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53124453 No.53124453 [Reply] [Original]

How is Fantom's marketcap so low? I genuinely dont understand.

>> No.53124480

Andre rugged it to get back at roosh. That’s why

>> No.53124491

Even before that it was super low. Relative to other L1's. It remains perpetually undervalued. By a large margin.

>> No.53124529

It’s a centralized scam like the other l1’s, the difference is those had more powerful whales behind them. All fantom had was a shitty former Sourh African banker and a low status chink scammer (harry yeh)

>> No.53124687

Oh I see.
So there will probably come a time when VC's and big whales load up on FTM and start shilling it, then retail will throw themselves at it

>> No.53124756

probably because it's worthless

>> No.53124786

>last cycle ETH killer

remember to buy some Stratis and Wanchain with your FTM, anon

>> No.53125525

The fantom foundation doesn't care about it
t. insider

>> No.53125581

What tokens you guys buying on FTM?

>> No.53125867

If the FVM doesnt solve anything with their god awful node bootstrapping then its fucking pointless. They dont give a fuck on support either.
>Its taking too long to bootstrap, 2 years eta
>"Yeah just do snap"
>official documentation recommends something different for the purpose
>explain my problem
>get banned

>> No.53126859
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>> No.53127013

Because it already exit scammed, OP. It's nothing more than a live honeypot and a slow rug.

>> No.53127077

Tomb shit is a big no

>> No.53127208

Until like two weeks ago the Foundation had no marketing people (Pomposi doesn't count) so the adoption was pretty slow.

>> No.53127273
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Trust in Andre. Fantom will be top 10.

>> No.53127286

>Trust in Andre.
why would you

>> No.53127423

Bad tokenomics - there's are like 1,000,000 FTM circulating

>> No.53127520

Best scammer around

>> No.53127634

You are gonna get left behind.

>> No.53129143

MATIC is even better. I would like other L1 solving security problems like ORE.

>> No.53129196

It's one of dozens of ethereum clone ghost chains that nobody but it's bag holders give a shit about even during the bullrun, but particularly in crypto winter.

>> No.53129228


no it isn't you moron. MATIC is incredibly insecure and they don't actually have any working tech of their own.

>> No.53129341

I boughted 5 LSHARE what am I in for

>> No.53129354
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because no one uses
because andre dumped
because polygon is a thing

>> No.53129362

>because andre dumped
this never happened
Sandeep did however, dump indeed

>> No.53129378
File: 161 KB, 821x1501, E144B56C-F54A-4467-B9EB-B0C5BB68EF9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this never happened
ok anon
also, MATIC retained its price WAY better than FTM did
go check the charts anon

>> No.53130577

You will have at least $50k by EOY.

>> No.53130788

meds, now.

>> No.53130887

it will go lower

>> No.53130958
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I love fantom but I'd choose matic over it any day, you'd understand this if you know what polygon has achieved within the past couple of months.

My top 3 chains right now would be Matic, Fantom and Elrond

>> No.53131276

Hahah he's getting rekt

>> No.53131296

Ftm is so fucking underated

>> No.53131316

Matic 7b marketcap
FTM 500m marketcap

seems like good Risk to Reward going with FTM, easy 10x +
Matic maybe a 5x

>> No.53131332

would pick elrond any day too, they got a big project like holoride building on the chain

>> No.53131395

this anon gets it. Also, look at matics tokenomics 10B. I did really well on matic, bought around 0.019 but think FTM still is going to have more upside. Arbitrum and ETH could really make matic irrelavent

>> No.53131403

I'll take the guaranteed 5x over a 1% chance of getting a 10x

>> No.53131443

Fantom literally can't scale.
Have you people never tried to use it during any of the peak releases? It grinds to a halt. It's one of the worst networks I've ever used in that regard. Not to mention the networks poster boy rugged the entire thing because he was mad at a handful of whales.
I bought at 3c-10c and sold it all around $3. I'd suggest finding some new tech because FVM is never coming.

>> No.53131473

>It grinds to a halt
kek, now you're really talking about matic

>> No.53131521

I've never used Matic, but the mcap comparisons are silly. Fantom isn't undervalued, Matic is just overvalued.

