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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 6 KB, 208x242, ohnono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53119027 No.53119027 [Reply] [Original]

>Chainlink jannies delete the thread exposing the grift
>Muh Hippassus watery demise
>Ari posts some more obscure physical shitcoins from 800 years ago
>Sergey shows up in the biggest slop suit ever
>We made up the enterprise abstraction layer
>Let's invite the biggest crypto scam artist to our flagship conference
>He shows up on Zoom
>DECO is in alpha beta delta
>H-hey we hired some old academic from the ultra successful Diem/Libra project!
>We also hired the CTO of the Diem foundation!
>We are paying them exorbitant salaries to accomplish nothing
>Here lock up your tokens for 12-24 months
>O-oh ok we'll lower it to 9-12 months we're sorry
>We'll just remove all connections to Celsius off our website and not say anything about it
>Bancor too whoops sorry
>Look at our big brain Dan Boneh who will deliver us see see eye pee

>> No.53119046
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>Oh we're not done, we are uhh... moving Adelyn out of the CMO role into something else
>We just don't have a CMO now
>We POWER web3, look at our TVL!
>Sorry I meant our TVS
>Hmm ok let's try TVE, yeah look at TVE
>I'm totally not a scam artist like every crypto scam artist I've associated with in our history
>Yes everyone from Ari to Tom Gonser to Eric Schmidt gets paid in LINK tokens but we promise you'll get to cash out eventually!
>Yeah our nodes are so profitab-ACK

>> No.53119048
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>duuuude you must be a paid NEXO tranny, Sergey would never betray us based Link marines

>> No.53119054

shut up baggie

>> No.53119063
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>Hey guys look our early access staki-
>Ok look now guys the general access staking filled up!
>It's 4.75% you should be so happy
>Oh LINK is down 35% from when we launched staking?
>We are just not going to bother releasing a new year's eve video
>Yeah sorry we tried convincing exchanges to use Proof of Reserves but turns out truth isn't desired!
>We are still scheduled to dump tens of millions of tokens yes anon

>> No.53119085
File: 1.29 MB, 2722x914, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wow we have a lot of angry anons!
>Let's go ahead and delete this thread exposing us as scam artists
>Truth > trust anon r-remember?
>We wouldn't lead you astray while saying truth > trust, just trust us
>Here why don't you educate yourself on Web3 and how to code again, and some obscure metrics we use here at Chainlink
>Look at the latest DeFi, NFT and Gaming integrations! That's what you signed up for anon, right?

>> No.53119093

Wow what an anon, taking the time to let us bagholders know that we've, in fact, missed the missing breadcrumb that outs this company as an outright scam. And so eloquently...kys.

>> No.53119149
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>Damage control please, STAT!
>Please deflect say anything attack the posters that expose us! We need to get the narrative back on track
>We are a trust worthy, honest company. We wouldn't dare lead our link marines into the bancor, ftx, celsius minefields. we also partnered with blockfi, gemini and nexo!

>> No.53119171

Thanks for telling us all the details of your shitcoin bagholder

>> No.53119193

chainlink hurt you really badly (and that's a great thing)

>> No.53119226

Get over it you big crybaby. Lots of effort going into WAAHH WAAHH. Here's your (you).

>> No.53119229

Why are you so desperate? Okay, I'll lose all the money I've made over the course of the past 5 and a half years, as well as the passive income I'm currently earning via staking. No big deal, I don't care. You should still kys though.

>> No.53119262

>Go go go pile on we need everyone doing damage control
>Do you want to earn these dumps or not soldier??
>Post the TVE metric again, post the charts
>Let's talk about the SWIFT thing again surely they'll believe us this time
>We went from $55 to $5.50 it's just fun numerology, 216 remember?
>Post a gm tweet we're so cool and hip
>We have enough runway to last until we dump the rest of our tokens gentlemen, and then we escape to the Caymans

>> No.53119273

shut up baggie

>> No.53119280

Look at the seethe op is causing within this stink community. If that doesn’t tell it all, how can you defend mashinsky AND bankman coming to the cons?

>> No.53119323
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-shut up
>stop exposing US motherfucker
>so what that we associate with terraUSD, FTX, Bancor, Celsius, BlockFi, Lady Luck, MOAB, SBF, Gemini, SO WHAT

>> No.53119366

>be me
>have great family & friends, of whom i can't wait to reward with my returns
>good job that isn't my passion but pays quite well and challenges me
>strong interest in pursuing concepts with the potential of disrupting industrial society
>social, happy, and healthy even in the face of adversity

>be you

>> No.53119390

look at this seething coping baggie lmao

>> No.53119423

>doesn't even check

>> No.53119424

How did that fud thing go, anon? Did you manage to keep reddit out of Link?

>> No.53119443

seethe harder baggie kek

>> No.53119482

Just sold 100k lol lmao

>> No.53119541

Serious question: how do your slaveowners track ROI on the $5 a day they pay you to shit up this board?

