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File: 85 KB, 1500x1000, canadaflag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53098899 No.53098899 [Reply] [Original]

avg wage in my province is 50k. avg house price is now 1 million. that is 20x the avg wage. if you are young you cannot own a house or even an apt and most of your wage goes to rent. why should i support this system to make some rich people richer. why shouldnt i buy a gun and just shoot the rich people until things are affordable again?

>> No.53098928

Did you ever stop for a second to think that because you live in Canada and its excessive controls that you don't have affordable housing, assuming your in somewhere like Toronto head just south of the border and check out housing prices in ohio. Night and Day difference.

>> No.53098929

>wahhh i DESERVE to live in the nice neighborhoods of vancouver or toronto

>> No.53098934

Just get a rich gf

>> No.53098948

Commies live in tiny apartments in commieblocks, not houses.
So unless a 24 square meter apartment is also unaffordable, you should never even think of supporting commies.

>> No.53098951

just move to a cheaper place to live like Nunavut, Yukon or NWT, maybe quebec
you are a nigger

>> No.53098955


im not in vancouver or toronto this is fairly far out and unsustainable. the bank men bid up everything so no one can truly own their home under 30.

if we kill the bank men then the prices will go down

>> No.53098977
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Just come to Alberta bro.
$100K starting jobs and you don't need any faggot degree.
Only condition of entry is you can't be a liberal assfuck and declare you wish to see Trudeau hanging from a street lamp.

>> No.53098980

Is IS sustainable, because it's a crooked system that will never go away. Buy some REITs and profit it off it, idiot.

>> No.53098984

Fuck off we're full.

>> No.53098987

Expensive houses are like NFTs for Boomers, and will rug quickly when liquidity dries up.

>> No.53098993

>>buy a gun and use it to get rich.
Never works. Literally never.
>>hurr durr robbing people
Crack money is not rich. Idiot

>> No.53098994

Maybe in Calgary.
We need bodies in Grand Prairie.
No Pajeets tho.

>> No.53098996

I fucking love making 6 figures as a welder with affordable housing here in Calgary. overtime sucks though

>> No.53099002

Fort Mac is nice desu. Camp life or no life.

>> No.53099008

lmfao bro, we're not capitalist. Nobody is allowed to fucking do anything here, can't start companies and expect them to profit, have to constantly fuck around and find ways of cheating the system in order to get by. This isn't capitalism.
T. Economist

>> No.53099009

Oh yes young Canadian. Surely more social programs and free healthcare will save your sinking society.

>> No.53099026

Are there even women in Fort Mac?

>> No.53099036

Mostly the ones that work as safety inspectors or safety watch kek. Or the wives of the fools who actually overleveraged and bought a crap house in the city.

>> No.53099043
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Im so fucking tired of people slowly destroying the only forces in the world that are keeping us alive.
Socialism is literal death. It kills millions not by design like a conventional war or act, but rather by sheer fucking stupidity of central planning.
We have a centrally planned economy today in almost every way, we're inevitably going to collapse because the government is so massive and preventing anything from growing or succeeding.

>> No.53099050

People actually buy houses in fort mac? I thought you guys just flew for 2 weeks stayed at camp then fly out

>> No.53099056
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i just want a middle class house for my middle class job. but the bankers and capitalists say this house is too good for me. a normal 3 bedroom 2 bathroom modest home. why shouldnt i rebel and burn the system down?

>> No.53099063

Some did prior to the 2016 fire. Now everyone just fucks off back to Edmonton or Calgary. There are some that still have a home that didn't get damaged by the fire.

>> No.53099070

what should i be looking for in grand prairie as a 24 year old w/ no training/education?

>> No.53099077

I thought about being a rig welder but fort mac was way too far from friends and family. I make pretty good money welding mining equipment here in Calgary.

>> No.53099082

why do leafs put backwards numbers on their houses? what did they mean by this?

>> No.53099101

Is this a bait? Please start shoot the chinks there, i am sick of inflation.

>> No.53099103

This isn't fucking capitalism you moron, we need more freedom not more fucking bullshit.

>> No.53099104

sorry those jobs got shipped off to jeets for pennies long ago. those factories in windsor used to pay enough for a 3 bedroom home and 2 childrens college degrees.

>> No.53099107

Yeah Calgary is a nice city. Hopefully the new year brings you much more wealth fren. Alberta truly is the greatest province in the country. I hope it stays that way.

