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53124999 No.53124999 [Reply] [Original]

I seriously cannot stress this enough:. Learn excel and the basics of data visualization. I've been in the corporate world as as a sysadmin and now IT manager for 10 years and I swear to God the easiest and most accessible tool people have used to clim the ladder is excel.
I don't fucking care what your job is. Start incorporating excel. Start tracking shit on your own and make pretty visuals. Don't have a job? Start tracking your habits, budget, and routine with excel. Make a pretty picture and learn to tell a story with it. Learn basic formulas. Learn how to add and adjust sums automatically.
I'm not saying this is the path to $100k a year over night, but it is an amazing skill that so many people sleep on, then some dumbass with a liberal arts degree gets promoted over them because he added some fucking graphs and hyperlinks to a spreadsheet.

>> No.53125027

>I'm not saying this is the path to $100k a year over night, but it is an amazing skill that so many people sleep on, then some dumbass with a liberal arts degree gets promoted over them because he added some fucking graphs and hyperlinks to a spreadsheet.

100% horseshit. Unless you are an absolute genious, in order to climb the ladder you need soft skills, in fact, more than 50% of your job depends on it.

So take your excel sheets bullshit and shove it up your poopy anus.

>> No.53125040

completely agree. i was able to retire early because i was an excel jockey for the IT department in a large corporation.

>> No.53125042

I'm too lazy to actually make the meme but imagine pic related with the Chudjak and the tiktok name being mr.incel

>> No.53125071

This retard seems like he should be taking the spreadsheet pill

>> No.53125079

i made 50 million euros by learning excel on youtube

im retired now and i sell excel e courses

>> No.53125089

>soft skills

youre a fucking retard anon

>> No.53125096
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>hmm boss according to my spreadsheet we actually over-hired minorities and women 5x this year! We need to promote more white guys otherwise we could get sued

>wow anon nice catch you really seem to be a valuable player I'm promoting you ASAP

>> No.53125102
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Good advice, rare on biz.

no one bothers to track metrics about the business, but it make you seem like a very important person when you have relevant information about the company that no one else has, AND you know how to communicate it with a pretty chart

>> No.53125105

learn python/sql and pandas instead

>> No.53125129

Anon, that stuff is for office dwelling wage slaves. Don't you have any better ideas?

>> No.53125141

Yeah I am sure Warren Buffet is an Excel wizard.

>> No.53125146

>Learn excel
I custom program VBA and also make Excel plugins for additional functionality using C#. How much will I get paid?

>> No.53125159

Anyone with a real life example of a way to grow career not just some made up trust me bro everyone uses excel bro

>> No.53125167

I learned I like excel better than my actual job and games I play.

>> No.53125180

No thanks, I have real skills. Last thing I want is to be pigeonholed as an excel monkey.

>> No.53125205

You're not warren buffet.
Sorry, that's the way life goes. 99% of us have to work hard, do shit that most others won't/can't do, and work our way up the ladder or sell our services & knowledge. What kind of advice are you looking for?
Yeah: learn excel. Read what >>53125102 said.

>> No.53125212

Great! This post isn't for you then.

>> No.53125224

Thing is, people think soft skills can't be augmented by tech.
>Hey Mr Boss man, let me give you a long winded speech about why I'm a great sales person.
>Hey Mr Boss man, let me tell you about why I'm a great sales man, here's a cool graph that catches your eye like a dancing set of keys in front of a toddlers face.

>> No.53125239

I use it often in qc/manufacturing but am not that good. I do want to fuck miss excel though and unironically like some of her vids.

>> No.53125244

>real life example
years ago I started new government job. They were investigating how a company was cheating, but could not figure it out. I connected Excel to SQL, ran various queries to build/recreate the company's data model, ran my own models (leaving out the complex engineering parts here), analyzed the difference between the two (ran several models), discovered how they were cheating. Contacted third party to obtain the missing data, used missing data to add to company model with then matched my engineering model, made several charts showing how they cheated. Did small write up. My peeps and supervisors knew I knew my shit and after a few more months got promoted, then about one year later got promoted again (skip the second position right to the third) and ran the show. I showed people how to use Excel's power model to query various outside databases and developed custom compliance monitoring tools. Much of that capability is also Power BI (M and DAX), but I like Excel better because of the spreadsheet and VBA.

