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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.81 MB, 1280x720, Vaxxie Vaxxie Heart Attackie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53112740 No.53112740 [Reply] [Original]

How do I profit from that mass culling of the western population which will drop dead in the coming years?

>> No.53112756

Easily. Unvaxed sper m is the new biological gold (if you're white)

Spam protection?

>> No.53112791

if you have to ask, you're probably getting culled too

>> No.53112802

I don't understand this thread
The guy dropped down seconds after getting tackled hard. What does that have to do with any "mass culling"?

>> No.53112806

Civil war and n 2024 with the red states obviously winning

>> No.53112815

The jews injected our bread and circus outlets with poison because they just did ok??

>> No.53112818

He died from the vaxxx, nigger.

>> No.53112819


>> No.53112827

Ngmi vaxxy

>> No.53112834


>> No.53112869

I'm not even pro-vax but that webm is a bad example
Better example would be someone who just randomly fainted

>> No.53112874

he was vaxxed

>> No.53112884


He literally stood up and randomly fainted.

His heart stopped

>> No.53112919

Pretty sure the entire world took the vaxy maxi paddy

>> No.53112927

Lol, that was a routine fucking hit. This shit isn't normal and pretending it is and that it has nothing to do with the obvious is NPC thinking. Sorry, the conspiracy theorists were right, apologize and pray your tainted blood won't kill you.

>> No.53112941
File: 833 KB, 260x150, DecisiveYearlyDuck-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He literally stood up and randomly fainted
Mere seconds after receiving a high-impact hit, clearly a delayed reaction to the hit
op should've used something like this gif

>> No.53112951

It's a psyop. It sounds like Alex Jones tier crisis actor shit to the rest of us and makes us hate the people saying it more. It convinces the rightwing nutjobs that they're correct because "look, a guy somewhere had an injury and it must have actually been the vaxx, wake up sheeple!"

The end result is that we hate them more and it fuels their persecution complex so that they double down on their crazy horseshit.

>> No.53112967

This actually sounds plausible. So basically leftoids are making rightoids purity test themselves with cringe garbage. Pure genius desu.

>> No.53112977

>Lol, that was a routine fucking hit
Agreed that one wouldn't expect such a routine hit to mess him up that bad, but different people react to different levels of impact/trauma differently, even among different football players

>> No.53112981

Hey redditors you need to go back

>> No.53112982

No, no. They're doing it to themselves, or glowies are doing it.

>> No.53112983

Why would you hate someone because you think they are wrong?

>> No.53112997

The New Normal. Sell blinged out ash urns.

>> No.53113001

The rest of us don't hate them because they're wrong. We hate them because they're saying and doing abhorrent things.

>> No.53113009

>t. kneels for niggers and let's them fuck his asshole

>> No.53113012

It's not about being wrong, it's about being annoyingly wrong. I actually kind of know what he's talking about but it mostly applies to the kind of conversations with my dad that I try to avoid.

>> No.53113020
File: 729 KB, 717x880, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wahhhhh. It can't be the vax and the 16 boosters I got. I was saving grandma! Those god darn right with nut chuds can't keep being right. They are all supposed to be backwards rednecks that think the earth is flat. Lock them up!

>> No.53113028

Every vaxxie death fills me with joy, but I'll make sure to laugh extra hard at your funeral.

>> No.53113035

>fuck grandma for voting drampff
>save grandma!

>> No.53113039

I will likely outlive you by decades, and my family line will not die with me because I am not a /pol/cel.

>> No.53113045

Like tranny book time?
But the vaccine is clearly not good for you. How are they annoyingly wrong? Sure you don't mean annoyingly right?

>> No.53113056

All vaxxed will be dead by 2026

>> No.53113058
File: 582 KB, 615x491, 1616285374759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the vax to keep my wagie job I'm ngmi am I?

>> No.53113063

tick tock vaxxie

>> No.53113064

Nah, your a paper boned faggot projecting you weakness.

>> No.53113067

Rip you heart

>> No.53113071

Take CBD unironically

>> No.53113078

he missed his booster

>> No.53113082

>asking this in english
>not knowing you're one of the culled


>> No.53113085

It's borrowed from what cults do to their members.

