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53080047 No.53080047 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Go to upscale restaurant
>Buy $70 bowl of pasta
>It’s really good
>Almost as good as Olive Garden
Can someone explain to me how these fancy, expensive restaurants stay in business? The food, while good, never justifies the cost, and I feel like Applebees’ food is just as good.

I’ve have $30 steaks, $70 steaks, and $120 steaks, and I never felt like one was significantly better than the other.

Is this some boomerism that I don’t understand, or is everyone just pretending these places have the best food they’ve ever tasted? I see the same grungy looking niggers working in the fancy kitchens that I see at Waffle House, so it can’t be the chefs.

>> No.53080063

paying for the experience and status

>> No.53080068

Probably the same reason Target is in business. You pay more to see less (ie, the other customers aren't as gross to look at).

Also the expensive places in my area are much, much better.

>> No.53080089

Why are organic granola snacks more than other snacks? Why does a silver bracelet cost $300? Why does art cost 1 million dollars? Why is a piece of paper worth $100? Because we put arbitrary value on things.

>> No.53080091

its not boomerism you probably just have shit taste buds.

>> No.53080098

>Buy $70 bowl of pasta
You are paying for the experience with candles and waffles instead of bread.

>> No.53080100


>> No.53080112

This, if anything olive garden is boomerism.

>> No.53080113

Fuck, what a retarded thing to say, you have no taste, no taste buds, no concept of art and all this points to you being a complete NPC. Applebees is for absolute trash people. What a dumb thread
>t. Pastry chef working in a restaurant with 1 Michelin star.

>> No.53080129

applebees food is pure shit, mostly reheated goyslop
but the difference between a good regular restaurant and a high end restaurant is usually minimal
also, the high end prices keep the rift raft out
at applebees who knows what race you'll be dining next to

>> No.53080137

is that supposed to impress me?
my car has 4 michelins

>> No.53080141


its primarily a status thing that makes people feel better about themselves. Most hyper fancy restaurants are absolutely mogged by even McDonalds or taco bell.

kys, you know hes right

>> No.53080151

Just atmosphere and you can use it as a place to eat with richfags and seem credible

>> No.53080155
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>also, the high end prices keep the rift raft out
>at applebees who knows what race you'll be dining next to
I prefer takeout anyways, but I often find most restaurants aren’t full 24/7 so it doesn’t matter.

If it’s that bad, just ask for a table away from everyone else.

Also, I live in an area that’s like 90% white, so.

>> No.53080168


>> No.53080185

your entire existence is based on braindead instagramm thots and equally braindead non-jobbers pretending they are higher up than everyone else
bunch of narcissistic, self absorbed subhumans creating zero value at all just to be able to flaunt and broadcast it to their equally non-valuable social circle
this is why your kind is being replaced by niggers one at a time

>> No.53080200

No, I know for a fact he’s wrong. Eating Applebees tier food is absolutely disgusting. Not knowing how to cook is npc behavior, not ‘understanding’ good coke over bad is fir literal basement dwelling, sexless retards. It all goes together.

>> No.53080205

mogged by taco bell, lol

there's an afghan restaurant near me, the lunch buffet is $14 and it absolutely stands up to $100 meals i've had in vegas

>> No.53080216

As one of the very few anons left on this board who aren't disgusting poorfags or, like op, under 18 and supremely faggy, Michelin starred restaurants shit on the goyslop serving shit holes in which normies eat. There are excellent steak houses in Chicago and NYC in which I've dined without Michelin stars, but they were excellent and have similar prices. Cope, seethe, and dilate poorfag nigger faggot trannies. Closing thread and hope you all have a happy new year.

>> No.53080220

cmon that's a low blow and you know that

>> No.53080230

Cope. You’re the same kind of faggot that can’t tell the difference between Canadian mist and blanton’s. Having no taste isn’t based. It’s gay. Preparing food to the point of it becoming an art form is literally more human than the dull, shallow, boring, gay existence all you faggots complain about. Someone who doesn’t like or know good food isn’t human and should be shot against a wall.

