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File: 105 KB, 1200x675, roswell-gettyimages-864308318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53093229 No.53093229 [Reply] [Original]

Did you know the guy that found Roswell was seen driving a new truck after the incident despite saying he was heavily in debt and couldn't afford to pay his bills, he also mysteriously moved to a bigger house years later

>> No.53093270

Wasn't the Roswell guy also a nazi or am I thinking of a different UFO incident?

>> No.53093286

So instead of waiting for Tezos to recover I should be looking for downed UFO pieces? Profit?

>> No.53093469


>> No.53093483

I've seen a UFO.

for any anons who are interested, watch this


>> No.53094041

So. I have an interesting theory about the Roswell incident. Not my theory — it was related to me by a coworker and I am pretty sure it was his original thought. I’m an oldfag, so I saw the Unsolved Mysteries back in the 80’s and 90’s as a kid and (I think) there were at least a couple of episodes that reviewed the Roswell incident. Go back and check out all of the details of the story.
>weird symbols all over the craft
>aliens about 4’-5’ tall
>mysterious supermaterials that looked like foil, but would return to original shape when crumpled up.
>big gov/mil coverup (?)
What if it was Japanese military pilots in a balloon, carried over by the jet stream? What if the supermaterial was aluminized mylar? Strange markings = moon runes. Japanese are short to begin with and if you wanted pilots, you’d select the shortest amongst your population. Coverup for reasons that we could guess or that we couldn’t guess. There were Japanese on remote islands found in the 60’s who didn’t know that the war was over. The Roswell incident was less than two years after the end of WWII.
It sure makes more sense than space aliens.
I don’t know if this has ever been floated anywhere before, but I am far more likely to buy this than believe that it was Martians.

>> No.53095772

It's amusing to me that nobody knows about Walter Haut. The guy was the Public Information Officer with the Army at Roswell who initially reported that they'd recovered a UFO. Then he changed the story, presumably when the Army told him that wasn't in their interest.
Anyway. Haut died in 2005 and in 2007, his full, sworn deathbed affidavit was released in which he emphasized that the Army really did recover a UFO and he personally saw it as well as alien bodies.
It's one of those things that maybe should have been a bigger deal, but wasn't.

>> No.53095816

This is retarded, you and your boomer friends are all retarded

>> No.53095868
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The Zimbabwe UFO sighting is legit, and one that convinced me this was a real phenomenon which gave me chills because the implications are civilization-changing.

However I've personally never witnessed anything stranger than a satellite in the sky.

>> No.53095884

I thought that but then I saw him being interviewed about it a year or two before his death and he was totally senile so had probably fictionalised the whole thing in his head over the years.

It was one of those debunker documentaries, but was interesting because they got the guy who did the alien autopsy tape to come forwards.

>> No.53095907
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>What if it was Japanese military pilots in a balloon, carried over by the jet stream?

That's somehow even more retarded than the US government cope at the time which was "muh balloons".
Why would the Japanese occupation authorities (run by the US) in 1947 have a clandestine weather balloon program?

Jesus Christ bro.

>> No.53095926

He recorded it years before he died. Like in 2000.
Nevertheless, it's always driven me crazy that Roswell was absolutely a government cover-up and the conspiracy theorists were always right that "something" had happened there.
Witnesses said they were threatened and ridiculed. Every claim that there was a crash and bodies was deboonked by glowies.
Until the 90's, when the Army finally came out and said, "Well, yeah. We were doing like a weather balloon test and also throwing mannequins off of the balloons or some shit. People did see that."
It's always pissed me off that they were allowed to skate by on this and even more so that anyone believes that bullshit story.

>> No.53095953

Yeah I think most of the stories and UFO stuff is bullshit BUT the Zimbabwe one is by far the most convincing one and really is impossible to explain away with so many witnesses.

>> No.53095968
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>I thought that but then I saw him being interviewed about it a year or two before his death and he was totally senile so had probably fictionalised the whole thing in his head over the years.

If that were the sole piece of evidence or testimony about the Roswell incident than we could probably dismiss the whole thing, but it is not.
There was the mortician who recalls he got a call from the airbase to provide kids-sized sealed caskets, there was the nurse who saw the bodies (unfortunately her identity was never revealed and she (((died))) in an accident soon after the incident, and the strongest witness was Jesse Marcel, the first Air Force officer to see the wreckage and who was then setup up to pose with fake balloon materials in OP pic>>53093229.

He was high ranked, previously involved in clandestine nuclear tests in the Pacific, and he stood by his story to the end of his days.

