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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 636x896, real TPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53075900 No.53075900 [Reply] [Original]

now i understand the seethe

>> No.53075919

Mainly because of pajeets but this solidifies it for me. However speed is less an issue now

>> No.53075929

this is, in fact, precisely why the seethe occurs

>> No.53075936

why do matic shills come off as so desperate

>> No.53075942

solana still better lol

>> No.53075960

no one gives a single fuck about your TPS as long as the chain keeps experiencing downtime

High TPS means nothing you cant actually use the chain

>> No.53075975

Facebook, aws, visa all have downtime.

There has never been a doublespend on solana

>> No.53075976

This is basically a list of most to least centralized

>> No.53075984
File: 28 KB, 780x438, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post much better TPS
how? just admit you’re a nigger jewfag

>> No.53075999


>> No.53076014
File: 111 KB, 1125x618, 4B520413-CA69-4BDD-AC7D-87EC56812460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s right ya know. Pajeet shilling always backfires. The chain doesn’t work.

>> No.53076019
File: 197 KB, 1124x887, 44B3498B-9EC7-40FF-933A-6A0002CE040F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53076032
File: 167 KB, 1125x1515, 4F6CDC4B-9278-4BD9-8FBB-DEC3CB7CC13F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solana still better lol

>> No.53076042

polygon is very centralized, without eth as a settlement layer it would be too centralized to even justify its own existence. only takes i think 6 private keys coming together to totally alter the code.

>> No.53076050

Post icp

>> No.53076063
File: 142 KB, 1124x1232, 6BFBB9CD-527D-4111-8072-F7AD6744718C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chain doesn’t work.
seethe harder

>> No.53076065

see what I mean?

>> No.53076079

>polygon is very centralized
literally has the 5th largest DeFi TVL with more than $1 billion locked
but sure, lets grant attention to the opinion of some biztard paid faggot instead

>> No.53076101
File: 113 KB, 660x1345, 98146D86-C14E-4E57-8B8C-70251364926A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah OP should post is it
in the mean time ill post this instead

>> No.53076201

the top 100 addresses have 90% of the supply
the top 10 addresses have 75% of the supply
top 3 entities control over half the supply of staked matic so only 3 entities needed to do a 51% attack.
just 6 admin keys required to change the entire network at any time
only 100 total validators.

they haven't solved the blockchain trilemma. they have merely traded decentralization for tps and only got 33tps out of it.

the chain of the future needs 1 million tps at least and it needs to do it with a reasonable degree of decentralization. we're years away from that and no telling which coin pulls it off but i have no reason to believe it will be matic.

>> No.53076213
File: 34 KB, 647x778, 1664195464236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now i understand the seethe

>> No.53076236
File: 141 KB, 360x346, 623AA836-FD1A-46E7-B297-E9A82ECB4A4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the top 100 addresses have 90% of the supply
>the top 10 addresses have 75% of the supply
wait till he knows about Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, Hedera, Bitcoin, etc..

you either have no idea how this market operates, or you’re just getting paid turkish liras/gold jew coins to FUD

>> No.53076264
File: 115 KB, 1125x416, 781C7B8E-AEC3-4965-B740-F8734FCB0BE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing pal. The whole project stinks

>> No.53076277

i love how this entire thread is proving OP right. kek

>> No.53076289

Why didn’t you address this part?
>top 3 entities control over half the supply of staked matic so only 3 entities needed to do a 51% attack.
>just 6 admin keys required to change the entire network at any time
only 100 total validators.

>> No.53076299

>reddit nigger
go back

>> No.53076342

this is a reminder that you should NOT read any Reddit/Twitter screenshots on 4channel (/biz)
if i wanted to read these screenshots i would be on Reddit/Twitter, not here
Any Reddit/Twitter screenshot on 4channel (/biz) should be disregarded

with that being said, go back dicklet

>> No.53076380

honestly fuck polyjeets and everything this vile race creates, but i have to agree with anon (>>53076342)
im not reading any of your redditfag replies
if you like reddit then go there you faggot nigger kike

>> No.53076385

solana is centralized because of the massive hardware requirements needed to run a solana node. which in my opinion means solana can scale directly with moores law. as the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years so will either solanas tps or its decentralization. eventually when they have enough tps they can focus on decentralization. and thats not erven including the tps or decentralization increases that can happen just with improvements to the code alone and there is a lot of room for improvement there. the advantage of solanas approach is all this happens on one chain, you can get the full tps without sharding or sidechains which is what the biggest apps will need.