>> No.53080246

I can tell the difference in quality in my food, but i born poor, eating only really cheap brands, maybe that's is why

>> No.53080301

You're a step above cattle and have literally no taste buds. Basically a fucking nigger desu

>> No.53080308

>"bro food is like le art!"
oh you mean the art that is used to washtrade taxes so that your slavemasters dont have to pay any tax?
the art where some literal who shits and farts paint all over a canvas, adds one stroke to it, mr goldberg bids 200 million on it and suddenly subhumans like you are like "wow this is ao deep!"?
if i shit all over your plate and add a cube of raw cobe beef steak to it will you slurp it up and pay me 500 bucks for that like a good goy?
subhuman nigger

>> No.53080415

I had a big Mac for lunch and it has been scientifically proven to taste better than whatever pretentious shit you ate for 10x the price. It's not art, it's science

>> No.53080417

Cope. Jaded retard tier coping. I understand the kind of cattle npc you are. You also don’t: play an instrument, impress people, get raises at work, go on dates, get laid. You don’t instill confidence in others, aren’t looked up to in any part of your life and you seethe constantly thinking your small, myopic retarded worldview is slightly more correct than another’s. Extremely pathetic. To call other your betters sub human is…well subhuman. Enjoy your canned soup retard

>> No.53080434

Rich people go there to avoid poor people.

>> No.53080438


Consistency - they have some military grade discipline weirdos in those kitchens, they get shit done

Atmosphere - no welfare niggers or insane homeless slobbering everywhere (or poor single mom servers)

Quality - they have actual real food, not processed microwaved bullshit that is then chemically seasoned to resemble top tier ingredients

But yeah, I'd agree that it mostly comes down to a status thing and what you're willing to pay for. Not really worth it when u can learn to cook. Cooking is probably the most bang for buck skill these days

>> No.53080441

Oh, and being as midwit tier, shortsighted an uncreative as your thinking is, you’ll never ever make it. Ever.

>> No.53080442

But you just get a target card and get 5% off all purchases.

>> No.53080463

nothing beats a perfectly cooked egg (in butter) with rye toast
come@ me queers

>> No.53080505

lmaoing at your life little wagie
keep sucking your bosses cock so you can pretend to be a "somebody"
your entire life ceases to exist the second you stop getting approval from virtue signaling or flaunting your meaningless wealth, like a woman, cattle, a clown dancing in his "highbrand" clothes to entertain the elites
i am self employed so dont worry about me or my social status, nobody except subhumans like you care about that anyway
instead of pursuing knowledge and technological advance, you pursuit meaningless dogshit served to you on a silver platter, sad

>> No.53080541

Having worked in fine dining restaurants, you'd be deeply surprised by how much butter and salt is in your $300 meal. Not healthy for you in the slightest, kek.

>> No.53080574
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>Not healthy for you in the slightest, kek.
Butter and salt are good for you, Jew.

>> No.53080586

You can have equally good experiences dining at a pub/bistro/fast food/fine dining locations but prices will vary. There's more to consider than just the food - including attentive service (more staff), food preparation, rent, and other overheads. Fine dining establishments sacrifice profits to afford a certain service - which isn't necessarily better, just different.

Truth is there are a lot of charlatans in the hospitality world, over complicating things for the sake of it. Worse yet, the bourgeoisie customers typically don't know any better and will value their meal however much it cost them, like niggers. (see the pic in your OP - a mess of a plate) Pretentious shit innit.

>> No.53080602

Home cooked food mogs anything you can buy at a restaurant

>Father of 5 with a wife who loves to cook

>> No.53080637

The good thing of fancy restaurants is avoid poor people.

>> No.53080642

top fucking kek

Salute to you. Fine dining is a staple of patrician lifestyles, ignore the red lobster jeets

>> No.53080647

sour grapes

>> No.53080648

damn, that was good

>> No.53080652

that is a pic some coalburner took at a wedding

>> No.53080667

>>t. Pastry chef working in a restaurant with 1 Michelin star.
Why are wagies so fucking pathetic? How much do you make you faggy piece of shit? 3k/month or even less? While your owner sells plates for $300+.

>> No.53081046

I always love it when cooks attempt to impose their ego. Like Gordon Ramsay yelling at some poor wagie like his entire life depends on it.

I know you have a small penis and all but... I just don't care about food that much! SORRY! I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR ARTS AND CRAFTS FAGGOT

>> No.53081118

Fuck that shitty pretentious "food". I'll take a big greasy slice of pizza from my local Little Italy.