>> No.53125274

>some dumbass with a liberal arts degree

>> No.53125286

No I think I will continue to do this with code

>> No.53125295

As you should. But for people that didn't lrn2code, this is a great step towards getting real practical hard skills that can provide real immediate tangible results.

>> No.53125300

Trips of truth

>> No.53125309

No seething here friend. You didn't take my job. I was a lib art burger flipper until I got into tech.

>> No.53125310

I want to overemploy myself with 3+ remote excel jobs

>> No.53125320

Me too. I'm slinging VBA and Python now doing data science work

>> No.53125324

I'm trying to do the sam. Job 1 (primary job) will be my current job, something using excel and python to do basic data entry kind of work.

>> No.53125330
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>Please wage harder for Mr. Goldenshecklesberg
How bout no?

>> No.53125339

Also good thread

>> No.53125425

You're right, excel will help you advance in any corporate career but the main careers where excel is used outside of promotion and for principal activities are in real estate, fixed income, and oil & gas.

The truth is excel isn't used to decision making outside of highly predictable streams of cash flows. Only midwits would use excel when making capital allocation decisions or valuation decisions for technology companies for example.

There's a reason the most successful investors don't use excel. In the cases where it makes sense to use a DCF model (highly predictable industries like utilities, oil & gas, real estate, fixed income) -- you could probably do the math in your head or on a napkin. Outside of those highly predictable special cases there are too many qualitative factors to consider whether a financial decision is a good one.

>> No.53125476
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Google Sheets + AppsScript curb stomps Microsoft Excel + Visual Basic

>> No.53125489

Holy shit. There's a tiktok about everything.
How much could I profit from dancing in my pharmacy and explaining different meds?

>> No.53125497

>good advice
Nothing else to contribute.

>> No.53125501

eyebrows too thick 1/10

>> No.53125520
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I just do everything in sublime

I even do Excel shit in Sublime

I'm tired of having to need 500 different apps just to write basic shit

>> No.53125582

Maybe but good luck doing any sort of collaboration within Google Sheets. Your employer will be use Excel 99% of the time when they are at a level where VBA makes a significant difference in productivity.

>> No.53125590

Any useful tutorials or resources, Anon?
I just got hired for a data analyst role recently and am looking to do a crash course.

>> No.53125607

Serious question Anon? Do you think tech jobs still have hiring opportunities? I just started a Javascript course and I'm a BFA retard as well. I've never had an above minimum wage job ever and I'm about to look for a warehouse job. I need something better my fucking back can't take it anymore.

>> No.53125616

What you need is a band of qt gurls wearing nothing but open pharmacy aprons, who express the effect of each drug upon their person via expressionist dance. Like Ms Adderall can twirl round in circles, Ms Benzos slowly rolls her tongue in and out and drools, etc.

>> No.53125657

>in order to climb the ladder you need soft skills
All you need to climb the ladder these days is to sit down, do your job and stick with a company long enough. That's how I got promoted over people who literally did nothing all day for months working from home.

>> No.53125729

I'm an IT Architect now. Completely agree on visualising data being very important. Not only is excel great (also learn hlookup rather than vlookup), but powerpoint is a very important skill to have.

Knowing how to simplify data and present it will make you look like a 150IQ genius who isn't autistic and can communicate.
Load a few pajeet videos on youtube and dick around a bit. It will definitely open pathways and give you bigger payrises if you can present data.

>> No.53125771
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What do you think about content/ghost writing for online shit? Is it dead to AI or you think people still pay for human thought in it? I see lack of reading comprehension in the future and good niche to practice along webdev shit.

