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53120503 No.53120503 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>covid hits
>doesn't make financial sense to pay absurd rent in the city anymore,
>go live in dad's condo in the periphery

my dad was the cool divorced dad that drove me wherever when i was like 8

but now that i'm 30, living with him i discovered he became a schizo divorced loser, as he talks to himself in the corridors all the time and has very poor mood control, anytime something goes against him, he breaks down, he's burnt several bridges, with every friends he has, he even had to change jobs

anyway living with him gives me anxiety, is there anything i can do to suffer less or do I have to move out? how do i not feel guilty moving out for no reason? i cant lie that it's for a job, i'd be moving out nearby because I actually like the calmness of the periphery and my extended family is here

>> No.53120616
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what's a good excuse to move out?

>> No.53120766

a) Never call your father or anyone a loser. You should have grasped that much about life by now.
b) Be careful to not end like him. You are different? Are you? Did you go through marriage-children-divorce yet?
c) Speaking to yourself is a sign of loneliness in that age
d) you are 30. you don’t need any explanation aside of „I need my space“ to move out of your dad‘s
e) as you seem to be unaware: to live in a relative small space together with someone else is one of the most challenging experiences. All possible issues come up. Only very rarely there is a real fit where it can work/be worked out.
d) I expect from your father to understand this. He can’t use you as remedy against loneliness. You can’t use him to save money if it’s not an emergency.
e) do you understand now why they say nothing is for free?
f) you can tell your dad that you need your own space so you can build your own nest but you want to find something nearby because you like the area and that way you can remain close by and hang out from time to time (there is your narrative, which is what you really wanted, didn’t you?)
g) some more rules on how to deal with struggling parents: you visit them, never the other way around, you define a clear sequence of activities and you leave afterwards. Ensure the time is never too long for you. Imo ideal are around 2 hours. Control yourself at all times when interacting with your struggling parent.

>> No.53120795

holy shit was satoshi an ayylmao?

>> No.53120826

>f) you can tell your dad that you need your own space so you can build your own nest but you want to find something nearby because you like the area and that way you can remain close by and hang out from time to time

this, OP. Listen to this dude

>> No.53120850

Give him an ol' handy J to chill him out.

>> No.53120851

He's your father and he's helping you, if he doesnt have a yoke around you forcing you around then you owe it to him to try and help him be happier. Talk to him and spend a little time with him doing something together

>> No.53120853

Try to cheer up your fucking dad your retard. Wtf are you doing prioritizing your own pathetic 'anxiety'?

Thinking about it your dad is probably having meltdowns because of how much of a bitch you are.

>> No.53120951

I'm 28
Living with my mom and husband.
They have been arguing for the past several months. They haven't separated because they are both kinda broke only way they would is if they sell the house

No gf or anything only reason I have to move out is "muh independence" which quite frankly I don't really care for. I'd rather stay here and help out financially which beats living on my own. But living with these 2 is making me anxious. His daughter and granddaughter are going to be living with us soon despite there being no room. Its 2 bed 2 bath house. He plans to make them sleep on a mattress on the floor. Lately my anxiety as been high too.

I'm looking for a roommate I suggest you'd do the same if money is an issue. If not just bite the bullet and move out

>> No.53121050

>Control yourself at all times when interacting with your struggling parent
yes i also want to move out to make this easier too, that has not been the case at first and giving him more stuff to think about when he goes to work or finally goes out with friends i felt insanely guilty
thanks for your insightful answer, have you been in the same situation before by any chance?

like i didn't try that, how old are you, be honest?

>> No.53121069

lmao these gpt4chan threads are out of control

>> No.53121107

i do help with the expenses if that's what you're talking about

about mental health, i tried, he doesn't respond to it, he needs professional help but it's not a thing of his days, but what the hell i'm not equipped to deal with that stuff

>> No.53121310

>His daughter and granddaughter are going to be living with us soon

>> No.53121430

I talk to myself all the time. And I curse anyone who interrupts me thinking I am talking with them.
Fucking faggots.

>> No.53121595

Solid wisdom posted here.
>never call your father a loser
Especially this. Insulting your parents is faggot-commie-tier. They're the only ones you've got. Show a little class and protect their reputation.

>> No.53121693

I think 25 and 5

>> No.53121710

Based and wellthoughtout pilled

>> No.53122253

>he became a schizo divorced loser
a schizo divorced loser with a home rentcuck

>> No.53122315

>as he talks to himself in the corridors all the time and has very poor mood control, anytime something goes against him, he breaks down, he's burnt several bridges, with every friends he has, he even had to change jobs
Is this what being a schizo is? Because I think I might actually be one

>> No.53122347

>i discovered he became a schizo divorced loser, as he talks to himself in the corridors all the time
Sounds like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

You're 30 years old, posting on 4chan and probably don't even have a GF.

Show your dad some /x/ threads, encourage him to gorge himself in even more deranged conspiracy theories.

>> No.53122352
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Wow. From time to time, biz can really be a good place

>> No.53122368

Based. OP listen to this wise anon. And be kind to your father.

>> No.53122371

You dont need an excuse to not live with your parents when you're 30

>> No.53122394

Inb4 Op has to do gay incest stuff with his dad for a free place to live.

>> No.53122496

Checked. Thanks anon. My father caused me a lot of pain and mental anguish in my life so I stopped reaching out a year ago. I’ve recently come to learn he isn’t perfect either and I still love and respect him. It’s just hard to go back and try to make amends after everything he put me through in life. It wasn’t just one thing but hundreds over the course of years since I was an infant. I’m unsure how to go from here.

>> No.53122520

Before anyone tries to say I should talk to him about it, he has some narcissistic traits and doesn’t feel what he did was wrong at all. (Or he is too afraid to admit his mistakes). I saw a lot of similar issues in myself that I had to work on changing for a long time. I just sometimes think in his old age that he can’t be as introspective about things.