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53086736 No.53086736 [Reply] [Original]

I’m surrounded by tall good looking men in my family/friend circle and I’ve seen all their dating apps full of hundreds of matches and they’re always talking about their last hookup. I am shut out of all of this solely due to my genetics and I’m gonna go fucking insane having to witness this without getting to participate. I have seen good looking men straight up cuckold a less good looking man by having sex with his gf while her bf wasn’t around. This world is such an immoral place. It’s one thing to read about this shit on the chans, it’s another thing to witness it firsthand on multiple occasions.

>> No.53086763

get /fit/ u retard
also having good looking family members can be good because when you land a roastie and she meets your family her subconscious will click "hey maybe anon's just a fluke and his genes are good after all, we should make children"
but yeah u need to work out

>> No.53086769

It's a doggy dog world
Life is unfair

>> No.53086798
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Your life is determined by the genetic lottery at birth

>> No.53086809

Just go to the gym, stupid. The change you'll experience will solve these problems in less than a year

>> No.53086814

The world isn't all bad. You're taking a handful of experiences and letting them form your opinions about the entire world. Go find some nice ugly people like yourself or cope by doing some MGTOW shit.

>> No.53086829

hahaha he could palm that manlet's head like a basketball LOL how do you live with yourself

>> No.53086832
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Have sex

>> No.53086860
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This is the reverse, they will meet the people of his life and realize that they got the worst one in this entire social web. On the plus side, OP does sound fairly well socially-integrated, with a good relationship with his family. When he finds a girl who views herself as of-his-caliber and they begin a love-connection, these will be strong points in favor of his character.

If you bring home a girl who is above you in SMV though she'll be frustrated to meet the people you've described and possibly make untoward advances on them during the period in which she's lost respect for you but has not yet formally ended the relationship. Beware the perils of snagging a girl who's out of your league.

>> No.53086868

He might be bald, short or have a fucked face.

>> No.53086877


>> No.53086884

>due to my genetics
your mindset sucks, being jealous of tall men is not the way to go. you'll have to work harder than them for it, so what? you'll enjoy it more
get good

>> No.53086888

remote job and go to eastern europe, thailand, south america or philippines
the dating market is just shit for average man in the west
it's funny because i did tinder in both germany and poland and they are right next to each other and in poland like 100 matches + while in germany maybe like 5-10
now i relocated permanently to singapore for work and man.. it's like another world when it comes to dating

>> No.53086906

>not taking risks for the hottest Women
can't be me.

>> No.53086913

how is Singapore? is it an epic island city like people say?

>> No.53086935

Checked and claimed

>> No.53086937

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53086943

i literally look and dress like the guy at the right and still no gf
i first was the guy at the left tho

>> No.53086980

it's very clean, safe and orderly society in general. it's also good that people speak english so don't need to learn a new language
relatively expensive but it's fine if you live within your means. houses are smaller in the west but i had a pretty small one back in europe too
the women in general are very good looking, and slim unlike where i am from, they were getting fatter and fatter as years went by
only bad thing in sg is that the visa is getting harder and harder, so it might be worth it to look to other countries too

in general i prefer pretty much any asian country nowadays, even the poor ones like philippines or cambodia because with some money you can live like a king there in the better apartments and districts. weather is relatively nice too. dating is basically another world

>> No.53087009

many asian countries are also introducing these citizenship/residence by investment programs that if you buy a condo for like 100k usd, you will get citizenship/unlimited visa etc in 5 years. cambodia just created one and malaysia has it too
if i wasn't here in sg, i might opt for one of those long term, because now they are still somewhat within a good range, but in a decade they might be so much more expensive

>> No.53087018

you do not look like the guy on the right. maybe 0.1% of men do

>> No.53087056

>have bad genetics
>"lol dude just do this thing you're already doing that will provide good results if you have good genetics"
why do morons always reply this way
i've been lifting for longer than many of you have been alive. guarantee my nutrition is tighter as well. but i will always look like a relatively normal guy, because i had a lower floor to start with and a lower ceiling to go with
to land women, it's much easier to be interesting and this is something anyone with slghtly above average iq can learn

>> No.53087064

post body
a "normal guy" is overweight/flabby btw

>> No.53087116

There's no gym or compensating for bad genetics anon.