>> No.53081210

Ramsay is a television salesman more than a representative of haute cuisine.

>> No.53081249

you're subhuman, stay in your containment "restaurant."

>> No.53081332

Not all expensive restaurants are renowned for good food, sometimes you're just paying for prestige, location, or convenience. They're traps. However, most of the best restaurants do either charge a premium or have very tight reservations/lines. The true peak of fine dining restaurants are providing an 8+ course sampling sit down experience with unique menu items. While the best street food spots are those that invent unique treats and trends which eventually get copied all around the city.

I'm more curious how all those microwave-meal fast casual sit-down places stay in business. I'd rather eat a nice home cooked meal.
I've gotta imagine that at one point all chains were good enough to propogate, but it baffles me how they all support their zombie existence as the quality just slowly decays further and further. The viable lifespan of a quality restaurant is approximately 10 years.

>> No.53081416

It’s a flex.

>> No.53081460

lel the gourmet chef is sperging out.
Just a heads-up to those working in the hospitality sector; the ching chongs are spreading the coof again

>> No.53081495
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Is that raw salmon? I could do that too. Slice or two of some uncooked fish and scatter random shit on the plate. A dollop of yellow mustard here a dab of toothpaste there with a drizzle of Hershey's syrup. It's just too damn simple for the money you pay.

>> No.53081523

There's clearly tiers to restaurant going.
>Chains - convenient and palatable
>Local restaurants - convenient and a chance at being better than a chain
>Local restaurants where the chef has some formal culinary training - the food will actually be good
We have achieved maximal value at this step
>Fine dining restaurant where the chef has culinary training - the food will be good but you're paying a lot for the experience
The olive garden is ass, OP. There is some truth in the statement that fine dining isn't value oriented, but you clearly also have no taste.

>> No.53081555

not only is it raw, it is farmed. wild salmon has a deep natural red, farmed salmon comes out grey and they dye it that color. any retard could spot it. you could buy higher quality fish at safeway.
t. retard who worked the safeway fish counter for a year.

>> No.53081567

retard, fast food is the lowest trash you can consume.

best restarurants are small ethnic family run places as >>53080205
implies. I've had some tremendous meals for low prices at this sort of family restaurant.

>> No.53081623
File: 197 KB, 1284x2433, 8545C6AC-27A7-4802-B190-80A8BFDD63EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went here for GFs birthday a few weeks ago. Bill was almost 1000$ after champagne, caviar and truffles. GF is a great cook and always makes dinner and breakfast and wanted a very nice dinner for her present. The food was fucking incredible, the beluga caviar was a favorite along with the pheasant and sea urchin. The ambiance was great, there was one table of house niggers dining there which I didn’t much care for but otherwise an excellent dining experience. I’ll post the rest of the menu. Tell me anons (aside from the retarded goyslop slurping faggots who don’t appreciate fine cuisine) what would you order?

>> No.53081642

Protip: it's not arbitrary

>> No.53081643
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>> No.53081649
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>> No.53081653

Money laundering and a fuckload of retard people.

>> No.53081661
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>> No.53081663

How did they trick people into eating raw seafood. I'm not a dolphin dammit, cook my fucking dinner

>> No.53081668
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>> No.53081683
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>> No.53081705

It's not about the food, not tasting the food, not eating the food, it's about showing everybody around you that you spent an exorbitant sum on the food.

>> No.53081715

Looks nice, anon. I want to go to a restaurant like this eventually. My budget for a date restaurant is closer to $300 at the moment.

>> No.53081768

Its not raw, its cured. Like smoked salmon but they did it themselves.

>> No.53081776

sorry anon, i'm stealing this

>> No.53081787

They dont.
El bulli was rated no1 in the world for like 3 years and they shut down after 5

>> No.53081793
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Not always true anon, sometimes it’s really just about the food.

Thanks anon. That is usually my budget for a nice date, but my gf is a great cook and cooks for me all the time. The caviar and truffles where obscenely expensive, as we opted for the beluga caviar and white truffles as I had never had either and we wanted to try the crème de la crème, and let me tell you anon it’s expensive for a reason. That shit is amazing. It’s a wonderful experience that 100,000,000 McGoyslopburgers could never compare too.

