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53114455 No.53114455 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when Chainlink stops subsidizing and anyone who interacts with a blockchain has to pay for their services in LINK?

>> No.53114468
File: 69 KB, 714x779, Sergey Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people have to buy more LINK?
which makes the price go up?
is that what you're hoping to hear, anon?

>> No.53114472

sergay does a bank run

>> No.53114506

Why would he stop subsidizing the network?

>> No.53114625

Turpa kii

>> No.53114738
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if you only knew

>> No.53114796

do link normalfags unironically believe anyone who interacts with a blockchain is using chainlink in some form?
i've made hundreds of thousands (200k+) of blockchain transactions, about 30 of these were chainlink calls

>> No.53115145


>> No.53115167

token will be needed

>> No.53115179

As LINK price PLUMMETS back to the $3-4 CRAB, chainlinkneetfags start to COLLECTIVELY LOSE THEIR MINDS. Starting to believe in bots, discord trannies and other conspiracies, as if the whole world is conspiring to get their 5-dollar, -90% in one year, rank-25 functionless shitcoin.
LINK seems to attract the same populace that RUBIC does. Jaded, excluded, uneducated NEETs that are full of themselves, quickly swayed by a chronically underperforming shitcoin promising "true utility". They empathise with the coin on a deeper level. They believe that, just as this incredible hidden gem of a coin hasn't yet pumped, their own lives haven't really begun yet. Truth is, neither them, nor their favourite coin will ever amount to anything. They don't get results not because other people are too dumb to realise the value presented to them; but because there is no value there to begin with. They will never sell, because selling means acknowledging this excruciatingly painful fact on a personal level.
By the next bullrun, linkies will be confined to their single schizo thread, completely removed from reality. LINK is the next XRP, LINK is the next Star Citizen. A piece of rotting bread thrown at outcasts starved of hope.

>> No.53115189

you hold LINK

>> No.53115197

No, I don't. I'm laughing at (You) like I laughed at Qtards. You're the Qtards of the financial world.

>> No.53115200

chaaaaaaaaaaainlinkgooood help us

>> No.53115508

I believe
>I believe!
I believe that we will win!
>I believe that we will win!

Which is why we have to make threads about it 24/7 to tell everyone that.
And no - NO ONE is paying us - we do this for free!
Chainlink is UNIMPORTANT - which is why we have to make so many threads about it!
Lets do it people - lets hit these quotas today and hopefully convince them to sell their staked tokens once and for all!

Alright great work. Let's meet in the usual channel in 5 minutes to come up with our next big brain strategy to stick it to these CHAINSHITTERS

>> No.53115556

I used to work at the same place as this guy. Daniel I'm guessing is your name?
Anyways, we would receive good money for just posting FUD 8 hours a day but we were never told why, other than that our client were trying to bring down this company. One day I realized why they actually did it though, and that's why I quit on the spot. This FUD operation is way deeper than anyone can imagine

>> No.53115594


>> No.53115605

chainlinkgod please help based king

>> No.53115615

Um. QRD?

>> No.53115652

>pays in eth
psht nothing personnel, kid

token not needed, unironically

>> No.53115668
File: 164 KB, 879x713, stake_demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real anon. You have no bants, you have no original ideas, you have no memes. You are a homosexual man twisted by fat- and sergeyposting into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the (yous) you get are ironic and half-hearted. To your face and behind your hunchback people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your professional Chainlink shilling career behind closed doors.
Anons, jannies, and even other glowniggers on the board are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed anons to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even paid WEF shills who regularly post here come off as uncanny and unnatural to anons. Your post structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a naive anon to take the bait, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he sees the WEF agendas and the buzzwords were not a one off.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile through gritted teeth every single time you type “$1000 EOY, Token is needed, CCIP, WTFWT and When Staking” and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, that you don’t actually mean it, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
This is your fate linkie. There is no going back.