>> No.53087131

if you go to a gym everyday you will mog 80% of people in the US

>> No.53087150

in these conversations "bad genetics" means "too lazy to engage in self improvement"

>> No.53087197

That's a cope anon >>53086868

>> No.53087219

you're trying to convince the wrong person
I'm skinny, balding, average face and I get laid

my former roommate is downright ugly, crooked teeth, thick glasses, short, bald and works min wage.
yet he has a 5/10 gf , who's 10 years younger than him
what he doesn't have is a loser mindset

>> No.53087239
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>> No.53087248

steroids + photoshop

>> No.53087265 [DELETED] 

"Muh genetics" if your family is tall and handsome while you are not do any of you consider it could be because you were exposed to some sort of chemical or other kind of environmental hazard that made you the way you are? No because that would mean putting the responsibility on corporations and governments instead of your parents who managed to be attractive enough to breed and who came from a long line of sex havers
>Bruh just get fit lmao
You can be the most fit dude in the fucking universe but if youre under like 5'11 you will never spark the same raw impulse in women that would make them literally beg for you to creampie them on the first date and they wouldnt accuse you of rape even if they were blackout drunk during it

Op I feel your pain and I dont know the solution. Im a musician so I hope one day my pained howling and screaming will earn me a reputation strong enough to have the same SMv as an average 5'11 man but it doesnt make the here and now any better. Im just constantly in a fantasy world where things will be better in the future and its the only thing keeping me alive

>> No.53087314

yes , true, I'm a quite good looking man an I know I can do things and have them work and have access to experiences less attractive men usually won't. I still can only really hook up with 7s though. I'm not attractive or famous or charismatic enough to get the 9s or 8s.

However you'd probably do the same if you had been born with my genes,

The only thing you can do about it to make the situation better for yourself is succeed despite your genes by becoming very successful, powerful or charismatic

look at nicolas sarcozy (5'4 married to a super model actress), silvio berlusconi (had sex parties every day) jean paul sartre (celebrity philosopher with a fucked up chin and severely lazy eye who fucked his own adopted daughter and a bunch of highschoolers when he was in his 50s)

>> No.53087568

>If you are ugly just be rich and famous bro.

Good advice you nigger retard

>> No.53087614

Sounds like a LARP sure chads get plenty of matches and looks from women but they still have to put in lots of effort/face all kinds of rejection from modern roasties just to get laid. Yea they have it 10x easier than below average men but it’s not like women just throw themselves at guys or approach them. They still have to put in all the work, approach, say all the right shit, Carey the convo, initiate/escalate to sex while roasties just fucking sit there and let everything get handed to them on a silver platter. Really that frustrated OP? Start a movement that shames/destroys simps they’re the ones that have enabled this huge imbalance of power in the sexual market place.

>> No.53087645

I'm a shut-in NEET that only plays apex legends and I unironically have way more matches than you do with just 2 selfies lol

>> No.53087660

Cool story anon. I've heard hundreds of these "real" stories on reddit.

>> No.53087675

can you actually get a descent woman (good looking, gf material) from dating apps?

>> No.53087702

looking at these reddit tier comments tells me the normans still haven't left this board and the bear market is far from over. It's a really good indicator desu.

>> No.53087735

Jewish hands typed this.

I always feel like shit after sex. It's just an addiction like alcohol or cigs. Kys coomer.

>> No.53087750

this isnt reddit anon, why the fuck would I lie
I'm not trying to win an argument, I'm trying to say there's hope goddammit

>> No.53087772

honestly this, after taking the semen retention pill I dont have a massive brain fog anymore and dont feel that lethargic

>> No.53087831


ya reality is chads arent the problem. theyre taking what is given to them which is a lot of pussy. everyone would take that deal. the ones fucking up are the simps. which give everything they have and still don't even get any pussy, which pushes up the expectations from women AT ALL LEVELS. simps must be destroyed. evolutionarily they are the weak link. if it was just chads, there would be FIERCE competition for men because they could be much pickier. simps create artificial competition for women by throwing money and time at them which they don't otherwise deserve or wouldn't even be given by chads because theyre not even that attractive. get rid of all simps and incels and we live in a better more equitable world

>> No.53087946

Don't loathe us - we dislike this existence as much as you do yours. Women are truly not the top of a man's hill - i rather be ugly than a beautiful man loved by whores, gated by those that i truly love - my peers, my brothers in arms, the men of my soil. Strength and honor brother, we all have our battles to fight so do not feel alone, but most importantly please do not think you kiss out on anything. I wish I had a father that told me this before my heart was broken my to many whores in my life.

