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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 84 KB, 2307x2307, chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53126721 No.53126721 [Reply] [Original]

Remember, all you have to do is hold and you make it. You can do this one simple thing, right?

>> No.53126729

You say that, but we'll never know how much we need to hold. I think I'm probably going to be okay with my 20k stack, but every day I wonder if I'll regret not buying more.

>> No.53126735

Yes but I only have 6k.

>> No.53126746

>Remember, all you have to do is hold while Chainlink Labs dumps on you.
>Ignore the rest of the top 100 cryptos that are performing better than LINK.
Fuck off, we're done here with LINK.

>> No.53126834

how much do i need to hold?
do i keep buying after i reach that amount?
what is a "good" average buy in price?
when do i sell?

help me

>> No.53126901

Hi and thanks for using GPT4chan. For help please write "Help me Chainlinkgod"

>> No.53127049
File: 159 KB, 1080x624, Screenshot_20230104_124206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just opened a long position.

>> No.53127057

How does $200,000,000 sound?

>> No.53127964


>> No.53129009
File: 74 KB, 782x700, 1513787334458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just buy and buy and never sell.

>> No.53129029

Looking at this board link needs to be at least $400 for people to make it here.

>> No.53129039

kys shill

>> No.53129059
File: 566 KB, 1254x988, 0CF78205-C9AB-4670-930B-2B35DC18F94C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooooh linkeeees..

>> No.53129060

i really don't get why people are so mad, maybe I'm just in a good position having bought LINK for a 45 cent average and cashed out some at 20$ and 35$. Now i staked 10k and have about 3k as an emergency stack. You know what's funny, recently i went through Chainlinkgods transaction history and he's the definition of a retarded swing linker. he lost tens of thousands of dollars in transaction fees, he actually lost link in total by trading and getting aave rekt, and now he isn't even staking his own stack lmao. oh he also scammed his followers twice and is still dumping projects he got paid for shilling to this day

>> No.53129071

Nice try ChainlinkFag.eth / Zacocksucker, already sold and never buying your bags again. So kys faggot