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53114146 No.53114146 [Reply] [Original]

Just drank the Avax koolaid and got myself a bag. What other avax related tokens should I also be looking at? I looked at a basic list and these seem to be the common ones floating around:

- QI

>> No.53114329
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>> No.53114378

how much avax to make it?

>> No.53114431

I'm basically an ETH maxi. The one token I can't figure out whether it's a true Innovation or just more centralized crap is AVAX. Please post your best arguments for Avalanche and I will try to understand (but also will try to poke holes in your logic). Thanks in advance, fren.

>> No.53114450

it's fees are very low but not so low that the coin is barely needed like other coins, it's twice as fast as eth, and it's sturdy like eth out of all the competitors it's the most decentralized.

>> No.53114500

I bought it because it was pretty much a superior version of Ethereum. A decentralized layer 1 blockchain with the ability for subnet blockchains with their own tokens and kyc compliance/regulations anyone or any company can easily make. (making it potentially the AWS of blockchain)

>> No.53115230

>just more centralized crap
AVAX is actually the most decentralized PoS, far more than ETH currently. Post-merge ETH has become one of the MOST centralized PoS primarily because Lido and Coinbase control nearly 50% of the ETH 2.0 network. This gives it a Nakamoto coefficient of around 3, whereas Avalanche sits at around 30.

This more due to poor implementation decisions like validator slashing and the indefinite lockup period than it is due to pure technological constraints. I don't see a technologically based reason why ETH should be more centralized than FTM, ALGO, or SOL but currently it is.

Like most cryptos, the technological bottleneck gives a max decentralization of around 150 validators. AVAX on the other hand can have near a million concurrent validators all contributing to consensus. AVAX also happens to have the fastest finality times and arguably the best horizontal scaling method through subnets. Also immunity to MEV, but that's just icing on the cake and just kind of happened unintentionally while in the pursuit of speed and decentralization.

>> No.53115242


>> No.53115275
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Emin Gün Sirer:
>Cornell CS Prof has been in crypto since BEFORE BTC (Karma2003)
>exCo Director of IC3 which is 180+ researchers & 6 Unis
>close partnership with the Chainlink team
>Vitalik endorses EGS & acknowledged Avalanche is a Breakthrough on par with Nakamoto
>is for decentralization and Censorship resistance
>oldschool haxxor

Avalanche protocol:
>third consensus protocol after Nakamotos PoW & Classical
>basically consensus is reached by probabilistic sampling thousands of independent nodes over multiple rounds
>This is not repackaged shit with minimal tinkering here and there its a completely new type of Consensus Protocol
>4500+ REAL TPS (no bullshit tricks, batching, or centralized L2)
>can scale to MILLIONS of Validators while maintaining high tps & sub second finality
>highest Nakamoto coefficient
>running a Node is easy & hardware requirements are low
>Resists 51% attacks (would need 80%)

Tokenomics & Profit:
>AVAX needed for staking on nodes & delegating to nodes
>needed to participate in governance of the network
>fees are burned (also when Subnets, Blockchains & other assets are created)
>9% APY + delegator reward% + Subnet Rewards
>only requirement is 90% node uptime
>no slashing

>sub networks can be launched on Avalanche with near infinite customization
>"Blockchain as a Service" to tokenize all the Assets in the World
>Chainlink Subnet is in the works but also 900 other subnets from gaming to finance to CBDCs, payment providers everything is possible on Avalanche
>AVAX node may be a member of many subnets & earn additional rewards from them all!

Full EVM support:
>All ETH infrastructure can work on AVAX out of the box
>C-Chain (EVM) Subnet is constantly developed further and made more efficient
>C-Chain mirrored the best parts of the entire ETH ecosystem and improved on many ideas giving it all the TPS, scalability, speed and interoperability that it needs for the next stage

>> No.53115285
File: 355 KB, 734x2138, avaxblackpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JOE and PTP are unironically best-in-class at their respective DeFi functions.
The new game is collecting veJOE and vePTP. I really like VTX (Vector Finance) for staking these tokens and it's still giving enormous rewards even in the bear market. Check it out.

>> No.53115301
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>JOE and PTP are unironically best-in-class at their respective DeFi functions.
by that I mean better than any other AMM or stabeswap across all blockchain platforms.

Okay fuck it I'll post the epic Avax pasta by Seq in 5 parts. Anybody browsing biz right now should be buying as much Avax as they possibly can. You are here in the bear market, you have a gigantic opportunity compared to all the normies and moonboys who'll be here for the 2024/2025 bullrun. Buy and hold faggots.

>> No.53115308
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>> No.53115318
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Funny thing is I was already posting this copypasta in January 2021 when Avax was under $4.

