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File: 724 KB, 797x542, Norfdoge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53091292 No.53091292 [Reply] [Original]

Happy new year. Make sure you screenshot your D0B0 reflections if you report them to the tax man.

>> No.53091456

*sonic obama 10 reflections

>> No.53091513

Ty bby, I just screenshot

>> No.53091525
File: 315 KB, 500x528, its-trash-son-tomemegenerator-net-image-789806-into-the-50578378~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50b EOY is FUD!
>Actual EOY mcap : 3M

>> No.53093257

how much would you pay for Amy's nudes

>> No.53093283

2.333 dogbat

>> No.53093293

Dogecoin = Bitcoin of dog coins

Dogeboink = cringe failed 2021 shitcoin

>> No.53093349

Holy kek
Some whale sold 1.8k a few hours ago and still has 11k left. Bought his whale bag for 50 bucks. His bag was worth at least 1.5 million at 200 million mc. He only sold a couple hundred bucks during the entire bleed. He missed life changing money what a fucking retard.

>> No.53093372

do you think she shaves, anon

>> No.53093423

I've never seen a meme-token shit-coin do so well so quickly as DibberDonk did in it's run. It missed most of the bullrun, missing almost all of it if you call the second peak a false top; inspired several copycat tokens and had several tokens born and die on it's coat-tails; breached normie appeal and spectacle.

If it dies a death, fine, I can live with that easily enough—it was always just a gamble. But I'm still fascinated with how it will perform when the '23/'24 bullrun rears it's head since—and I'll say it again, but more succinctly—I cannot remember ANY token that garnered the same amount of hype or interest on this board.

I suppose time will tell, not going to get my knickers in any more of a twist whilst the market remains flatlined or bottoming.

>> No.53093515

>When the '23/24 bullrun rears it's head
IF, goddammit, IF, not "when". You fucking people and twisting reality and logic to suit your dumbass liquidity begging narratives. It's a pump and dump, sweaty, thanks for playing

>> No.53093604

A next-cycle bull-run is all but guaranteed you dumb fucking doorknob monkey's cunt. Only a fool would say cryptocurrency dies here, and only a bigger fool would say that cryptocurrency isn't breaking 10t total marketcap by 2030, nuclear war or total societal breakdown aside. I never said DeauxBeaux is guaranteed to have another run, however likely I believe it is.

>> No.53093630

still we need fucking something to happen I'm getting blackpilled bro

>> No.53093650

This is the shit I'm worried about no one really gives a fuck anymore desu

>> No.53093670
File: 17 KB, 200x198, 43225324343g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a next-cycle bull-run is all but guaranteed
>my speculative digital asset marketcap will be worth trillions
>just HODL
>we are so early

>> No.53093709

You both can't, or won't, see the woods for the trees. Smell ya later.

>> No.53093745

Or you are a fucking retard who got scammed. Thanks for playing, retard, thanks for holding my bags you absolute dingus muncher. It's a fucking ponzi scheme, no amount of pretentious drivel is going to wake anyone up, fucking retard

>> No.53093761

Who fucking said "crypto dies here", and, yes, you are a fucking retard if you think crypto is breaking 10t by 2030 based off whatever your whimsies are. What the fuck are you smoking? You have a crystal ball, mate? Go fuck yourself, retard

>> No.53093789

This man over here genuinely thinks the market as a whole will pull a 10x by 2030, so what's stopping you from buying any random shit and locking it away until then? Surely your bags will magically inflate just off the sheer good will of fools trying to make a quick buck who somehow aren't aware at this point that this is a fucking ponzi scheme. Yes, we're so early, keep telling yourself that. Keep hodling. Keep diamond handsing. Fuck you, retard, I made my money already

>> No.53093863

Can we just talk about how we can get some energy back on this shit

>> No.53093910

You are emotional like Satan your father and won't see or hear reason even if I gave it.

>> No.53094807
File: 893 KB, 1440x3168, Screenshot_2023-01-01-17-41-08-80_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is going on. blame jannies for extreme suppression

>> No.53094932

basedlana being cringe as per usual lmao

>> No.53094965

Be nice

>> No.53095122
File: 79 KB, 1080x1016, 1641653267273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53095201

This thing is gonna go crazy in the nearby future, when people realize just how much a shit show modern society is. First memecoin in space.

>> No.53097269

100b eoy
check em

>> No.53097295

rug pup

>> No.53097359
File: 1.00 MB, 300x169, 1672485514029121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I am gonna buy another $1k worth frens. I just have a feeling.

>> No.53097701

Shit even that first memecoin in space is a lie
Feeling like we were all duped and now the dev is gone?

>> No.53098202

Justin is still alive

who knows what he's doing though, and not like it really matters. the community IS the dev team

>> No.53098872

fuck this shithole project, still holding my 370 bill like either a dumb retard or lucky retard, missed out on six figs but the thing that really bugs me are the fake ass clout chasers in the telegram. will never forget these faggotass liars saying to not kill the momentum while dumpin loads, I am a retard that will never make the same mistake again of giving into mania.

>> No.53098885

Well community ain't devving shit
Why the fuck did we push out all the people doing shit

>> No.53098969


Justin very obviously doesn't care at all. The community is dev meme is mlm bullshit and insane/cope. True but fake. Obviously most attention that shot on biz were groups of peeps pump and dumping this shit. There is literally no other excuse. Its dead but I hold it still incase Im wrong.

