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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53100921 No.53100921 [Reply] [Original]

Alright biz bros get in here and cast your vote. Will 2023 be the year of the pump? The year of the dump? Or the year of the crab? Digits decides.

>> No.53100934

The last few years have been shit in every conceivable way, we're due for a half decent one now

>> No.53100956
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Gambler's fallacy.
There's literally not even one reason things would improve so they won't. We're on an unbreakable path to financial collapse and then Nuclear Armageddon. Enjoy what little time is left.

>> No.53100969
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>> No.53100979

I've been hearing niggers say this literally every year since 2008 and yet here we are still not dead yet

>> No.53100982

Uhh, were you conscious during 2021?

2023 will be a blood bath.

Everybody knows now that the economy is just a farm for the rich to exploit everybody else, people are fed up, we are going to see less and less consumer spending, more poverty and crime, money itself will lose value as the status quo breaks.

It will be interesting to see what happens, and depending on how you look at it, this change is a good thing. It certainly wont be an easy one though.

>> No.53101011

Everybody has known these things for decades, you aren't saying anything revolutionary, wose, or unknown by normie standards. The question is always whether or not the masses give a shit enough to do something about it, which they still don't and never will until they can no longer buy door dash and funko pops. If you want to bet against consoomers be my guest, but I for one will be betting on the kites to find a way to keep the retarded nigger cattle satiated for at least another decade at which point I will be set for life.

Assuming you're right it won't matter anyway

>> No.53101026

I hate auto correct, this is what I get for browsing biz while taking a shit I guess

>> No.53101039

We're actively in a hot war with Russia right at this very minute. Russia has every motive to increase their aggression. The entire American administration is staffed by and endless parade of carnival freaks. By any measurable estimation this is the worst case scenario for a diplomatic resolution.
This is literally the end times. I am sorry. I would tell you to prepare but it's too late. Just find some peace and enjoy yourself.

>> No.53101052

Consumer spending index is already down massively.

Go talk to your local delivery drivers/taxi drivers/resturaunts etc

Its already happening you buffoon.

You are a really shitty person, based off the shit you just wrote, letting you know.

>> No.53101060
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>> No.53101149

Might be right who knows, but my bets are on clown world continuing for the foreseeable future.

You can take your moralfagging back to wherever you came from, and my job is quite literally spending all day conversing with the biggest blue pilled normie scum imaginable in one of the largest cities in the US, they are nowhere close to being destitute.

>> No.53101478

the year of the cat


>> No.53101960

The slow bleed will continue until the Fed lowers rates. Which right now, looks like at least September.

>> No.53101980

it will be the decade of the crab

>> No.53101999

>they doesn't understand that QE is happening anyways.