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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 517 KB, 613x611, Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53126332 No.53126332 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to think this is the only way to become rich. And perhaps every rich person becomes rich in this manner, whether they know it or not. You certainly don't become rich through hard work. There must be something else at play here. To use MMOs as an analogy, we're all like normal players grinding for game currency through quests or whatever, when at the end of the day, it's possible to easily secure millions by duping money, or using some other sort of loophole.

So, how do I mend the fabric of reality to my will to become wealthy?

>> No.53126357

Apparently law of attraction but that shit seems satanic

>> No.53126462

Did you get this from the jung or lsd subreddit?

>> No.53126476

go back

>> No.53126546

I was researching Jungian shadow treatments. I don't agree with the concepts just yet but I am giving them a fair shake. What are you doing to improve your psychology?

>> No.53126580


>> No.53126602

just wait until 3am when the astrology schizos start posting

>> No.53126723
File: 37 KB, 880x480, 501p48bwgm941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My schizo theory is that it boils down to building a following of some sort through your work/passion. Big players on youtube like mr beast are just aggressive versions of this. Then you have the tate meme and his takedown. The real barrier to true wealth is to do this but step away from having a hard presence after you built your following. Thats the wall to get to real power and you see it in figures like obama who became a ghost by 2021. The ones that make it to important positions usually become a figurehead first then negotiate with those above them to get in. So you would have to secure something powerful like a presidency or very high level finance/business executive then gracefully exit into the world of complex foundations and "charities" which are to no surprise major tax havens so you know there is very deep pockets there.

>> No.53126742
File: 86 KB, 338x500, Dusk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruthlessly inquire into truth and seek self-knowledge. You will have insights and epiphanies. Then you'll begin to have experiences that in zen they'd call kensho or satori, in Sufism they'd call kashf, etc. Then when you finally have a breakthrough awakening experience and it feels like God is communicating with you, navigate the temptations until you get to one that offers money and worldly power. It's not actually God communicating with you, it's the world-encircling serpent who loves to devour souls. But you can accept the offer and you'll have your money and we will know your name.

>> No.53126751

Read reality transurfing. You can get what you want but you’re coming at it from the wrong angle.

>> No.53126781
File: 37 KB, 480x687, 75ffc3ac08160324aecc867333e9a246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrology investing. If you don't understand the rules of the occult follows you will never win. Become obsessed with finding out the truth. You will soon find out money is just a tool to help you obtain true freedom. The freedom to figure out why we are here and how do we escape. If that is not what you are seeking don't even bother, you will never hack the matrix. Being obsessed with this material world is a straight path to hell.

>> No.53126796
File: 803 KB, 1154x704, bogdanoffinterview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also to expand on this I really think it has to do with some spiritual energy at some level. To attract people to your energy and have them become your sources of money you have to become an anchor that is myth like. The elite love social media and media in general because it is like an energy drain taking your chance to be a lightning rod to others and bring in their money to you. Indirectly causing you to be a minimal energy drain but most of your energy goes to them through their media which is why the internet is pushed so hard in our economy. Most cant climb this spiritual energy ladder because they get bogged down in distraction and physical drag. Some start to climb better but become to schizophrenic to get to escape velocity like terry davis.

>> No.53126807


hurr durr gay pendulum of semen

>> No.53126818

Look into Florence scoville shin, Joseph Murphy, Neville Goddard see if any of it resonates with you. Try Neville's Ladder experiment to test his method for yourself.

>> No.53126829
File: 8 KB, 202x249, 1322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elites like social media? Sorry to burst your bubble those idiots on social media fagfluencers are not the elites. They don't have any power. They are controlled puppets. Parading around in useless overpriced junk and trying to display HOW RICH THEY ARE. Obsessed with themselves and incapable of putting together a single intelligent thought.

The elites understand the world we live. They use that power to create the world they want to live. They use that knowledge to enslave us to gain worldly powers. Without understanding the Saturn doctrine or gnostic text you will never become an elite.

>> No.53126838

I think the big thing is to be bold

>> No.53126846

reality transurfing

>> No.53126896

>bogged down

>> No.53126959

Rely on degenerates to do your lawn and your work. Be the superior being

>> No.53127195

Occultism. Why do you think it's Blackrock?
Blackrock = Black cube = Saturn = Planetary power associated with finance

I think LoA is the simplest and most straightforward answer but you need a lot of willpower to break the mental conditioning. If you got too immersed into an MMO you might find it hard to break free. Like an actor who can't stop acting a role, but of course it's all in his head.

>> No.53127242
File: 61 KB, 542x830, Hermes2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically ask him to open your mind to the required knowledge.

You can look up Greek/Roman offerings and prayers online to get you started.

>> No.53127270

locate power flows in the movement of goods and labor.
Identify the points where power flow is concentrated, blocked, or regulated
place yourself or your proxy in those points

it's really quite easy.
if you have an IQ above 160

>> No.53127327

I work a six figure job, but the work consumes my life and it's just enough to survive a mediocre life, not thrive in a life of freedom.

How? My IQ is only in the 150s.

>> No.53127372

he just told you to start your own business retard.

