarrassing yourself. Friendly reminder to kys.

>> No.53131672

Brick and mortar will continue to stand the test of time. Some markets may go and come, but the age-old way of business will not experience rigor mortis. Indeed, we can only expect a certain rise as generations Y and Z accelerate their degenerate need for materialism such as with Rick and Morty.

>> No.53131676

You probably wear walmart shirts that hang off you like a loose tarp

>> No.53131765

if the fit is not what you had in mind then that's that, return it. i would never wear L or XL if i'm a M for example. shoes are also not rocket science, you use the length of your foot and squeeze the tip with your thumb. at most you have a european half size of leeway. if the shoe feels snug then that's just how it's supposed to be, you'll get used to it like if you've been barefoot for along time then you might be used to splaying your toes excessively compared to how normal shoes fit.

>> No.53131784

why did she swap the papers

>> No.53131794

>I mean, you can buy practically everything over the Internet.
Not everything. And humans are a inherently social animal, so we will want some level of interpersonal play when conducting business. One of the biggest problems with current customer service is the inability to reliably do that.

>> No.53131817

>I have a theory that if fuel becomes too expensive well go right back to 1940s style of tiny stores selling specific wares.
this would be awesome. where i grew up, this was still a thing well into the 80's...pharmacy lunch counters, specific shops for specific things, it was best time

>> No.53131852
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You made me remember the time when I worked at McDonald's with all the thirsty teen chicks my age but I was to much of a sperg back then to do anything about it. Some of them even grabbed my butt and openly flirted with me but I always shake it off and kept it professional thinking don't shit where you eat but if It was me now I would plow every single one of them but all I can do now is only remember that time :(

>> No.53131893

How are males supposed to act around females such as these?

>> No.53132036

If we got rid of all the feral subhumans, in-person shopping would be nice again.

>> No.53132068

>Still not asking for it!

>> No.53132074

>buy them,
woah there buddy, you're skipping the mandatory "wait for the old lady in front of you to tell her life story to the register jocky" part.

>> No.53132142

Most shops have a thing called measurements, they tell how you how big/small the clothing is. What I do is also measure myself then I buy the size that fits. Sticking to a couple of brands also helps.

>> No.53132964

I'm considering working part time at a retail store just to pick up 18-21 year olds

>> No.53133306

anymore like these?

>> No.53133345

it would be a crime against humanity if she isn’t being ravaged by nigger dick at home

>> No.53133365

>don't shit where you eat
this applies when you are a brain surgeon with a 10 year tenure at your hospital, not a faggot teen working at mcdonalds for 4 months lmao

>> No.53133459

Interesting fact is that Macy's real estate iteself is worth more than the whole company. They have huge land in New York City, San Francisco, and other big cities.

>> No.53133476

Nope... never buying plywood, drywall, 2x6s and etc off amazon. Menards ftw

>> No.53133530

You underestimate the power of boomerisms on young minds of the time

>> No.53133546

I'm tall and decent looking. Am I allowed to just walk up to a girl in a store and tell her she's pretty?

>> No.53133583

Who's going to stop you ?

>> No.53133584

this commercial rent is stupid even when half the stores are closed in an area.

>> No.53133593

>Who's going to stop you
his name is Michael Obama

>> No.53133610


> Wants to flirt with a girl

What the fuck are you thinking!?!? You some kind of sick freak!?

>> No.53134056

Her parents if she's young. That's another question: how can I tell if a girl's too young to flirt with?

>> No.53134189

Wow found the Melbourne creep. Let me guess, you are an incel with asian or indian genes. It must be hard with all these footy and rugby chads going around being 6’4’ hey? No wonder why all the girls flock to them. And in a few years all the african refugee kids will be african Chads. Cant wait to get that BBC. Oh but nothing for you. Fix my laptop or do my taxes or whatever. Too busy thinking about Chad taking me to Sorrento on his Ford Ranger

>> No.53134434

If you have to ask, the answer is no.

>> No.53135016
File: 2.99 MB, 512x384, 1672282816216843.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Will brick and mortar stores go away in the future?
>I mean, you can buy practically everything over the Internet.

no but you will see a high decline in commercial real estate of high traffic metro areas, maybe malls too, because small businesses simply cant afford it. i predict a soulless hellscape of value franchises and luxury goods/services, with little middle ground.

>> No.53135231

Ask her how much for anal.
I've seen escorts wearing demurest cloths than those girls.

>> No.53135245

Its just two business bundled together, the actual retailing and the real estate renting, and its a lie that land just appreciates. This isnt 1970, we have lived over a few real estate crashes so anyone should know real estate prices do fall, sometimes spectacularly in failed cities, and most cities in history became failed cities, you dont hear about them because they are empty.

>> No.53135986

That's a man

>> No.53136257
File: 1.81 MB, 3264x1252, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Menards ftw

Uhhhh..., isn't that still just buying it online?

>> No.53136638

are these two fucking?
i can't read body language

>> No.53136743

damn how fucking short are you lmao

>> No.53136754

You kidding? Africans are already hooked on the degenerate lifestyle. All that's left is to slowly introduce petrol to their diets and theyll be who's 2.0

>> No.53136770

No watch his legs the guy is hesitant and nervous. He jerked off to her at best.

