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53078980 No.53078980 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever invested in therapy? What was the return?

>> No.53079087

-1200$ and me not paying

>> No.53079099
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a lifetime of happiness

>> No.53079107

Inseminated the therapist on the couch
Seems she had more problems than I did.

>> No.53079326

My therapist used to edge me the entire session but would never let me finish inside her office

>> No.53079567

I told and jewish therapist I know Hitler was right and we live in a jewish hellhole, but he gave me my adderall and never charged.

>> No.53080623

more therapy?

>> No.53080635

i have. total waste of money. you're better off going to see an escort. that's basically what a therapist is. they're a fake friend you have to pay. except unlike an escort they don't give you a blowjob and make you cum so it's not as good.

>> No.53080677
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>What was the return?
Know what REAL therapy is?
>Fix your sleep cycle and expose your eyes to natural light every morning
>Get to ~10-12% BF if overweight (lower bf = more free test)
>Fix your diet
>Compound lift heavy shit in the 6-8 rep range
>Plunge your dick into prime sugar walls and get some milkers bouncing in your face

Don't overcomplicate things. Fix your physical health and everything else in life tends to follow

>> No.53080689

Access to drugs

>> No.53080712

just read Feeling Good by David Burns

>> No.53080720

A divorce which has saved me a lot

>> No.53080754
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>pay a 22-year-old college graduate whose is probably on pills herself 200 dollars per hour to listen to your problems

>> No.53080763

Checked and based

Try and find a man who lifts, eats well, and sucks ok a nice set of titties who's depressed. You can't.

>> No.53080781

This. it's so simple but people can't fucking do it. shows how retarded people are.

>> No.53080787

self esteem, more confidence in myself and facing being abused. It worth it if you are in the deepest shit, right in the bottom of your own existence, fighting for not killing yourself.

>> No.53080794

it's wonders what has been done with just getting back to a normal sleep schedule is. Landed a job that doesn't have me waking up until 9AM so I get an ample 8+ hours a night. I had to get admitted to a psyche ward because of severe sleep deprivation and workplace/Covid stress and they tried to diagnose me with Bipolar disorder and jacked me up on pills and forced me to see a psychiatrist/therapist to stay compliant. A decent job and an 8 hour nights sleep did more for me than the entire medical system and I will never forgive them for that. Fuck the medical system and fuck the prescription jews

>> No.53081028
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Based. I know your feels bro, I spent an overnight at a hospital as well over a sleep emergency after I drove through a red light during a rolling 72hr insomnia streak. They scripted me some zopiclone, which I later found out biomechanically works nearly identically to benzos. I wondered why I suddenly started feeling like a fucking emotional zombie, then threw them in the trash can when I learned and started taking behavioral actions instead. Surprise surprise, cutting off blue light before bed and getting natural light hitting your eyeballs in the morning works miracles for getting your circadian rhythm going. Also, the first time I lifted with an intense workout session in a long time, I recall feeling emotionally WEIRD. When your hormones are going ape shit, you just know that you were out of hormonal balance in soiboi ranges, and there's wondrous testosterone changes brewing inside of you. But yes, it does breed contempt for pharma jews when you realize you were being fed poison and the solutions were so easily accessible in front of you the entire time.

I've become a chronic natural test maxi. It really does feel like every "problem" people post about on here can be solved by increasing their test
>Omg I don't have a gf omg I suck with girls
Raise your test.
>Omg I'm so nervous with job interviews and I have no confidence talking to recruiters
Raise your test.
>I lack any motivation
Raise your test.
>omg I'm sad/anxious/depressed
Raise your test.

Sorry for the long-winded rant, I'm just very passionate about maxxing out the T-levels of my /biz/ bros.

>> No.53081059

>have government insurance
>went to therapy as a final resort because I lost complete joy and hope in life
>some faggot who just asked me how my day was and talked about football with me
>stopped going to him after a month
>next was some fat Jewish lesbian who just agreed with all my statements and never challenged me on anything
>went to her for a year
>never helped me once
>just started debtmaxxing, drinking alot, doing drugs and having sex to cope with feeling empty
>here I am today

>> No.53081073

You ever wonder how therapist literally spells "the rapist"?

>> No.53081082

>Try and find a man who lifts, eats well, and sucks ok a nice set of titties who's depressed. You can't.
Literally me my entire teen years and early 20's. Handsome dude, worked out, good ol' Mediterranean diet, had plenty of female attention. Still wanted to die everyday

If having muscles, eating fish and sucking tits cures your " depression " you were never actually depressed

>> No.53081083

But that might just be because a man who is depressed cannot achieve those those things and not that those things cure depression. You may be confusing correlation with causation

>> No.53081137

Interesting, could you provide further detail? Did you drink or anything? Lots of daily sunlight? The reason that throws me off is because testosterone is an extremely potent natual anti-depressant.

>> No.53081176

listen to the podcast Tell em Steve Dave. Start with the early work, not the newest stuff. It's basically free therapy. Only works for men.

>> No.53081188

Its not worth it, just push through your problems till you forget about them like a man. Distract yourself with productive things and soon what once bothered you won't bother you anymore.

Therapy is unironically for women.