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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53081088 No.53081088 [Reply] [Original]

what physical assets are best to buy to fight inflation?

>> No.53081100

Yes, gold
Maybe bonds when the yield beats inflation

>> No.53081119

what are the pros and cons to holding gold? do you have any? why do some people shit on it? any other suggestions? i have savings from the last few years but i would prefer to have it in a form that doesnt lose much value.

>> No.53081237

Bonds? Mr. Bonds, le chiffre?

>> No.53081261

Yugioh cards

>> No.53081380

Mr.Bond, you do not simply walk into the habbo hotel pool.

>> No.53081393

Guns and ammo

>> No.53081428

Nobody shits on gold other than the incompetent crypto dreams on biz lol, most users here are ending the year with a lower net worth than they started with, be smarter about who you get your info from

>> No.53081447

Gold and silver. Anything with high utility as well. If you have to ask you're not going to make it.

>> No.53081848

what are some things other than gold and silver?

investing into pokemon and yugioh could have made us more than crypto or tesla stocks ironically. not sure what that says about the world we live in.

>> No.53081865

Astra SPACE inc

>> No.53081890

Bitcoin. Not physical? Sure, I could put one Bitcoin into your hand.

>> No.53081896

Land. Doesn't need to have a house on it

>> No.53081933

Inflation:Boomer Stocks, Gold, Silver, Platinum
Hyperinflation:Everyday items. Cigarettes. Trade for hard Assets.
Land is taxed to hell in inflationary times. NGMI

>> No.53082017

Foreign stuff, property or ownership of business that you feel won't be taken from you.
The caribbean for example has literally no choice but to allow foreign ownership because of a lack of resources. There was an island that had a few resources and was fairly big so they tried communism, and that island is Cuba, and life is hell there to be honest.

>> No.53082063
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>> No.53082127

Land gets taxed but not universally. They usually target landlords and business, which drives up rents, which keeps the price of ownership very high (because capital competes to rent at high prices).

>> No.53082327

wait what?
Why would you buy commodities now? Shouldn't you wait for the dollar and the hike rates to crush commodities prices first?

>> No.53084001

Supply. If you want to hold physical, you better start buying now. When the dip does happen, you will not beat the algorithms, and suppliers may stop selling to not sell at a loss. Soooo when the price is right, it may be too late to get any physical, and paper/digital commodities are not that same and can be cashed out on you depending on the TOC you agreed to. Buy now while you can.