>> No.53088025

This but unironically. Simps need to be gassed or otherwise executed on sight as public policy.
Also this but less gay sounding. You could have just said blood and soil is what matters without the latent homoeroticism and daddy issues at the end kek.

>> No.53088043

>normans still haven't left
4chan is normie central now, this is not 2009.

>> No.53088087


Cope, steroids won’t give you the clavicle length to succeed with women

>> No.53088103

I never said it was easy retard. Obviously I and other handsome men have an easier time fucking attractive bitches.

So? the only way an ugly faggot like you is going to get hot bitches is by becoming rich or powerful or charismatic or famous, so if you want to fuck attractive bitches get to it, ugly.

>> No.53088120

how THE FUCK is this business & finance related? I HATE THIS FUCKING BOARD!? I get warned for a legit thread and this sorry excuse for a waste of time is allowed to stay up? FUCK YOU JANNIES FUCK YOUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.53088185

Dude I’m 5’11” with decent looks. Maybe a 6.5/10 and women are easy to pull. Granted I’ve been married for 13 years now but I still get hit on regularly. Just dress well and don’t be a fuckin weirdo.

>> No.53088188

No, i wish to paint the truth of what is in my heart. The truth is that what a man needs can not be given by a whore

>> No.53088204

>muh genes
If your whole family is tall and handsome but youre not you ever think it could be because you were exposed to some chemical or bad environmental situation at a critical time in your life? Everyone jumps to the "muh genetics" meme but isnt that just too convenient for a government and corporate lobby that knowingly exposes the population to potentially harmful and unjust shenanigans each and every day?

Also idk OP I feel your pain. Personally I just live in a fantasy world that is only rudely interrupted when I have to come into contact with people, especially the beautiful people that frequent hip bars and the like. I feel like if I were a chad id probably live a boring life revolving around pussy and being normal but maybe its just cope for the fact I just dont make women dumb animals who will do anything for me like they do

>> No.53088215

>dude just be above average height and above average looks
Thx bro

>> No.53088219


My dad is a manlet and so am I, but his siblings are normal height. It’s so gay

>> No.53088240

it's kind of funny that my therapist mentioned about this few years ago when the conversation for some reason carried to dating etc. he said that in the west, the men chase women way too much which inflates the value enormously, and yet the chasers still won't get it

>> No.53088297
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Sadly hes right. Have you ever wondered why all the s*yboys on reddit seem to also be married? Mindset/personality is all that matters in human relationships. This simple truth is great if you are normal but its a real challenge if you are autistic like 95% of 4chan. Bro, just be normal.

>> No.53088327
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>teleports out of inceldom
Adios incel bro’s
Time to get girls anywhere I go

>> No.53088374

kys fag
frogposting off topic threads are the heart and soul of 4cuck

>> No.53088388

Checked and I agree with you however the way you wrote it sounded gay af. Maybe your heart is gay kek

>> No.53088401

I feel wonderful after sex but I was a virgin who married a virgin as God intended.

>> No.53088413


u feel shit after sex because youre over paying (emotionally, financially, physically) for a girl who is low status. after you nut you realized you wasted a bunch of time and resources on a fat bitch who isn't worth even walking out the door with. it has nothing to do with the inherent value of sex, which is high when you have a worthy partner. are you simping for ugly fatties?

>> No.53088417

Which character you use?

>> No.53088829
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4chan is a federal honeypot website that is intended to gather incriminating information on people while actively discouraging those very same people from engaging in useful discussions that could enlighten/liberate them.

Have you ever wondered how 4chan can be tied to so many racist events/incel mass shooters and never be shut down meanwhile 8ch*n has one big incident and get nuked for good? The reason is that 4chan is officially sanctioned by intel agencies while all of the chan copies are not. We are allowed to persist against all odds because this site is a government tool.

They even study us and state that openly.


So whenever you see an off topic thread stay up remember that it is there for a reason. All of the glowie memes are true.

>> No.53088830

I know
As a ginger guy i never had a gf, over 30
Idk what to do