>> No.53099110

Is Orangeville affordable

>> No.53099120
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He was trying to hide the fact that this was a demoralization thread. Go fuck yourself op

>> No.53099134

Lmao, where in Edmonton is that!?
Nobody is paying Toronto house prices to live in Edmonton. Fuck off with this fake shit.

>> No.53099138

imagine thinking a 3 bedroom home built in the 70s in deadmonton costs more than $1m during a housing dump lmao

>> No.53099147

Drop the boomer attitude and become full WN and I'll come right over

T. 1488 in eastern BC

>> No.53099161
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Hmm, that's still too high IMO.
Thank Doge interest rates have gone up. House prices will come down HARD over the next 2-3 years.
Remember, in 2007 when the credit markets nearly collapsed in the US? Housing prices didn't come down until 2 years later. There's always a delay as stubborn home owners will try to sit out market turmoil for as long as they can afford. Then when they can't afford the 2x higher mortgage payments, they run for the exists and a flood of listings appear and drive prices down.

If you want to buy real estate, start saving for a 20% downpayment NOW and wait another 2 years.

>> No.53099178
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>T. 1488 in eastern BC

We don't need methheads here. We're full.

Nothing in Ontario all the way to Sudbury is affordable because housing money made in Toronto spilled out into the whole province in 2020 like a giant tidal wave of shit.

>> No.53099188

Don't really care about housing prices desu. I bought my house in 2018 and I plan on paying it off when my 5 year term ends in a couple of months.

>> No.53099198
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The three conditions which have made your life miserable are:
>zoning restrictions
>1m migrants/yr in a nation of 38m people
>green movements destroying energy

All three of which are only made possible through large, centralized government. You're shill the exact things which are wrong with this shithole country you dumbass

>> No.53099204

or you could just move somewhere cheaper you entitled leaf faggot. It always astounds me to see the visceral negative reaction Canadians in particular give to the suggestion that they perhaps move somewhere more affordable if they can't afford where they currently live. There's a fundamental level of entitlement among these types of people that because they were born somewhere, they deserve to always be able to live there no matter what their current financial situation is like or how in-demand the city has become. They'd rather literally murder their more successful peers rather than move somewhere cheaper. Canadians are such faggots.

>> No.53099210

Seems fair

>> No.53099224
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>All three of which are only made possible through being ruled by kikes


>> No.53099227
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>if you are young you cannot own a house or even an apt and most of your wage goes to rent
it's called roommates.
learn2save dumb leaf

>> No.53099228

>just 2 more years bro!

>> No.53099253

oh kek, OP you shit eating little faggot you

>> No.53099259

You don’t save in this system you dweeb, you just spend. You save nothing.

>> No.53099293


>> No.53099327

you're not full yet but you will be when AB rents finally start to rise. Doubly so because you guys have no rent control. All the rental landlords finna hoover up properties in your province and jack up the rents

>> No.53099356

>just evacuate the financial power centers of your nation white man!
>don't worry, they won't flood whatever area you flee to with jeets and chinks when the white people there recreate another quality living environment
>hypocritically calls others entitled if you highlight deteriorating quality of life in any way

You remind me of all the leftist journos saying
>"we need to learn to live with empty grocery store shelves and stop complaining. Stop being so greedy and get in the bread lines. Let me guess... you NEED more??"

Pussy. It's time to make bodies swing from lampposts. Stop being a faggot

>> No.53099394

house prices are high and wages are low because that cunt trudeau thinks shipping in waves of immigrants is somehow good for the economy. In reality, in a nation that prefers to build out rather than up, we are running lower and lower on housing thus driving up prices. At the same time, we are getting an abundance of workers from countries who are used to worse living/working conditions who are willing to to the same work, if not more, for less pay. As a result, wages are stagnating because most jobs can be filled without having to appeal to natural born citizens. This isn't the only reason, but it's a big part of it. People need to realize a good economy doesn't equal good living conditions for citizens.

>> No.53099413

either get an education and land a real job that affords you the income to live in major cities, or move somewhere cheaper. It's really not hard.

>> No.53099544

>either get an education and land a real job
And go 50k+ in debt and spend the rest of my working life slaving on the jews dime?

>> No.53099671

>go into debt

tuition at most canadian universities as a non-foreigner is like 10k/yr max. You can 100% make that working part-time while you study, you pussy.

>> No.53099701

The only entitled Canadians are the ones living off rising house prices as they shit all over the future of Canada.

>> No.53099746

rentoid cope. Nothing preventing you from purchasing property like existing owners did years/decades prior

>> No.53099780
File: 101 KB, 366x263, 1672610197438321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to work part-time but unfortunately I'm an engineer major taking real classes. Solid advice if you're studying dogshit though.