>> No.53081796

The real red pill, is when you see the Sysco truck pulling into every restaurant. Same goyslop, just seasoned differently. The few farm to table restaurants never make it because normies won’t pay extra for quality,

>> No.53081834

In New England lots of them make it, but your right about Sysco pumping the same goyslop to every “chain” restaurant. Ex worked at Olive Garden and it’s literally all just pre made onions based garbage they heat up and toss with noodles. Unfit for human consooomption. There is a local restaurant that makes their own handmade pasta and sauce from scratch, it’s like 16$ for a bowl and it’s amazing

>> No.53081837

>El bulli
that employed more chefs than they had diners, and made $$$ from flogging books. And when demand outstripped avail. reservations by a couple of million, they could have probably moved to larger premises had they felt like it.

>> No.53081842

>I’ve have $30 steaks, $70 steaks, and $120 steaks, and I never felt like one was significantly better than the other.
You can get a bad 120 steak at a ripoff restaurant, and you can get an amazing 30 steak at a family restaurant

do better research or stick to cheesecake factory, tastelet

>> No.53081843

Very based, I'm interested in trying truffles.
The thing I've discovered after learning how to cook for a few years is that technique is more important than ingredients. Although yes, it's important to realize that everything under $50 per serving is effectively the same.

>> No.53081870

The truffles were very good as well. The chef who shaved them over the dish was fairly young and kept shaving until the floor manager came up and stopped him. They didn’t taste anything like truffle oil or aioli I’d had in the past. Definitely worth it.

>> No.53081897

I like country fried steak at the 24 hour diner

>> No.53081912

Cook a meal for 1 - 2 hours.
Eat it in less than 5 minutes.
You need to reevaluate your life choices

>> No.53081914
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Filet mignon from a local butcher, 45$ for 5 lbs. Pat dry, salt pepper garlic powder, Preheat oven to no higher than 220 degrees. Put in oven for 45 minutes on each side, remove, cut medallions and sear on grill or in a cast iron pan with butter for 60 seconds on each side.

This will be the one of the best steak you will ever have, the reverse sear method ensures it cooks very slowly and throughly locking in all the flavor and juices. Ruth’s Chris 120$ filet isn’t anywhere near as good.

>> No.53081929

I feel ashamed to admit this, but the Hooters casino in Vegas has the absolute best steaks I have ever had at any restaurant.

>> No.53082015

>I feel like Applebees’ food is just as good.
You have shit taste in food and can't differentiate because you're a poor.

>> No.53082016

Better than any steak I’ve ever had.

>> No.53082020
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>> No.53082031

I beleive you when you say it is good. As for the Hooters steaks in Vegas, they are amazing. I've been to Mortons and Ruth's Chris steakhouses and their steak was not as good as the Hooters steak. I told a friend to go there and he also agreed that shit was amazing. Sometimes the best food will come from some place you dont expect.

>> No.53082054

skill issue, not my problem

>> No.53082055

even with the attention this comment has gotten, this is still an underrated joke

>> No.53082069

What are some tips for tuna and salmon, culinary-anon?

>> No.53082334

thats my point, high end cooking doesnt make money

>> No.53082339

>technique is more important than ingredients
youve got to be shitting me, while some technique is important when you have excellent ingredients all you have to do is not fuck up

>> No.53082356

70 isn't fancy, you need to spend 200+ for something goof

>> No.53082367

treat tuna like you would a rare steak. good sear, red inside and a good sauce. you can also do it cerviche style with some lime juice and guac.
salmon fillets with skin can be seared crisp, medium rare. confit in butter is also fantastic. not a fan of raw salmon desu

>> No.53082427

Fuck you, I kekked

>> No.53082437
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Chuds only know slop so anything over slop level seems superfluous.

>> No.53082451

you are paying to be seen. you pay for the status. if you cared about cost you would just make a weeks worth of rice and beans for $10 yourself at home.

>> No.53082467

They use the cheap wagyu $35 for 3 lb from Costco. I like those wagyu tho.

>> No.53082513

>hurr durr play music and get laud
What a coping retarded loser. YOU are the midwit, you nigger brained lunatic. Get fuck off this board with your consumer minded normie trash brain.

>> No.53082518

>mogged by fast food
You are a true npc, goyslop eating man child who probably considers microwaved chicken nuggets food. Kys

>> No.53082537

Higher grade wagyu isnt necessarily better, it just means more fat and marbling. If you actually want to eat a nice portion of wagyu, you get a lower score less expensive cut like round that you can eat a big chunk of.