>> No.53125823
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>Get conissioned to ghostwrite
>Outsource it to AI
>edit it yourself to appear human

>> No.53125852

>Any useful tutorials or resources
Endless vids, books, websites. But you need to learn about what is under the hood so you know what broad categories of stuff to learn. Example
Excel has
-spreadsheets and many builtin formulas
-VBA, and you can can use the built in formulas
- the VBA has a shitload of DLL libraries to reference to expand capabilities. The type of references available depends on the version of Excel and what other software you have - you need to research that.
- Power model (M and DAX) plenty of books, vids and websites for that. And, by learning M and DAX you are also learning to use Power BI. Excel and Power BI share this common capability.

I started with VBA to learn programming, and to solve certain problems. In addition to case-specific computation, you use the VBA references to access capability in Access, Work, Outlook, Powerpoint. So from Excel you can run your custom functionality and query Access, process Access data in Excel, send emails, notify you if files are dropped in certain folders (emails or texts).

Its so extendable and comprehensive its best if you start with a simple project to solve and try to solve it several different ways so you get to know all the functionality options.

>> No.53125861

Best way to learn OP? Any specific courses or tutorials?

>> No.53125906
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Powerfully good advice in this thread. Its actually kind of scary. What I can add to this, is that if you work in any sort of R&D capacity, or you even just deal with a problem where it could take a long time (or cost a lot) to try a bunch of different experiments/settings to see what works the best, you owe it to yourself to learn a little bit of basic experimental design, and the stats that go with it. Its a massive time save, and Fisher was a chad.

Last year, I had a coworker planning to try a bunch of different operational settings to determine which setup would lead to the maximum removal of metal pollutants in water. Each experiment would take about 3-4 days, and the total number of runs would be about 90 since he was looking at
>3 pH levels
>3 metal concentrations
>with additive / without additive
>5 flow rates

I stopped him and advised his team to first only try the extreme high and low of metal level and pH, the extremes of flow, and to try both additives. This would catch most of the variation in his experiments and only take 16 runs instead of 90, and then they could run finer experiments where they had the biggest responses on the response curve. I didn't even need real stats or design techniques, but it saved 82% of the time and effort it would have taken.

>> No.53125941
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you can train a chimp to use excel bettter than "miss" excel. It's a windows app not rocket science, spreadsheet monkey.

>> No.53125943

I'm sure Udemy would have one. Or YouTube.

>> No.53126091

Excel is the endpoint of normie friendly automation. It's piss easy to write code for it and retardedly easy to mock up like 1 button 'UIs' that are basically just a big button that says "click me and I do all the work for you".

Wagies love that shit. The idea that you didn't outright replace them with a program, but rather gave them a nice big button to click that does 90% of their job for them makes it feel like you aren't their enemy. I literally freelance in my city writing private excel macros for office workers so they can automate their job and still work from home. Their boss doesn't complain if their performance is perfect, and on time, so they're at 0 risk of being called back to the office.

>> No.53126120

Excel supports soft skills

Checked and agreed if you're not at a pay rate over 75k. Once you're at 75k, unless you're doing some pussy shit where youre 80%+ unproductive, you'll want vendor specific stuff, all that fun corporate lingo, and the aforementioned soft skills that you picked up along the way.

>> No.53126201
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>What kind of advice are you looking for?
I'm not sure anon, there are a lot of conflicting ideas and energies within me. I have been stagnating ever since covid started. More than anything, I just want to find God.