>> No.53096010

for me it is the Puget Sound ufo sighting slightly before roswell where a UFO pooped out some metallic slag into a boat and killed a dog

weird that you don't hear about this one much. it's all Roswell and maybe Kenneth Arnold.

>> No.53096013

I mean, fuck. We live in a world where the US Navy has come right out and affirmed that unidentified objects that can fly in and out of the water at impossible speeds are able to get within conventional weapon range of our supercarriers while our best pilots in our most advanced fighters can't keep up with them. And they even released video of the incidents.
Yet somehow, this isn't considered a big deal and we still doubt UFO testimony provided by military personnel related to previous incidents.

>> No.53096098
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>Yeah I think most of the stories and UFO stuff is bullshit BUT the Zimbabwe one is by far the most convincing one and really is impossible to explain away with so many witnesses.

There are a few more.
For me, one of the highest quality ones to come from recent history was the Japan Airlines 1628 over Alaska. There was a really high quality documentary about it from 2006 or so, but it's been purged from YT, so I'll try to find you some references to it.

But basically, veteran senior Japanese captain and his cockpit crew get buzzed by basically a walnut-shaped UFO that absolutely dwarfed his 747, and which he estimated was the size of a a few aircraft carriers (his point of reference). Pic related are his sketches.
What's even more remarkable is that he witnessed smaller UFOs moving in and out of the mother ship, and the fact this was recorded on radar in Alaska, later confiscated from the FAA.

>> No.53096110

>for me it is the Puget Sound ufo sighting slightly before roswell where a UFO pooped out some metallic slag into a boat and killed a dog

Sorry, bro, but that was basically a hoax.

>> No.53096126

All vids and photos are still potato quality so it all may as well be a speck of birdshit on a windshield wiper

>> No.53096137

Lola like a cloud.

>> No.53096197
File: 212 KB, 800x600, farm abduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro, a cloud that follows your 747, manoeuvres as if it had no mass, did not succumb to the effects of inertia, and also produced strong radar returns like the metallic 747.
Sounds legit.

>> No.53096241
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>Yet somehow, this isn't considered a big deal and we still doubt UFO testimony provided by military personnel related to previous incidents.

Never underestimate the human ego and the desperate, delusional force to try to pretend we are the absolute and supreme intelligence and there is nothing beyond or more important than our little anthill.

People who have had encounters with these things describe an existential terror so powerful, that their humanity is peeled away and they devolve into a shrieking primate. That's how deep our fear of superior intelligence is.

I'd say 80% are happy to pretend nothing out there is happening or we create fantasies were we are an equal match and vaporize the bug-like aliens with weapons.

>> No.53096288

these are the retards you are trading against

>> No.53096305

I literally just got a fucking virus on my phone and all my coins are missing from my metamask for opening this fuckibg link
Ban this faggot PLEASE

>> No.53096352

>People who have had encounters with these things describe an existential terror so powerful, that their humanity is peeled away and they devolve into a shrieking primate

thats me when i have to make eye contact with women

>> No.53096368
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I have some experimental mRNA injections to sell you.

>> No.53096374

shampoo fu?

>> No.53096530

My theory is that the incident was the first attempt to launch a nuke on a rocket, probably one of the captured V2 rockets. The experiment was a failure, the rocket went off course and crashed. The military and government freaked because the realized that chucking nukes around on rockets was not a good idea and the public would freak on them if they found out. The coverup ensued and the narrative around it got out off control and spawned a cottage industry for scammers and nutters.

>> No.53096603

That's a poor theory. They've been launching V-2s out of White Sands for years:
Redstone where they used nuclear warheads wouldn't start until 1953.

>> No.53096807
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>> No.53096823

He also said those pictures were what he found. They told him to leave the room and when he came back the had aluminum foil and shit to take pictures with

>> No.53096916
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Ariel school is like textbook mass hysteria. Half the kids didn't see anything. Kids make false memories easy as hell. There's better examples out there

>> No.53097262

Why the fuck does this thread still exist

>> No.53097543
File: 1.90 MB, 3360x1592, 1668643835886094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this shit anybody got some info on Antarctica secrets

>> No.53097852

this is the actual story

>> No.53098017

People always talk with arrogance and doubt when they haven't experienced it. When your around it, you can feel it in your bones, everyone gets head aches, folie aux deux kicks in hard and people wants to sit down and drink water. Monitors flicker, hard disks fail.
Jannies, wrap it up, shut this thread down

>> No.53098650

totally bullshit, expected from a limey brit. my relatives watched them announce it as alien craft then retract the statement live om television. I guess the next explanation is that the military got a balloon and spaceship mixed up, kek.

