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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 108 KB, 768x526, Kadena1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53108193 No.53108193 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

high IQ replies only

>> No.53108251

That's a pic I haven't seen in a long time.

>> No.53108302


I want to go for ADA but after seeing Charles, I get second thoughts

>> No.53108306

No. Cardano is a shit chain with < 10000 dapps
KDA is a shit chain with no dapps

>> No.53108330


What do you suggest?

>> No.53108461


>> No.53108686
File: 38 KB, 1006x719, solana-uptime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you sure about Solana?

>> No.53108756

Mainnet Beta

>> No.53108806


isn't that the official mainnet that's live right now?

>> No.53108832

The mainnet beta had some issues late 2022.

>> No.53108986

It's an awesome idea but it's not an investment. The tokenomics are dogshit. Supply triples before 2030. You're looking at ~30% inflation per year. That's doooooooog shit.

>> No.53108996

Just buy AVAX or FTM desu

>> No.53109014

>Just buy AVAX
avax used to have 70% inflation
>looking at ~30% inflation per year
Currently less than that so how is it going to be more later on

>> No.53109026


Fantom, I have looked into it, is it an HBAR clone?

>> No.53109069

>is it an HBAR clone?

>> No.53109080
File: 95 KB, 717x566, 66ED5EF2-DB7B-4AD7-87FA-08F27F343968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Litterally fucking kill yourself. Wtf are you investing in you greedy Jew

>> No.53109095

No. Cardano is vastly superior.

>> No.53109286
File: 2.98 MB, 2050x1276, 1660663181460124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no category theorist functional programmer kadena dev gf

>> No.53109297

Initially AVAX had high inflation (especially because of all the VC unlocks) and such, but that's behind us now afaik. The inflation currently is more closer to ~5% based on their tokenomics whitepaper.

Based on my calculations the inflation rate for Kadena is like 28%... so it's still around 30%. As I said, great idea with having a proof of work blockchain with smart contract functionality, but simply isn't an investment. Check the Kadena emission schedule and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.53109458

I mean, they're both DAGs and use aBFT technology. But the APIs themselves aren't patented, the hashgraph algorithm is patented. The controversy arises from whether Fantom lifted the mathematical steps the hashgraph algorithm uses to secure the aBFT concensus model.

Fantom is permissionless whereas HBAR is permissioned. So HBAR is essentially a government chain but Fantom conforms a little bit more to the ethos of crypto. FTM has had partnerships with the UN, Ukraine, Tajikistan, UAE, etc, so it's working with governments from around the world to create a more decentralised and secure future. I believe HBAR's partnerships are impressive as well but I'm not a huge fan of permissioned blockchains and I've heard the token is highly inflationary. Like potentially up to 20% according to Messari.

>> No.53109531

they're both cringe

>> No.53109537

>Fantom conforms a little bit more to the ethos of crypto.
with it's 40 validators and soft 100 node limit

>> No.53109586

It's 87, not sure where you got the 100 node limit from since the Fantom foundation wants to expand into the hundreds. But yes, I agree with you it is 'centralised' with the potential to become more decentralised overtime. That's only possible through a permissionless blockchain. In a permissioned blockchain that's not really possible. So Fantom conforms a little bit more to the ethos of crypto than HBAR does, I stand by my claim.

>> No.53109627

>sure where you got the 100 node limit from since the Fantom foundation wants to expand into the hundreds
It's the fundamental limitations of BFT silly anon.

BFT consensus involves considerable amount of communication. While recent advances allow the consensus to be reached in linear time in number of participants (see e.g. [4]), it is still noticeable overhead per block;
It is unfeasible for all the network participants to participate in the BFT consensus per block, thus usually only a randomly sampled subset of participants reach the consensus. A randomly sampled set can be, in principle, adaptively corrupted, and a fork in theory can be created. The system either needs to be modelled to be ready for such an event, and thus still have a fork-choice rule besides the BFT consensus, or be designed to shut down in such an event. It is worth mentioning that some designs, such as Algorand [5], significantly reduce the probability of adaptive corruption.
sauce https://near.org/papers/nightshade/

>> No.53109635
File: 416 KB, 1387x1037, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's around 100-200

>> No.53109653


>> No.53109728

>No limit!
That's not a fucking answer to the actual decentralization level of a chain. Bitcoin's Nakomoto Consensus is just 3 due to 3 pools having enough power over the chain to have above 50% of all hashpower. Number of nodes is largely irrelevant if nearly all nodes have no power over determining the direction of the chain. And god even taking into account that the number of nodes in all those projects is pathetic

>> No.53109736

pee pee poo poo !