>> No.53131551
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So here's the thing, for FTM to reach MATIC current MC, it doesn't even have to hit it's ATH. For MATIC to hit a 5x ($4.00) it has to pump almost 400%

sure MATIC is good, but PA wise they're running out of road.

>> No.53131661

Well sure either way if you're choosing between the two pick Fantom. I wouldn't pick anything in the top 50 mcap if you want to make actual money. I just think there's better options than either.

>> No.53131681

Heard about them, all that in-car metaverse vr gaming thing, seems interesting but depends on how well the product does.

No way you think MATIC is overvalued, have you seen the brands working with them/building on them?
Instagram, disney, reddit, coca-cola, starbucks, nike, adidas, ebay etc
Mention such brands that are working with fantom and we can discuss

>> No.53131735

We are far, far past the "partnership" era of crypto shilling anon. I've been in this space a long time. Long enough to know how meaningless this stuff is. It's all priced in.

>> No.53131874

Simple knowledge to know that fantom can outperform Matic

>> No.53131933

Recently ordered an Oculus quest 2 headset, would be my first experience with virtual reality

>> No.53131934

I bought FTM because the tokenomics are so good. The fuck are you talking about?

>> No.53131995

Hasn't fantom been fudded enough or are you guys still filling your bags?

>> No.53133055

Because it stole the Code of hedera hashgraph (HBAR), it copied their concept. You should buy the Real Thing (backed by IBM, Google and 27 others)

>> No.53133081
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>> No.53134244


>> No.53134775

subhuman baggie cope developer said centralized ponzi can’t scale

>> No.53135070
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Not enough innovation to be worthy of being one of the best. Not anymore at least. So fucking glad I went out the moment Cronje said he'd dip. I settled down on XOR and DOT in general after years of being a baggie and thank fucking god again I did.

>> No.53135074

All of these.

>> No.53135139


AVAX, FTM, SOL. All of em are dying one by one, proving they are not bear proof. Not even storm proof, at least.

>> No.53135267

Tarot, easy. It's going to mooch off the successes of SolidlyETH and Thena, and will moon to god knows where when they start distributing fees from non-FTM chains to xTAROT stakers.

>> No.53135306
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If you had ANY clue about Fantom, you'd know most "grass root" projects that were worth a damn are moving or have moved to arbitrum and other chains, or pretending to be "fantom centric" but are really multichain.

Fantom is a dead shit chain and will not have further growth. You are stuck in the past thinking "Fantom gave me 10x in the past, surely it can happen again".
No nigga, shit dead, don't get scammed.

>> No.53136279

checked. yeah, only the most retarded and delusional people would dare touch anything related to Tomb. retards like >>53127634 are gonna be so justed in 2023.

captcha: s4n0gs

>> No.53136476

30 year runway, retard

>> No.53137234
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>grass roots projects
>can't name one

>> No.53137286


Ps. Still waiting for air drops promised a year ago fron nigger yeh

>> No.53137942

In an article that Andre wrote a few months ago about the issues with projects he's been on he says that Fantoms issue is that the founders didn't keep enough tokens in the foundation. Which doesn't let them control the price as much as other L1's

>> No.53138396

I always wondered why Fantom and Avalanche were valued so low relative to Cardano/Solana/BSC/Polkadot etc, During the bull market both were basically at the top of every metric, But still got outperformed in the market (In term of ranking) by protocols that literally get no traction/tvl/innovation etc. Even now they're the most sound value to marketcap projects on the market.

We know it not about technical superiority because it never had major correlation to market performance and even if it did then Avalanche would probably top the charts, But it isn't the case. Somebody cursed them.

>> No.53139165

Im buying Tshare and Bshare

>> No.53139239

doesn't matter, what matters is how matic went from being the underdog to flipping avax, shib, tron, dai, dot, and sol this year. will be only a matter of time until polygon joins ethereum and bitcoin in the top 3

>> No.53139889

>He bought a token for airdrop
Of course you got rekt.

>> No.53139906

Why would u even want airdrops while the market is dead? Hes waiting for a good time to drop them ..