>> No.53098674

>Hey can we interview you?
>Sure, $500 and there's a line.
There, I made your post business and finance related.

>> No.53098707


>> No.53099091

You can find analysis on YouTube and it all comes through.

>> No.53099650

>In Mack's interviews one fifth-grader tells how he was warned "about something that's going to happen," and that "pollution mustn't be".[1] An eleven-year-old girl told Mack "I think they want people to know that we're actually making harm on this world and we mustn’t get too technologed [sic]."[1] One child said that he was told that the world would end because they are not taking care of the planet.[7]
>Hind interviewed the children in groups of four to six with every other child allowed to listen and so their stories were cross-contaminated.[2] Mack only interviewed the children two months after the alleged sighting and Dunning says that Mack, a known environmentalist, "prompted and suggested" the telepathic communication angle, which was not present in Hind's previous report.[2]
And dropped.

>> No.53099838

Kek you can see the pain in his eyes
>He was told to leave the room for a quick briefing before the photo op, when he returned everything was replaced with tinfoil

>> No.53101471

So, even if Mack directed the kids to add some kind of faggot global warming narrative, does not alter the fact that something appeared to them and freaked them all out.

There's an even better mass school sighting from Australia, look up YT for Westhall 1966 sighting.

>> No.53101649
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Really doesn't mean much. Kids experience mass hysteria often and will create false memories.
>Kids reporting satanic rituals and abuse in tunnels under the school
Except there are no tunnels and nothing happened. Kids are dumb and imaginative

>> No.53101707
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I've seen a few UFOs (I live out in the middle of nowhere). It's actually very creepy. My mom has seen one too.

I've never seen an alien though. Or, if I did it was probably just my imagination as a kid. When I was 11, I thought I saw a demon coming towards me from the corner of my eye, but when I gasped it ran away. It was a tall, skinny shadow with no eyes, or face.

>> No.53101906
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Smart kid for running in time

>> No.53101922
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No more creepy posts, please.

>> No.53101979

Nah it was fine for me, KYS glowie.

>> No.53101994

I am an avid /x/ fag. Here are my most realistic UFO videos and stories for everyone's enjoyment.













>> No.53102099

The last Japanese soldier surrender in 1974:
There was also a Japanese soldier found dead in 1982, apparently the body was intact and there was debate about how long it had been there.

>> No.53102285
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>The number of adaptations for the evolution from an Australopithecus jaw to a humanoid jaw capable of complex speech supposedly occurred within a time frame which has no parallel within the archaeological record.

>The same is true for the evolution of the Australopithecus femur to a humanoid femur adapted to bipedal locomotion.

>Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Wendigo/Yeti etc... is aptly labeled the "missing link."

>The Genesis narrative of God creating Adam from dust is a veiled retelling of extraterrestrials genetically modifying Bigfoot apes to create humanoids.

>Spiritual entities (angels/demons) are by definition extraterrestrial; UFO encounters are spiritual events and vice versa.

>Extraterrestrials manipulate global politics through various human factions, the most powerful of which (from a geopolitical perspective) is called the Synagogue of Satan.

>Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the animating force responsible for all creation.

>> No.53102552
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Sorry anon. Here's a cute baby beaver instead

>> No.53102597

>Jesus Christ is the incarnation of the animating force responsible for all creation.
But Jesus isn't even in the old testament?

>> No.53102691

their story was later ruled as true

>> No.53102730

McMartin kids? Absolutely not and actually changed alot of ways children are handled as witnesses in the U.S

>> No.53102836

thats far out

>> No.53102864

Here is a few videos of a government aircraft developed from UFO technology, such as in the third link i originally posted




>> No.53102913

and here is a report from the Department of Homeland security analyzing the Puerto Rico UAP video from the border incursion article:



>> No.53104095

You faggots with your addendums trying to win arguments when everything is lost, the two weeks are already over.

>> No.53105183

you're thinking of the nazis on the moon incident

>> No.53106523
File: 120 KB, 800x585, MarsCiv2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that is McMurdo research station in Antarctica. It is a human research base manned year-round. I honestly have nothing on arctic or "inner earth aliens." Those theories tend to lean towards schizo because they often involve a flat or domed earth theory, and lizard shapeshifters too. A whole bunch of fucking bologna to me. There is some interesting pictures from Mars, however, of structures and signs from a possible ancient civilization.