>> No.53115326
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>> No.53115331
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>> No.53115353
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Also Emin is based as fuck and regularly calls out other projects' bullshit like Solana's inflated TPS. His twitter handle is @el33th4xor

Avalanche consensus model and Subnets are a pivotal breakthrough in distributed systems and will dominate the coming years in blockchain technology. Web3 Gaming seems to be the next major play and Avax is already set to capture a huge part of that scene.

>> No.53116644
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>not looking at the Subnet Bullrun and these new tokens

>> No.53116720

This is great and all but why doesn't it pump?

>> No.53116724


>> No.53116748
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Because the market is retarded and backwards. when it sorts its shit out you dont want to be the guy without the AVAX bag.

>> No.53117501

it runs off of independent nodes from various anons (2500?) basement's

>> No.53118671

Because we are in a depression and all markets suck? Avalanche is great, but it cant fight worldwide market forces at a marketcap of 3.5b

>> No.53118689

I'd recommend loading up on the tokens for the Chikn ecosystem.


If you havent looked into it yet, do yourself a favor and dive in. Chikn is hands down the most advanced NFT eco of any blockchain with a huge following.

>> No.53118797

This is great and all but why don't you invest in some brain cells, huh? Mongoloid

>> No.53119035

Avax ecosystem is dead.

>> No.53119158

Just by saying that Avalanche is centralized you lost all credibility, go back to your coomcave
Get QI, you won't regret it, simple as anon, if that doesn't seem to work go with platypus

>> No.53119160

The only ecosystems I see actually dead are scams ghostchains like cardano. Poor argument, keep coping anon

>> No.53119338


dont u see the fucking winter around you faggot?

>> No.53119551
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A real chad right here. Take a look at:
- Pangolin
- GoGoPool
- Platypus

>> No.53119610

why doesn't anything pump right now, really? I don't think AVAX price action has much to do with the blockchain itself but the market as it is.

>> No.53119621

>has no idea of vol
>telling me who's been on Avax since launch it's not dead

Check literally anything on Avalanche you fucking dunce. All of the games were shit, the nft vol is abysmal and not even 1% of SOL (lol), Vector, PTP, all going down the drain.

>> No.53119831


There you go
I don’t see how this could be a serious question

>> No.53119868


New podcast with Stephen, get in here AVAXchads

>> No.53120001

Finally, reasonable person in this hole of shit. If I were you I would also get some JOE & XAVA anon

>> No.53120081
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Mantle is the one true L2 scaling ETH you fucking idiot. fuck avax.

>> No.53120087

I’m curious to hear your bull case for QI. I kind of split on whether to buy more.

>> No.53120239

joe and ptp but if you ask me, save some more money for cheaper avax and btc. 2023 will not be our year... i mean it ll be our years in terms of grabbing coins for cheap and wait for :)))

>> No.53120275

Based anon

>> No.53120309

I like Joe and EGG for me both projects work perfectly and are the most based ones

>> No.53120311

There are too much related tokens but I hodl AVAX and waiting for Sharapnel

>> No.53120603

>we need a l2 to scale
>dont worry about fees bro just be rich
>dont worry about 5 minute finality what is it a race?
>dont worry about not being able to unstake goy
lol why the fuck would anyone even think about using eth anymore? Oh just because they married their bags because its GOT to make them rich

>> No.53120736

Don't fall for Vector shills
They're the garbage team that released MAGNET and fucked everyone over. Literally stole 10 million from presale to fund VTX and then fuck off.

>> No.53120788

This thread reeks of day-old kebab.

>> No.53121071

the avax ecosystem is more alive than ever, and I found this shrapnel game fucking interesting, even though I'm not usually a fan of shooters.

>> No.53121083

rn enough to validate seems like ygmi

>> No.53121130

Don't listen to the idiots who say the network is dead. It's just getting started. If I were you, I would include Pangolin and keep watching JOE

>> No.53121553

I can't take you seriously if you say Avalanche is centralized. It is much more decentralized and scalable than ETH , it's even much cheaper, simply superior nigger

>> No.53121583

To those who wonder "Why, if AVAX is so good, doesn't it pump?" I have another question for you: Do you think a token can pump exponentially in a bear market? I think it's difficult, but I don't know, maybe you have something else to say, I'll still read them, even if you don't read and don't find out about a project that you criticize...

>> No.53121672

genuinely don't understand why you shill VC kikecoins
Look at both the tokenomics, distribution, and who was shilling it (that are all no longer) alongside association and development, szifu, danielesiesta, etc
Forking uniswap is nothing innovative
You are a retard

>> No.53121767
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snowcone, building on avax

>> No.53122050

It literally doesn't have 1% of SOL's nft sales volume, lol.