>> No.53109751

Also not yelling directly at you just how stupid that picture is (though I don't believe AVAX or FTM will get large government or corporate adoption which is the logical end game for any chain wanting worldwide use

>> No.53109875


Number of nodes do have an impact. Look at Solana and downtimes it had in past. Crypto is all about decentralization and scalability, limiting the number of nodes goes against it.

>> No.53109882

>just how stupid that picture is
We can fix it, we have the technology.
I'd also remove sol because the shitty ones make it look good for some reason

>> No.53109929

>limiting the number of nodes goes against it.
Yes, number of nodes is a good thing, but if you have a ton of nodes but only 3 make up 50% of all hashpower or whatever equivalent you really aren't decentralized at all. Without decentralization the entire point of using a blockchain in the first place is lost

SOL is such garbage is fills me with joy watching them pull the dumbest stunts around to make themselves seem more 'legitimate' like a fucking phone

>> No.53109990


I guess you're not aware of limitations of computer networking and processing power. 3 Nodes cannot handle 100,000 clients transacting at same time. The excess nodes in a network act as a backup and protects from all kinds of attacks.

>> No.53110045

Like I said more nodes is good, it's just that you need genuine decentralization of power over the network otherwise all your nodes are absolutely pointless. You need a heaping amount of both nodes and spread out power over the network

>> No.53110538


>> No.53110575

kek and based

by this logic BTC isnt an investment

lol, why?
remember Kaddex and the other dexs can handle well over 7 TPS... whiile other things are happening on KDA

sadly true

>> No.53110747

Why don't any of these "comparison" pics use real numbers? They're always shill bullshit using theoretical nonsense, quoting whitepapers or hype. It's hilarious to me, especially when you get down to tps that these chains virtually never hit even double digits yet their advertising TPS as 10,000.

Anyway Kadena is dead, never delivered anything. All their technical solutions were vapourware and now they don't even have any hype. At least people remember eos, KDA won't even have a sentence dedicated to it in the history books. A literal who project.

>> No.53110773
File: 72 KB, 720x822, 1604792096858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unlimited tps
I would like to strangle the faggot who wrote this with my bare hands
t. network engineer

>> No.53111223

>he doesn't know
t. distributed cloud computing engineer

>> No.53111289

>distributed cloud computing engineer
so a faggot who writes yamls and think he's smart - please, explain to me how a decentralized network (or even a centralized network for that matter) can achieve unlimited bandwidth - think, before you reply

>> No.53111396
File: 935 KB, 885x1017, 1672107982694716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is generally understood that the term "unlimited" in the context of digital infrastructure takes into account the physical limitations imposed by the speed of light and hardware bandwidth. Therefore, it is unnecessary to constantly reiterate these constraints. Instead of trying to make yourself feel better by making fun of people, perhaps it would be more productive to engage in more fulfilling activities, such as playing a video game or watching anime.

>> No.53111523
File: 16 KB, 277x287, topkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>term "unlimited" takes into account the limitations imposed by hardware bandwidth
So not very unlimited then, is it?

>> No.53111784

Please review my previous reply.

>> No.53111795

what's KDA used for? what's Cardano used for?

>> No.53111833

Both for nothing.

>> No.53111841

It seems more so what that excerpt is suggesting is that once validators pass a certain amount a randomly sampled size of validators is selected to verify a given block. The 100 value you gave is arbitrary based on the excerpt you cited. I mean, what you cited there isn't much different to probabilistic random sampling seen in AVAX.

>> No.53111857

Bitcoin inflation is ~2-4% last I checked. It has nowhere near the tokenomics of some highly inflationary tokens on the market like KDA.

>> No.53111887

Real question, is KDA better than Multivac(know scam that rugged)? Market doesn't think it is!
>480000 tps with 20 chains
um, honey, its barely 450 rn

>> No.53111894

It's getting late and I'm not sure what you wrote relates to my point, basically the more validators the bigger the overhead so you cannot meaningfully decentralized a system based on BFT. That's just the reality of it, the paper mentions examples where this could be worked around, and obviously near tries their go at it as well. But that fact 100% holds up for FTM.
The 100-200 number is from real world examples.