IF solana can improve its code for more stability and reliability, IF they can scale the tps with moores law and then pivot to decentralization over the next decade or two. then the technology and its unique approach can have a place in the market near the top.

is solana shit now? sure, it's unreliable, its not very decentralized. but its still the fastest blockchain currently. and i think it still has potential long term. and sams money soon totally out of the picture and his influence over the chain gone, i see that as a short term negative and long term positive.

because he has no argument so is just resorting to smugness and insults and vague associations like everyone does when they're out of arguments.

prove me wrong with an actual argument before i lose money on buying a bag of sol if you can thanks.

>> No.53076399

Shhhh I'm trying to accumulate.

>> No.53076420

basically i'm saying that as the cost of hardware power decreases they can either spread out to more validators and increase decentralization as it becomes more affordable for more people to run a node. or they can increase hardware requirements in line with hardware advances and maintain the same level of decentralization while increasing tps.

i guess all chains do that to some extent but my thesis here is that solana is especially able to benefit since its so incredibly dependent on high hardware requirements.

but im just pulling this out of my ass i really have no idea of what im saying makes sense

>> No.53076521

>only 3 entities needed to do a 51% attack
these “entities” are smart contracts you dumb nigger
>just 6 admin keys required to change the entire network at any time
supernets were created precisely for this issue. FUD regarding this is completely irrelevant. no one has control over supernets
i was taking a massive steaming shit. i eat goyslop, unlike you jew

>> No.53076558

>in b4 thread dies because i said out loud what everyone was thinking about sol but keeping to themselves and now they don't want to bump the thread and have more people see what i said.
i know because i also felt the inclination to keep that thesis to myself. but i make a point of not being a fucking normie brain that works like an onion with layers of dishonesty and secretly held thoughts everyone in the groupthink mind is having but keeping to themselves. if only there was a youtuber like me, but they're all normies who are fudding sol right now to try and get a lower entry price and praising matic so they can sell matic for higher to buy more sol. you're all doing it in your little coordinated hivemind way i fucking hate normies

>> No.53076583
File: 80 KB, 561x582, 79FAC910-46C5-48DD-BFBC-45B06CBFABAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not reading all that, but happy for you or whatever happened

>> No.53076599

24.5 tps

>> No.53076630
File: 63 KB, 600x593, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine spending 10 minutes typing all of that and then some chad bizfag >>53076583 tells replies with this KEK
i would kill myself right then and there

>> No.53076647
File: 453 KB, 1124x1137, 23B55823-8F25-424A-A0B5-8797BA7F0956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont care. c-chain doing miserable numbers

>> No.53076660

so? avalanche isnt only c chain. there are mulitple other chains

>> No.53076671

werent turkfags shilling the fuck out of it for over a year? wasnt it supposed to be some kinda of giga superior chain

>> No.53076705
File: 860 KB, 1191x826, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical turk fag behavior
>shill the fuck out of c-chain
>c-chain perfumes awfully
>uhhh uhhhh t-there are o-other chains as-s-s well

>> No.53076742

>imagine trying to share actual thoughts and opinions for an actual conversation instead of just posting short mindless comments with no content
you could be replaced with a bot and nobody would even notice, you bring nothing to the table

>> No.53076833
File: 71 KB, 457x733, IMG_0239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was funny kek

>> No.53078578
File: 865 KB, 2500x3631, 1b9f9a31a31f4e344cef0ec05127830c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better at crashing because it can't support its own speed lol

>> No.53078680

That's the most beautiful Christmas tree I've ever seen.

>> No.53079876
File: 554 KB, 568x573, 463325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cardano has 1,000,000tps

>> No.53080653

doesnt matter if no one uses it kek