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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 72 KB, 837x474, FlVX8kyX0AIKBxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53089188 No.53089188 [Reply] [Original]

what do you need more?
this is the ultimate proof

>> No.53089217

This person won't buy at 12k or 8k out of fear that it's really over this time. They've lost hope. The bottom's in, clear as the sky after it rains.

>> No.53089240

It's probably not in. Struggling to stay above the giant bear flag. Next month will probably determine if it breaks down. If it breaks up though, bear run is over and we'll go bull mode

Regardless, people not dcaing here are idiots

>> No.53089250

starting to smell like january 2019 that's true
im DCA'ing since 30K so i dont care
i just got an inheritance too

>> No.53089288

>idk lol it's over but maybe I'll buy at 12k or 8k
How much estrogen does this creature contain?

>> No.53089327

>BTC down less than 80% now
>previous bear markets saw lows from 84% to 93% from ATH
>worst macro environment BTC has ever faced is now
Imagine believing that you're in the most mild bear market BTC has ever experienced, despite overwhelming evidence.
You bulls need to stop already. This is embarrassing for you.

>> No.53089328

way to turn your inheritance into inheritance/2

>> No.53089347
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Can't win if you don't play

>> No.53089348

I think crypto is just a big ponzi

I have been reading reddit, talking to people

What kind of stupid chart never goes up in an year? It's bullshit.

>> No.53089514

Bottom will be in 2023, I'm guessing Q1. But we're going to be crabbing well into 2024 after that. I don't see us breaking ATH until 2025 at the earliest, and my money is on 2026.

>> No.53089524

>line goes down straight for a year
>never thinks to open a short
Who cares if it doesn't go up? You can make money both ways

>> No.53089538

>im DCA'ing since 30K
You were so careful and intelligent, but still lost SO MUCH money. Shit...

>> No.53089558

you are a retarded nigger
an absolute baboon tier nigger lol

>> No.53089790

It is a ponzi, lower interest rates and QE are needed to get the ponzinomics going again

>> No.53089863

Doomers are retarded and NEVER make it.
Not one single Doomer has ever made it financially.

>> No.53089929

It had enough tiny pumps to liquidate shorts though. And you're shorting something that's down -64% ytd.

>> No.53089957

we the safemoon soldiers

>> No.53089978

I’ve accumulated so much at this range. Even if we go lower I only see one more leg-down before its the absolute bottom and I can just accumulate more for cheaper.

>> No.53090000

This guy is right. It's over. I sold.

>> No.53090007

>> proceeds to lose his entire inheritance

>> No.53090010

Checked. Fugg. Disregard my previous post I’m selling everything.

>> No.53090139

No no no. it's not bull mode until 2024. 2023 will be small pump to higher lows and crab like 2019.

>> No.53090148

You dont check 0's newfag

>> No.53090152
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It's not the bottom because there will be a final dump back to 15k which will quickly recover. This guy will say "I knew it" and refuse to buy. Then by August 2023 it'll be at 48k and he'll be screaming that it needs to go back down. It will go back down, to 24k by this time next year.

>> No.53090162

>worst macro
We had rate hikes in 2018 too. The actual worst macro was also in 2020, people just forget that everything was shut down. Everything is steadily reopening so while things are shaky, there is no total shutdown of economic activity.

>> No.53090185

>not dcaing here are idiots
This, market -85% and not dca'ing means you are ngmi.
Stocks and cryptos are down bigly, everything is on sale. It might go lower but unless the nukes fly, it for sure will recover to new highs in due time.

>> No.53090303

Exactly. Its a micro case of the famous green text anon that sold a mega ass ton off ether at 14, confident it would drop, and never bought back.

>> No.53090343

If people are still mass selling then the price will continue to drop you gibbling tard.

>> No.53090361

With inflation it has exceeded those past drops despite not having nearly as much prior upside as well.

>> No.53090369

if you're who I think you are, you're coping and a fucking faggot for ignoring me rn desu

>> No.53090383

What’s even the point of bitcoin? I mean do I really need protection from the govt if I’m not doing anything illegal? And do people honestly really believe the US dollar, yea THEE US dollar, is actually going to collapse? I don’t know but I’ve been browsing this board for a lil while and still haven’t bought (I’m from /an/) can someone convince me that my paychecks from target are worth me buying bitcoin. Just honestly don’t know, every time I go on Reddit people trash crypto and idk I kinda trust them more since I’ve read a lot of anti Semitic remark on here which is weird because I didn’t know so many people hated Jewish people since they’re pretty much white.

