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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53109311 No.53109311 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for anons stuck in six figure hell.

Anons stuck in six figure hell post in this topic.

I hate the antichrist.

>> No.53109484

i was in 7 figure hell but I fucked up now i'm in 6 figure hell. Also i'm probably stuck here because when i had 7 figures I stopped caring about making money and the hustle. More money has diminishing returns. Pretty much everything worth buying is affordable on middle class income.

>> No.53109501


How is having 6 figures net worth hell?

t. 6 figures anon

>> No.53109530

been moving in and out of 6/7 figure hell for the past couple of years, but it's all ETH so thankfully my stack is not loaded with alt risk. been sitting around 500k most of the the bear stint. I am dreading the crawl from 7-fig to 8-fig if i can make it there

>> No.53109539

It sucks because the road from 100k to 1000k is long. It's not enough to be free, but it's enough to be scared to lose it. Compounding hasn't really yet taken off at this point, either.

>> No.53109553

In 6-fig hell for a few years now. Sadly I expect to stay here for a few more years. And when I get out of it, I'll still only have 1m and won't retire until I have 3m. Brighten my outlook please

>> No.53109600
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made same mistake. was hitting 180k a month with the dream client (MSFT) and i fucked it up fren. royally fucked it up. got too cocky. now stuck with a 6 figure stack in 6 figure pergatory making fuck-all. trying to pull myself out of this shit but it is hard.

> cry for me argentina

>> No.53109637

im 35 and only worth 260k.
>210k cash
>48k crypto
i need to 20x my money. but i dont know how

>> No.53109662

over half of americans cannot afford a $500 emergency expense and live paycheck to paycheck. we're all already well within the 1% and then some. just don't expect respect from old money, old money hates new money since they are all sad pathetic old fucks. also it disrupts the balance of power within capitalism which they don't particularly like.

>> No.53109669
File: 259 KB, 1080x2145, Screenshot_20211102-130926_FTX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Need that 20x too.

pls take me back to these days and I promise I'll change

>> No.53109691

How much did you all lose? I broke 6 figure hell for a brief period, and now I'm back at low 6 figures.

>> No.53109719
File: 61 KB, 828x1016, 1669922230574697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts to even think about it. my bro told me that the emotions from loss far outweigh those of gain. thinking it through, he is totally right.

why am i like this?

>> No.53109729

You are a retarded nigger if you think you need a 20x.
500k is enough to retire in most countries. even in US you probably only need 2M at most.

>> No.53109734

I haven't lost much, fren. In that regards I am lucky. But I'm also right in the middle of six figure (t. 600k) and it's so fucking slow to increase in this crab market.

verification not required

>> No.53109737

if you want the truth, I think the "how" has changed significantly in the past few years. if you were in crypto around 2016-2017, then that was the best chance to break the chains and escape the lower class, but that was the golden alt run and most likely will NOT happen again, not for a long, long time at least.

current year - your options are a lot more limited. but the 2 most common ways to gain wealth quickly are risky investments and real estate/investment properties, and both of those categories are steaming piles of shit right now too with uncertain futures

so i don't really know what to tell you besides I hope you can get lucky, and know you will have to take big risks and make sacrifices if you truly want to 20x. you may need to temper your expectations and you may need to swallow some very bitter trades that may not pay off for years

>> No.53109755

>but it's all ETH so thankfully my stack is not loaded with alt risk
Lol holy shit

>> No.53109757

>(t. 600k)
Soooo you're telling me I need to go balls deep on PEPEPAL then????

>> No.53109763

I feel the same, I felt nothing seeing number go up but now I feel like shit.

That's great, anon. Sadly, I fell for the hodl meme and lost 90% of my networth.

>> No.53109779
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Condolences, anon. Have a cute kot.

>> No.53109785

the only person who would have a reaction like that is a BTC maxi, and you guys are so down bad right now that I will not even make fun of you for that. you've been through enough suffering already and i don't want to make it worse for you. the doors are always open at mETH house if you change your mind

>> No.53109798

that does make me feel a little better actually. thanks anon.

>> No.53109816

Thanks a lot, anon. Cute cat just got out of the shower <3

>> No.53109833
File: 257 KB, 807x544, gupta-censorship-ethereum-gab-nazi-communists (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold all my ETH after shilling DAO to all my friends and seeing that unfold.

Eth developers suck they're all pedos, kikes, and commies.

>> No.53109849

yes, i know. you guys have had the same talking points for years, no need to remind me

>> No.53109857

Every $1mil gets you $40k/yr in perpetuity.

$2 mil is plenty in soviet America.

>> No.53109860

Yea it sucks I briefly touched 7 figs last bull run now back down to like 280k. The way I see it though is anyone in 6 figure hell at the bottom of a bear market is in a solid position to make it next bull. If Link actually performs this bull a lot of anons will
Be retiring, I’ve got a fat stack of BTC and ETH as a backup and am only accumulating that here out for the next 6 months then going all in stonks. Fucking sucks we have to wait another 2-3 years. Greed is a motherfucker.