>> No.53082558
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Well played

>> No.53082562
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>> No.53082569
File: 227 KB, 1508x2016, IMG-20220617-WA0016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you taking about?

Every time I go to a Michelin star restaurant the food is always very good

Also, date advise: Take your dates to a Michelin star restaurants, they always love it

>> No.53082597

theres shit at the back of my fridge looks like that

>> No.53082608

Spam with sea salt, a classic

>> No.53082616

it impresses retarded women

>> No.53082638

ameriburgers trying hard to pretend they have taste buds sadden me as a frog
experience both at length, and objectively most upscale american restaurants are below your average €30 a meal french place
it's a bit stupid to act pretentious about something you're shitty at. you should brag about the service instead. this is what americans are good at

>> No.53082651
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Found the jealous poor subhuman.
Only low IQ people are poor.

The food tastes like God food, to bad you will never taste it

>> No.53082667
File: 68 KB, 826x1023, 1642122765191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michelin star restaurant.
>Anon's fellow dining guest appears to be wearing a t-shirt.
As usual, money is no substitute for breeding.

>> No.53082669

Why u so mad, im kidding. Obviously its not spam derp. If i take a guess u were in a chinese restarant and it was a kind of nian gao.
>t. Former chef who used to work and stage for michelin star chefs

>> No.53082686

its about the social things. nobody wants to waste time with losers in cheap places.

>> No.53082688

I've had a truffle seasoned steak once at a middle tier restaurant that was really trying and it was the best steak I ever had. I paid €35 for it. It was amazing. The only time I've had a steak that tasted better than when I make them myself (I season them with rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper).

>> No.53082698

Poor people have the misconception that you need to have a suit and a tie to enter a Michelin star restaurant. In reality I don't think I ever saw someone wearing a suit in one of them, except for the waiters

>> No.53082701

On the other hand it could be foie gras torchon

>> No.53082718


>> No.53082728

I don't remember very well, but I think it was Swiss Alps deer

>> No.53082765

>Can someone explain to me how these fancy, expensive restaurants stay in business?
they're probably money laundering like everyone else. they have to make it look fancy and expensive even if the ingredients used to make all that stuff isn't that expensive. i'm still trying to figure how the world works but i work as a contractor at a bank and was invited to a team building event for my (((good performance))) and everyone seems to be living in la la land in the upper management. now that i think about it i suppose they use people like me as signals to tell when shit is going to hit the fan. i suppose it doesn't matter and i should probably just use this opportunity to eat fancy shit and act like i'm some hotshot.

>> No.53082778

Of course, of course. You don't "need" a suit and tie to enter anywhere, these days. Fine dining while larping as the working class in blue jeans is perfectly conventional, but is it right?
Uncultured people struggle to distinguish between need and ought.

>> No.53082831


>> No.53082863
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holy shit did I just witness this?

>> No.53082868

I will never go to a rip-off restaurant. I eat like a bodybuilder.

>> No.53082943

Yeah, the first thing any woman cares about is that the restaurant you take her to is certified by a fucking car tire company lmao

>> No.53082948

Restaurants are how you learn the greatest secret of business, which is that you can charge whatever the hell you feel like and people will pay it if what you're selling makes them feel like they're better than someone else. Only foodies and cooking autists actually give a shit about the difference between a 10$ or 10,000$ meal, and you hire a couple of those and tell them to make the most impressive looking and/or sounding dish possible to then sell to people with more money than sense that want some cool pictures to flex on the poors with. It's the exact same shit as running a club; nobody actually likes going to the club, they go because there's hoes and liquor and not just anyone can get in the door. With restaurants "hoes and liquor" are just "ambience and presentation".

Also food is expensive and you will be bankrupt if you're not at minimum multiplying ingredient cost by 4-10x depending on how high your rent is, how much cocaine you like to do, and how much you're paying in child support for knocking up the hostesses.

>> No.53082963

Because you can expense diner to the company so price doesn’t matter. Sometimes it’s just money laundering.

>> No.53082979

People who truly have nothing in life will pretend to like whatever it takes to seem upper class. Sad.