>> No.53136800

Yeah fuck I worked at a coffee shop from 20-29 and I fucking miss it like hell. Constantly meeting new cute girls, fucking around at staff parties, going to events like laser tag, flirting with cute customers in the summer. Goddamn I wish I didn't have to get older so I wouldn't be embarrassed working there.

>> No.53136807

no he is fidgiting like a horny teenager

>> No.53136836

when I eventually make it I will go back to work in retail just to meet cute 20 yr old girls.

>> No.53136865

Yeah I was thinking that if I make it I'll open up a little coffee shop in a touristy, sunny location and only hire young girls just so I can perpetually live that lifestyle until i decide to settle down. It feels like I didn't take advantage of it enough when I was in my 20's, I was still insecure about myself, and it definitely prevented me from fully appreciating what I had.

>> No.53137095

where would someone get the full resolution for this video

>> No.53137251

No way, buying things like clothes and shoes online is cringe, you need to wear it, to see if it feels right...

>> No.53137271
File: 37 KB, 780x438, pepefroggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pay half my net worth to have lived an experience like this

>> No.53137306

I want to fuck that thing. Is that a man or what? I don't care, I just want to coom

>> No.53137333

what a fucking simp

>> No.53137389
File: 118 KB, 640x640, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when my net worth is -$20,000

>> No.53137504

i just buy stuff on amazon in a couple sizes and return what doesnt fit good

>> No.53137558

No. I like seeing thing with my own eyes before buying, and in the case of clothes and shoes, I want to try them on first as well. And in many cases, it is cheaper to buy in stores than online, especially for bulky items that drive up shipping costs.

>> No.53137578

That's definitely a tranny

>> No.53137643

KEK of course. Look at the hair. Poor zoomer hitting on a tranny.

>> No.53137966

The markup on Instacart is at least 30%

>> No.53138014

no people will still prefer fresh meat and produce and dairy over garbage that took amazon 3+ days to ship to your house in the back of a room temperature ups truck.

>> No.53138129

He wants to but the girl has her drug dealer bf to bang after work

>> No.53138587

Doubt it, physical stores somehow always stay busy. Probably because of the many boomers living like it's still the 1950s.

I could picture only essentials/groceries or big corporations with stores. While everything else is online but that's way off.

>> No.53138677


I worked at a headshop with dozens of them.
Totally depressing.

>> No.53138992
File: 99 KB, 603x835, bro'kin+location+wow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time is money, friend.

I don't have to deal with traffic, with niggers smashing into my car when they pull out, with some someone coughing up a lung, with smelly homeless people asking me for spare change and dealing with a shitty cart that keeps squeeking and turning to the left when you want to go strait ahead.

Instead I can order my stuff on instacart. Have someone deliver it. (I always tip 20% because I am not a jew or nigger) and I get to actually do things with my time instead of having to go shopping. So it is a win-win.

>> No.53139012

I will make this easy for you. Are you a strait white male? If yes then don't waste your time. She will film you and put you on tiktok saying you are a creep.

If you are a nigger or 3rd world type you already know you can rape and get away with it.

>> No.53139015

>ill just wait 2 days for something i could have in 20 minutes
>time is money

>> No.53139036

You know you get same-day delivery on groceries right?

>> No.53139374

I only wear wide toe box shoes and wouldn't you know there are certain shoes that advertise this feature and other descriptors let me know exactly what kind of product I will get and they always fit

same for shirts or whatever if you want a slim fit then you get the athletic shirts or something with stretch fibers in it

you seem really dull for not figuring out online shopping by 2023 lol

>> No.53139444

I can get stuff from Sprouts in 20 minutes. At most it takes an hour. No idea where you are living where it takes 2 days.

>> No.53139452


Bending them over the nearest shelf. they should unironically be in burkas if they expect something else

Allowing them to dress like this but preventing men from acting accordingly is one of the reasons society is so broken.

>> No.53139763

Get a low level job that is customer facing.
Work at a four star hotel and you’ll be spending your days chatting with hotties.

>> No.53139809

>If I wanted to cook some snow crab legs right now, I would have to get dressed to leave the house
it takes 30 seconds to 3 minutes to get dressed from being 100% naked
>travel all the way to the grocery store
Most people live some close to a grocery store. Mine is 500 meters away
>wait in line, buy them
With self-checkout, lines are much faster nowadays. And depending on the time you go they may be no line at all
>then travel all the way back home
Most people live close to a grocery store

I can realistically go from fully naked to back home with crab legs in 30mins. 15-20mins if I take my car

>> No.53139950

Instacart deliverers are nigger tier. They are always too lazy to get the thing you actually want and just a substitute. They’ll go out of business for this absolute garbage tier service

>> No.53139988
File: 691 KB, 855x1200, meme san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me in the past
>disregard friends because I can always call them up when I need them
>disregard whores because I can just get them when I'm older, richer and cooler
>me now
>Good lord I need some sex

>> No.53140001

Being a lifeguard was better.

>> No.53140014

Brick and mortar stores are just psyops for nigger looters.