>> No.53127413

Become a programmer. And no, I don't mean "lern 2 code" although those skills can be useful, but not necessary. Going along with the game analogy, in this world you have the NPCs, the players, and the programmers. The NPCs are part of the content, and the players engage with the content to level up and grow stronger to tackle bigger and bigger challenges. But the programmers CREATE the content and influence the behavior of both the NPCs and the players. You have to learn to see the game from the outside and pull the right strings to change it in a way that benefits you, and if you have a benevolent heart, everyone else as well.

>> No.53127568

LSD certainly helps you gain timeline control. I went from debt to 8 figures in three years of basically doing nothing.

You fags can call LARP all you like but it's a pretty straightforward thing to do once you stop being a pussy a truly, honestly, fully commit to the process. But people are "scared", essentially - too many What If's.

Quite a few guys were on the same path as me but fell off part way along and never got back on track in time.

>> No.53127636


Thoughts on psilocybin as an alternative?

>> No.53128141

How much LSD is needed? Please expand on what timeline control means

>> No.53128187

i literally started doing LSD last week its awesome
how do i make money now ?

>> No.53128275

literally is satanic

>> No.53128557

> escape
LOL, this is all there is
When we move on to the next you'll see that the father is your father, the son is you and the holy spirit is your future.
The reason catholicism worked so well for so long is it ingrained this subliminally into its followers.
The next relm we are one, don't get ahead. Make the bow better.
Of course fuck bitches make money, but do so in a manner that would make your mom proud

>> No.53129860

>thrive in a life of freedom.
Freedom begins when you stop needing

>> No.53130213

>Please expand on what timeline control means

Ensuring you remain on the timeline where you get rich. Most people don't believe it will actually happen, always coming up with reasons why it won't, and then ofc it doesn't.

You have to be able to stay calm as fuck, completely steady nerves, and take the opportunity the second it presents itself. Applies to a lot of things in life.

>> No.53130244

I just drew tarot and jerked off with intention a bunch during 2021 and pretended that the bullrun was all my fault

>> No.53130572

Once you learn how, material wealth no longer interests you.

>> No.53130766

Ok, more sedative, mind the tolerance and keep days off (2 or more).

>> No.53130906
File: 47 KB, 537x525, 3A29E1A0-B2D5-4392-A4C9-C488EF2CB71F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Gods secret key and thats what lead me to success. These are not keys as in terms of crypto but the keys to the Universe. Kinda like root access to a computer, the admin key to the whole Universe that reveals all secrets.
That key is crucial for understanding the universe and bending it to your will, I assume it also allows one to pick where and when to ‘respawn‘ in the next life while also revealing your previous one.

>> No.53130934

It's actually really easy, but I'm not going to tell you how kek have fun wagie cagie.

>> No.53130956

You think I could hack time and space via the Key of the Universe to live my life over again, but this time with all of my stuff... kinda like New Game + in a JRPG?

>> No.53131148

the first step is to examine the way you think and feel about money anon. are you one of those poorfags that hate rich people and believe them to be entitled, no good leeches? or are you one of those poorfags that puts the rich on a pedestool, assuming they are better or smarter than you? these are both ngmi attitudes.
if you want to hack the underlying fabric of reality to become rich...start with your own mind. be a rich person first (in mind and attitude)...then you will be rich.

>> No.53131750

this is either /sci/ or /x/ content

>> No.53132280
File: 629 KB, 2576x1553, 8136f7f2-044c-11e8-8633-1ff66188a2aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53132318


>> No.53132933

how do you do that

>> No.53133067

Law Of Attraction OG here. It's not satanic, what a crock of shit. It follows three principles, decide what you want, believe its already yours and thirdly don't worry about how it will happen. Act on any nudges the universe gives you. Have a daily sit down for a few minutes and visualize yourself how it will feel and how it will look when you have achieved your want. That's it bro, no money needed just the smooth brain in that head of yours!

>> No.53133388

lmao even

>> No.53134373

you just claim it with a haircomb when surfing the blockchain

>> No.53134479
File: 53 KB, 900x784, ji~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's not using law of attraction
>he's not using subliminal hypnosis to gain greater luck
>he's not blessing his water
>he's not using associative remote viewing
>he's not becoming in-tune with the absolute and using the voice of god technique
>he's not training his psi abilities to become statistically significant
>he's not listening to his intrusive thoughts when it comes to investing/gambling
>he's not worshipping the great Duke Bune

>> No.53134676

the way I see it is if you impress/convince your subconscious mind why you need to become rich, it will show you the door

>> No.53134731

Oy vey

>> No.53134824

tell us more, please.

>> No.53136327

You got deep into this shit, especially with your great Duke Bune.

>> No.53137382

This hit deep because i have already internalized this concept but didn't have a name, and the phrase, Timeline Control, is spot on. This is definitely real. I am 36 and can literally visualize the forks in the road where I made a wrong turn. I can also visualize how my life would have progressed if I went right instead of left at those key junctions.

With that being said, I am now in the middle of a longer, more rugged path, but I'm nearly out of the woods and am about to merge back onto a timeline that has a path to wealth. Heed this anon's advice. He speaketh the truth.