>> No.53090422

>crypto tards think people will buy the scams that do not protect against inflation at any price
there was no bullrun after 2017

>> No.53090445

seethe more nocoiner faggot

>> No.53090460

I dumped the top and I will never buy your scams faggot. Tether will implode. Binance is insolvent. Fran Finney will dump Hal's BTC and the price will crater lmao

>> No.53090465

i rather listen to redditor, then 4chan chud

>> No.53090468

you didnt dump shit, nerd
make sure to fomo in @ 100k cockbreath

>> No.53090481

no im good haha you sound really panicked people are seeing through your lies

>> No.53090487
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Lol no.
This screen reeks of bullism, just like every one of you. What kind of capitulation it is when the guy say he plan to buyback exactly??
Everybody still believe there will be a next bullrun. We are so far from the bottom it's unreal.
There wont be any bullrun. The fad is terminated. 2023 is the year where this useless ponzi implode.
I can't believe you are real humans, nobody can be this delu'.

>> No.53090513

It's worse than that : they believe the same normies who got obliterated this year will somehow double down next year, right in the middle of an economic crisis and when US savings are at an ATL, interest rates are through the roof, and the petrodollar domination is dying.
lmao. Lol even.

>> No.53090530

>what do you need more?
>this is the ultimate proof
Are you seriously investing money? You should dumb as fuck. You should be legally unable to handle money.

>> No.53090536
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Crytpo is the future. Blame the current situation on SBF, Do Kwon and the Mashinskys.

Unfortunately, the cryptosphere will never be the same. Regulation is upon us.

>> No.53090544

The fact he is thinking about buying back in is proof this is the bottom. Everyone wants to buy cheaper

>> No.53090559

this 'normies' chat is fucking braindead.
do you think the kid at Starbucks buying $1000 of btc is what's moving the markets?
it's not even something we need to theorise on as the # of small holders is public information, as is the % of market participants with small stacks.

>> No.53090562

Your mistake is thinking that retail does or is needed to pump the price. If you aren’t building a position here you fell for the midwit filter.

>> No.53090572
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Imagine somehow losing money on crypto

>> No.53090631

At least that guy is doing something to make money. 99'9% of biz is just sitting in their fucking chairs in their parent's house eating doritos.

>> No.53090700

Kys nigger

>> No.53090721

bottom is wherever the panic ends when we go under 10k

>> No.53090746

dubs of truth
but the brainlets on here just dont get it

>> No.53090902
File: 118 KB, 1894x874, Braczyy 2008 v 2022 Dec 28 2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's only the bottom if you think stocks will stop falling too. We're not done.

>> No.53090927

obvious b8
and if not you should promptly kys

>> No.53090932


>> No.53090937

When everyone starts doomerposting their price predictions on how low they think it'll go when it's already gone low as fuck is just a blatant marker of the bottom. It's been this way for weeks and you still aren't buying, literally insane.

>> No.53091004
File: 17 KB, 224x224, B02F658B-B930-49F6-8950-324DC71FFCEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh mumu. Pain hasn't even been felt yet.
$12k is obvious.
$8k after GBTC gets dragged down due to Genesis.
And $3.5k after Saylor seppukus.

>> No.53092169

>there is no total shutdown of economic activity
high rates

>> No.53092170

stock market will stagnate
real estate will stagnate
bonds will stagnate
cash will continue to deteriorate
gold will continue to do nothing (as usual0

people who have been priced out of a home will be scrambling over eachother trying to find other assets to invest their meagre income into in order to get ahead in life. normies dont care about tech or infra coins they just want something that looks cool has a functioning community and they can buy alot of. Memecoins like doge and shiba are the play for this next cycle. if you spend some time digging a little deeper you can find memecoins with solid foundations that have a much lower marketcap to maximize your x returns. thats just my prediction for whats gonna happen anyway

>> No.53092187

Biggest bull flag in history

>> No.53092200

>I have been reading reddit
We can tell based on your formatting.

>> No.53092205

I think you're into something anon, banano is also good imo.

>> No.53092268

10-12k is my estimate too. might even be worse, might even see 8k. not impossible. it's been crabbing for a while, another huge dump is overdue.

>> No.53092280

btc is a shitcoin, I wouldn't buy that garbage even at 5k

>> No.53092334

>still holding bitcoin even though it doesn't have a usecase

>> No.53092397

Why double when I can quintuple?

>> No.53092508

Worst nigger detected!

>> No.53092515

Holy shit where is my green button?

>> No.53092544

Holy shit this is true, this nigger literally sold the bottom :D

>> No.53092559

Idk, eth is 1200!

>> No.53092564

You didnt dump shit, you never boughted in the first place and just a nigger from the nocoiner cattle.

>> No.53092573

Your crypto jews are doing the best for long term! Literally distributing the wealth from the useless cex holder goycattle to the holders with brain!

>> No.53092579

12k is the new 100k.

