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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53085511 No.53085511 [Reply] [Original]

My sister is getting a real estate license, is this a good or bad decision?

>> No.53085518

She should become a leasing agent

>> No.53085719

When is educating one's self a bad thing?
Stay mad you lazy sloth. Your sister is gonna make while sit around shitposting for (you)s.

>> No.53086247

is she going on property sex?

>> No.53086253
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Your sister is getting creampied by potential buyers...I guarantee that

>> No.53086263

ye op whats her model name

>> No.53086267

How do you achieve this deal as a potential real estate buyer?

>> No.53086271

if you deal with women realtors you truly deserve everything you get. also your sister is a retard. no one is buying homes. she's going to make $0. probably negative money if she has to pay a flat desk fee.

>> No.53086982

The block chain will put her out of a job in 10 years when real estate becomes tokenized as nft’s

>> No.53087071

You have to be a black man

>> No.53087098

why would it be a bad decision? does it cost a lot of money/time to get one or something?

>> No.53087164

>Buys house using anonymous Blockchain.
>Never sees it.
>No inspection, escrow, or insurance.
>Alright honey we're moving.
Wow /biz/ really is retarded.

>> No.53087185

escrow and insurance are incredibly straightforward to implement as smart contracts, and you most certainly do not need a fucking agent taking a cut just to tour the house

>> No.53087212

So you should buy a house without seeing it?

>> No.53087225

You can go see a house and the owner can certainly let you see the house without the need for a real estate agent. Are you retarded?

>> No.53087238

>yet another frognig post
>reddit election tourists really destroyed 4chin

>> No.53087247

But that just begs the question, why turn it into an nft?

>> No.53087440

So it can be transferred via a blockchain transaction. Ease of liquidity

>> No.53087457

So in other words a solution looking for a problem.
Let it go Anon. No one wants to invest in sub-prime tokens. It's like a CDO but with extra steps.

>> No.53087741

It actually eliminates all the bureaucratic hassle of buying a house you retard.
Imagine you want to buy a home, your financial info is on chain and automatically determines how much of a loan you can get and at what interest rate. You find a house that you like and is affordable and you purchase by the click of a button. Smart contracts do all the work and settle transfer of ownership to your name and sets up your accounts to withdraw interest and mortgage payments each month. The home is now yours that easily. This tech will make the real estate markets highly more liquid and btfo real estate agents.

>> No.53088463

I tried to explain this to someone earlier this year when they went off about the idea NFTs being stupid. I showed them how easy it was to purchase an NFT, transfer it around, and how easy it would be to use that as proof of ownership (deed/ title). He just couldnt understand it, would not give up the ground that "he could already do this now". The dude couldnt even understand the concept of liquidity though...Seriously, the amount of coddling that genx and boomers had is insane.

>> No.53089501

>real estate
>when you can buy reits

>> No.53089660
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it is literally the worst fucking decision you could possibly make

>> No.53090175

like 50% of my high school graduating class are realtors