>> No.53113092

>Be world class athlete
>Train at a high calibre since childhood
>Play a physical demanding sport where getting hit with the force of multiple car crashes is the norm
>Get hit directly in the chest with a blunt object
>Heart goes into cardiac arrest due to commotio cordis
>Schizo neets who have no worldly connections claim the vaxx did this
You faggos should unironically kys in Minecraft

>> No.53113107

So you're married with kids? Did your children take it?

>> No.53113109

That explanation doesn't make them feel special or smart, or in any way further the weird conspiracy agenda that they've centered their lives around for the past few years. Therefore they will ignore it.

>> No.53113129

>ommotio cordis most commonly results from an impact to the left chest with a hardball (e.g., a baseball) during sports activity. The sudden focal distortion of the myocardium results in ventricular fibrillation, causing sudden cardiac arrest in an otherwise structurally normal heart
>Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium).

>> No.53113159

>make mrna injection and lie saying it's just another vaccine
>it's totally safe guys just take it
>threaten people with losing their livelihoods for not taking it
>demonize people who don't take it in media
>next year say pandemic's over just kidding
>hide mrna side effects in the media
You deserve a slow and painful death, jew fag

>> No.53113176

So people have been playing football for a hundred years and just now they are suddenly dropping dead? You smooth brains are something else.

>> No.53113182
File: 122 KB, 650x608, 1672717523783780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on borrowed time

>> No.53113186

you're already dead libtards

>> No.53113193

He’s dead

>> No.53113233

Funny how triggered normies were when you mentioned this as possibly being vax related on Twitter or any other sports app tonight. So much denial on their side they are so invested in the fake vaccine they won't even question it.

>> No.53113237

If i got a non mrna shot am I still gonna die? it was the j&j

>> No.53113246

I really want to know what you fags were like during the 2020 lockdowns. Did you cuck for St. Floyd? I really want to know how many miles of nigger dick you took in your holes that year before cucking again for the vaxx. The one meant for a meme virus with 99.99% survival rate.

>> No.53113294
File: 171 KB, 890x580, 1664289866961427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they're saying and doing abhorrent things.
Like supporting lockdowns and ruining livelihoods by forcing businesses to shutdown? Like getting people fired from their jobs if they refuse to reveal their private medical documentation to you? Like banning people from international travel if they didn't take a drug which was confirmed to have never been tested for transmission?
Eat a fucking dick, the hatred is mutual. The absolute audacity on you to accuse others of "doing abhorrent things".

You're the only /pol/cel here. Most of us just want to be left alone, but you insist on introducing new laws, policy, and mandates into every corner of our lives.

>> No.53113299

Or you could go fuck yourself with your shitty attitude shithead. Suck more kike cock and bomb more sandniggers for your jew masters.

>> No.53113341


>> No.53113356
File: 81 KB, 606x779, DELET REE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't even want a conversation about it. Top comments are all begging for mods to delete the threads

>> No.53113384


The vax is killing and fucking up like 25% of the Earth's population.

But I think the incident here was actually just a freak accident. He got hit in the chest at the exact right time.

>> No.53113399

You niggerfaggot. That same setup you have applied to every NFL player for decades. Why is it different know? What changed now? Why haven’t people died before on the field?

It’s vaccines and you won’t admit it because you took it too and are scared.

>> No.53113462

>trained athlete
>freak accident
fuck it, why not. He's probably on steroid too

>> No.53113461

you don't need a vax, you just need to wear or carry a sign that says BLM and you won;t be able to contract or spread any viruses.

>> No.53113466

What if this was commotio cordis?

>> No.53113529

can you recommend anything else?
sure are a lot of out-of-towners here this week

>> No.53113542

nigger dick in your ass or mouth gives you antibodies for COVID
trust the science, chud

>> No.53113566
File: 47 KB, 739x467, Vaxxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53113589

Reported for yet another stupid fucking vaccine thread on the business and finance board. Go back to /pol/ you fucking lunatic schizophrenic waste of life. Yoy fucking idiots will attribute everything to the fucking vax, newsflash people have inexplicably been dying, getting hurt etc for years you 65 iq retard.