>> No.53111966

>purposefully leaving AVAX(no limit) out
god i hate KDA troons, what a bunch of disingenuous faggots

>> No.53111980

If it makes you mad that's really half the battle.

>> No.53112058
File: 48 KB, 475x912, literally_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot, you have been caught lying by omission. apologize.

>> No.53112080

It's all good. I agree that it's questionable whether Fantom can truly scale based on aBFTs without any adaptations to the protocol. I was suggesting before that if they went a route similar to AVAX they could potentially scale with probabilistic random sampling. Or if they implement some sort of fork-rule.

>> No.53112115
File: 1.78 MB, 896x1344, 1671926552712232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53112156


>High IQ replies
>Not mentioning KASPA

Anon, I...

>> No.53112268

Take any ethkiller chain. Compare its ecosystem, decentralization and price action against Ethereum. I can guarantee the answer. Bagholders and paid shills trash on Ethereum while it keeps thriving.

>> No.53112300

> icp
coin not needed.

>> No.53112466

cardano is a ghost town at this point, i mean its still powering less than 60 dapps which is nothing compared to polygon that's powering over 53k dapps

>> No.53112587

Disregarding performance being similar in dumping from ATH, Kadena has higher marketcap, volume, and exchange availability.
Although marketcap and volume isn't everything, clearly KDA is better according to the market even though the market also thinks Kadena is way overvalued or has a bad future ahead of it.

kyspa scam

>> No.53112688

should we tell him?

>> No.53112805


>> No.53113158

algorand has the only pure proof of steak. therefore it will win.

>> No.53114247
File: 6 KB, 160x152, FjvotK2XEAI4a0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to think that we're providing a platform that people can use to really build out the next generation of web 3.0 concepts in a way that others aren't. It's important to think of things like the Kadena public network as a particular backend for the Pact language, not in terms of the blockchain being the focal point, with the language supporting it. In fact, Pact is the main selilng point here with Kadena being a particular implementation of a compatible backend. So far, we've shown that Tendermint, Kadena, Kuro, and several others in the works can be the kind of web 3.0 backend that people are looking for in modern app design, and so far i think we're the only ones to do it. Granted, we're not there yet: Pact is still clunky (we're working on a complete internal rewrite called Pact Core to be released this year), and the multichain/wallet UX isn't good. However, I have a lot of bullish hope that our focuses on UX/DX this year will result in something like Apple for blockchains: apps that work together seamlessly, agnostic of blockchain, with at least one very good, scalable architecture available with deep integration into Pact's features.



>> No.53114303

Oasis Rose is at 120 now.
>t. Rose bagholder

>> No.53114317

They both fucking suck. AVAX and ALGO are better.

>> No.53114319
File: 550 KB, 1920x1080, 1659970223770724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprisingly good thread. Some shills, but lots of genuine discussion. Thanks /biz/anons.

>> No.53114934

uh no, for me, it's Chainweb.

>> No.53114949
File: 86 KB, 700x444, 1671356964425802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold AVAX.

>> No.53115055

i'm no longer sure of cardano, kda is kinda better!
but Elrond is becoming my favorite cos of it's transformation in MultiversX!
>This makes me more enthusiastic in holoride and the possibility of their mortorverse becoming a top innovation in the space soon.

>> No.53115070


>> No.53115121

ah very good, and to whom is that statement addressed?

>> No.53115151
File: 177 KB, 2231x1875, 646565434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next generation of web 3.0 concepts
>Apple for blockchains

>> No.53115194

>clearly KDA is better according to the market even though the market also thinks Kadena is way overvalued or has a bad future ahead of it.
kda has worse price action, everything else is cope and you full well know that

>> No.53115206

>I like to think
but in reality you just cashed out your scam ath telling anons to hold

>> No.53115209

having a heart attack here

>> No.53115222

Stay strong anon

>> No.53115269
File: 557 KB, 800x533, larshere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53115283

1) whats the status on Pact core?
2) any news about mermelade? i know its not up your alley but still
3) has KDA integrated with Chainlink? if not, why?
4) what are your NYR?
5) whats your 1 rep max squat?

these threads take me back to august 21 when KDA hovered 0.3€ before shooting up into the stratosphere. comfy af.

