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53099692 No.53099692 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to live off of warehouse work forever? It's the only job I enjoy
>don't have to interact with anybody
>is physical (i love being /fit/)
>its repetitive and mind numbing, which i personally enjoy
It pays slightly above minimum wage. On my free time I cook healthy foods, stretch and go to the gym. Then I spend an hour on 4chink. Can I do this for the rest of my life while saving money? I want to retire too

>> No.53099739
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>2023 and beyond

>> No.53099760

kek. if you want financial independence you'd go all in litecoin, but you won't b/c you are a FUCKING PUSSY.

>> No.53099804
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>be leaffag
There goes using a firearm to an hero as a retirement plan.

>> No.53099822



>> No.53102007
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Try to find a union job with a pension. I got one 10 years ago, pay was 14 capped at 18 in 3 years. Now making 25 and will go up to 30 in 5 years. The pension will help me not be fucked if I'm lucky enough to make it to old age. The job ad I saw when I applied for the job didn't show a salary, so sometimes it pays to go to an interview even when it doesn't show the salary, it might be good.

>> No.53102057

Put money away into investments as you wage.
Smart investments moon, make money turn it into passive income
Live easy

>> No.53102060

lmao not any more every member of society from government, media, and normal people managed to team up to destroy the unions that wanted fair pay for those types of workers

>> No.53102070

it will always be necessary but there will be hard times unless you can save and invest now
drive a forklift

>> No.53102095

>have a forklift licence
>first job that hired me to drive forklifts took me off it after i dropped a pallet
>been doing inventory checks and other boring shit since
my life is pain

>> No.53102111

Yeah decent warehouses pay like $21-$25 an hour which is enough to live on. If you show up and you’re the only English speaker, they heavily use temps, or the guy training you is in their 20’s just move on.

Some places are union but you’re going to work like six tens most of the year doing miserable shit for your first 3-5 years and they’ll probably transfer you to nights. Good luck. I did this stuff for like 10 years and the only company that runs a warehouse competently is Wal Mart.

>> No.53102152

if the pay isn't worse you're lucky - driving a forklift isn't good for you really
between sitting all day, having it bump and vibrate, and the fumes if it's not electric it's not bad but i wouldn't want to do it for decades
boring stuff might be more boring but you can presumably listen to things, stand up, and walk around
i loved just walking around carrying light loads pretending to be busy when i did physical work - it kept me in shape and was mindless enough i could be up in the clouds
the worst was being with someone who needed to talk and wouldn't let me daydream or listen to stuff

>> No.53102157

At minimum wage, no. Be a little more accountable than the guy next to you and ask your supervisor if there's more stuff you can learn about the job. Then if you can't make more/get promoted at your current job find somewhere else that pays more, has a 401k, etc.
If you're young maybe look into studying logistics. Warehouse/shipping isn't going to go away anytime soon. More and more businesses directly shipping to people's homes = more warehousing.
I make 60k doing shipping in a warehouse in the midwest. It's livable as long as you aren't blowing money on stupid shit.

>> No.53102168

logistics is a S tier career
it's not hard to make six figures doing it

>> No.53102181

Possible I hear warehouse pay "good" After 10 yrs

What's your salary look like?

>> No.53102199

It would be very hard to do as an hourly in a warehouse. This guy is talking about picking orders, packing, shipping/receiving kind of crap not setting up an SAP system.

>> No.53102209

hopefully enough people will quit for you to be a manager, there are a million better ways to make money you'll figure that out

>> No.53102260

I don't see myself moving up where I'm at rn, so I debate between going to school for it something -Logistics since I'm already in warehouse or something completely different like some kind of medical tech job like ultrasound - I imagine both will be in demand.

>> No.53102288

>>53102157 that's me don't know why my id changed. I use SAP, but I'm not like a specialist/administrator.

>> No.53102329

So your only real opportunities for advancement are to drive a forklift, run a shipping desk, or be a spotter/yard driver. Eventually your body will wear out sometime in your mid 30’s-40’s and you’ll need to pick a lane. The easiest is forklift driving and the best option is being a spotter/yard driver.

>> No.53102345

well yeah ofc but logistics management is a safe well paying career which is only growing and has been for over a century although i'd expect computers to increasingly change that
you wont imo you'd need to go to school and do internships which are so important
i can't really imagine someone going from packer to logistics manager unless their boss is open and fair and they're great at schmoozing their way up

i'm just an anon so assume i'm an inbred retard but my perspective is that people sleep on logistics as a career because they don't know it pays so well and to be bunt it really is boring so i think it probably isn't that competitive but the flip side is you only need so many managers and there wont be a big turnover of them
i have absolutely no respect for the medical profession having known lots of medical students at university but the degree takes a long time and isn't trivial
i know it pays well in the states and people are only getting sicker so i guess it's safe
i'd rather do logistics than ultrasound fat people for gross mystery tumors festering under their fetid rolls though

>> No.53102394

Moved up from forklift to shipping coordinator a few years ago, that's why I'm looking for something else. Doing that for too long fucks up your knees, starting to get that now if I have to go out and cover a floor spot for awhile.
Bored with it, want to move up and make more. I doubt the warehouse manager is going to retire anytime soon, and I'm certainly not the first choice to replace him.

>> No.53102445

why the fuck is my id changing every other post

>> No.53102649

you're a glownigger, didn't you read the memo

>> No.53102662

i wish i could just buy pure garbage with not fundamentals and a nice chart, but i cant. i need a reason to count on adoption, and LTC doesnt have it. fuck your halving

>> No.53102675

>It pays slightly above minimum wage. On my free time I cook healthy foods, stretch and go to the gym
Weapons grade coping.

>> No.53103595

if u get injured its over