>> No.53098995


These pump and dumpin faggots run the socials you fuckin retard it does matter

>> No.53099011

Last tweet was a retweet of that nogger saying return of the bonk, kek and just fuck my shit yeah right

>> No.53099019

the louder people are screaming DONT TAKE PROFITS at you and in general the more you get rid of your bags cuz 90% chance those same DONT TAKE PROFIT soulless small dick energy faggots are dumping and taking profits at everyone elses expense. I missed out on a massive 100k+ in grumpycat because of shitholes doing the exact thing. Never again. Now if I hit a certain price too bad so sad my profits come before you dumping soulless faggots. I AM RICH YOU ARE SOULLESS SCUM

>> No.53099081

Kek holy shit the last activity on twatter was a nignog retweet in October
At this point what does it even matter. Justin ain't doing shit and muh community ain't doing shit
Unironically bring back ghostbro santovi and amy these niggers at least tried

>> No.53099153
File: 82 KB, 750x977, 1670602876187994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahha HOLD ON, what happened to 50B EOY 2022, every fucking day their was a 50B EOY post here and now? tee hee

Theirs a reason d0b0 is marked as spam on 4chan.

>> No.53099214

>t. doesn't understand the EOY meme
fucking newfags go back to r*ddit

>> No.53099310
File: 130 KB, 816x538, Surf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-we didn't specify which year!

>> No.53099347

I AM being nice, I'm being as kind as possible slapping you nerds in the face in attempt to dispel you from your severe delusions. Get the fuck out of your bedroom, go touch grass, go make something real out of your shit lives you fucking gambling degens

>> No.53099369

"Understand", what is there to understand... that you are a bunch of lying degenerate bagholders who beg for scraps of exit liquidity? Funny joke, everyone laugh
>Been here since '03

>> No.53099459

I'm seriously gonna lose my shit if somebody doesn't fucking DO SOMETHING

>> No.53099479

lol. only one bonker will make it. rest of us got rugged gg

>> No.53099540

If you actually fall for the memes then you deserve to be poor and never make it. If you weren't a newfag fomotard, you would know that the target was always 5B, aka the safemoon top. 50B EOY was a joke to get retards like (You) to buy, and it worked. And it will work again too in the next bullrun.

>> No.53099629

I have 500 billion, should have fucking sold

>> No.53099697

now some basedlana shitcoin took the name and pumped to 30m wtf
I'm so blackpilled bros

>> No.53100196

Eh, I'll be happy with my stack at 5B

>> No.53100484
File: 1.02 MB, 683x1024, 1637643196870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the sells on that thing
jeets cannot let it pump at all as usual
100b eoy the real deal dogbat

>> No.53100783

Same and I'm still accoomulating. I'll likely sell it all by 5B MC except for the last 100B which I'll hodl til 50B.

>> No.53100974

You do understand d0b0 is turning cringe as fuck at this point. And shit like that just adds to it. Fuck this shit

>> No.53101069

I see there’s alot of people emotionally involved in this.
I want to ask a question as someone who absolutely has no stake in this but interested nonetheless.
Who is running the project? You say devs abandoned, but there’s still someone running the social media accounts, telegrag, website right?
There is some sort of authority figure/figures on this right?
Asking because I think this shitcoin is so stupid it might pump really hard when the bullrun comes around and people will want to know who is running this.

>> No.53101089

There will be a new dogshitcoin in a bullrun.

>> No.53101136

You guys told me it was going to be 50b EOY. I bought fucking 10b and now I'm broke.

>> No.53101166

shut up you whiny bitch

>> No.53101381

>And it will work again too in the next bullrun.
Hahaha! Good luck with that, fucking retard. Thanks for holding my bags

>> No.53101403

The TRUTH is you fags fell for the 50b eoy meme and rallied behind it when that one fag rolled trips or whatever almost an entire year back. You stupid faggots, honestly. Dumbass tourists, go back to your containment TG and suck the mod's cock like the good lil dobaggies you are

>> No.53101572

Nah we pretty much chased out all the active people and now it's basically abandoned except for a couple absolute faggot mods who have done nothing except shit on the former mods that made shit happen. Shit is turning cringe as fuck that's what I'm saying
Typical bullshit attack anyone with concerns while nothing is happening and another coin just stole our name and 5x'd our market cap. Fuck you faggot youre the problem

>> No.53101609
File: 47 KB, 662x470, Double_bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you would know that the target was always 5B
>H-Haha g-got you! 50B eoy was just a j-joke! A-always has been! 5B was the r-real t-target!
New cope from d0bobaggies just dropped kek.
Just admit you're a retard for not selling the top and bagheld to the bottom because you believe dogbat would go to safemoon levels. That was the most obvious double top ever.

>> No.53101668

oh I see you’re mad about the sol copy coin and ranting now
go buy that then

>> No.53101698
File: 9 KB, 244x274, Impact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody is gonna buy dogbat when it takes 7 figures to have a 70% increase on a 3 million mc coin.
Renounced contract with no ''marketing'' tax and a slightly funny normie friendly name is all it takes for biz to rally.