>> No.53092608
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>> No.53092645

fear mongering normie retard. Recessions aren't forever. Even the 2008 crash lasted only 18 months total. We're already in Month 13 of this recession

>> No.53092651

also faggots like you sold the bottom of the 2008 crash LOL
People like you is why retail is associated as dumb money. I bought in 2018 btw. Retards like you on the other hand don't buy in bear market lows which is where most of the money is made

>> No.53093177
File: 45 KB, 960x634, 1642803414895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. From here on out it's up only

>> No.53093463


>> No.53093509

He's clearly talking about the dragon, hint: it starts with a "T".

>> No.53093528


>> No.53093535

Maybe it is the bottom for BTC, who knows.

But BTC is over. The next cycle will have even more diminished returns than the last. It'll be well into 2025 and everyone will be like "why didn't we pump? what about the halving cycles?"

ETH will flip. Everyone uses it, everyone builds on it. You can seethe about it, but your personal feelings don't matter, it's just the truth.

>> No.53093577

>What kind of capitulation it is when the guy say he plan to buyback exactly
>Everybody still believe there will be a next bullrun
>There wont be any bullrun. The fad is terminated. 2023 is the year where this useless ponzi implode
Anon, you capitulated. This is the bottom.

>> No.53093738

BNB is used more than eth, guess this means bnb will flippen btc. I'd love to see it just to enjoy the seething from ethfags and maxipads alike.

>> No.53093762
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>doing TA on crypto

>> No.53094272
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>the petrodollar domination is dying.
Not even remotely true. Why do you think the DXY was so high? Every turdworlder buying up USD. Dont get your business hot takes from twitter screenshots.

>> No.53094521

Na bro bulls will run 2024 for the presidential elections

>> No.53094880

>jewish people are white
Lurk for 20 years before posting again

>> No.53094899

Not true by a long shot. ETH is used far more, with more development happening, L2s and ZK projects being worked on, etc.

But BNB is used a fair bit yeah, and I wouldn't be surprised if it flipped BTC too. This is assuming of course that Binance doesn't implode.

>> No.53094987

Bottom is in when one of these faggots buys a second hand audi.

>> No.53095021
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>literally happening

>> No.53095045

>The line will go down indefinitely

>> No.53095060

sell signal

>> No.53095150

Blowoff bottom to trick retail to confirm their bearish bias. This will happen, just like the run to 69k subverted bulls into believing 100k was programmed by new year 2022

>> No.53095194

> normies dont care about tech or infra coins they just want something that looks cool has a functioning community and they can buy alot of. Memecoins like doge and shiba are the play for this next cycle.

No NFTs, DAOs and Web 3.0 will be the next play.

>> No.53095240

Remember all these CEX fud threads? They wanted you to close your shorts and take your money out. We're going down and you wont even profit from it.

>> No.53095694

wen moon

>> No.53095703

the question there is do we buy in during the first panic cycle in what looks like march on the expectation that btc bottoms first and recovers first as its not tight down to earnings
or do we really wait it out for that last wick down for another 15% in summer

>> No.53095741
File: 8 KB, 200x200, pepe-thinking-hands-folded-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought $1,000 of BTC at $71,000. I bought so high that it doesn't even show up on the ATH chart.

>> No.53096087

I put about 80% probability on another dump to 12k. Most likely it will happen when link threatens to break out again in the next couple of months.

>> No.53096118

So there were zero redditors posting shit like this when btc was at 25k? 20k? Do you actually believe that? Reddit isnt some magical opposite land that you can inverse for pure truth. Its a neutered forum for retards. The best way to use it is to ignore it. Go back.

>> No.53096613

why look at reddit to check if we're in capitulation when you could just look at the price?

>> No.53096689

Nigger you bullish on acquiring replies? You should be.
Blessed be Do Kwon.
LUNC is going to make me rich. Pessimistic short sighted narrow minded peanut size brained normalfaggots will always remain as the plebeian scum they are.

>> No.53096743
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>buy at 69k

>hold ALL the way down to 17k


>aha i have beaten the market

the absolute state of /biz/

>> No.53096761

>"Snake Eyes"
You rolled a 7 and 1

>> No.53096884

>Bro government please rape my ass with retarded regulations and take the undesireables' money away for their own safety!
Are you that glownigger reddit poster? You think you are intelligent? Got called out, seething too much? You are one ugly tranny.

>> No.53096903
File: 86 KB, 550x400, 1598094987616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read copy pasta from reddit
>somehow it indicates the state of /biz/

>> No.53096921

>still thinking in dollars
>still harboring dreams of selling for dollars one day
maximum faggotry and ngmi

>> No.53097447

>>BTC down less than 80% now
But it isnt.

>> No.53097462

>>jewish people are white
Jews are white.

>> No.53097856

BTC bottom is in
altcoin bottom is not

>> No.53098169

Great question. I'm an indicator-driven nigga, so I think I can catch 70% of the first bounce up. Learned my lesson in 2022...not trying to get 100% of the $$$$

>> No.53098324


>> No.53100418
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god bless you based retard