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53126555 No.53126555 [Reply] [Original]

My girlfriend wants “words of affirmation” and “emotional intelligence” what the fuck does this mean

>> No.53126571

she wants a yes man cuz shes a fuckup

>> No.53126576

she wants you to gut punch her during sex then choke her

>> No.53126590

She wants you to make her afraid of you.
Maybe act more like her dad? Wear her dad's clothes.

>> No.53126591

>Your 'insert some dumb shit like hair, dress, earrings, make up etc etc' looks good today
>I like your 'insert some dumb shit like hair, dress, earrings, make up etc etc' today
If she is upset tell her to stop being dramatic and that everything will be ok.

>> No.53126594

“words of affirmation"
>uh baby
>yes baby
>yes yes YEAH
“emotional intelligence”
fuck knows.
trade her in she sounds hi-maintenance

>> No.53126601

It means you need to be at least 6 feet tall with a 6 figure income

>> No.53126604

If you're autistic don't even try. Just ignore her when she starts nagging then give her a good fuck so she forgets her faggy neurotypical shit.

>> No.53126607

she wants a safe sociopath

>> No.53126618

Give her everything she asks for. You'll regret it if she leaves your dumbass and anon's will still be laughing at you. Stop listening to fucking redpills, listen and trust yourself.
Two people should be making each other better not competing!

>> No.53126620

It means she's communicating her emotional needs like a modern adult. You should try to listen and do the same.

>> No.53126622
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It means stop wasting your time and just do what you want and don't tell her.

>> No.53126624


>> No.53126636
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Yeah what a great idea femanon.
Make yourself more helpless so he gains more of the power in the relationship.
You women do it to yourselves sometimes.

>> No.53126650
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Just tell her she's doing a good job.

>> No.53126654
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yeah she wants a high Zillow score

>> No.53126661

Very little gyno but my gf of 10 years left me because I was redpilled and I didn't spend a dollar on her after she lost her job and went through a whole bunch of shit while I just stood by and watched. Now I'm down 99% on LINK.

>> No.53126662

This. You need to put up an act from time to time to "show her that you care". And by an act I don't mean weak ass faggotry. You need to show her true anger and wild instincts. Fucking her friend in front of her, yelling at her like a madman, give her a good scare by driving like a maniac, rape her, use her credit card to go on vacation unannounced and bring her a present telling her you just needed some space.... any of that works, but don't abuse it. Just do it every 2 years or so.

>> No.53126671

>what the fuck does this mean
It does not mean a thing.

>> No.53126913 [DELETED] 
File: 1.02 MB, 934x1884, Resize_20221126_134357_7017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell her how beautiful she is, and how much you care about her.

That out of the whole world, you chose her, and look forward to waking every morning with her by you side...

>> No.53126931
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>>53126555 (OP)
You tell her how beautiful she is, and how much you care about her.

That out of the whole world, you chose her, and look forward to waking every morning with her by your side...

>> No.53126945
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>communicating her emotional needs like a modern adult.
No she's not. She's looking for a clone of herself. Its selfish as fuck to expect a nigga to be versed in “words of affirmation” and “emotional intelligence.” She got those terms from some stupid ass book written by a dry-pussy PhD spinster.

Should I expect my wife to be versed in the practice of Christian stoicism, measured unemotional reaction, and in depth knowledge of Mike Leach's Air Raid offense? Fuck no. I want her to be her. That would make me a narcissistic tool. Get it?

That being said OP, try to communicate more, "validate" her feelings ("it's ok to feel that way, I'm with you, blah blah", and don't try to solve her problems.

>> No.53126950
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>Gf's dad gives me an old leather jacket
>She gets a lot more clingy when I wear it

>> No.53126951

>Wear her dad's clothes.
first you must rob her dad of his clothes, then wear them. girls love that.


>> No.53126963

>Its selfish as fuck to expect a nigga to be versed in “words of affirmation” and “emotional intelligence.”
who said anything about dating niggers? you're disgusting.

>> No.53126966

>Two people should be making each other better not competing!
Tell that to American women, there's a reason 45% of them are projected be single by 2030.

>> No.53126969

>My girlfriend wants “words of affirmation” and “emotional intelligence” what the fuck does this mean
She read that shit on some social media site just have some good rough sex with her tell her you love her and shit.

>> No.53126987
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these threads are created by various government entities to try and make you afraid of talking to women and having children

>> No.53126996

seems like normal functional stuff, nothing to fear.
you failed glowies.

>> No.53126999



Most women are dysfunctional. And by “be a good listener” or “I can trust him” etc it means patting them on the back and saying I love you while they wreck your life, spend your money, and separate you from your friends.