>> No.53109872

Lol so you support that shit
Kill yourself.

>> No.53109873

I hate cats.

>> No.53109891
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>If link actually performs
You're serious? You're going to 5 figure hell for sure if you're dumb enough to invest in stink.

>> No.53109895

no, i am just tired of hearing the same list of data points that you all put in every single post. and your gaslighting/flaming won't work on me because i am a mega autist, so it just goes in 1 ear and out the other, and you're only just making yourself mad here

>> No.53109933

monster! kys.

>> No.53109957

I'm not mad I think it's funny you believe Eth is a safe investment.

But you're still trying to make it so you have to up the risk so I can see why you're acting like this

>> No.53109972

I'll run a cat over with my vehicle if you (You) me again.

>> No.53110028

Bold of you to assume (or quite literal retard) that starting out my post by quoting another anon and saying same didn't imply I was in the same situation as said anon

>> No.53110050

i really do admire your perseverance. you guys really never quit. that's the one thing about btc maxis that I can compliment you on, there's no other crypto community with that kind off determination and you will always continue to push forward against your competitors. that's really good for the market and creates healthy competition

>> No.53110185
File: 19 KB, 680x530, 1984324024021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think 6 figure hell is bad, try being in 7 figure hell and still a kissless virgin.

>> No.53110228

I'll take care of the kissless virgin thing for half your stack?

You like movies with gladiators?

>> No.53110259

7 figure hell is next, chud

>> No.53110301

pathetic screenshot

>> No.53110349

i am the embodiment of six figure hell
hit it first in late 2017
lost it by mid 2018
barely touched a million at the peak of this last bullrun
back to 6 figs

hello newfag
i don't mean this with hostility. the 6 figs pain used to be relatable to everyone on /biz/
it's that particular point where the sum in question is significant enough it sucks to take risks, yet it's still too little to secure a better life than standard middle class stuff you could afford on $10k
a mistake sets you back years
wagecucking is pitiful in comparison
goes like this
>6 figures hell
>7 figures purgatory
then once you hit mid-7 figures, you've made it

granted, this was the sentiment when most of us were neets. now the board is infested with normalfag burgericans
if you're a 20 years old zoomer with high social function who went to two bootcamps and landed a $180k/y job copypasting javascript, yeah, maybe this doesn't make so much sense
but for those of us neets and yuropoors, it's still how it goes

>> No.53110420
File: 22 KB, 474x315, 13 second hell the car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 second hell is worse

>14 seconds
yeah it's a slow shitbox
>12 seconds okay it's fast

>13 second is just cope why did I buy this shitty wanna be poser car

>> No.53110467

Why dont you go to the third world you are basically rich there

>> No.53110521

No bullshit... I'm in 8 digit hell. What's awful about this hell is I hate the Antichrist but lack the motivation to make war with him, but also lack the motivation to be his friend and a true elite of this mortal world.

>> No.53110982

Talk about you got there?

>> No.53111138

Talk about how you got there?

>> No.53111367

You will never know the pain of 9 digit hell. It is the purgatory between multi millionaire and billionaire. It feels like there’s a glass ceiling preventing me from ever hitting 10 digits

>> No.53111612

>six figure hell
an imaginary place for people with imaginary scam coins
no one who claims to be in it has any real money worth anything

>> No.53111993

> Pretty much everything worth buying is affordable on middle class income.
not even close, and as usual all of you are so brainwashed you forget the most valuable thing owning your own business affords you: not having to work. business owners making 7 figures can afk if they want at any time

>> No.53113402

Righteousness is our concern, not money. Or rather, money is useful only insofar as it can mark the presence of righteousness.

>> No.53113511

Just got there in 2022. At about $150k. Planning to hit $300k in 2026 and $600k in 2032, market will do what it does of course. It’s absolutely Insane to think I work my ass off and invest heavily for 10 years, while in 6 figure hell, to not be close to getting out. $1.5 million is a long, long ways away bros

>> No.53113657

having it is not, trying to get out is

>> No.53113672

>back in 6 figure hell after years
I thought I was done with this shit for good. 900k now.

>> No.53113858
File: 540 KB, 3200x1680, TIMESAND___Vf767JiaSid51t55jJFndxcNG7K2FrwPV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That job wasn't worth $100k. The pay was unattractive. It wasn't even enough to hire a non-disgusting prostitute sometimes and, anyways, it wasn't about the money. It was about what I was having to do to get it. They weren't paying me enough for that. (And the whole thing was a fraud.)

>> No.53115161

eth has actually held up better than bitcoin though I wouldn't be surprised if it flips it next cycle