>> No.53119567

we earn exactly 4.75% more than what the average linkie with 7,000 LINK stacked earns in rewards daily
this is done precisely so we are motivated to mock you

>> No.53119594

Holy shit this is pathetic

>> No.53119635

>still 195% less return than I receive daily because 21k STAKED
>doesn't even know how to calculate that figure

>> No.53119648

>195% less
the absolute state of illiterate third world shills

>> No.53119678

kek you literally don't know how to math or you're completely misunderstanding that you said you earn 4.75% more (which isn't 100%/double). legitimately retarded

>> No.53119703
File: 258 KB, 1191x428, over190000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fyi they deleted the previous thread cause they realized they fucked up with muh 19,000 smartcon 2 attendees
retarded third world shills can't even read a cumulative chart properly
keep digging that hole retard
>muh -349983% LESS

>> No.53119763

That’s not a cumulative chart, dumbass.

>> No.53119785

>every single chart they posted is cumulative
>the only non cumulative statistics are presented with bars instead of a chart
>b-b-b-but attendees chart is not cumulative bro!!!
kek, so you really believe 20k people actually attended smartcon?
the ABSOLUTE state

>> No.53119817

Yes. Why would an attendance chart be cumulative. Retard

>> No.53119822
File: 311 KB, 1057x622, SmartSelect_20220920-150849_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53119826

Just like the hackathon chart next to it, the Smartcon attendee chart isn’t cumulative. The year is clearly posted.

>> No.53119857

you are BEYOND retarded
they didn't even crack 5k

>> No.53120013

Nice source lol
Every chart with a year explicitly stated is for that year only.

>> No.53120064
File: 737 KB, 4001x2251, FlUjDohWYAAzzMW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every chart has a year explicitly stated below, that's how every cumulative chart works
congrats, you made yourself look even more retarded
keep posting anon

>> No.53120079

You'll never get anyone to sell arguing like a woman.

>> No.53120096

you'll never get anyone to buy arguing like a literal third world pajeet

>> No.53120128

The year next to the number you jackass, not the x axis

>> No.53120138
File: 23 KB, 234x114, 1668550333383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon pls

>> No.53120289

I've brought dozens of people into the mix. All of them up, all of them staked. You're obviously not a pajeet; rather, a retarded American boygirl who tries to appeal to emotions. Thing is, you've miscalculated your audience entirely. Anyone worth anything here in the form of LINK is already numb, even to the gains by and large. The only way you'll get an OG to sell is by presenting logically sound arguments. Which, of course, you are incapable of because you are a retarded child. Farewell Omar, best of luck in future endeavors.

>> No.53120611

It literally says “Smartcon 2022 - 19,000 attendees” in the title of the graph

>> No.53120844

Lmao imagine sitting on biz 24/7 and spam fud all day long. What a sad life

>> No.53121160
File: 34 KB, 500x500, CHAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enter thread
>scroll to bottom
>post this post


>refuse to elaborate

>> No.53121942

>spam fud
>$50 -> $5
>He thinks it's fud

>> No.53122083
File: 162 KB, 1827x1827, 20230102_203847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all if these posts made me kek baggies

>> No.53122619
File: 639 KB, 1170x981, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of them up, all of them staked
>We know anyone who bought from $6 to $55 is underwater but that's just alright folks, now get your booster shot and get back to work
>Staking launched at $8? It's ok they'll soon be able to unlock 200 LINK tokens at the fantastic price of $0.80!

>> No.53122781

I think a lot of this fud is somewhat overblown. Some of it is justified though.
One specific thing that is quite funny and ironic though is this shop on this slide.
At the end of the day, the uncomfortable truth is that we do all rely on Sergey not to betray and set up the system in a way that funnels sufficient value back in to the token.
Not saying I don't think it's going to happen, but god damn is the irony thick when you're trying to build a trustless world but whether or not all the value from that actually flows back into he people who supported the project financially for years just depends on trusting Sergey.
I do have more appreciation for things like stocks and security laws now though. If I was bagholding a stock with the potential of Chainlink I would sleep like a baby every night.

>> No.53122939

dumb fucking niggers.
19k attendees over ALL smartcons you fucking niggerbitch poo in loo retard shiteaters.

>> No.53122982

The team owe you nothing

>> No.53123159

The team is owed nothing

>> No.53124071

they arrived at this number by looking at the real number and then lying

>> No.53124162


>> No.53124242

you two are the worst posters on this board. I don't even know what points you're trying to make. Seeing your posts makes me not want to understand. I just want to throw it in the garbage

>> No.53124410

>Smartcon 2022 - 19,000+

>> No.53125391

>Seething cuck lashes out at people making fun of him and his cult, the post

>> No.53125504

>>Yeah our nodes are so profitab-ACK
ack posting is kino

>> No.53125522
File: 400 KB, 1082x1261, pitchforkranjeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't sending their best.

>> No.53125556