>> No.53115312
File: 531 KB, 860x459, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these threads take me back comfy af.
With the god awful OP image and pos shitcoiners spamming, ah yes so comfy

>> No.53115344
File: 104 KB, 593x584, dasrite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kyspa scam
Das rite

>> No.53115396

only reason kda rocketed because it was jihan's personal pnd
none of the posts on this board made a difference at all whatsoever

>> No.53115413
File: 670 KB, 1303x681, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're replying to the wrong post, I'm only commenting about the comfy levels of /biz/ threads not sure what you're talking about

>> No.53115450
File: 49 KB, 500x607, Risa Momioka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognise those thighs.

>> No.53115469

man there is really no reason to switch from avax its the best eth alternative

>> No.53115552

she is missing a triangle on that shirt

>> No.53115570

Why come triangle needed for reaction image???

>> No.53115578


>> No.53115585

By any objective measure, KDA is a failure and irrelevant in the long term. It did less than doge, a literal meme dog.

>> No.53115720

one of the few real-world Metaverse products that will help take crypto mainstream.
Comfy bros

>> No.53115939

>. It did less than doge, a literal meme dog.
This, I disagree

>> No.53115951
File: 1.14 MB, 1280x720, Real Scaling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KDA is a failure and irrelevant in the long term. It did less than doge, a literal meme dog.
Based and webm is made up.

>> No.53116222

nothing more cringe than kadena pedos trashing legit innovation
kadena had an ico, lots of team allocation, it is relatively unusable due to chains having it really hard to interact with one another
doing SCs at L2/L3 is nonironically a much better idea whilst Kaspa pretty much resolved the problem that Lightning Network is solving, but at L1
Kadena is a company that uses deceitful marketing

>> No.53116430

You niggas are just annoying

>> No.53117148


>> No.53118081
File: 47 KB, 468x585, FjvotK3XEAAPPwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> 1) whats the status on Pact core?

We did our first official demo of error reporting right before the holidays. It's looking good. extremely fast, better experience all around. We're now looking at making sure we have full coverage for the existing natives in terms of testing and semantics. Then, we need to look at fully testing it for Chainweb. It's still a few months off from being testable, but I'm having Jose target getting something into people's hands and testing on testnet by May/June this year.

> 2) any news about mermelade? i know its not up your alley but still

No clue at this point. I saw Hee Kyun did some updates and added some features, but i have no clue what the deliverable is or what it means to be released.

> 3) has KDA integrated with Chainlink? if not, why?

Good news on this one: it was stalled because Chainlink was hit so hard by the market crash, but they've picked it back up again and responded to our team! It's officially moving again.

> 4) what are your NYR?

finish my fitness goals for this year, attempt the intermittent fasting meme for at least 2 months, and go on more comfy long distance hikes with my partner.

> 5) whats your 1 rep max squat?


>> No.53118126

emwiwiy I'm getting word about the docs being very unusable and something something about the community editing feature being completely removed or disabled so now devs arent fixing docs and cummunity cant even if they wanted?

>> No.53118130

>Hee Kyun
Do you think Moe Moe Kyun when you see this surname?
>it was stalled because Chainlink was hit so hard by the market crash
Chainst1nk does it again.

>> No.53118169

pls be KG

>> No.53118244
File: 190 KB, 733x1048, FjtwmBYaMAAQST9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I heard there was some fuckery going on because people on the team didn't know how to use github to edit pages and adopted gitbook and an extremely complicated front end to make it work. People are looking into it. It's.... iunno. I haven't been looking at it but it seems some poor decisions were made. I hope they bring back the edit button. I'm pushing for it, at least.


Hee Kyun is a precious resource who must be protected at all cost for sheer adorability.

N-no... ;_;

>> No.53118271
File: 445 KB, 888x637, 1672760309416930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like the looks of this guy
A very tried and true way of investing desu.

>> No.53118278
File: 1.88 MB, 1809x1107, 7d14d00414784372ad057d63e77dbf6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apprachite the transoparicity !

>> No.53118346

You need some spoonfeeding? Why not buy LUNA. kek. You are gonna die rekt if you don't slurp real life utility like privacy, web3, identity management

>> No.53118392
File: 366 KB, 2800x1800, kara boğa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k*dena troons will submit to KARA BOĞA and KDA will become an Avalanche subnet.
KDA shills are condemned for their troonish behavior, however Emin(PBUH) will show mercy as long as they accept Allah as the one true God and PoS as the one true sybil resistance model.

