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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5310779 No.5310779 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5310814

>thinking a Billionaire wants to help the commonman
Staycucked boy.

>> No.5310862


this until you can get the fuck out of this shithole country

>> No.5310873
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And this is why Anarcho-capitalism is the only correct way. When will you plebs learn?

>> No.5310884

Trump is a retard who will say anything to get support from stupid people and he'll do the complete opposite

>> No.5310886

trump is a huge goy

>> No.5310918
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And now I don't like Trump. God damnit!

>> No.5310920

Kek is this just for amerilards ?

>> No.5310986
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>American legislation
>is this just for amerilards lol

>> No.5311094
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Have you even looked at his (((staff)))?

>> No.5311098
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>> No.5311099

the most powerful being in the known universe decides all the laws on his realm

>> No.5311154

Literal billionaire

>But he said he was one of the people!!

>> No.5311155

Just be happy it's only a simple asset tax. Hillary was so far up bankers rectums that crypto trading might've been banned entirely.

>> No.5311260

One good thing about the GOP plan is it stops taxing Americans from abroad.

>> No.5311292

bahahahaha /pol/ BTFO'd again! First IOTA now this :') based

>> No.5311392
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>retarded obese boomer who literally shits into a gold toilet is the friend of the common man
kek I knew burgers are retarded but this trump thing is next level, he's one of the biggest total cunts on the planet

>> No.5311711


trump is a billionaire whose daughter is married to a literal jew

>> No.5311810

Wtf shills told me this was already taxable

>> No.5311917

This doesn't make any sense, pol literally hates Jews and you're telling me trump likes them? How can that be possible if pol supports trump?

You guys are fucking stupid, pol is always right

>> No.5312043

Cucksimus maximus

>> No.5312080
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Been watching the whole Trump debacle from Europe, still in shock how fucking dumb Americans are. Jesus fucking christ, I knew it was bad, but you literally voted a reality tv-star billionaire into office. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

>> No.5312136

>Jerusalem is the capital of Israel

>> No.5312289

He has to make deals with the swamp, sadly. Fucking globalist Jew cucks in both parties have no loyalty to anyone, they just want to fuck over the people. I wish Trump would just order the national guard or army to arrest every member of Congress and immediately publicly execute most of them for treason.

But apart from that, just don't declare it, man. Or fuck off to some other country with your gains.

>> No.5312291


We also think it's ok to let kids pay $100,000 for college and pay $6000 for a single ambulance ride down the street. Then we have people defending working 15 hour days with no vacation because you're a lazy mooch if you don't. People here are born and bred to be slaves to the rich, the IRS only see Americans as warm bodies to tax and corporations to use as cheap labor.

>> No.5312376


>> No.5312482

I hope this is a joke. Trump is a fucking zionist

Still voted for him

>> No.5312508


He's been pretty consistent on the lowering taxes and keeping muslims out thing.

Also our economy is enough to let us trade well-memed monopoly money into gold so...

>> No.5312543


>T. man who listens to CNN and believes every word

>> No.5312576

i'm making money right now, but let's be honest, cashless currency will one day enslave us. it's really best if it dies and if trumps trying to kill it, he has my support, even if it loses me money

>> No.5312648

Im going into this knowing its going to become integrated in the beast system. Hopefully i can get at least a nice vegas trip out of my gains

>> No.5312665
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You guys are retarded. Like-kind exchanges were never legal for crypto. They literally are just spelling it out for you dumb tax evading motherfuckers.

>> No.5312672

>being this cucked

Jesus what happened to the whole anti government 4chan? Oh wait this is just a coinless faggot sorry.

>> No.5312734

>I'm making money right now

No you're not. If you were, you wouldn't be saying that. Piss off, nocoiner.

>> No.5312738

>cashless currency will one day enslave us
LMAO most consumers in the West are already using Visa/MasterCard for daily purchases

>> No.5312748

anyone only watching or reading mainstream media doesn't have a worthwile opinion on trump

we are in an age of propaganda. and the mainstream official widely accepted and reported official story... is more and more often these days false.

bloombergs kinda not as bad as most other msm outlets, but ir's possible trump has zero plans to tax crypto, that's how hard msm can be counted on to distort the truth, lie, and take things out of context on purpose.