>> No.53126225

OP is definitely on to something. At the company I work at, the only thing you hear someone say "wow, they do such a good job at X" is making nice spreadsheets and presentations. Best bet is to get really good at something like VBA or some other programming packages, learn to parse out the data properly, then generate nice charts and sheets from it

>> No.53126267
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I don't know how to get a job though. I don't even know what to put in my resume, as my work experience varies between laughable and non-existant. I studied college, but eventually dropped out. I don't know how to get started, even after I learn a skill or a software.
I can learn easily enough how to handle software. But how the fuck do I enter the workforce? AAAAAAA I'm useless -__-

>> No.53126347

>VBA or some other programming packages
Don't over complicate, it's fucking excel and some bullshit 3rd party free app service that your IT/compliance team or dept didn't approve. Excel is ONLY handy if-and-only-if you can develop and chart/table KPIs (do this for yourself anyway), and fend off bottom feeders by adding in a pivot table and a vlookup (make it index+match, but say vlookup) and deflecting their shitty little inquiries by nonanswering them. I fucking hate it, but that's how it works all the way up the chain. You'll use vendor tools or shit like PowerBI to get the data exported. Then you'll do your """wizardry""" to make it digestible to the untermensch you're dealing with.
>source: dude trust me
>t. Governance, Risk, and Compliance

>> No.53126358

Since you have no experience getting hired from your resume will be harder. So, in order to give yourself a better chance at landing a job you're going to need to network. Job fairs, cold messaging ppl on LinkedIn, cold knocking businesses are ways to get around the bs resume filter screening and potentially landing an interview. Once you have the interview you're going to need to sell yourself based on your soft skills rather than your expertise. If the team likes you enough they'll give you a chance to prove yourself and hire you. List the college courses you completed and add a few side projects relating to the position on your resume. That should be enough as right now your resume is just a placeholder.

>> No.53126373


>> No.53126413

If you're in IT, there are hundreds of far more interesting and lucrative things to learn than fucking Excel. Are you high as shit? Your point is right, learning Excel will get you places, but why the fuck would anyone want to learn Excel when they can learn, say, Python and put a certification for it on their resume? Or even just some cloud bullshit?

So many things that are better to learn than fucking Excel lmao.

>> No.53126449

Thanks anon, this is a big help. Best of luck to you in the New Year!

>> No.53126451

Thanks fren, your advice is appreciated.
I managed to get to the interview rounds for a WFH customer support position, but I didn't get a callback, that threw me off for a while. Anyways, I guess I have to either try what you say, or try to make moeny on my own somehow.

>> No.53126465
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>> No.53126500

Oh, also I don't know what to say when asked about my work experience. I've done odd things, like walking dogs a bit, done a few graphic design gigs, teaching English, etc. All small potatoes stuff, most of it by providing a service to neighbours, family, and friends.

>So Anon, you want to work for us. What experience have you had in the past decade?


>> No.53126560
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Based. Once you go through the basic statistical tools and maybe volatile and array methods, move onto something for automation like Powershell or Python or something more interesting. Most likely you have Salesforce, D365, NetSuite... something..... find an ERP and see what your Corp has that you can get your hands on. Powershell otherwise and then kick back while your scripts do a mail merge for you.

Don't get nervous about that. Own your situation. If it feels that goddamned bad, get a cert and start from the bottom rungs. The other advice in thread is generally good. Understand yourself and your audience. If you do this much and spray out applications to low tier office jobs paying between 16 and 22/hr you can hop in 3 to 6 months to a better place. Often times, 1 year is recommended, but you can easily claim "it wasn't a great fit for my goals" or "I want to push forward in my career" at the bottom end.

>> No.53126585

What about Google docs?
We've been using that no promotion tho..

>> No.53126680

Iirc, stupid powerful tool, data queryable within the damn workbook. It's a little different compared to excel, and corps don't trust Google (why can you query this flat file...?) But the core skills will carry over to the next org. The big piece here isn't Excel, it's KPIs (Key performance indicators) and data visualization/presentation (just how you share the info, usually not some meeting room where you talk about needles and pins).

>> No.53126695

It helped me by giving me a platform to develop project management tools and budgeting when I was a sysadmin. That in turn have me exposure to more advanced reporting and pm tools. which helped me move into a management position. As some other anon said, it's the ability to clean up data and show someone a pretty picture that helps to tell a story. My it specialty is in AWS, DevOps engineering and project management.