>> No.53115689

sneakers with a suit looks so bad

>> No.53115834

on me it looks good
but I'm not a fat fuck

>> No.53115841

you may not like it, but this is how peak slav grifter performance looks like

>> No.53115995


>> No.53116009

Go on sir

>> No.53116226

>No imagination
>Post the same image over and over again

Pick one.

>> No.53116231

I become rich and sirgay's personal friend, or maybe even bigmac assistant

>> No.53116233
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>> No.53116261

checked. god this is painful

>> No.53116266
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>> No.53116277
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did nexo cause this as well?

>> No.53116322



>> No.53116329
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>> No.53116336

>What happens when Chainlink stops subsidizing
Uniswap will start checking prices of beefynoodlespikachu token some other way.

>> No.53116350
File: 4 KB, 200x197, brainlet-brain-hanging-thumbnail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bear market
>Users and value drops
>Less users means less dapps use.

This is all chainlinks fault.

>> No.53116375

If chainlink stops subsidizing the market, the market will crash taking chainlink down with it.
That's right, linkies are stuck footing the bill until every web3 network becomes profitable. Until then, pay up linkies, those scams aren't going to fund themselves.

>> No.53116757

Thats the plan. When swift goes live chainlink has no use for defi as a proof of concept. Sergay will kill it all.

>> No.53116772

theoretically we all could sell and take a short position

>> No.53116845

Wouldn't the price have to be depressed? Bad for business having an expensive product, you wouldn't want to compromise Sergey's business would you?

>> No.53116906

>no imagination
>keep repeating the same old tiring hopium from 2020 about le bulgarian boogeymen

>> No.53117488

the most bearish thing is undoubtedly the fact that the only positive sentiment these days comes from third world low iq linklets clinging on to 3+ year old crumbs and repeating the same arguments while being completely detached from reality, as evidenced by this thread
>inb4 seething low iq linklets drown me in (You)s

>> No.53117530

Checked. You're like thise gamer fags who bitch about release delays, but also bitch about buggy games and say they should have delayed release.

>> No.53117544

Checked. The crumbs were true retard. Maybe you missed the swift guy talking at smartcon22

>> No.53117573
File: 291 KB, 4000x2251, FlUmyIPWYAE7_Uv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people have to buy more LINK?
>which makes the price go up?
Then why has the price moved opposite to this chart?

>> No.53117587

He is an amateur millionaire, please understand.

>> No.53118279

I wonder how much paid fudders get? Is it an hourly rate or is it per post? Maybe they sign up for a full fud week. I wonder what the perks are?

>> No.53118600
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They're like jannies. The type of loser that does it for free.

>> No.53118746

ORE protocol has gone past this, it is simplifying the blockchain so that even normies will be able to interact with it

>> No.53118758

Nothing because the token is not needed (not a meme, it is really not needed).

>> No.53118769

You won’t do shit

>> No.53118801
File: 53 KB, 536x351, 1639971232632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing happens because the node oops will sell the link just like they do now.

>> No.53118945

So there needs to be a usecase for node ops. Hmmmm...i wonder if more collateral on their node would allow for greater amounts of moneys to be secured.

>> No.53118973


>> No.53118979

Impressive, very nice

>> No.53118981

Superlinear staking means the node ops already have all the collateral they need for a long time. T-t-hanks Ari...

>> No.53119051

Whenever I get irritated by the incessant fud, I remind myself that many of them do it because they were greedy and lost loads on Bancor, Celsius etc. I like to think that they were never meant to make it anyway, and that's the reason they lost it. It's absolutely karma. If I had somehow lost my stack, I wouldn't be so bitter I'd react that way. That is exactly why I never lost anything. Do you see? It is meant to be this way. They were always going to lose it. It's tempting to gloat but I'll just say this instead; HA HA

>> No.53119067
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>wall of text of cope ranting about "fud"
chainshitters lol

>> No.53119082

It hurt, didn't it? I know it did.

>> No.53119320

I've never seen so much hot gas expelled over something that should be considered irrelevant by the very mouths that expel the wasted breath.

>> No.53119365
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>> No.53119433

How much does super linear staking increase amount able to be secured by collateral. 10x?100x?1000?