>> No.53118409

epic post anon!

>> No.53118629
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epic post anon!

>> No.53118659
File: 46 KB, 1129x752, scamdena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yearly candle be like

>> No.53118862
File: 30 KB, 777x393, price anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much did you lose. No matter how much it is, just remember to remind yourself of this.
>It's just money
Chin up anon

>> No.53118942

why did you split one post into multiple pictures? do you have autism?

>> No.53118952

>do you have autism?

>> No.53118983


>> No.53119086

epic post anon!

>> No.53119097
File: 350 KB, 2048x1725, 1644622006363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> PoS as the one true sybil resistance model.

But... it has worse sybil resistance than PoW? Either way, I'm not worried about sybil attacks when it comes to PoS. What i'm worried about is the fact that VC's and whales control liquidity in the network, and have no external incentive to hold long term once a token reaches a particular exit peak. Effectively, it's the one true VC liquidity model.

>> No.53119125
File: 615 KB, 1080x937, Screenshot_2022-12-31-00-14-03-52_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Effectively, it's the one true VC liquidity model
Keep talking, reveal all your knowledge about shady VC practices

>> No.53121220
File: 538 KB, 1000x1000, mmmnh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What needs to be revealed? VC are out to see a multiplier on their principal investment, not optimize a company for long term growth. The moment the price hits their exit target, nothing stops them from leaving. This is catastrophic to a PoS network because VC control the nodes and liquidity and can easily validate their own exit strategies, whereas in a PoW setting they have to contend with miners who have skin in game (hardware) that have a long term interest in the health of the network. At least in the PoW case, there's someone out there who has an adversarial stake, even if miners centralize into pools. In a PoS setting, there's no such competition.

PoS is just oligarchy as a service. You're all just funneling money into VCs pockets who do not care about you or the network. It's dire.

>> No.53121885

Ahh, so you're the reason your tranny friend loves Cosmos so much without understanding whomst it was developed by and how it functions.
Brilliant circle-jerking
You will never be a real protocol, Sundaeswap dev.

>> No.53121929
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>tries scaling to 50 chains
>infrastructure explodes
>septuple mint
that's unlimited scalability for ya

>> No.53121943

nobody even knows what web 3.0 means
you can't run the internet in a decentralized way
and kadena can't even run a basic slow version of the stock market on their chain because their cross-chain transfers are slow af and there is no atomic composability which means that they only have a bunch of chains ducktaped together larping as a scalability solution

the only thing they solved is a simplistic version of horizontal 'scaling', except it's not really scaling since it's just a bunch of chains slightly connected with each other

obviously it's not a good idea to do this sort of stuff at L1

>> No.53121969

given the team's implication in Kaddex we can assume they dumped on their investors any chance they got, which is probably why it took so long for the chart to appreciate at all and not that long for the price to dump 95%

>> No.53121995


>> No.53122030

Curious how you assume all VCs and whales have bad intentions while applying Hanlons Razor to certain other parties.
VCs serve a purpose, for example to kickstart projects and they deserve to be compensated for the risks taken.
There are no true neutrals in crypto, except for Satoshi Nakamoto, even Vitalik is a scammer.
Kadena doesn't care about the community either, that's perfectly fine, but let's not accuse others of the same thing Kadena is guilty of.

>> No.53122754

Proof of stake coins are dumped on regular basis. In proof-of-work (PoW) chains, the developers cant mint coins out of thin air, you have to mine it with equipment. Very few people know this difference.

>> No.53122829

You still trying to figure out what web 3.0 is. I am already in web 4.0

>> No.53122835


I have done multiple transactions on chainweb, they were free, including intrachain transfer. I can't think of any PoW L1 that can offer the same.

>> No.53123016

just curious, are you a woman?
it’s mostly women that are this kind of passive aggressive
maybe you’re just a faggot

>> No.53123023

based, but it's worse to have a base layer be a scam as opposed to people running a non scam base layer being shady

>> No.53123042

> they were free
of course they were, if you didn’t have your gas stations they wouldn’t work without first having funds on the target chain
the whole this is a clunky mess, not ‘infinitely scalable’