>> No.5312800

Electronic currency is a government's fucking dream, that's the reality, which isn't brought up here because this forum is just about making money and not politics

>> No.5312802


What if bitcoin is taxed, and the IRS accepts bitcoin as payment?

Wouldn't that be a good thing because it's a global acknowledgement of the value of BTC over fiat (fake) currency?

>> No.5312804

Can you not be this cucked? This ain’t fake news. Holy shit the brainwashing is real....

>> No.5312858

>this forum

>> No.5312890
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get cucked

>> No.5312891

and 90% of money isn't cash

thats not the point. its the small purchases made in cash by every day people that they want to control. not for wealth, but for power. when you can no longer legally buy a loaf of bread without a cashless currency that the government has regulated control over your access to... then they have you by the balls. and they want your balls

they want all of us by the balls, and to do that, they want to kill cash. the expanding surveillance state will make it possible to enforce. and the carrot, rather then the stick, will be used at first to draw us in...

i mean come on, the plan is so easy and obvious even i can come up with it. of course they've thought of it too

>> No.5312901

>cashless currency
>beast system

repeat after me


>> No.5312926

This has literally always been the case.

>> No.5312954

i;m not saying it isn't real, seems probably real. but at this point i dont believe the mainstream media until further research. a single msm article on any one issue is almost always a very narrow one-sided view packed with distortion.

>> No.5312964

All credit/debit card transactions are already monitored.. wtf are you talking about, it's already happened

>> No.5313036

So everytime someone wants to sell their Buttcoin for Tethers or vice versa it will be a taxable event? Wouldn't that defeat the whole purpose of Tether to act as a safehaven where each and everytime you trade these two for another asset you'll be taxed up the ass?

>> No.5313106
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what do you mean the billionnaire married to jews and fucking up the middle east for jews is trying to jew out?

>> No.5313111

in canada, where i live, most people pay in cash for their groceries and shit. even if you live somewhere where people use debit for everything; the cash is still there as an option.

your ability to buy and sell the things you need to survive can't ever be fully turned off or controlled for as long as cash exists.

how do you still not understand this? you are stubborn and refuse to admit that cashless is control and cash is freedom and cash still exists and is still a problem for the people who want ultimate power. and they do want ultimate power, and they are bringing us a totally cashless world, and it is a terrible thing, and it's going to get a lot more controlled and terrible then it is now. so figure it the fuck out now, because if you're still asleep when this shit kicks off you're going to get very very badly fucked

>> No.5313166
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i told all you trumpcucks he was going to betray you. fuckers banned me from /pol/ for saying it too. well guess what, his daughter married a jew, he loves israel, and he's a fucking billionare who made his profits by being owned by jewish banks that loande him money and bailed him out. what did you expect?

fucking trump cucks "LOL 9D CHESS BRO TRUMP DOESNT REALLY LOVE JEWS" yes he does you fucking cock suckers.



>> No.5313168

Why is this hard to believe? This is just more money in the governments pockets. How is t hard to believe. Jesus Christ this trump meme went to far. Literally the worse thing to happen to 4chan since furry’s and traps

>> No.5313186

So much FUD and shilling in here.

>> No.5313256

Because he is a zionist puppet.

>> No.5313283
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>> No.5313294


>> No.5313311
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Have your eyes been closed? He thinks Israel is our #1 friend ally and beacon of hope on the other side of the world. He's been this way since he was campaigning. He has a (((daughter)))

>> No.5313312

it has nothing to do with trump. i have not even stated my opinions on trump. it has everything to do with the media, which i realized was a propaganda outlet for the establishment long before trump.

i'll explain it again since you're a bit slow. the media cannot be trusted, period, and everything they say has to be looked into before it can be believed. or you're an idiot

i don't know how seriously to take this article because i haven't looked into it yet. i haven't done research outside of the official propaganda sources yet.

they are very clever in the ways they decieve, and i have been decieved by the mainstream media before, because i read an article that msm

>> No.5313321

That's why crypto is the future

They can't really control crypto.. They can control entry/exit points, when you buy crypto for fiat and cash out, but not anything in between. There's no way they can control and monitor the blockchain, and even if they succeed in one case or another, there are always more secure alternatives which they can never reach

You can now claim that it's dependent on electricity and the internet, but that's a different story.. It's only relevant in the case of a major disaster

>> No.5313324


i see this guy in JUSTED memes who is this guy irl ?