>> No.53126720

I know PowerShell too, but I'm in IT. My OP was for people just looking to get a normies job and get outta fast food, or give them a chance to stand out from the crowd. Telling someone who works at McDonald's or data entry to justlrn2posh and netsuite is pretty much useless as they are both inaccessible to them. Lrn2excel is a much lower barrier for entry

>> No.53126775

>If you do this much and spray out applications to low tier office jobs paying between 16 and 22/hr you can hop in 3 to 6 months to a better place.

I live in Argentina. Here the minimum wage per hour is around usd$0.60 to usd$0.80. I just checked and it is around that. Monthly wages go around usd$80 to usd$100 as far as minimum wage goes

I guess I should try to get an entry job like you say, and disregard the peanuts salary, and grind out the experience for now

>> No.53126850

Yeah, if they learn volatile sheets and array methods in excel, they've definitely lrnd2excel. I agree that there is little to no benefit to try employing PS without first grasping excel (esp for starters), but there's also little reason to get bogged down in excel and know all the minutia and details like you might want to do with PS.
For anons, those two excel topics, volatile references and array methods are meaty and can make excel do acrobatics it absolutely shouldn't do. Your managers shouldn't get the idea that it's normal to use those often outside of one off ad-hoc requests. You should also stick to vlookup (index+match, seriously) and pivot tables as much as possible.

Depends on your cost of living. If grinding it out on OSRS gets you more money, you can start tracking KPIs (Key performance indicators) and find "areas of opportunity" (places or ways you can do better). The concept of finding quantitative measurements (numeric) for your work or creating rubrics for qualitative (numeric scales for non-numeric descriptions/data) will be your selling point. You can certainly do what's best for you and start using spreadsheets to create "continuous improvement."
>in a plain English example
>OSRS or WoW farming makes more money than some wagie job
>start tracking your costs and revenues
>KPI: earnings/day is more than usd$6.40
>method: 1 for selling accounts method A, 2 for farming material X, 3 for farming material Y
>costs: VM/Cloud host, time, accounts, etc.
>track: average earnings, 3 week SMA
If you can get this information on a sheet you'll be able to optimize your work and hopefully meet your KPI and not waste time in the office.

>> No.53126875

you're totally on to something
down side is .. corporate environment

>you need soft skills

being obsequious enough that you devote time to excel in this way IS a soft skill, you muppet

>> No.53126898

yeah it's expected with these low hanging fruit jobs. I wouldn't get too discouraged. Just keep trying. Message someone on LinkedIn saying "Hey, I'm interested in so and so position. Can you pass my resume to the hiring team?". This is a great cold message tactic that can get around the HR bot resume filter and potentially gain you a connection. It won't work with everyone but if you send it to the right person they'll help you out and hopefully help you land you an interview. They may even give you insight on the questions asked during the interview. Doesn't hurt to ask them the best way to prepare if they seem chill.

>> No.53126914
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in fact, tomorrow I begin my excel journey
this will be a great way to flank the grovelling coworkers whose attachment to displaying leet skillz will mire them down

>> No.53126933

What the hell I learned Excel in fucking primary school lmao do burgers really think it is some advanced software?

>> No.53126940

Adding to >>53126898, you can get badges on some of the job websites for excel and office knowhow.

Adding to my example in >>53126850 ...
You can try tracking your teaching/dog walking efforts. If you consider "posting" an advertisement either online or on the ground, if you know your baseline, and then make a change to your "advertising strategy" you can track your callbacks, scheduled jobs and quoted prices, and mark the jobs as completed/cancelled/no show and actual earnings (make sure it all has dates). It will take time, but that example of "managing" or "tracking" a campaign is a perfect pitch for entry level marketing.