>> No.53122581

Show me the graphics

>> No.53123093

Anyone have that Avax meme of the angry feminists yelling at a guy?

>> No.53123469

Yeah ok market is down etc - but Solana is pumping. How can that be but Avax doesnt if this coin is better? Im not trolling - I dont own Sol, but right now Im pissed off I didnt sell my 2000 avax for it

>> No.53123555

Just buy avax. It will outperform most eco shitcoins anyway

>> No.53123612
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gotchu senpai

>> No.53124169

Yes! Thank you, based anon. I am starting a collection of memes and AVAX FUD. Going to be glorious when it moons.

>> No.53124984

great decision.
with all the partnerships they announced lately, you should get at least an easy x2 with that

>> No.53125315


>> No.53125372

>Avax is outperforming the market like in the good old days.
I can feel it. Just like the last time AVAX will lead the way and BTC will hit ATH this year.

>> No.53125778

just loaded a bag

ps fuck you janny niggers I wasnt advertising, I found a cool site and wanted to show it to people. nigger.

captcha 2JY28D

>> No.53125934

most decentralised PoS yet over 80% of their validators probably run on AWS
t.5k avax validator on non cloud equipment

>> No.53126219

n-word used

>> No.53126263

Call the police I dont give a fuck

>> No.53126272

We got a nice little pump going. Not expecting anything crazy. The team did say there would be multiple announcements this month though. Q1 overall should be big for AVAX. I’m just praying for a permissionless subnet so they can show the world that the tech works and is superior.

>> No.53126422

Multiple announcements?
Hopefully some cool shit that finally makes this a top 5 coin

>> No.53127035

Double minting scam chain held together with spit. Fees higher than ETH at a slight uptick in transactions. Not nearly as decentralized as Polkadot (look up Nakamoto coeffecients). OP is a shill larping as an ETH maxi. Also checkem.

>> No.53127357

>Not nearly as decentralized as Polkadot
DOT's only decentralized on paper. Since all validators in the active set get paid an equal amount regardless of the amount staked, it incentivizes large holders to run dozens of validators instead of a single large one. For maximum profits you simply run as many as you can squeeze onto the relatively small active set which is limited to 297. The unintended consequence of this design is that it squeezes small validators off the active set and tilts consensus even further to the large holders.

So it might look like an attacker needs to coordinate 87 unique validators, but it's really VC 1, VC 2, and VC 3 that control 40, 30, 17 validators respectively that are all that's needed to coordinate. On paper it looks like NC = 87, but in reality it's closer to NC = 3. Very interesting sleight of hand, but Gavin was thinking his fake decentralization would attract real decentralization as DOT matured and started building out a dapp ecosystem. More users means more stakers which means more real decentralization.

>> No.53128435
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No one is talking about AVAX anymore bros, they're still shilling Söylana as next Ethereum... I'm honestly not sure if Avalanche will ever move up again without 3AC.

>> No.53129499
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We are in the deep troughs of the bear market. This is when you buy retard. I unironically just started buying in with cash again this week. The last time I put in my own cash was in early 2019. Since then I have literally only been cashing out on the ride to the top. Start buying aggressively now and bask in glory when everything moons again in the 2024/2025 bullrun.

Vector already dominates the ve-game. It's bound to become the Convex of Avalanche. In fact it already is. Also it's giving very nice yields even during the bear market.

>Avalanche is an Eth clone
>C-chain is an EVM fork
>Trader Joe is a Uniswap fork
>Platypus is a Curve fork
While there is truth to all of these, you're disregarding the enormous amount of innovation going on in the Avax ecosystem.

>> No.53131369


>> No.53131555

Why though

>> No.53131575

Front running announcement and we were way oversold from SOLs fuckups.

>> No.53131819

So much insider trading goes on with this coin - every time it pumps there's an announcement within 48 hours.

>> No.53132100
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>> No.53132182

Can you guys stop buying. I need that $10 avax later this month

>> No.53132239

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.53132252

Which dex in the turk roach ecosystem is the best for trading?

>> No.53132264
File: 299 KB, 1170x1817, 391D588A-B87B-40C8-805C-8420E3CD79F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We may be down bad, but at least it isn’t this bad LMFAO

>> No.53132278

Same as the scam L2 Arbitrum. TraderJoe

>> No.53132320

can you leverage trade there? and what about gmx? the avalanche twitter account was shilling it

>> No.53132407

Yes, GMX is probably your best option. Don’t think there’s a lot of liquidity there though for big trades.