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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53101837 No.53101837 [Reply] [Original]

you won't know until it's too late

>> No.53101850

what is it?

>> No.53101858

it's too easy if i tell you

>> No.53101886

>>53101850 is vela exchange . Perps on arbi

>> No.53102709

Pleasently surprised to see this scrolling through biz. Based

>> No.53102882

What's the suicide/make it??

>> No.53102885

dunno but I want to reach 25k not selling till $10

>> No.53102907

it's already up 32x from the low. If you're retarded you'd buy it now.

>> No.53102926

then how come literally no one is selling

>> No.53102929
File: 3.52 MB, 470x360, 1627687566262.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. anons shilling at ath is a sell signal

>> No.53102937

lol it's at all time high and no one is selling. fucking solid hodlers

>> No.53102941

That rule is valid when the mcap is higher, fool. It's just 5M at this moment, it has room to keep rallying.

>> No.53102944

it's not even 2x from IDO which was .50 cents.. anymore BS you want to post? Even private/pre sale are just up 2-3x tops.. ATL was like 0.05 where the hell are you getting 32x from? DO BETTER.

>> No.53102989
File: 54 KB, 512x1024, 1626421387558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that you're replying to me so quickly and watching the thread is pathetic. and you cant sell because you'll kill the price. liquidity is piss poor on this. for that reason, im out

>> No.53103004

lol what a fag

>> No.53103026

>the fact that you're replying to me so quickly and watching the thread is pathetic. and you cant sell because you'll kill the price. liquidity is piss poor on this. for that reason, im out
Tell me you can't made money on crypto without telling me you can't made money on crypto. IT'S A 6 MILLION MARKET CAP COIN. WHAT LIQUIDITY DO YOU EXPECT TO HAVE. WE'RE IN A PRE-DISCOVERY PHASE.

>> No.53103038

you've convinced me
post hands
also https://etherscan.io/token/0x88aa4a6c5050b9a1b2aa7e34d0582025ca6ab745#balances

>> No.53103090

lol the retard whale who sold all his shit into the pump yesterday is now buying back in at a loss. i love this fucking coin

>> No.53103123


>> No.53103154


>> No.53103220

last call under $1 .. Just wait till people fomo before JAN 18TH.. $3 up next.

>> No.53103302

Not selling until $10, which is at 60 million market cap. Quite a realistic achievement.

>> No.53104219

/biz/ finally shilled something good

>> No.53104595

biz will only start buying at 100m mcap though, just like they did with GNS even though it was being shilled here for months

>> No.53104617

this is true.. they will be like what's next I missed $vela/dxp when it's around $10 lol even though threads are popping up left and right about it.

>> No.53104630
File: 29 KB, 458x272, Screenshot 2023-01-02 at 13.40.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening!

>> No.53104642

dYdX/GMX competitor at a fraction of their mcap. No-brainer.

>> No.53104721

The top holder has been selling all day and they hold over 50 percent of the supply

>> No.53104751


>> No.53104763

Drown in the ganges
They've been sending it from here which is the top wallet to a few wallets and are a net seller. You can't fool the chain, please kill yourself you filthy scammer

>> No.53104786


>bridge wallet

still a retard

>> No.53104802

Lol, lmao even. There's a special place in hell for you

>> No.53105146

Pretty sure this guy is trolling, but in case anyone else is confused, DXP is currently also on Metis.

>> No.53105475

You faggot could have shilled it 2 months back while it was at 20 cents, not touching this piece of shit now fucking nigger

>> No.53105499

12k DXP holder here, what can I expect in 6 months?

>> No.53107398

Unironcally the next x40

>> No.53107880


>> No.53108337

I remember seeing this type of comment when GNS was around 0.5 lol. Learn how market cap works, frens. We're still early but unironically.

>> No.53110324

What is there?
Are the devs jeets or how competent are they?

>> No.53110733

lol at all the whales on the sidelines waiting for their entry this shit is amazing i love it

>> No.53110734

comfy with my 5k bag

>> No.53111451

Public beta launch

>> No.53111592

Just bought 45k DXP. It's gonna keep going up and up and up and up everyday. Just buy buy buy DXP Vela, BUY BUY, Don't ask why or what it does.. just buy!

>> No.53111724

>Are the devs jeets or how competent are they?
stop asking questions and just put all your money into a project that has "Devs (coming soon)" as an unclickable link on their homepage, surely this isn't one of the 99% of scam projects in crypto

>> No.53111748

dexpools.com/team/ here you go retard

>> No.53111812
File: 9 KB, 536x155, 98h3j98j8393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still not touching this with a 100 ft pole (pic related). this is already valued at 100m mcap if you count the 93% that isn't circulating... they dont even have a product and its 100m mcap LMAO

>> No.53111822

i love how this token filters out retarded autistic nerds. better luck next time kid

>> No.53111837

Nice rug pull shills.

>> No.53111860
File: 427 KB, 1243x838, 983J98FJ3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at this token allocation it has scam written all over it

>growth fund
aka they control these funds
>community incentives
aka they control these funds
aka they control these funds
>core team
aka what they will say is the only funds they control
>dxp allocation
aka they control these funds
>team growth
aka they control these funds
aka they control these funds

and then finally


>> No.53111883

cope harder faggot literally everyone knows the tokenomics and nobodies selling

>> No.53111886

you havent offered a single counterpoint you just say faggot or retard and think that will work

>> No.53111895

haha faggot retard