>> No.5313344

Stay cucked eurofag

>> No.5313371

brendan frasier. when he divorced his wife, she literally got his nutsack and all his money in the divorce.


>> No.5313392


Israel is a containment country designed to keep Jews out of American politics and for the most part it's working.

What better place for Jews than a secluded spot in the desert, surrounded by enemies- some of them nuclear equipped?

>> No.5313398

>sucks Zionist cock
>calls others a cuck

>> No.5313413

>There's no way they can control and monitor the blockchain
These are only the beginning.

>> No.5313422
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>He doesn't know who Brendan Fraser is

You must be 18 or older to post here kiddo.

>> No.5313426

>because i read an article that msm
sorry, totally baked right now. as i was trying to say before being distracted by a gf, 4 cats, and a bong, because i'm so cool and stuff. ok the gf part i made up..
i've been decieved by the msm before, by reading a few news articles that made absolute sense to me at the time. they are very good at deception these people, and if you don't double check their shit, it can be very easy to be misled by them

>> No.5313425

Not to be smug, but can you even afford a car?

>> No.5313442
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>Being this naive

>> No.5313460

kek finally someone that realizes that the United States is a third world country.
Your country only consists of 'winners' and 'losers'. There is hardly a middle class. The 'winners' pay hardly any tax and the 'losers' are cucked by the greedy jew run goverment. It doesn't matter wether you vote republican or democrats, your govt is run by money.
In the USA: big organization gives 50 million to republican party, in return they want a bill passed: they call this lobbying
In non-third-world: big organization gives 50 million to political party, in return they want a bill passed: they call this corruption

>> No.5313461

Well, if Trump does sign it.
Does this mean that Monero and the other Cryptos, is going to MOON?

>> No.5313463


Eh. I can see EU joining on this one. EU likes jewism. Theyre not gonna let the US have all the fun.

>> No.5313485

2 world wars were fought so Ashkanazis could get their hands on Israel you dumb fuck.

>> No.5313513

>free healthcare
>only 15% tax on crypto-fiat
>cheap housing
>net neutrality
>free schools
>no mass shootings
>no nignogs walking down the streets ready to steal your shekels
Sure sad I don't live in the US.

>> No.5313526

Ill never get this

>Do college for a nice job
>Have nice job but work for college

Why not just make efforts to find a good job from the start. You can still easily grow from there.

>> No.5313531

>They can't really control crypto..
i think they could, but i think they might not even bother, because after all...
>They can control entry/exit points
and without cash and in person trades for crypto... all entrances to cryptocurrency will be controlled

without cash, they don't need to control crypto.

but eventually it would make sense if there was a more biometrically secure way to access your crypto. it will be agreat feature at first, totally optional. but eventually for security reasons, after a bunch of false flag major hacks. the government will have to mandate biometric wallets and authentication registered on the blockchain for every transaction.

for our safety of course.

>> No.5313607


It's literally a filthy barren wasteland, let them have it.

The entire Middle East is the closest thing to hell on Earth in terms of geography.

>> No.5313618

This is actually good for crypto. Anyone know which decentralized exchanges are best?

>> No.5313627
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I wish switzerland had free healthcare.
Its mandatory to pay here and its crippling expensive along with expensive housing

>> No.5313670

maybe trump is not part of the establishment, maybe he really is our guy. maybe he sees this obvious future for crypto as an orwellian cashless control grid. and maybe he wants to do anything he can to stop this future or at least slow it down, by any means necessary.

i don't think that's true, maybe it is. i have no idea. but it's a speculation, that's all

>> No.5313678

hear hear buddy

>"U.S.A. is the greatest country on earth"
Hahahahahah whole world is laughing at you obese, inbred, uneducated, jew dominated cucks

>> No.5313709

No fucking way
They will extradite

>> No.5313717
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>> No.5313742

Top cuck

>> No.5313743

>banned from /pol/ for saying drumpf


>> No.5313858

I specifically mentioned privacy-based alternatives because of that

>all entrances to cryptocurrency will be controlled
All entrances to cash are controlled either, when people get their salary it's all noted down and tracked