>> No.53099781

> Like existing did decades ago
At far cheaper prices

>> No.53099790

Where do you live where you can't afford a decent house?

>> No.53099809

That's right, shoot the one doctor in the neighborhood who makes 200k and ignore the 100 niggers who get 50k in gibs. Then once it collapses the Chinese can come buy it all up, that's been your fate from the start anyway.

>> No.53099823

I can afford one because I earn multiples of the median wage, but why do I have to work far longer than some count on the same road who bought ten years ago? Prices have detached from wages, your economy is a clown show. Sort it out you incompetent Canucks.

>> No.53099847

Why can't I buy Tesla for the price as people who bought it ten years ago?

>> No.53099856

not their problem

>> No.53099943

You can buy a car for a similar amount.
Canadians are so stupid.

>> No.53099957

I'm talking about the stock

>> No.53099958

> My kids and my society are fucked for a short term gain
That is our problem, unless you are a piece of shit

>> No.53099974

Stocks on startup companies and average national house prices are not comparable
God Canucks are so stupid

>> No.53100012

what exactly do you propose happens to existing homeowners? You gonna expropriate them because you're jealous of them? Restrict their right to vote?

>> No.53100029

Not wasting my time on another Canuck tard.

>> No.53100059

You guys are both talking about something's value in a paper money currency that the government can make unlimited amounts of... of course it's going up, doesn't mean the value is higher. Why would you want to own anything in an economy that is about to collapse and start blaming capitalism?

>> No.53100452

What I don't understand is who are all of these people buying these houses? Because everyone I know and went to school with is in the same boat as me. Is this all foreign money buying up housing?

>> No.53100464

>waaaah why are housing prices so expensive?
because your politicians support zoning laws. i wonder what happens when you limit supply?
>buy a gun
you can't because you live in fucking canada where you literally have no freedom

>> No.53100505
File: 90 KB, 960x808, 305745112_8080090405399336_4334824098219322977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I make pretty good money welding mining equipment here in Calgary.

Anon could I get started with 0 experience? How would I go about learning this trade and actually getting a job?

This is from a employed Mid-30 year old with a career, I am curious.

>> No.53100537

No, he thinks it's value and that it's therefore sustainable

>> No.53100550

Everything is so fucked kind of impossible to gauge real value.
Using gold is the most conventional and logical way. Houses are basically the same price in gold for 25+ years now.

>> No.53100565

It should be measured In median wages

>> No.53100572

It's pretty fucking hard right now to become a welding apprentice desu. I got lucky back in 2016 because my dad has been a welder his whole life and he vouched for me. It would honestly be a good idea to contact your local union and ask them about the job market in your area. I just know a lot of the old guys are retiring within the next 10 years and their spots are pretty much filled already by young guys.

>> No.53100585
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>government fucks up real estate market so lets give government more control over the market!

>> No.53100619

housing prices are literally the government's fault because of zoning laws
it is illegal to build new houses in many places without getting a permit, and existing homeowners will just block it

>> No.53100633

Government printing money and ridiculous low interest rates are the cause of the real estate bubble

>> No.53100647
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>> No.53100691

Trades were heavily pushed at my high school over university and there were lots of apprenticeship opportunities students could get. Maybe I just went to a good school

>> No.53100697

zoning+boomers entire net worth being tied up in their equity is why houses are not being built

>> No.53100751

Dont support it and leave. We indians are thriving in capitalism. Less entitled whities the better

>> No.53100819

theres people out there working a part time retail jobs while studying for their masters and you cant even manage 1 extra shift. and you still think you are entitled to live in the richest postal codes of the country. ngmi.

>> No.53102135

>Just get a degree in the ever bottnecking fields of study that churn out profits long term goy
>Don't worry about your dying labour market crushed from unbridled mass migration goy
>you're just a lazy zoomer if you think setting up 1st gen Ethiopian migrants in $4k/mo apartments with your subsidized tax dollars is an issue, while you slave away for a roof over your head
>Please ignore the landsliding quality of life changes that are happening literally right in front of your eyes!
The commie revolutionaries are cringe, but honestly, gaslighters like you will likely cause a civil strife dam to break at some point when you just keep telling people to clam up about very real clown world issues.

OP is wondering why he should care when things are this atrociously awful in Canada. He honestly shouldn't care about a government who works against him, and should do everything in his interests to destabilize it. In reality, this line of thinking is becoming ever more common amongst youth. So just keep telling people to shut up. I don't mind if we A C C E L E R A T E and get this party started.