>> No.53127048

I thought it was just a spreadsheet with some built in formulas for a long time until I started practicing with VBA for querytables to download spot price data for further analysis, then building custom functions and more complicated data processing. Then stumbled upon the power model and learned how to do ArcGIS web queries from public servers, process the data and plot it on Excels Power Map. You can show ArcGIS shapefiles and Kmz files in Excel Power Map, make custom regions, add your own custom data, perform data analysis and with the Power Model you can load millions of records, create linked tables as source for power pivot tables. Microsoft has been building a lot of capability into Excel and Power BI for years. My own IT department had no idea the power stuff was there. Most people don't. I told someone in my IT department I was doing ArcGIS REST API queries against our pubic facing website to develop a demonstration of how to make a compliance tracker and other KPIs and they freaked out because they litterally did not understand it.

A quick example of the mapping. go to USGS, find the link to .txt files for earthquake data, use the power query to link to the file, download, load to powermap. Just hit update the query runs and replots the data. Find the local oil and gas regulator website, do some query for fracking permits, load data, map, compare the earthquake data, refresh both sets with a button click, see if there is a connection. Or, track Elon's plane.

>> No.53127084
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pic of what it looks like when open the power model window, you can create your own connections based on the KPI data you want. You can preform a lot of custom processing. Some of the tables can be from websites, text files, sql server, other spreadsheets. Excel can read about 58 different data types.

>> No.53127092

Post the excel roastie tiktok, she's strangely fappable

>> No.53127151

AI can code a 2D game for you nowadays via verbal command input.
Learning anything tech related now at the crossroads is retarded.

>> No.53127182

All of my business accounting is done in excel and all I know is =SUM(b1:b2) literally the only thing I use. I actually use excel over quick books because it’s easier and cleaner looking. Any other tips?

>> No.53127268
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pen apple pen

>> No.53127296

>More than anything, I just want to find God.
In your own desire to find him you will find him.

>> No.53127513

Sure you did buddy

>> No.53127566
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Checked, but OP's picture is a Jew.
>What works for jews due to nepotism doesn't work for everyone else.

>> No.53127671

How about everyone stop investing in fiat so that you don't have to work 10 hours a day on something you hate? If you save just 10% of what you earn in bitcoin you're effectively doubling your net income just by waiting 2 years. What do you need macros for? Stop learning skills and get off the rat race.

>> No.53127688

>the jewess

>> No.53127703


If you develop skills as a tool, the office will use uou as s tool. Jews have networks and networks support their own by looking for ANY LEGIT EXCUSE for promotion. The network is the cause of advancement, not the skill.

>> No.53127707

>Kat Norton teaches excel...
yup, jew

>> No.53127746


>> No.53127769

I only use open source applications.

>> No.53128074


>> No.53128273

can it find me a gf

>> No.53128351

Actual good advice. Seen some absolute useless people in management jobs who where absolute excel wizards. And everyone keeps praising them for exactly that skill. Its the ultimate management position tool.

>> No.53128377

No if you are good with excel - and i mean really good not "i can fill the spreadsheet in" it makes life 100 times easier because you can express data and trends so much easier. It also saves you a lot of time knowing how to fill and replace boxes and data very quickly. Very underrated skill because excel is easy to learn but difficult to master - and the rewards come really from mastery. Excel mastery in many was IS a soft skill, because it allows you to explain things much easier to other people

>> No.53129000

How far you talking? Like does knowing how to use pivot tables, h/v lookup, and general formulas to get the data you need take you far enough along with some ability to generate graphs/charts based on your results work? Or you talking full scripting. Healthcare finance IT fucker here but I mostly just do stuff in Epic. I'm the excel guy for things too small for the actual accounting/finance bros tho.
Nice trips

>> No.53129128

Can the center part please die. She looks like a bald man wearing a bad wig.

>> No.53129171

Always gotta shit on the liberal art, huh. I did a program for computer networking and am working on an English degree. I’m smarter than all you boomer faggots. You should beg to have me on your team. I won’t do it. Too busy analyzing sacred text that’s way above what your puny intellect can handle. Enjoy your dumb whore wife though.