>> No.53082991
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>olive garden is good

>> No.53083022

Former head of service in 1* restaurant in the Nordics.
Most of the pictures in this thread are subpar and straight out disgusting to look at.
It's about the quality anon, it matters. Take a look at frantzen if You ever decide to visit Stockholm https://www.restaurantfrantzen.com/

>> No.53083024

you arent paying for the food, you pay to escape poor people

>> No.53083072

This thread revealed most of u are manchildren who will never make it

>> No.53083094

>won't pay exorbitant prices for a picture to dab on the poors with
Unless you're trying to say the people that jerk themselves off over food are no better than audiophiles paying 1000$ for single cables, in which case yes both groups are manchildren. If I wanted to escape from the poors I wouldn't drive into a city and have them make my dinner and serve me, I'd stay home and cook better food than they ever would.

>> No.53083265


>> No.53083320

>rift raft

>> No.53083340

Nigga are you retarded? 70$ for pasta? that are legit ripoff prices.
Pre covid you could get a 4 dish menu at a Michelin star restaurant for that Amount of money, now it's about 90$.

Yes you can get extraordinary meals for cheap.As an example the best pasta i ever had was about 80km northwest of Venice in a rual restaurant, and it was just 11€.
The best Casserole i had was in a little restaurant with just two tables in Paris next to the seine, and it was 10€.

You can dine in the best restaurants in the world for 300-400$ per dinner (5 dishes + wine) like the steirereck in vienna or abac in Barcelona.

>> No.53083371

Is beverage pairing included? 4800sek is hella steep.

>> No.53083391

does he have big cock?

>> No.53083401

>go to cheap but good chinese buffet
>have to share my space with fat yelling sandniggers families wearing joggings
I know why

>> No.53083419

>Take your dates to a Michelin star restaurants, they always love it
Only if you established a long lasting relationship with a lot of trust, otherwise she ain't worth it.
She will only make pictures of the food, with you in your t-shirt in the background, who paid for all this.

>> No.53083515

anon I can cook a better bowl of pasta than Olive Garden and I can sure as hell discern between a steak done in a cheap ass way versus a steak that was clearly dry aged and prepared with care.

>> No.53083526

chefs on suicide watch

>> No.53083608

Your wife's boyfriend looks like he's having a great time!

>> No.53083725

Based and tire-pilled

>> No.53083829


>Good as a high end restaurant

Wagie confirmed

>> No.53083863

Am I the only one that just eats for sustenance and doesn't really care about the taste all that much? Most of my daily food is just whey protein, cottage cheese, veggies and chicken breasts. I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on a meal at one of these places for a pint sized serving and get hit with a massive tip fee on top of it.

>> No.53083883

got em

black people suck; put it in the screen cap

>> No.53083894

>overpriced food
>dyel in the picture wearing some crappy chinese slave shirt
>horrific table etiquette

>> No.53083908

Enjoying what u eat is also sustenance. That said, how much it costs doesnt have to matter

>> No.53083931

I've never really cared about food that much or particularly enjoyed eating, seems like a waste of time. I'd rather eat cheap and get it over with and do something else than spend a ton of time and money dining and whatnot.

>> No.53083940

You pay extra to not see white trash, ghetto niggers, or wetbacks

>> No.53083957

This. At Applebees you sit next to poor people and dress poorly. At Ruth’s Chris you sit next to rich people and dress well. When you have enough money to experience the latter all the time with no impact on your wealth, you’ll do it.

>> No.53083971

idk what you're on about OP I've been to a few $100+ entree restaurants and had some of the best food I've ever tried

>> No.53084021


>> No.53084036

Lmao, dumb fucking boomer imagine thinking this mentality is the way to live your life holy shit you stupid consumer
Eat the bugs
Get your jab

>> No.53084050

i've never eaten at a really fancy restaurant (michelin starred, etc.) but i have eaten at chain restaurants and hole in the wall places. most places fucking suck and the food is bland or just not good. i guess if you're too poor to routinely eat at nice, upscale restaurants (like me) then you might be inclined to pay more money for similarly shitty food for the environment alone, as >>53080068 says. to many people, paying an extra $30 for a meal is worth not being surrounded by niggers, screaming children, or fat retarded slobs wearing sweat pants at 6 PM.