>> No.53113621

I think this is about a football injury not the vaccine. But either way it belongs on /sp/ not here.

>> No.53113628

>he trusted the science unironically
uh oh

>> No.53113642

Not vaxxed since I already caught kung flu 8 times, just sick of subhuman /pol/ shitskins ruining every board with their worthless garbage

>> No.53113646

you can short real estate

>> No.53113752

RemindME! 3 Years

>> No.53113756

you're not fooling anyone, rabbi

>> No.53113770

any vaxxies can start NAC supplement routine, will hopefully clear those spike proteins

>> No.53113805

That shit self replicates. The jab is doing exactly what it was intended to.

>> No.53113818

Eh, you might be okay as long as you didn't vaxmax with a lot more boosters. Odds of complications seem to rise with how many times you got it.

>> No.53113836

>unusual reaction to a normal hit

>> No.53113848

Based as a motherfucker.

>> No.53113874

Floch is bestboi

>> No.53113877
File: 53 KB, 468x487, It's-literally-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53113896

Body discards all the vaccine ingredients just as it would discard any information that cells no longer need. Cells die on a daily basis, this is not new

This is why fasting is so crucial = autophagy

>> No.53113911

>no complaints when /biz/ catalog is constantly full of /b/ /adv/ /r9k/ and /pol/ threads every day all day
>one vax / nfl thread gets posted and anons show up crying
Fuck off you tranny crybabies. /biz/ was never good.

>> No.53113912

>i read it on a /pol/ infograph
Man you people are fucking retarded and have no idea about biology whatsoever

>> No.53113955

Internet said he's still alive in hospital

>> No.53113979

In an induced coma with a breathing tube down his throat. He is a vegetable at best right now. There is no way for him to recover. They will unplug him when its official.

>> No.53113998

Redpill me, I know McAfee was big on NAC for drinking.

>> No.53114000
File: 83 KB, 500x641, 1672548440209532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this not proof every single vaxxy will die soon? People won't even believe their eyes these days

>> No.53114033

Honestly it's probably just amphetamine related.

>> No.53114037

Not long. The chinks had enough of the western pig dogs making a mockery of inactivated sinovac (broad spectrum, multiple antibodies) so they'll release a new variant that will cause ADE to those vaccinated with a narrow S protein response so the west's cattle with Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, and AZ vaccines will suffer mortality rates never before seen. If the heart attacks don't end your life, rest assured, a new variant or another novel Coronavirus will. Probably also the only reason Putin hasn't nuked Europe and the US because Xi told him what's in store.

>> No.53114071

>The vax is killing and fucking up like 25% of the Earth's population.
source: my ass
>captcha: GAYHJ

>> No.53114099


I am just a google MD kek, any doctors in the chat to provide their view?

From what I've researched, it's a great antioxidant and clears your body of free radical damage and crap you don't need. Since spike proteins are foreign to the body, NAC aids in this response. Balances your dopamine and brain fog too

NAC is purported to block the cytokine storm, support lung health, prevent hypercoagulation that can result in stroke or blood clots that can impair lung oxygen exchange

>> No.53114403


>> No.53114445

Are yous going to do this every time someone dies? People die all the time.

>> No.53114481

Is this going to be the vaxxer cope going forward? Sorry you poisoned your blood buddy. Wish you would have made better choices and listened to the truth tellers you called wingnut conspiracy theorists.

>> No.53114559

cope libtard you're already dead

>> No.53114666

>Christmas eve
>Eating with family
>Conversation about young female friend of sister who has suddenly gotten ill with all sorts of strange symptoms
>I say what i think
>Shouldn't have taken the vaxx
Earlier they would have raged at me, but at this time they remained silent even though several of them are vaxxed. They know at this point.. there has been to many strange incidents for them to close their eyes.

>> No.53114726

it's time, satan.

We All Going To Die. A love story staring...

>> No.53114770
File: 2.79 MB, 320x240, 1643606815769.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a feeling someone was going to call him out but dayum that was EXCELLENT. Couldn't have said it better myself. Fuck that petty tyrant.