>> No.53129187

sure excel is a great start. but if you learn SQL and Python you're going to go a lot further in any analyst job and you won't want to blow your brains out trying to write the most basic transformations. the only good think excel can do is pivot tables.

>> No.53129207

Checked. Also:

literally have had these as some of my homepage tabs for awhile now. just to remind myself. i keep procrastinating actually doing it, though, but now seeing this thread, I'm gonna put some time in to it starting today. Thanks for the reminder, OP.

what do you guys think of JMP?

>> No.53129232

Your pic feels like a personal attack why does another woman care if I suckle my wife and drink her milk? She has too much sometimes when feeding the baby and the other breast starts to flow.

>> No.53129372

what AI are you guys using nowadays to write content for you? any good articles or resources i should look into with regards to getting into AI content creation and maybe making a side gig out of it? i understand programming, if that helps.

is it free? or do you pay for some service? im fine with proofreading it manually if necessary, or selecting which art pieces to send to people. how lucrative is it?

>> No.53129388

I use Google sheets instead.

>> No.53129514

In likely decreasing usefulness for you:
>Conditional formatting
>Pivot Tables
>AND/OR/NOT & helper columns/values
>index match

>> No.53129532

your accountant must fucking hate you. kek.

t. accountant

>> No.53129779


Alternatively, googlesheets is amazing for having a lot of out of the box conversions when you want niche stuff.

>> No.53130195

Why not increase your skill set so that you can make more and invest more securely without having to eat ramen or be terrified that if your investment goes belly up you will still have a roof over your head and marketable skills?

>> No.53130280

*And still have marketable skills?

>> No.53130294

Can’t I just learn a Django stack and assist in data storage?

>> No.53130323

Good advice and noteworthy numerals.

>> No.53130422
File: 81 KB, 680x680, Gogetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an interview for a remote job today paying $120k plus annual 15% bonus and the main 2 skills the company is interested in me having are competent SQL skill and competent data visualization skill.
The one difference I would say is you should focus on PowerBI or Tableau (or Python) for visualization, not excel. But in order to use those visualizers, you need at least moderate excel skills too.

>> No.53130469

Can confirm. Went from $12 an hour to $25 an hour plus sales just for knowing excel.

>> No.53130702

>Trips of truth
OP isn't larping for once. Excel is an unbelievably useful mechanism to better calculate (and conceptualize) the value of numbers. The conceptualization piece serves just as important as arriving at the correct calculation. This skill also takes a while longer to mature. A good exercise is to play around with your data/formulas/charts within a spreadsheet, and then verbalize (or express through some means) the significance of what you've come to. Equations without significant meaning are rather useless, unless posited in misleading/amoral ways. This will help you detect bullshit within your own company/industry, as well as in your personal meanderings.

>> No.53132740

You can now just use AI like Tome.ai to present ideas/data, forget Excel, it makes you to exposed to attacks from the future or neighbouring space time volumes.

>> No.53132797

>soft skills
you will never be a C level executive not to mention anything else

>> No.53132840

>Maybe but good luck doing any sort of collaboration within Google Sheets.
Anon... are you retarded?

>> No.53133957

i climbed the ladder by sucking dick.
i am a man btw

>> No.53134321

Interesting. I already use a little bit of excel at a basic level. What should I be learning specifically to become a super cool data visualization genius?

>> No.53134797

Buffet got rich before computers could be fit on top of desks you bumbling retard

Sage advice OP. As a CPA that is an excel pro (making over $100k myself) I can say that even people that use Excel every day are still dog shit with it. If you have any sense of curiosity / desire to learn and make things easier, you can certainly be noticed for your skills.

>> No.53134869

Excel made my dick bigger

>> No.53137350

>As a CPA that is an excel pro
kek imagine being this much of a nerd

>> No.53137364

The reason she's sucessful is because she's got tits and does silly dances. I doubt you can learn any real skills from her. But yes, I get your point. Excel is good.