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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 230 KB, 1756x952, crashing in progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5310515 No.5310515 [Reply] [Original]

Looking familiar fellow oldfags? I like to remind newfags the weekly candle still has ways to fall down.

>> No.5310660

I'm thinking it'll bounce off 12.5k or somewhere around there.

>> No.5310923

At least let the weekly candle to close you mong.
Besides look at the volume, it's not even the half as during the China FUD.

>> No.5310953

Will probably stabilize around 3k.

>> No.5310971

Is that volume across all exchanges or one?

>> No.5311016
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>using candles on one exchange to trade in a manipulated decentralized marketplace where whales focus a concerted effort on painting the tape

>> No.5311015


just bitfinex

>> No.5311104

So it’s irrelevent.

>> No.5311169

Should I sell now?

>> No.5311182
File: 128 KB, 400x300, brutal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw the weekly macd crosses over

>> No.5311224
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>> No.5311581
File: 3.34 MB, 1974x1296, smh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an oldfag since 2011, when you had to buy your coins through dwolla + bitinstant + mtgox.

It's only down from here, it's so obvious. When alts are thriving, it's the top. When one of the fucking Baldwins is shilling a shitcoin on Fox, it's the top. When the largest exchange can't prove its solvency and is printing its own USD token, thats. the. fucking. top.

US government is gonna shut one of these amateur hour, pump and dump, exchanges down. Or, they'll "get hacked" and shut themselves down. Price will immediately dump, but not too much. "oh, crypto is strong! it can handle this!" Newfags start "buying the dip" because "it's cheap! it's on sale!". Price eventually creeps down to $1000 or even lower over the course of 1-2 years. Worthless shitcoins go back to $0, obviously.

>> No.5311599

he did not have to die a nobody

>> No.5311617

would that mean more selling or the turn around? sorry, new

>> No.5311629

Stopped reading at " i am an oldfag "

Fucking larper. Nobody would even start with shit like that / - 60IQ confirmed

>> No.5311632

>being this new

>> No.5311682


>> No.5311712

no oldfag would say this, wtf. unless you bought bitcoin just to buy it and know nothing about crypto tech, the worlds financial systems, etc.

>> No.5311817
File: 250 KB, 344x642, hib0K.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why people are panicking
Checking any longtime charts it's price has gone from ~8k to almost 20,000$ in the span of a month.
This was bound to happen

>> No.5312065

so what? the point is, i already sold around $17k and i already set up buy orders around $4-5k. About a 75-80% retracement. Bitcoin always does in raises like this.

>> No.5312079

you scared them good.. look at these brainlets


>> No.5312092

... i miss those times when it took 2 years for bitcoin to recover to ATH and crypto wasnt shilled that much on /biz/. =3 Gladly put most into Tether.

>> No.5312105

More selling

>> No.5312134
File: 414 KB, 300x216, 1493276276777.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude im terrified


>> No.5312153
File: 1009 KB, 600x1067, f951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it seems most people expected it to stabalize around 20k and constantly rise from there.
Well done anon, you're not one of the retarded ones who's gonna pankc sell for a loss

>> No.5312162

IS it a good idea to buy Bitcoin AND BCH?

>> No.5312194

its not gonna go down THAT far though, man. 8k is the hardest bottom i could imagine, and we probably wont even go below 10k

>> No.5312246

What will be the bottom? 9000? 6000? Lower?

>> No.5312253

Yup. Hope they screenshotted what I said. It'll be worth more money than their shitty digibags in 2 years.

>> No.5312269

No, just BCH for now.

>> No.5312292

> using linear scale...

Nocoiners are desperate. Sage.

>> No.5312343
File: 208 KB, 327x316, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the increasingly nervous man for the thousandth time. Glad someone out there brought my $400 bags

>> No.5312424

They're all pretty similar man, you can at least see a trend

>> No.5312436

Not with BCH buys being enabled this second, we may very well see it dip below 10k.

>> No.5312763

Glad i sold all my coins at 250$ in 2015

>> No.5313105


Lol i'd sell everything I have for that opportunity again

If you where an oldfag since 2011 you would not be worrying at all lol, if you where an oldfag you would be trying to figure out the best time to buy at the low and make sure you have the cap. to be able to do so

Yeah fucking christ it got really cringy at the end there


The guy is not an oldfag, people have been talking about bitcoin and altcoins on the news since before coinbase was around, the rest of what the guy said about the exchanges is just random nonsense that sounds like an old lady talking about crypto having no idea how it works or what its used for

Go back to stocks

People forget at the start of 2017 it was barely over $1,000, people also forget years 13, 14, 15

sp00ky, you probably where not around for years 13, 14, 15

If you are asking on here then you should not take the risk at all and should educate yourself so you don't fuckup

I wish

I probably bought them from you with my car

>> No.5313380






>> No.5313411

2001 all over, when will boomers learn

>> No.5313505
File: 711 KB, 680x677, pinkmelt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get myself to accept the truth that its over
>pay 100 bux on fees to get my shit on exchange
> its ot fucking confirming



>> No.5313515

Supreme Leader Choke

>> No.5313524
File: 156 KB, 362x259, 1495067095980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't sell when btc was between 18 and 20k

>> No.5313600


>> No.5313649

Damn, newfag, jealousy is a bad look. It's ok that you aren't an oldfag, but respect your elders, faggot.

>> No.5313739

Got my buy order ready at 8k lol

>> No.5313840

If you haven't realized yet, normies have figured out alts. They have Trex and Binance accounts. If they wanted BCH they would already have some.

>> No.5313852
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