>> No.53102279
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VancouverGOD here in Yaletown with 3 condos
Lmao are you a Brazilian Tim Hortons employee? Even African studies majors earn more than this writing bullshit copy for marketing firms. Go move to some poorfag amerishit state you retarded faggot. God I hate useless niggers like OP. I bet you aren’t even white either. Imagine not being able to make it in the most easymode country on earth.

>> No.53102388

so move somewhere cheaper

>> No.53102391

Op needs to realize no one owes him anything, adapt or die. Given his post hes probably an incel so at best he kills himself and his pathetic genes end with him

>> No.53102444

The only acceleration thats gonna happen is useless people like op will be replaced by robots. Aslong as the government provides ubi food and entertainment no one will revolt, this is ultimately to reduce the population because we have way too many useless people around. Abd we wont need most of these people when robots replace 95% of work

>> No.53103151
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>i'm canadian and dont support capitalism
To Quote my uncle from New Brunswick.
>"Go get an education and go make more money".
>50k CAD a Year.
What the fuck are you doing with your life?
Where do you live and what do you do for work?

>> No.53103164

I wonder why one place is expensive while Ohio fucking isn't.

>> No.53103168
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>if we kill the bank men then the prices will go down
Or you know, build more houses and build more Commie blocks for the poor so their rent is hard capped.
But nah, crying on 4chan is easier.

>> No.53103174

it wasnt capitalism that did that. it was decades of retarded voters voting for retarded politicians. go look at a historical chart of your birth rates vs immigration vs houses built per year. you retards priced yourselves out of your own country, and thats a good thing

>> No.53103179
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>lmfao bro,
Honestly though, worse enough is that white people vote for this shit and then LEAVE when they can hawk their house to some faggot.

>> No.53103196
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>capitalists say this house is too good for me.
Do you own it? No? Then the price is set to what it is because the owner THINKS he can get 1 Million for his house.
Seethe, you faggots will never understand economics.

>> No.53103223

red tape and gas yourself faggot

>> No.53103229
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>>1m migrants/yr in a nation of 38m people
Canada is bigger than the USA and maybe you, an adult, should go to school and work a career not a job at mcdonalds.
>crying about 1 million immigrants.
Nigga there's like 2 million migrants in Boston alone, get on our level, fago.

>> No.53103253
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>move somewhere more affordable if they can't afford where they currently live.
>Just move even though there is no telling you can even get a job and that's implying you can score immigration paperwork.
>Dude just move even if you have no money and just be like homeless duuh!
Fuck you and fuck people like you.
The dollar was fine under Harper.

>> No.53103263
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>>"we need to learn to live with empty grocery store shelves and stop complaining. Stop being so greedy and get in the bread lines. Let me guess... you NEED more??"
Bro, It was like this in Dalhousie New Brunswick even when I was a kid.
Stop living in a winter hellhole up the fuck north to where Santa is living.

>> No.53103277
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>rentoid cope. Nothing preventing you from purchasing property
Lack of money can easily prevent him from buying property. 4chan, confirmed for trust funds with daddies credit card.

>> No.53103289

>immigration papers to move to a different city within the country
ok retard

>> No.53103298
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>Then once it collapses the Chinese can come buy it all up,
Id rather the Chinese own Canada, white people clearly dropped the ball on North America.
See everything in red? White people pissed it all away to save Jews from Hitler.

>> No.53103307
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>you incompetent Canucks.
White people in America live in fear of niggers.
You are incompetent, Canadians have been priced out of homeownership like most around the world.
Seethe you fat fuck.

>> No.53103312

How do I even make money in leafistan? Should I join the military for free gibs? Do they get VA disability NEETbux like the americans?

How easy is it to get free college tuition if you're 25 years or older?

>> No.53103324
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>Not wasting my time on another Canuck tard.
You wasted your time replying to his post you fucking seething fuck.
Americans and Canadians are the worst, please Jews, replace them with Africans.
You see Rus, the average North American and Westerner is a bit of a loss cause due to years of individualism and Liberalism.
So now like sheep getting picked off my Wolves they have to point fingers and place blame to feel better about their absence of action.

>> No.53103350
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>How do I even make money in leafistan?
Go to School and get an education.
Like anywhere else in life.

>> No.53104181

dub dubs have been checked. I also literally ask myself the same question everyday I live in Vancouver.

>> No.53104210

Why don't you say that to Israelis?

>> No.53104283
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>just south of the border from Toronto