>> No.53084059

You could also make your food and have a dinner with your wife and kids? Beats eating out everytime

>> No.53084072

>Ruth's Chris
>rich people

if i can look up a restaurant (which is a chain restaurant, no less) and immediately find google reviews adorned with thousands of cellphone pictures of food, i immediately know that it's a low quality shithole frequented by lowborn poorfags who can't even "act as if they've been here before."

>> No.53084077
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 2DB519ED-2AC8-41B8-92FA-12B806150DBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how will cu/ck/s recover?

>> No.53084094

yes, i like cooking. there are definitely limits to what you can realistically do in a home kitchen, however. unless you're a masochist, it's impractical to ever attempt haute cuisine (e.g. cooking anything from French Laundry cookbook) in your home.

>> No.53084104

Sour grapes

>> No.53084135

>mad consumer

>> No.53084243

>tfw snuck home a whole bunch of mres
>box loads of it
>lasted me 4 months
>rationed it because didn't want to leave house
>lost 30 pounds in 4 months
Didn't spend a dime.

>> No.53084294

>Go to upscale restaurant
>caring about food
Upscale restaurants is about the experience, this includes:
>hot hostesses that will do small talk about everything, including talking 5 minutes about each wine you get served, and each vegetable on your plate and where it came from if you want to
>food split into more courses so instead of being bored at home, you can be exited about next dish and spend your whole evening eating
>nice art and furnishing in the room you're eating, makes you dream and put your mind on something else
>nice people around you that dress nicely
>if you're in a GOOD restaurant, you spend the evening there like a hotel, and you can do some small talk at breakfast with the people you saw the night before
>oh yeah and the food is pretty good, but it wasn't about that nigger

>> No.53084321

You’re being absurd
Neither of those restaurant will even sample the steak you are served before serving it to you.
Getting a good steak is as such completely luck based in both cases. Let’s not pretend that there is any difficulty involved in the cooking process. The result is completely determined by the piece of meat, which will drastically vary within meat from the same animal and much more so within an entire batch of meat. It’s completely impossible to know how it’s going to taste without cutting and tasting a sample piece out of each steak. As such, Michelin stars are complete bogus. Only way to get something actually -great- is at home or at your own bbq. Best meat I had cost <20 usd and was grilled on a 9 dollar charcoal bbq. Not even bested by high end places in Argentina, much less any place in America where the meat isn’t even remotely fresh in any Michelin restaurant

>> No.53084346

This kills the contrarian faggot.

>> No.53084350

if your idea of "fine dining" is a steak, you are a shining example of an uncultured poorfag. you don't go to a michelin starred restaurant to eat steak.

>> No.53084359

Dude that exact caviar (but actually fresh not rancid like what you got) costs <9 euros for a big cans worth in Azerbaijan. Your experience is 100.0% placebo

>> No.53084401

The hung end menu posted above had several courses that would fall into steak category. I would count, duck, wagyu, pheasant, venison all in this category. None of those will be particularly fresh when served in any restaurant. The entire business model is based on trying to serve various novelties (which don’t really taste that great)

>> No.53084730
File: 348 KB, 741x920, 29325E13-DC63-4380-B3F5-5876622E4F0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here keep this fren

>> No.53084736

You're paying to not sit next to niggers. Are there still people who don't understand this?

>> No.53084778

They exist so we (the rich) don't have to see YOU while eating.
Please don't come again.

>> No.53084863


>> No.53084962

As an Italian, this is just my average lunch

>> No.53085004

Yeah wtf? If you have a nice, fresh fish or piece of meat, you can just eat it raw and it will taste amazing

>> No.53085084

>Can someone explain to me how these fancy, expensive restaurants stay in business?
After you explain to me how restaurants in general stay in business. Anything they do I can do better for a fraction of the price AND from the comfort of my home.
Restaurant goers are suckers, and no, in case you're wondering, I'm not shitposting.

>> No.53085134

When I used to travel for work I was soft capped at 30€ per meal.

>> No.53085152

Foxes are carnivores you silly nigger

>> No.53085212

Dude you're not supposed to eat more for more than a week straight

>> No.53085227

I expect zingers like this on /ck/, but not here. holy fucking kek

>> No.53085281

I was talking about the faggots eating fast food.

But now iyou revealed yourself to be just a seething poorfag.

>> No.53085341

>he thinks restaurants are about food
back to appleplebs with you!