>but eventually it would make sense if there was a more biometrically secure way to access your crypto
The point was, you cannot control ALL crypto.. It's just a program code that anyone technically can compile and distribute. Try to control one crypto currency, people will switch to another which will emerge instantly. The idea of "government-controlled access to the blockchain" is dead from the start

>> No.5313904

dude come on. dont be naive. the "fuck the big banks" appeal is part of what sells the coin. thats why its open sourced, because it needs to be to lure you in. because if it wasn;t open source, the nerds they need as early adopters largely wouldn't trust it.

what crypto is now. and what crypto is in the future... even if crypto doesn't change, even if our coins aren't replaced, the control and regulation over exchanges is possible. banning cash is possible which would make anonymous purchases of crypto difficult.the government could control your ability to access crypto

>but the internet is free, and the world has many governments and...
yeah, maybe you find a loophole. most people wont, most people will be grabbed by the balls. and eventually, they'll start to close those loopholes until you're forced to come fully into the system in order to survive, to buy and sell. in a world where cash is illegal and ai cameras monitor everything at all times... it'll be harder and harder to use crypto freely

>> No.5313939

>trump tax cut only helps those who actually have an income
>NEETS making money of coins don't benefit from this

he's trying to get you fucks back in the workforce.

>> No.5314031

eventually more and more countries, under the guise of a un treaty or some shit, will regulate access to currency exchanges while also banning their own cash systems to embrace the crypto, which works worldwide like a set of one world currencies.

it's all to easy. sure you can find loopholes at first. but the holes will be controlled.

if you think the people in power are powerless to stop bitcoin, that it wasn't theitr own fuckign idea in the first place, then they've successfully fooled you, you've been lured into a false sense of security

>> No.5314034

>for the most part it's working
yeah, working really well for them. they get their country and dual citizenship. i'ts not working as a containment zone very well at all.

>> No.5314257
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>While the Jews quietly meddle in literally every aspect of U.S. politics.

Oy vey, yes, it's a great thing the Israel was created!

>> No.5314298

Can president trump defeat the orwellian cashless control grid before it seduces america with sweet mooning gains? Will the doge rise as the one coin to control them all? Will Pajeet finally sell his bags to an unlucky anon?

Find out, on the next episode of Tales From the Cryptokeeper

>> No.5314375

does this mean everyfucking trade I make is a 15% loss back and forth. This doesn't make any sense. It only makes sense to tax it when it comes back to USD

>> No.5314391

If the IRS starts accepting btc for taxes the fiat monopoly is over. We won.

>> No.5314460

>costs $60 fee to pay taxman in btc

>> No.5314524

in canada i think we get taxed max 15% and only when cashing out. counts as capital gains so it gets the capital gains tax. i'm ok with this, in so far as i'm ok with the principle of taxes in general (not sure if i am ok with it, technically theft)

i will pay my taxes on this without complaint. it's a fair deal, same deal as any capital gains get

>> No.5314555


he never was you dumbass

>> No.5314561
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>> No.5314874

Yea so it counts as exchanging an asset. So I believe if you bought btc at 200$ and sold at 15k , you pay 15% or whatever on 14800. Not entirely sure

>> No.5314958

Just set a low fee and let it take a month to get there. No rush. Besides, if im giving them 5 to 6 figsin taxes I'd gladly give $60 to the miners than deal with the fiat system

>> No.5315133

>if I'm already being robbed of six figures whats another small robbery

>> No.5315143
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Why hasn't 4chan and Reddit funded a crypto legal lobby to sue the ever living shit out of the government? I know there are crypto millionaires and billionaires that frequent this board. It's time we stop fucking each other over and come together to fight a common enemy.

>> No.5315165 [DELETED] 

>containment country
thats like pitying someone for being weighed down by heavy bags of gold bars you retard

>> No.5315192


>> No.5315194

Coiners aren't people

tax them 100% for their illicit gains to fund immigrant school programs

>> No.5315220

Have you invited Ahmed to sleep with your sister and mother?

