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File: 128 KB, 988x1363, chair-gary-gensler-01-2022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53085403 No.53085403 [Reply] [Original]

> Oh, you want to invest in "Shiba Inu" - sorry, only accredited investors can invest in Shiba Inu.
> Oh, you want to invest in "Chainlink" - sorry, only accredited investors can invest in Chainlink.
> You're only allowed to invest in Bitcoin during the hours of 9-5 Monday through Friday. No more weekend and after work hours investing for you. You live on the east coast? You're out of luck kid!
> You can only invest in crypto through our list of accredited cexes. Also, you must go through a broker (who holds fees) to complete every transaction.
> You have an unregistered security over there? Time to get sued!

We're not even at this point yet and it's already looking like a dystopian hellscape for us in the future.

>> No.53085416

Hope that old man has a stroke

>> No.53085431

>The world is USA. USA! USA! USA!

>> No.53085441

nobody cares mutt

>> No.53085508

"Since most eth nodes are in the U.S., all of ETH belongs under SEC jurisdiction"

I don't know if it was Gensler himself or someone else in the SEC that said something like this, but this is a reminder that the SEC will try to overreach beyond US jurisdiction for multiple cryptos. The "muh securities" crusade won't end within the US, as the EU will likely jump on board that bandwagon very soon, and perhaps some Asian countries.

>> No.53085622

He needs to be dragged out on the streets and get tarred and feathered. Fuck gary

>> No.53085667

You don't need to get violent literally just write him a letter as if he's one of your state representatives. Tell him how you feel in a nice way with facts. Enough people do this and perhaps regulation won't be so bad.

>> No.53085688
File: 24 KB, 349x329, 9B253FFE-0E19-42C1-840C-25357538BB9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot
>oh, you want to pump a coin? Sorry goyim, no cant do

>> No.53085897

How is he even still in the job. He presumably only got the job in the first place because of his lectures on Blockchain. Yet all he functionally achieved was tying up tremendous resources in a legal battle with Ripple that the SEC might not even win, the only effect it has had is costing American retail investors in XRP money, great job protecting them. Meanwhile Exchanges have done as they like and FTX imploded on his watch.

>> No.53086020

>he believes govt officials will listen if asked nicely
Write him a letter, I double dare you, motherfucker. His pockets have been lined by the powers that be.

>> No.53086050

there will be a regulatory sandbox/trial period that new tokens have to go through in order to get declared a digital asset security, commodity, currency, governance token etc
the proposal is called Safe Harbor, from Crypto Mommy SEC commissioner Hester Pierce

>> No.53086066

SEC, CFTC, OCC, Fed and Treasury are currently sparring over who gets jurisdiction over crypto and stablecoins, they're going to end up making a new jointly-administered department with each agency taking a piece of the pie

incidentally a Ripple board advisor is overseeing this process for the Federal Reserve

>> No.53086192

Did this fucker not fucked up in ftx case? Will anything happen to this kike or any other kikes?

>> No.53086204

Just a reminder that XRP bagholders were shilling for this Jew so their bags could pump.

>> No.53086283
File: 133 KB, 976x946, A549D76F-BD3E-4489-99EC-ED245B4362A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that is absolutely not true you stupid kike glownigger fuck.
XRP community never wanted this cunt or any liberal. It was fucking kikes like yourself shilling him and Biden plus SBF as “great” for crypto.
Everyone on this board hated that fucking loser and stupid glow fags like you.
Fucking kys you dumb monkey.
Have a shitty new year broke wage pleb, from all of us.

>> No.53086343
File: 68 KB, 640x480, 1667602469626001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of people would describe the current environment of snake oil salesmen being able to sell unregistered securities to rubes that opened a crypto account from a Superbowl ad to already be dystopian.
I know you're terrified that regulation will keep the greater retards away from buying up your worthless internet beans, but you've gone too far with these latest scams and it's time for regulators to get involved.

>> No.53086355

sadly OP is exactly right. it is the main reason why I stopped investing in the stock market. It use to be that small companies would issue stock to receive funding and you could grow along with the company. Now they just get their funding from VC's and after the company grows to tens or hundreds of billions of dollars they do an IPO and just dump their shares on the retail market.

>> No.53086391

The regulators will ensure that only rich people will be allowed to invest in legitimate projects and retail investors will only be allowed to invest in wall st scams or projects that have already gone un 1000x. Any regulation created will be purposely created to keep the boot on people's neck.

>> No.53086397

I was frequenting XRP generals in the last year. Majority of posters were shilling for this kike because they thought he would help in the SEC case, top fucking kek.

>> No.53086551

There are no legitimate projects. Regulation will simply shine a light on these cockroaches and they'll immediately scurry away. Besides, there will never be another 100x project now that everyone knows these are all just Ponzi's. Expect more conservative 2x's at most now that everyone knows these "projects" are just games of chicken with fellow investors and have no real world value.

>> No.53086562
File: 308 KB, 1200x1019, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP is a cult. Full of idiots, niggers and broke retards hoping to make it no matter what. They switch their narrative all the time. Now Gensler and Biden are bad because *surprise* they weren't the saviors Ripple and their retarded fanbase hoped them to be. You won't find any other community as retarded as XRP bagholders. Even HEX baggies aren't that bad.

>> No.53086563

Sounds like you should be accumulating as much and as fast as you can and storing it all in a hardware wallet before these punitive regulations come into effect.

>> No.53086580

100% untrue you retard. Why the fuck would he help the case that he is bringing to the court? Hes the reason the implementation of ISO20022 has been delayed, hes the reason we havent gotten our flare airdrop. XSG has been busy digging through every bit of info about him we can find to figure out who is paying him to stifle certain cryptos. Hes literally the enemy. Go spew this shit in an XSG thread and you will be laughed out of the thread.

>> No.53086754

Robinhood isn't even buying actual shares if you buy shares via Robinhood, the irony of your post...

>> No.53088270

>perhaps regulation won't be so bad.
Of cause regulations will be bad, I dont need anyone limiting me and having access to my transaction details without my consent.

>> No.53088296

This is why we need to take privacy serious, its our only way of retaining decentralization.

>> No.53088320


>> No.53088346

Not just any wallet anon but a Private wallet with specific features like anonymity and on-chain privacy to keep you under the radar.