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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53082939 No.53082939 [Reply] [Original]

They're an 80s-style conglomerate 20 years past that particular business model's expiration date. Even GE couldn't survive the test of time yet they're neck-and-neck with the likes of Apple and ARAMCO.

>> No.53082947

They buy valuable shit and wait without panicking

>> No.53082949

its just a collection of good businesses that make profit, how does a model like that go "out of date"

also like 20% of the entire company, IS apple

>> No.53082950

Monopolies and rent seeking.

>> No.53082959

living in a windowless house to force you to socialize with other berkshire employees

>> No.53083892

They use financial derivatives heavily while at the same time shilling against them to normie cattle. That and they pick really good companies that pay dividends.

>> No.53083910

They have a lot of cash flow from things like GEICO that they use to buy derivatives with. Also Buffett is one of the greatest investors of all time, regardless how he feels about crypto

>> No.53083917

This is right. The real question is how much longer AAPL is going to keep propping up entire stock market indexes by itself.

>> No.53083923

Anon we do not discuss business on this board, we just shit sling and shill jeet coins. Your post is off topic, didn’t you see the name of the board?
>Crypto Shilling /csh/

>> No.53084166

Buffet gonna buy control of OXY. Guessing +40%?

But yes, AAPL is to Berkshire as TSLA is to ARK.

>> No.53085689
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>Buffet gonna buy control of OXY

>> No.53085798

>how he feels about crypto
He is not wrong.

>> No.53085821

Its literally run by the greatest investor of all time. If anyone knows how to pick good businesses are resilient its him.

>> No.53085844

Their portfolio is publicly available. Just copy it and you might make some annual 10% returns

>> No.53085863

using insurance as the backbone to provide the managers with free/low-cost capital that they effectively redeploy because they are the greatest investors on earth

whether this business model persists long past Buffet's expiration is another question altogether

>> No.53085867

it's a front for laundering profits from CIA black projects like drug and people smuggling you reterd. Buffet is part of the same DC deep state apparatus as Larry King and the Franklin Credit Union/Boy's Town gay child sex ring, Buffet was at the same parties according to Paul Bonnacci, look it up

>> No.53085888

the fact that you morons are sucking Buffett's dick and have completely bought the hype instead of realizing that the entire stock market is an insider trading sham run by the Rockefellers and that Buffett and Munger are just the designated winners who are psychopathic enough to lie and use corrupt tactics to maintain the image means that /biz/ actually is retarded and gay after all

>> No.53085913

oh come the fuck on.
>f + "greatest investor"
4 results
you faggots are reprehensible. they're CIA, the post-ww2 stock market is fake, Berkshire Hathaway is allowed to succeed because they have insider intel and it convinces boomers that investing "on fundamentals" is still possible in a rigged market.

>> No.53085930

He's got a verifiable record going back more than 60 years, whats yours?

>> No.53085958


>> No.53085988

Meds/Q-Tard/Trumptard/Flat Earther

>> No.53085998

Keep seething.

>> No.53086013

you can just say christcuck (jew) anon

>> No.53086031

>they're CIA, the post-ww2 stock market is fake, Berkshire Hathaway is allowed to succeed because they have insider intel and it convinces boomers that investing "on fundamentals" is still possible in a rigged market.

Source of any of these schizophrenic ramblings?

>> No.53086201

>deep state apparatus
>child sex ring
>insider trading sham
>the Rockefellers
>designated winners
>stock market is fake
>allowed to succeed
>rigged market
Kill Yourself, you schizophrenic retard. you contribute nothing of value to anyone around you, you've been putting it off for far too long, end it

>> No.53086203

They own way more than just stocks

>> No.53086207

good network and insider info

>> No.53086218
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As long as the bugman that feed them decide to keep the scam going. Apple products are fucking dog shit compared to everything else.

>> No.53086269
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>> No.53086303

>called out for schizophrenic worldview
>first instinct is to accuse the people making fun of you for being part of your schizo conspiracy

>> No.53086325


>> No.53086381

GE couldnt survive because Jack Welch literally drove it into the ground with financial engineering. They sold off all their assets and extended a ton of ridiculous financing on terms they couldnt afford. Classic case of eating your seed corn and then wondering why the farm is failing.

Berkshire doesnt do financial engineering. Its that simple.

>> No.53086422
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You can’t prove me wrong, CIA.

>> No.53086475

>valuable shit
expand on "valuable"

>> No.53086536

>thought this would be a quality thread about a successful company
>its just /pol/ seethe

>> No.53086661

Things that pay you to own them

>> No.53086667

>Apple products are fucking dog shit compared to everything else
poorfag detected. why it's top in tech world then? cope

>> No.53086673

I'm sure your track record speaks for itself right?

>> No.53086728
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Because people are sheep fag. Their consumers even say it themselves, “we only get iPhone for iMessage”. This is a known fact!!

>> No.53086747

Iphones only matter because many hot Women use them. As soon as that stops, iphones will TANK. Women hold near absolute economic power to influence spending trends.

>> No.53086776

Trips of truth. I met him around 6 years ago and he was sharp, probably has a photographic memory. He has done a good job marketing himself as the caring grandpa figure. Let’s be real though the entire BK entity has handlers steering it that shit is way too big to not be totally controlled. You get crushed if you try to do that independently I’ve seen it so many times. Let’s not forget his Dad was a US senator as well.

>> No.53086864
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Is it:
>Berk-shire (like the Hobbit place)

I think I've heard Buffett say it "shure".

>> No.53086887

did you saw what happened to tesla stock?

>> No.53086934
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Such is life on post-2016 /biz/

>> No.53086964


Android and windows suck donkey dick. Swap to apple and tell me I’m wrong

>> No.53087182

This, that old geezer is actually shit because he waited so long on apple and never even admitted amazon is a success

>> No.53087208

it must be comforting to know that when you fail at something due to lack of intelligence, lack of follow through, lack of curiosity, determination or etc etc, that you can just blame it all on the rockefellers, inside trading, supercomputers, quants with math phds etc,

literally anything in life that you suck balls at instead of learning just sit back in your gamer chair and start ranting about jews and the illuminati etc.

Damn bro, your life is going to waste

>> No.53087218
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Looked it up. 4-term US Representative, not a senator. But desu he low-key be sounding pretty based, on foe'nem...

>> No.53087333

They typically buy distressed businesses where they can either buy the whole thing or a significant enough portion of equity where they get a special class of stock.
He got started by buying and gutting companies but then stopped because he supposedly felt bad about it.
A lot of his deals are done because people call him because they know he has the money and can close the deal but he obviously wants a “wonderful” deal for doing it.
Basically he turtles in base

>> No.53087355

Post your PnL

>> No.53087414


>> No.53087423

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53087439

literally all he does is buy blue chip stocks when they are selling underneath their trailing average

>> No.53087537

Checked and correct. Buffets' dad was a banker and he even ran for congress and won. The rags to riches story that he tells normies is simply a lie
The simple truth is that you have to be connected in order to accumulate vast amounts of wealth. Whether it's a shitcoin website that shilled link in '17 or the wallstreet insiders that buy up and coming stocks, forming connections is everything and since /biz/ is infilitrated by NPCs from the sites that use updoots, they will never comprehend this fact.
Go back to the upvote site

>> No.53087552

Buffett himself says to simply buy VOO.

>> No.53087761

if you actually read the shit you linked his father sounds based as all hell

>> No.53087994

Woah there antisemite

>> No.53088317

openinsider he has been accumulating