>> No.5315483

This. But no one will acknowledge your post, they'll just spew stupid anti-trump shit. This has always been a taxable fucking event you stupid fucking morons

>> No.5315552

where did you read this? that would be HUGE news

>> No.5315556

Looks like a group has been established - everyone on this board should throw some donations their way: https://coincenter.org/our-work

>> No.5315666

He was (s)elected. The majority of Americans stayed home and didn't vote for either of the turds.

>> No.5315728

/pol/tards would literally destroy their own country to be contrarian

>> No.5315848


Crypto has never qualified for 1031 like kind exchanges. Stocks don't qualify. Only selling a house and rebuying qualify. This has nothing to do with Trump it's always been this way.

>> No.5315869

cash is a grandfathered untraceable currency no way they allow crypto this status.

>> No.5315870



Except that's wrong, you abject fucking retard

>> No.5315886

Tbh if you're a biznessman and not an ancap, you're clinically stupid.

>> No.5315903



>> No.5315924

no, it could be more, because they would be taxed at your normal income tax rate.

>> No.5316037

What if I just ignore this and never cash out?

>> No.5316082

Still not sure what the plan has to do with stopping taxes on Americans from abroad. Americans still have to pay income tax on worldwide income.
>One good thing about the GOP plan is it stops taxing Americans from abroad

>> No.5316205

Best choice we had

>> No.5316267

Our county was already being destroyed you dumb fucking idiot. Trump was an attempt to save it. I think he’s doing a great job. Maybe do something besides watching CNN and posting on Reddit.

>> No.5316346

>A (((Christian))) leader helping out whites
His holy people live in Israel. Daily reminder all whites who aren't pagan shouldnt be trusted

>> No.5316418

/pol/ being dumb enough to eat Trump's rhetoric is one thing, /biz/ is an entirely different affair.

This is why voting for this man was a bad idea.

>But Hillary
Isn't president and the Democrats aren't pushing this legislation.

Defending Trump by dealing out whataboutisms revolving around alternative relaities where Hillary was elected show a weakness of character and submissive self imposed slavery to the idea of Trump. Grow a conscience and admit that this is not a good move for the Republicans.

>> No.5316482

>he truly believed a cocky dickhead mega capitalist wanted what's best and really cared for the average Cletus

God, he got you morons good.

>> No.5316536

Wait, I thought every trade was already taxable. Was that a lie?? Does this mean I don't owe any taxes for my trades this year if I didn't cash out, since this doesn't go into effect til jan 1st??

>> No.5316569

1. this has always been the case and has nothing to do with Trump
2. Trump is easily the best president we've had in the last 50 years
3. Idc that much about hillary, its more that you faggots can not admit how atrocious she was. and you are doomed to repeat the same mistake because you can't admit it, and make up bullshit words like "whataboutism" to defend your lack of a value system.

>> No.5316603


>> No.5316689

What if you just Tumble your coins?

>> No.5316747

wtf I love trump now

>> No.5316772

I agree with you that it should be a containment country, but I promise you that it is not working and it is not keeping them out of politics. Dozens of our congressmen here in the US have citizenship in Israel.

>> No.5316816

You realize that statistic takes into account minors and other people ineligible to vote, correct?

>> No.5316874

>he fell for Trump's "everyone but me is lying" meme

>> No.5316994

ive read this in charles bukowski's voice

>> No.5317159
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>a currency it doesn't control is a government's dream

>> No.5317237

What is a public immutable ledger? It's a way of tracking all transactions in full view of the public. A data miners wet dream and a privacy nightmare.

>> No.5317433

How the FUCK are we supposed to afford paying a tax on crypto to crypto trades when we have no fiat and everything is in crypto.

>> No.5317494
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it seems like this is just saying that daytrading crypto counts as short term capital gains. pretty sure everybody knew that already

>> No.5317503

Who the fuck pays taxes on their crypto?
These pay your taxes threads are just IRS shills spreading FUD.


>> No.5317619

>our guy
stupid /pol/
His guys are big corporate and wall street, not lonely white crypto neets

>> No.5317621

Honestly the goyim deserve to be enslaved. They're just so fucking stupid and worthless lmao. I mean they actually thought Donald Trump was on their side. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.5317737

Please list out how he's saving the country in any capacity?

>> No.5317906


The final redpill is learning the jews were right all along